Chapter 1
v.1 Matthew wrote his gospel primarily to the Jews. It was important for the Jews to understand that Jesus fulfilled all the old testament prophecies concerning the coming of their messiah. For that reason Matthew emphasizes the fulfillment of prophecies; he quotes many old testament verses which point to the coming of the messiah.
It was important for the Jews to understand that Jesus was the offspring of Abraham, and that's because all the promises of God would come through Abraham and his offspring the messiah. Consequently verse one makes it clear that the genealogy of Jesus can be traced directly back to Abraham through David the king.
We will not look at this genealogy. I did want to point out however that it teaches that Jesus is the son of Abraham; that is very important. But for now we will skip down to verse 18 and pick up the story there.
18. Joseph was not the father of Jesus as we see from this verse; it says that Mary was expecting before Joseph and her came together. Joseph was not the father of Jesus; God is the father of Jesus. Jesus is called the second Adam in the Bible, and he was like Adam in that the human nature of Jesus was a direct creation of God the father.
19. Joseph loved Mary so he did not want to hurt her. He did not want to hurt her, even though at this point he was sure that she had hurt him.
Joseph was an average guy, he was a normal man, he was a godly man, but a normal man, so no doubt he was sad and shocked that Mary was expecting a child. Anyone but her; he just couldn't believe it, I'm sure. He was sad, and he was shocked, but he was not angry or bitter. Joseph was not going to make Mary pay even though she had hurt him; at least he thought she did.
Joseph provides us with a good example of what God is talking about when he says that we should be good to those who have not been good to us.
20. God steps in, in the nick of time, and informs Joseph that Mary had not been unfaithful. In fact, the child she was carrying was the son of God. Mary had not been bad, in fact she must have been pretty good; not sinless, for no one is sinless but she must have been godly or the Lord never would have chosen her for His Son.
God the Holy Spirit created the embryo in Mary's womb. Mary was still a virgin; Joseph misunderstood what was happening but when he discovered the truth he felt a lot better.
In an instant this situation went from a gut wrenching, horribly bad thing to a unimaginably great thing for Joseph.
It is important for us to remember that God can step in and change things from bad to good in an instant, by either giving us more understanding or changing the circumstances.
21. The name of Jesus is the same name as the Hebrew Joshua. The name means, the Lord saves.
Jesus is the lord God of scripture, He is the creator of heaven and earth. He came to earth to save man from hell. He came to die on the cross, and pay for our sins.
But notice that the Bible says Jesus saves HIS people from their sins; which means you have to repent and receive Him as Lord and Savior; when you do that you become His and He then saves you from hell.
22,23. 700 years before Jesus was born, Isaiah the prophet wrote that a virgin would give birth, and that the child would be called Emanuel. Emanuel means, God with us. Jesus was God with us.
Jesus is the radiance of God's Glory, and the exact representation of his being. Everything Jesus said and did showed the love, and power, and person of God. Jesus reveals God to people because at His birth He became God manifest in a human body.
24. Joseph clearly had faith in God because he believed and obeyed Him. Joseph believed the angel, (God's messenger) and he obeyed the word of God. If Joseph had projected into the future he might have thought: who in the world will believe our story about the child being the son of God? Most, if not all would believe that Joseph and Mary broke the laws against sexual immorality. But Joseph obeyed the lord and took Mary to be his wife anyway.
Sometimes the right things we do look like wrong things, and while appearance is important it is not as important as obedience. Doing right is more important then looking right.
25. In other words they did not have a normal husband wife physical relationship until after Jesus was born, and after that they did, which would be in obedience to God's command to all married people.
Chapter 2
v 1. The wise men or magi came to Jerusalem when Herod was king. Herod was not a Jew; he was not a physical descendant of Abraham, and most importantly he was not saved; he did not serve God and he did not care about God.
1x,2. These wise men may have had an entire Old Testament or maybe they only knew the Scripture that connected a special star to the birth of the Messiah. But either way they lived up to the truth that they had; and they showed real faith here by traveling hundreds of miles to find and worship the Messiah king.
v3. King Herod killed anyone who he even suspected might want his throne. Which is why people used to say that it was safer to be Herod's pig than his son. That's because he murdered three of his sons because he suspected that they wanted to be king. Consequently when the people learned that Herod was out to kill an unknown child they knew that no child was safe, and that's why they were troubled.
4. The Scribes were experts in the old testament; they really knew the Bible, unfortunately for most of them it was in their head but not in their heart. In other words they knew what the Bible said, but they did not care what it said.
5,6. This prophecy of where the messiah would be born was given seven centuries before Jesus arrived, and so the Bible experts gave the right answer. As I said they knew the bible, too bad the bible did not influence their actions. They knew where the messiah was to be born, but they didn't care enough to travel the to 6 miles to Bethlehem to see if it had really happened.
From this we see that knowing the Bible doesn't do us any good if we do not apply it. Knowing what scripture says is only valuable if we care about what it says.
7,8. King Herod pretended to want to worship the messiah, but in reality he wanted to kill him. He also wanted to know when the star first appeared. By that he was trying to figure out approximately how old the child might be just in case he had to send his men out to search for him. King Herod was afraid that the presence of Jesus would threaten his lifestyle; that's why he wanted to kill Him.
Many people know who Jesus is today, they also know He claims to be the only way to heaven, but they reject Him because he is a threat to their sinful lifestyle. So Jesus lets them be, because He will never violate a person's free will; if a sinner wants to go to hell and burn forever rather then ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior then they are perfectly free to do that.
9,10. Actually these wise men didn't arrive at Bethlehem the night Jesus was born as many think, and as many Christmas cards picture. They may have arrived as much as two years after his birth.
We should not get our theology from any place other then the word of God. Many people get their theology from pop culture or movies or books. But if you want to know about God, if you want to know about Jesus, then you will have to get that knowledge from the Bible because that's God's revelation to us.
11. The wise men did not see Jesus in a manger, or in a stable; they saw him in a house. They saw him, and they presented three gifts to Him: gold, which was a gift fit for a king, which is what Jesus is. And because Jesus would be a priest they gave Him Frankincense because back then the Old Testament priests offered frankincense to God in the temple. A priest also is a mediator between God and man and the Bible says that Jesus is the one mediator between God and man today. They also gave him myrrh. People use to anoint the dead with myrrh, which may seem to be an unusual gift for a child. But it was appropriate because the myrrh pictured the fact that Jesus would die for our sins.
12. God was protecting his son and will protect Him until it is time for Jesus to die and pay for our sins on the cross.
God promises to protect us as well for as long as He wants us here on Earth. The Bible says that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and God says when our enemies come in like a flood He will raise up a standard against them. No bad thing, or no bad person can hurt us unless God allows it, and nothing can kill us unless God allows it. God says there is a time to die and He decides when that time will be for each one of us.
13,14. Egypt was a long way from Bethlehem. For reasons known only to God, He did not kill Herod and his soldiers to protect His son, but rather sent the Holy family to Egypt.
I suppose that Joseph could have said how about doing this the easy way Lord, but God used natural, normal means to protect His Son. The family had to pack up and move to a different country. Of course the Father could have made them invisible and protected Jesus that way; He could have beamed them over to Egypt if He wanted to do that. But most of the time God does things by working through normal natural earthly things, which is why we should pray and also use common sense.
I am sure it was inconvenient, but believe it or not sometimes God wants us to be inconvenienced. If He allowed His Son to be inconvenienced then we should not expect smooth sailing all the time either, or think that if we do not have it then we must be out of God's will.
14,15. Jesus and family stayed in Egypt until Herod was dead.
The enemies of God like Herod are nothing but a temperary flash in the pan. They come, they talk smart, they boast against Jesus, they mock the word of God, and then they die and go to hell. Meanwhile Jesus and the word of God continue on as they have since eternity past. So I say keep living for Jesus and keep living the word of God, put up with the bumps along the way and know that in the end you will be on top.
16. King Herod had to go to plan B because the wise men, with the help of God, didn't cooperate with Herod's plot to kill Jesus. Plan B was a little inconvenient to Herod, but to a hell bound madman like him, it really was no big deal. You see since he didn't know which child was the messiah he would simply murder, in cold blood, every child he could find.
17,18. Rachel here refers to the mother of Israel's children. She is symbolic of all the mothers of those innocent little ones who were snatched out of their mother's arms, and murdered by a king who worshiped himself.
19. What an amazing string of supernatural experiences by the holy family. And here's another one, again this one came to Joseph, the leader of the Holy family. Mary was the mother of God; the child Jesus was God, and yet God had respect unto the leader of the home, Joseph, because he was husband, and father.
20. It says that Herod was dead and just to show you how wicked he really was; He knew that no one would weep when he died so his final command was to have many of his assistants murdered at the very moment of his own death so that there would at least be crying and mourning in the land. Believe it or not that command was carried out, and here is where we can see God's fingerprints; those who were killed when Herod died would have also killed the child Jesus if they had found him so God used the sinful egotism of King Herod to eliminate would be murderers and make things safe for his son.
21. Notice that the angel never told Joseph to take Mary, and Jesus back to Bethlehem. Joseph seems to have assumed that that is what the angel intended to say because that's where they came from, but he didn't say that. He was not real specific, he just said take the family back to Israel.
Pay attention to the white parts of the pages of scripture and do not write in anything that God has not said. Never read between the lines of Scripture and equate speculation with the revealed word of God. God has said enough so just leave it as it is.
22. Another day, another revelation from God to Joseph. This time Joseph is warned not to return to the area of Bethlehem. The new King Herod was just as vicious as the previous one. As a result, Joseph takes the family up north to the village of Nazareth, where he, and Mary had been living before Christ was born.
23. Another member of the Herod family was the ruler up north in Galilee. He was a better ruler then the Herod down in Bethlehem so it was safe for the holy family to live in Nazareth. That is where Jesus grew up, and lived, and worked as a young man until his formal ministry began at age 30.
Chapter 3
1. John the Baptist was a cousin to Jesus. John was six months older than Jesus. You could say that he was a setup man for Christ. He passed Jesus the spiritual ball, and then Jesus scored on the cross.
1x,2. John's message was: Christ is coming so repent, and confess your sins. Jesus offers people salvation, but he will not save anyone who refuses to give up their sinful life.
3. It works the same way today. We prepare the way for Jesus in our lives by repenting of our sins. Repentance removes spiritual rubble so that the savior can save us. There is no salvation apart from Jesus and there's no Jesus for anyone who will not repent.
4. Anyone who looked at John the Baptist and saw how he was dressed, or saw him eat a meal would automatically feel rebuked for being too materialistic. That man didn't care about any of the things that most people live for. He cared about God, and he cared about eternity; the normal comforts and pleasures of this life meant nothing to John.
5. I'm sure it wasn't convenient to go out into the wilderness to hear John, but those who were hungry for God's word make the effort.
Anyone could obey God, or learn his word, if it was always easy, and convenient. But since it isn't always easy, or convenient only those who really care do it consistently.
6. If the people came to be entertained by John, then they were disappointed. This was no show, and John wasn't a religious entertainer. This was about repentance and forgiveness, and heaven, and hell. John would not baptize anyone for the forgiveness of their sins unless they were dead serious about God.
7. The crowds were huge, but John did not tickle anyone's ears to make it that way, or stay that way. You don't call impenitent sinners snakes if you're interested in attracting crowds, or getting a big offering. John called the religious leaders snakes and they were. Instead of leading souls to heaven, they taught lies, and led souls to hell.
8. Tears, remorse, and the fear of hell doesn't equal repentance. Turning from sin; living a clean life, instead of a filthy life is repentance. John said prove you’re sincere by changing your ways. He tells them to humbly confess their sins because confession is a good start.
9. Many Jews thought that God would accept them simply because they were the physical descendants of Abraham. But God doesn't judge us by who our parents were. We can't get to heaven on the coattails of some Godly relative. Hell's population will include many people who were brought up in a Christian family by parents who served Christ, but they didn't serve Him themselves.
10. Good fruit means good works. God's judgment is based on holiness. Faith in Christ combined with holiness keeps a soul out of hell. A faith that doesn't change our ways will not change our destiny.
11. Everyone receives a baptism from Jesus. He baptizes everyone who repents and receives Him with the Holy Spirit. He baptizes those who reject Him with fire. He gives one salvation; He gives the other damnation.
12. This is talking about judgement. God is the farmer. Christians are the wheat. God puts the wheat in a safe place. Those who reject Christ and refuse to repent are the chaff; they are good for nothing. They are useless, and a nuisance to God so He will burn them, and you know what that means.
13. Jesus walked about 60 miles to be baptized by John. Christ didn't need to repent, and He didn't need to be baptized. However John's ministry was ordained by God so Jesus submitted and was baptized. He did it because it pleased the Father.
14. John knew that he was morally inferior to Jesus. It seemed strange to John to act in a way that suggested he was superior to Him. He knew that he was no where near the level of the Lord.
The Bible says that Jesus is our brother, but no one should forget that He is also our Creator, and Lord. We shouldn't be afraid of Jesus, but we shouldn't treat Him as if He was just one of the boys either.
15. Through Jesus who is God in the flesh the Lord reveals that He doesn't ask us to do anything that He won't also do. God commands us to do the right thing, and He does the right thing Himself. His Holy character is the basis for the law which He gave to man.
16,17. Here you have the Trinity; God in three persons. The Son is in the water; the Holy Spirit is descending in the form of a dove, and the Father is quoting Scripture from heaven.
17. The father honored the Son which is how we know that God is pleased with people who honor His Son. Jesus should be the focus of our life and He is the one who must receive the supreme honor.
If someone is good to the one you love then you're going to feel good about that person. If we give God's eternal Son our worship, trust, and devotion, then the Father will be pleased with us.
1. John the Baptist was a cousin to Jesus. John was six months older than Jesus. You could say that he was a setup man for Christ. He passed Jesus the spiritual ball, and then Jesus scored on the cross.
1x,2. John's message was: Christ is coming so repent, and confess your sins. Jesus offers people salvation, but he will not save anyone who refuses to give up their sinful life.
3. It works the same way today. We prepare the way for Jesus in our lives by repenting of our sins. Repentance removes spiritual rubble so that the savior can save us. There is no salvation apart from Jesus and there's no Jesus for anyone who will not repent.
4. Anyone who looked at John the Baptist and saw how he was dressed, or saw him eat a meal would automatically feel rebuked for being too materialistic. That man didn't care about any of the things that most people live for. He cared about God, and he cared about eternity; the normal comforts and pleasures of this life meant nothing to John.
5. I'm sure it wasn't convenient to go out into the wilderness to hear John, but those who were hungry for God's word make the effort.
Anyone could obey God, or learn his word, if it was always easy, and convenient. But since it isn't always easy, or convenient only those who really care do it consistently.
6. If the people came to be entertained by John, then they were disappointed. This was no show, and John wasn't a religious entertainer. This was about repentance and forgiveness, and heaven, and hell. John would not baptize anyone for the forgiveness of their sins unless they were dead serious about God.
7. The crowds were huge, but John did not tickle anyone's ears to make it that way, or stay that way. You don't call impenitent sinners snakes if you're interested in attracting crowds, or getting a big offering. John called the religious leaders snakes and they were. Instead of leading souls to heaven, they taught lies, and led souls to hell.
8. Tears, remorse, and the fear of hell doesn't equal repentance. Turning from sin; living a clean life, instead of a filthy life is repentance. John said prove you’re sincere by changing your ways. He tells them to humbly confess their sins because confession is a good start.
9. Many Jews thought that God would accept them simply because they were the physical descendants of Abraham. But God doesn't judge us by who our parents were. We can't get to heaven on the coattails of some Godly relative. Hell's population will include many people who were brought up in a Christian family by parents who served Christ, but they didn't serve Him themselves.
10. Good fruit means good works. God's judgment is based on holiness. Faith in Christ combined with holiness keeps a soul out of hell. A faith that doesn't change our ways will not change our destiny.
11. Everyone receives a baptism from Jesus. He baptizes everyone who repents and receives Him with the Holy Spirit. He baptizes those who reject Him with fire. He gives one salvation; He gives the other damnation.
12. This is talking about judgement. God is the farmer. Christians are the wheat. God puts the wheat in a safe place. Those who reject Christ and refuse to repent are the chaff; they are good for nothing. They are useless, and a nuisance to God so He will burn them, and you know what that means.
13. Jesus walked about 60 miles to be baptized by John. Christ didn't need to repent, and He didn't need to be baptized. However John's ministry was ordained by God so Jesus submitted and was baptized. He did it because it pleased the Father.
14. John knew that he was morally inferior to Jesus. It seemed strange to John to act in a way that suggested he was superior to Him. He knew that he was no where near the level of the Lord.
The Bible says that Jesus is our brother, but no one should forget that He is also our Creator, and Lord. We shouldn't be afraid of Jesus, but we shouldn't treat Him as if He was just one of the boys either.
15. Through Jesus who is God in the flesh the Lord reveals that He doesn't ask us to do anything that He won't also do. God commands us to do the right thing, and He does the right thing Himself. His Holy character is the basis for the law which He gave to man.
16,17. Here you have the Trinity; God in three persons. The Son is in the water; the Holy Spirit is descending in the form of a dove, and the Father is quoting Scripture from heaven.
17. The father honored the Son which is how we know that God is pleased with people who honor His Son. Jesus should be the focus of our life and He is the one who must receive the supreme honor.
If someone is good to the one you love then you're going to feel good about that person. If we give God's eternal Son our worship, trust, and devotion, then the Father will be pleased with us.
Chapter 4
1. These temptations of Jesus were not a test to see if He would fail, but rather prove that even under the most difficult circumstances He would not fail.
2. After fasting 40 days a person begins to starve to death. Jesus was at that point which is why the Bible says He was hungry. At this point a lack of food was no longer an inconvenience; it was a necessity.
3. In other words, if you are God’s son, like you claim to be then do something for yourself. In other words Satan is saying, I don’t think you really have any power Jesus because if you did then you would use it to satisfy your every desire.
Of course Satan has it wrong. Just because he uses whatever power has to satisfy whatever he craves doesn’t mean everyone is like him; it sure doesn’t mean that the son of God is like him.
4. Being obedient to the will of God is more important then being comfortable, or even prolonging our physical life. Having a healthy soul by spending time with God, and obeying Him is more important then having, and enjoying the things our body desire.
5. As strange as it seems, when God allows it, the devil has the power to transport people from one place to another. He was allowed , in some manner, to take Jesus from the wilderness to the roof of the temple in Jerusalem.
6. Warning, Satan can quote scripture, and so do his false teachers who knowingly or unknowingly are led by him. Satan quoted scripture here, but he misapplied it. He quoted scripture to try to get Christ to believe something wrong, and do something wrong. He was saying, jump Jesus, because God says that he will protect his son. So if you are who you say you are, jump, and let's see if your father protects you.
7. Purposely doing something foolish, or reckless, and expecting God to save you from the consequences isn't faith, it is putting God to the test. It is challenging God, and since God will not play the game the challenger will lose every time.
8. There isn't a mountain high enough to see all the kingdoms of the world so Satan must have created a vision where the entire world was seen.
Don't believe everything you see because Satan has the power to create illusions. People report being taken aboard UFOs where they are met by supposed creatures from outer space who often say all sorts of thing which contradict the bible. I believe many of those people are telling the truth. I also believe that their inexperience is a demonic illusion; a powerful last days deception designed to undermine the work of Christ.
Every experience must be measured by holy scripture before it is accepted.
9. The devil is the ruler of this present age. He has influence over all the people in this world, except for those who are led by God's spirit.
Success in this world doesn't necessarily indicate that a person is godly. God could be blessing someone's faithfulness, but it could be that that person is playing by the devils rules. Manipulating, lying, flattery, stealing, and other sinful things sometimes pays off in the short term in this world. The devil must have thought that he was dealing with a spiritual rookie here when he tried to cut a deal with Christ.
10. Jesus said: get out of here Satan. Jesus said that we must only serve and worship God.
No matter how much we want to do something we shouldn't do it if it means disobeying God. No matter how badly we want something, we shouldn't conform to the wishes of one who can give it to us, if conforming means disobeying God. At that point we must say, keep it; I'd rather go without it, and instead be right with God.
11. Satan, and his demons will only sit around, and listen to us say "no" for so long. They don't give up easy, but if we resist them by conforming to scripture they will go find someone else to bother. Scripture says that the devil knows his time is short. He isn't stupid; he wants to make the best use of his time. The devil left Jesus because he couldn't get Jesus to sin.
12. John the Baptist announced that Jesus is the messiah, and that people should follow him. Now John is arrested for his preaching, which means that Jesus could be the next one to be arrested. Jesus heads up north, because if we can avoid trouble, and still be in God's will, then we should do it.
13-16. The people were in darkness because they didn't know God, or even know the truth about God. That's why Jesus went from place to place, and told as many people as he could all about the real God.
We can't sell Jesus to people by giving them false promises. We can't argue people into the kingdom if they don't want it. All we can do is give them the truth Jesus and the cross, and let them decide for themselves.
17. In recent years I have heard evangelical leaders say never tell an unsaved person to repent. I have heard others who know that such a ridiculous statement is contradicted many places in scripture say, oh yes, unbelievers must repent. But then they precede to redefine repentance. They say repentance means you change your mind about Jesus. In other words, I used to not believe that Jesus is the savior, but now I believe; there I have repented. No! That's not repentance because repentance always includes turning away from sin. Jesus' message was, repent of your sins. People have a lot of nerve preaching a different message than Jesus, and still calling it Christian and still calling it bible.
18. Jesus came across Peter and Andrew while they were working. He found them while they were working which means that God can get through to us even while we are working. The important thing is to have a heart for God so that we will pay attention when he attempts to get through.
19. As a Christian our greatest reponsibilty is to be completely dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. And one byproduct of being dedicated to Christ is a concern for lost souls who are on the way to hell. Jesus told these two men to follow Me and I will make you fisher's of men.
If Christians do not follow Jesus they will not participate in bringing souls to Christ. The holier we are the more like Christ we will be, and the more he can work through us.
20. Jesus doesn't ask everyone to leave their jobs, like He asked Peter and Andrew; Jesus asked and they said yes.
Lesson: obey God's word even if it seems wrong according to conventional wisdom. If Christ asks us to give up something good then he has an important reason for doing it.
21. Jesus called James and John to leave their business, and their father also.
A parent's job is to teach their child how to be an adult, and put Christ first, even before the will of their parents. Here we see the father of James and john letting his son's go and not making them feel bad about it.
22. The obeyed immediately; they don't think about it, they didn't have to think about it because the word of God was clear.
When the word of God is clear there's nothing to think about; it's just a matter of obedience. And remember delayed obedience is just another word for disobedience.
23. Jesus was telling everyone to repent. He was announcing that they could enter the kingdom of God if they would repent. That's a powerful statement; that's an amazing promise so you better be able to back it up with proof, and Jesus did. To prove he had the authority to say the things he said he did amazing miracles that no one could deny. No sickness was too difficult for Jesus to heal immediately and completely.
24. Jesus spoke with authority as God, and on behalf of God, and then he did things which only God can do. The so called prophets of today who are fond of saying God told me this, or God told me to tell you this or that better be able to go into any hospital and cure anyone of anything right on the spot. If they can't do the signs of the prophet than they have no business speaking a word and claiming that it is direct revelation from God.
Don't talk like a Prophet unless you can act like a Prophet.
25. Many followed Jesus which isn't surprising. They followed Jesus' because he was a good man who did kind things, and he preached a message of hope.
People need hope and Christianity is the only hope they have. People need hope and Jesus is the only hope that people have. The world needs to hear that they can have life after death. They need to hear that there's a way of avoiding hell, and have it be true. Jesus is the truth that's what he called himself and he speaks truth and he is the way to eternal life.
1. These temptations of Jesus were not a test to see if He would fail, but rather prove that even under the most difficult circumstances He would not fail.
2. After fasting 40 days a person begins to starve to death. Jesus was at that point which is why the Bible says He was hungry. At this point a lack of food was no longer an inconvenience; it was a necessity.
3. In other words, if you are God’s son, like you claim to be then do something for yourself. In other words Satan is saying, I don’t think you really have any power Jesus because if you did then you would use it to satisfy your every desire.
Of course Satan has it wrong. Just because he uses whatever power has to satisfy whatever he craves doesn’t mean everyone is like him; it sure doesn’t mean that the son of God is like him.
4. Being obedient to the will of God is more important then being comfortable, or even prolonging our physical life. Having a healthy soul by spending time with God, and obeying Him is more important then having, and enjoying the things our body desire.
5. As strange as it seems, when God allows it, the devil has the power to transport people from one place to another. He was allowed , in some manner, to take Jesus from the wilderness to the roof of the temple in Jerusalem.
6. Warning, Satan can quote scripture, and so do his false teachers who knowingly or unknowingly are led by him. Satan quoted scripture here, but he misapplied it. He quoted scripture to try to get Christ to believe something wrong, and do something wrong. He was saying, jump Jesus, because God says that he will protect his son. So if you are who you say you are, jump, and let's see if your father protects you.
7. Purposely doing something foolish, or reckless, and expecting God to save you from the consequences isn't faith, it is putting God to the test. It is challenging God, and since God will not play the game the challenger will lose every time.
8. There isn't a mountain high enough to see all the kingdoms of the world so Satan must have created a vision where the entire world was seen.
Don't believe everything you see because Satan has the power to create illusions. People report being taken aboard UFOs where they are met by supposed creatures from outer space who often say all sorts of thing which contradict the bible. I believe many of those people are telling the truth. I also believe that their inexperience is a demonic illusion; a powerful last days deception designed to undermine the work of Christ.
Every experience must be measured by holy scripture before it is accepted.
9. The devil is the ruler of this present age. He has influence over all the people in this world, except for those who are led by God's spirit.
Success in this world doesn't necessarily indicate that a person is godly. God could be blessing someone's faithfulness, but it could be that that person is playing by the devils rules. Manipulating, lying, flattery, stealing, and other sinful things sometimes pays off in the short term in this world. The devil must have thought that he was dealing with a spiritual rookie here when he tried to cut a deal with Christ.
10. Jesus said: get out of here Satan. Jesus said that we must only serve and worship God.
No matter how much we want to do something we shouldn't do it if it means disobeying God. No matter how badly we want something, we shouldn't conform to the wishes of one who can give it to us, if conforming means disobeying God. At that point we must say, keep it; I'd rather go without it, and instead be right with God.
11. Satan, and his demons will only sit around, and listen to us say "no" for so long. They don't give up easy, but if we resist them by conforming to scripture they will go find someone else to bother. Scripture says that the devil knows his time is short. He isn't stupid; he wants to make the best use of his time. The devil left Jesus because he couldn't get Jesus to sin.
12. John the Baptist announced that Jesus is the messiah, and that people should follow him. Now John is arrested for his preaching, which means that Jesus could be the next one to be arrested. Jesus heads up north, because if we can avoid trouble, and still be in God's will, then we should do it.
13-16. The people were in darkness because they didn't know God, or even know the truth about God. That's why Jesus went from place to place, and told as many people as he could all about the real God.
We can't sell Jesus to people by giving them false promises. We can't argue people into the kingdom if they don't want it. All we can do is give them the truth Jesus and the cross, and let them decide for themselves.
17. In recent years I have heard evangelical leaders say never tell an unsaved person to repent. I have heard others who know that such a ridiculous statement is contradicted many places in scripture say, oh yes, unbelievers must repent. But then they precede to redefine repentance. They say repentance means you change your mind about Jesus. In other words, I used to not believe that Jesus is the savior, but now I believe; there I have repented. No! That's not repentance because repentance always includes turning away from sin. Jesus' message was, repent of your sins. People have a lot of nerve preaching a different message than Jesus, and still calling it Christian and still calling it bible.
18. Jesus came across Peter and Andrew while they were working. He found them while they were working which means that God can get through to us even while we are working. The important thing is to have a heart for God so that we will pay attention when he attempts to get through.
19. As a Christian our greatest reponsibilty is to be completely dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. And one byproduct of being dedicated to Christ is a concern for lost souls who are on the way to hell. Jesus told these two men to follow Me and I will make you fisher's of men.
If Christians do not follow Jesus they will not participate in bringing souls to Christ. The holier we are the more like Christ we will be, and the more he can work through us.
20. Jesus doesn't ask everyone to leave their jobs, like He asked Peter and Andrew; Jesus asked and they said yes.
Lesson: obey God's word even if it seems wrong according to conventional wisdom. If Christ asks us to give up something good then he has an important reason for doing it.
21. Jesus called James and John to leave their business, and their father also.
A parent's job is to teach their child how to be an adult, and put Christ first, even before the will of their parents. Here we see the father of James and john letting his son's go and not making them feel bad about it.
22. The obeyed immediately; they don't think about it, they didn't have to think about it because the word of God was clear.
When the word of God is clear there's nothing to think about; it's just a matter of obedience. And remember delayed obedience is just another word for disobedience.
23. Jesus was telling everyone to repent. He was announcing that they could enter the kingdom of God if they would repent. That's a powerful statement; that's an amazing promise so you better be able to back it up with proof, and Jesus did. To prove he had the authority to say the things he said he did amazing miracles that no one could deny. No sickness was too difficult for Jesus to heal immediately and completely.
24. Jesus spoke with authority as God, and on behalf of God, and then he did things which only God can do. The so called prophets of today who are fond of saying God told me this, or God told me to tell you this or that better be able to go into any hospital and cure anyone of anything right on the spot. If they can't do the signs of the prophet than they have no business speaking a word and claiming that it is direct revelation from God.
Don't talk like a Prophet unless you can act like a Prophet.
25. Many followed Jesus which isn't surprising. They followed Jesus' because he was a good man who did kind things, and he preached a message of hope.
People need hope and Christianity is the only hope they have. People need hope and Jesus is the only hope that people have. The world needs to hear that they can have life after death. They need to hear that there's a way of avoiding hell, and have it be true. Jesus is the truth that's what he called himself and he speaks truth and he is the way to eternal life.
Chapter 5
1. God became a man so that he could die and pay for our sins, but he also came to earth to sit on a mountainside and talk to people as we see Jesus doing right here. That really amazes me because God is so big, and to think that God, whose so far above all his creation, would become a man, come to this little blue spec in the universe called earth, and actually sit on the side of a mountain and talk to people boggles my mind. What a condescending thing that was for God.
Jesus took time to be with people because he genuinely cares about people. One good way to show someone that you care is to spend time with them; in fact that's the best way.
2. Jesus taught them saying; he did not teach them yelling. He didn't teach them shouting; he didn't scream; he talked quietly. The bible predicted that the messiah would not cry out in the streets. Jesus wasn't a screamer. He communicated truth, which is the important thing, and He spoke the truth with authority which is the important thing, and you don't have to scream and yell to speak with authority. Screaming and yelling is a poor fleshly substitute for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
3. In other words, God blesses those who understand that they need him. Those who understand that they need God, that they need a savior are poor in spirit. The poor in spirit understand that they don't have what it takes; they are poor; they don't have what they need to be right with God.
God blesses those who know that the only way they will get to heaven is by His grace because they don't have what it takes on their own. Those who think that they will be fine in eternity apart from the savior Jesus Christ filling in the gap between them and God will fall short; they will not make it because they are not poor in spirit. They will not get into the kingdom of God; they will be on the outside looking in because Jesus said bless it are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4. For Christians all sadness is temporary. There's coming a time when you won't be sad anymore if you belong to Jesus Christ; not even one tiny speck of sadness. You'll never be sad because someone you care about is suffering because there won't be any suffering. You will never be sad because someone you care about is sick because there won't be any sickness. You will never be sad because someone you care about his dying or has died because there will be no death. How can anyone be sad or mourn when there's nothing left in the world to be sad about?
If you're a Christian you'll never be sad and you'll never be frustrated again; not once you hit eternity you won't. For those of us who belong to Jesus Christ sadness will become a distant memory completely overshadowed by perfect joy, happiness, and contentment.
5. God says the meek shall inherit the earth, and the opposite of meek is pride. Meekness means humility. The opposite of meekness and humility is pride and arrogance. The meek will inherit the earth but those who think that they are something special are in trouble with God; they will not inherit the earth. Those who get upset when things do not go their way because after all I'm so important are not meek; they're not humble; they will not inherit the earth; they are the opposite of Jesus in attitude. The meek will inherit the earth, but those who assert their will on others or try to assert their will on God are not right with God; they are not meek.
Those who humbly accept the fact that they're unworthy sinners in need of the savior will inherit the earth.
6. The people who long to see things the way they should be; the way God wants them to be will not be disappointed. They will be satisfied because eventually things will be right. On the other hand those who love corruption, and love sin, and love abusing others, and love having their own sinful way, they're going to crave all those things for ever in hell, but they will never have those cravings satisfied.
The righteous will be satisfied because things are going to be right; they're going to get what they want. The sinful will lust for evil in hell, but they will never have those lusts fulfilled.
7. This is an extremely important verse that is so often explained away. It is often said by Christian leaders, well this doesn't apply to us because after all we have prayed the sinners prayer. Sometimes people say well this doesn't apply to us because we've been confirmed, or we go to communion, or we've been baptized. All those things are good, but the bible still says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Christians can not explain this verse away saying it doesn't apply to us, and that is so often done in the evangelical circles.
Jesus told the story of a man who was forgiven an enormous sin debt by God; he had more sins than could be counted, and God completely wiped the slate clean. But then, after being forgiven by God a man came to him and ask for forgiveness, and he refused to forgive that person; he did not show that man any mercy. Consequently God said, you wicked person I forgave you all your sin, and then you refuse to forgive the one who asked you for forgiveness. As a result, God reversed his forgiveness. The sins that had been removed from his account were put back. He had been saved, God reversed it; he had been forgiven, God reversed it, and he had to pay for his sins himself.
Jesus said if you don't forgive others than your heavenly father will not forgive you. Someone says, well that doesn't apply to me. Who says? If you don't forgive others your heavenly father will not forgive you, and here Jesus says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. If we make sure that others get what they've got coming than God will make sure that we get what we've got coming as well.
8. In order to seek God we have to be pure in heart; in other words we have to be without guilt. We have to be pure which means sinless. No one gets into heaven unless they are pure. I'm saying we have to be 100% pure in order to get into heaven; completely sinless, and since none of us are pure the way God defines it we're in big trouble unless we become pure.
Jesus is our only hope because when we receive Jesus Christ as our lord and savior God sand blasts our soul and gets rid of even the smallest spec of moral and spiritual grime, and we become pure. It's like the bible says God made him who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God. Purity only happens by God's grace when we receive Jesus Christ.
9. I heard a well known preacher, a very popular man in some circles, not a young man probably close to 80; he supposed to be a prophecy expert, at least those in his denomination look at him that way. He's always talking about the book of revelation and the anti Christ and the middle east; you know, one of those types. He's a very pro Israel type of a person, which is fine because they are God's old testament people, but I heard him say, "I wish the Palestinians would attack Israel because Israel could use the land." He still thinks that Israel is God's chosen people so he thinks that anyone who attacks Israel will lose the war and that's why he talks so foolishly about war. He said I wish the Palestinians would attack Israel because Israel could use the land. He really thought he was being cute and the people in his audience laughed like it was so funny; I was shocked and disgusted. I thought to myself he cares more about unbelieving Israel than he does about Palestinian Christians, and what about the little children and the elderly who always seem to suffer so much in war? There isn't anything cute about such a foolish statement especially in light of what Jesus says here, "blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God."
10. A person will not put up with persecution for Christ if they are not truly a Christian. A nominal Christian; a Christian in name only, or a cultural Christian will bail out on Jesus the moment they start being persecuted for Christ. A willingness to stand up for Jesus Christ and for the word of God even when others think that you are out of your mind for doing it indicates that you are a Christian; indicates that you are right with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Those who continually cave in to peer pressure and disobey Jesus in the process have either turned their back on Christ or never were Christians to begin with. There is no reason to believe that those people will ever see the kingdom of heaven because Jesus said, "blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
If a person is not willing to put up with some persecution, some suffering, some sacrifice, for being a Christian then they won't see the kingdom of heaven; they're not a Christian.
11. This verse elaborates on what Jesus said in verse 10. People who reject Jesus Christ do so because they love their sin. There's at least one sin in their life that they don't want to quit committing. If someone understands the truth about Jesus Christ and they choose not to receive him it is because they love some sin and they refuse to give it up; there willing to go to hell for it.
When someone knows the truth about Jesus, and the truth about heaven and hell and how to be saved but they don't repent they are often very ornery because of their guilt; guilt is a real thing. People like that are miserable, they are ornery, and they often take it out on Christians who live for Jesus.
The presense of a Christian who lives for Jesus will make someone who knows the truth but doesn't act on it feel bad about themselves. Why else would someone hate a Christian who only "fault" is that they obey Jesus? I'm talking about a simple, humble Christian who out of love for Jesus obeys the word of God. There is no good reason for someone to hate someone like that unless a person loves their sin, and doesn't want to be reminded of the fact that they're in trouble with God because of it. And so Jesus says blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake.
12. Live for Jesus, and live with an eternal perspective because if you live for Jesus you're going to need it, or you'll bailout on Christ for sure. Every time some wise guy smarts off to you because you won't go against scripture think about the pat on the back you're going to get from God.
We should never go looking for persecution, but Jesus said if it comes your way rejoice. You can be glad when persecution for Christ's sake comes because it means you're acting like the old testament prophets, who also suffered for speaking the truth and doing right. Suffering for Jesus comes fully loaded with joy because it's a reminder that you and God are on the same side. You probably won't enjoy the suffering but you'll have the joy that comes from being reminded that you're on your creator's side.
13. If salt isn't salty it's worthless, and it goes into the garbage. Salt crystals aren't worth anything if they have lost their saltiness. You can't grow anything in salt crystals; they make terrible potting soil. The only thing that makes table salt worth anything here on earth is it saltiness, and the only thing that makes Christians useful here on earth is their willingness to be holy and speak the truth. If we don't do those two things than we are like unsalty salt to God. If were not holy, confessing when we sin, and if we're unwilling to speak the truth then we are absolutely useless to God; good for nothing, might as well throw us into the garbage.
14,15. Cockroaches do not like light, they like the darkness. Cockroaches are filthy creatures. Bad people who know right from wrong, but who do wrong do not like the light either. Bad people prefer to live their sinful lives under the cover of darkness. That's why people who are morally and spiritually filthy are not comfortable around you if you do what is correct.
Impenitent sinners are not going to be comfortable around you if you are a holy Christian who loves Jesus. Holy Christians irritate people like that because they remind them of their own sinfulness. Holiness shines a light on their filth, and makes them feel very uncomfortable. So what should we do? Jesus tells us what we should do. Notice verse 16.
16. Letting our lights shine before men means living like Jesus. If Christians live like Jesus, people who have a heart for truth will say, so that's what the real God is like.
Very often movies, politicians, sports stars, and TV shows, communicate twisted ideas of what is right, and almost no opinion on what is wrong. Wrong is a value judgment, and very unpopular today so many people stay away from using the word. That's why, if you come along and say, I don't do this because it is wrong, and it is wrong because God says it is wrong, you will open up some eyes. People will either like you, or dislike you depending on their attitude toward God. Being light doesn't guarantee popularity, but it does give people the opportunity to understand what the real God is light.
17. Jesus did not come to give people a license to sin, but to deliver them from sin. Jesus kept the moral law perfectly, and he also gives us the ability to keep it by his power.
18. Liberal theologians do not believe that every word of scripture is inspired by God, but Jesus certainly did. Every word of holy scripture, actually Jesus is saying every letter, even every part of a letter, is inspired by God. The word of God has to be the final standard by which we judge all things because it is the only inspired, message that God has given us.
19. The more dedicated we are to holy scripture; to living the word of God the more we will enjoy eternity. People have different levels of commitment to Christ, and God will deal with each one of us according to our commitment, and according to our works that measure our commitment.
20. The pharisees had a lot of religion, but no real relationship with God. Their religion was cold, formal, and legalistic. Their faith was actually in themselves, and their religiosity not in God and his mercy. They had an outward form of religious righteousness but it did not impress God. Jesus said we have to do better than the pharisees, or we won't make it to heaven. People need ongoing repentance, and faith in Christ; they need to make sure that they are trusting Jesus as their Savior, or they won't be saved.
21. The judgment that God established for murder was execution.
22a. God isn't just concerned about the sinful act, he is concerned about the attitude that causes the act. The attitude behind murder is sinful anger. Now, anger is not as bad as murder, but it is still a sin, and God will judge it.
22b. Raca was an insult. God does not want people insulting one another. When a person insults someone they are degrading them in their mind, and that makes it easier for them to go to the next step which is to hurt them. When you insult someone you're saying they are not worthy, and once you are convince that someone is not worthy it is just a small step to justify hurting them.
22c. God defines a fool as being an immoral person who despises him, and therefore deserves to be in hell. If you called someone a fool back in those days you were saying they should be damned.
It doesn't matter how much you may not like someone no human being has a right to tell someone to go to hell. It's bad enough for God that he's going to have to tell impenitent sinners to go to hell on judgment day without having to listen to sinful human beings telling other sinful beings to go there.
23,24. In other words, don't try to worship God if you have sinned against someone and haven't apologized. God doesn't accept the worship of someone like that. If we don't treat people the right way than we are not treating God the right way, and if we aren't treating God right, then he will not accept our worship because it's not real.
25,26. Lesson: if you have sinned against someone apologize right away. The offense will not go away by itself, it will just fester. If we don't apologize, then the consequences will get worse. So it's always best to swallow our pride and admit our sin right away.
27. The word of God is very clear on this subject. Do not have sexual relations was someone elses marriage partner; that is the sin of adultery.
28. Committing a sinful act in your mind is not a make believe sin to God; it is a real sin, and it must be confessed. The bible says that we are to take every thought captive unto the obedience of Christ. The bible says, as a person thinks in his heart so is he. A person who nurses sinful thoughts is a sinful person.
29,30. God is saying: avoid hell at all costs! Nothing is worth eternal Hellfire. No sin, and no amount of pleasure that you may get from committing it is worth the horrible suffering that one experiences in hell. God is saying repent, and if something is keeping you from repenting, then get rid of what ever that something is, because it's not worth it, it's not worth going to hell for. If you can't have a beer without getting drunk, then don't buy beer. If you can't have a television without watching filth, then don't have a television. If he can't hang out with someone without committing sin, then don't hang out with them. Use your brain, and stay out of hell.
31. Some rabbis taught that a man could divorce his wife for any reason at all. That is what the people heard, because that is what they were taught. But God has a higher standard than that.
32. In other words, don't divorce your spouse unless they have been unfaithful to you. There is a spiritual union that takes place in marriage, and therefore only a spiritual issue should cause a split. If a partner breaks the marriage vows by living contrary to a holy scripture towards their spouse there may be cause for divorce, but a person shouldn't drop their partner simply because they fried the eggs too long.
32x. If you divorce someone without Biblical grounds, and you marry someone else you've committed the sin of adultery, and if your former spouse marries again they also commit adultery. That's because the first marriage was never dissolved in the eyes of God. So what do you do if you've already done that? You confess it, and you get on with life; adultery is not an unforgivable sin.
33. When a person takes an oath they are asking God to be a a witness to the truthfulness of their words. It is saying, God hold me accountable for keeping this promise, and God does hold that person accountable. God will punish the person who doesn't keep his oath because God will not be seen as a partner to a lie, or a silent witness to a lie.
34-36. The religious leaders back then had a complicated system of oaths. In their minds some were binding and others were not. Actually their oaths had become nothing but complicated, high sounding, excuses for breaking their word. For example, you might swear by the altar of God that you would pick up a friend at 5:00. 5:00 comes, and goes, but you don't show up because you only swore by the altar of God, and not by the throne of God. Their complicated, man made, religious rules overshadowed the simple command of God's word to be honest.
37. Jesus is saying, will you please just tell the truth. We don't have to make this thing any more complicated than it needs to be. Just be a man or a woman of your word, and you won't have to swear, and you won't have to take an oath, because people will know that you always tell the truth.
38. The eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth principle is a part of God's law. It was not, however, intended to promote vigilantism as some would say, or personal revenge. When God said an eye for an eye he was saying, make sure that the punishment fits the crime. Don't chop someone's head off if they stole a piece of bubble gum, and don't give someone a little slap on the wrist if they committed cold-blooded murder. God was telling civil rulers to make sure the punishment is just.
39. Many times the natural reaction of a sinful human being who has been hurt is to want to hurt back. Jesus is saying, no don't do that, you don't have to be like them, just absorb the bad treatment, and leave it be. That certainly is what Jesus did. He was often insulted, but he never insulted anyone back.
40,41. In other words, the things of this world are not worth fighting over. The things of this world will all eventually rot so what's the big deal? If someone is taking advantage of you pray for them, because they are the loser not you. In the long run they are the big loser if they don't repent.
42. God is not encouraging laziness by telling us to give people what they themselves refuse to work for. God isn't encouraging greed by telling us to give people things that they do not need. The lesson here is, do not be selfish with your possessions. The lesson here is, if there are people who need help, then help them.
43. People may say, hate your enemy, but God doesn't. God never commands us to hate anyone, not even those who hate us.
44. We do not have to like our enemies, or want to be around them, but God commands us to love them. You say, how can I love someone I don't even like? Simple, you love them by being nice to them, and being nice includes praying for them. When someone treats you bad bite the bullet and say a prayer for them. The definition of love according to God is to do good to someone. Love doesn't have anything to do with feelings or liking.
44,45. God is good to good and bad people so who are we to think that we cannot be good to those who have done bad to us? According to Jesus we have no right to be that way.
46,47. God wants his people to have higher standards of conduct for themselves than the average person. Even bad people are good to those who are good to them so what's the big deal if Christians are good to those who are good to them. If Christians are only good to those who are good to them, then they aren't acting like God, because he is good to those who are bad to him.
48. In other words, have God character. And if we're going to be like God then we must forgive people, and be kind to everyone, because that's what he does.
Chapter 6
1. Good works cease to be good when the motives are wrong. Doing good to win the admiration of people is a self centered motive which isn't right in the eyes of God. Self centeredness regardless what form it may take will not be rewarded by God.
2. In other words, when we do something nice we shouldn't say, "hey everyone look at me". If people honor us because we have done something good that's fine as long as we didn't do the good work for the purpose of being honored.
3,4. God knows everything we do, and he knows what we are thinking as we are doing it. If we do good because it is good, and because we know it makes God happy, he knows and is pleased. In fact long after we forget about that good deed God will still remember it, and will reward us for it in eternity.
5. God will not answer a prayer that is prayed to draw attention to self. Anyone who tries to be eloquent in prayer in order to impress those who hear is wasting their time.
6. In other words, do not pray so that other people will admire you. Public prayer is fine; public prayer to get people to notice you is sinful. Where we pray isn't the issue, why we pray is the important thing to God.
7. Some people repeat memorized prayers and they don't even think about what they are saying. But words mean nothing to God if they don't come from the heart. On the other hand the words we use when praying are secondary. If we have a heart for God when we pray that's the important thing because a lot of times we don't know how to pray or even what to pray for. What I'm trying to say is that having a heart for God and a sincere attitude that reaches out to God are the most important things in prayer.
8. Prayer does not inform God about anything because he already knows everything. We pray because it's how we acknowledge our needs and our dependence on God. We pray because it's how we communicate with God, and that by itself is a valuable thing. We pray because God will answer prayers, and do things that he otherwise might not do. The bible says we have not because we ask not.
9a. When you pray, pray with the attitude that God is your Father who is in heaven. In other words, when you pray it's good to remember that he's your Father but that he is also the sovereign ruler of this universe and everything in it. Those two things will start your prayers off in the right way.
9b. Somewhere in the beginning of our prayers there should be worship. Honor God because he is worthy of honor. The Lord God doesn't need an ego boost; he's simply worthy of honor and praise. It's the right way, the appropriate way to approach our God.
10a. After worship pray for the things that you know God wants, and at the top of that list is for the kingdom of God to come. In other words, pray for the setting up of Jesus' earthly kingdom, and pray for the salvation of lost souls today. Both of those things manifest the coming of God's kingdom.
10b. When you pray be humble. Admit to God that he knows what is best, and therefore surrender your will to his will. Pray for what you think is best, but always ask God to do what he knows is best. That is faith; that is trusting God, and those things are essential to prayer that glorifies the lord.
10c. At this very moment God is receiving perfect worship in heaven from angels and glorified saints. Also, God's lordship and kingdom are being acknowledged in heaven as well. It's important to pray that those things will be true on earth as in heaven. God wants us to pray that his perfect will is done in every area of our life just as his perfect will is being done in heaven. Again the thought is, pray for what God wants, not necessarily what we want.
11. After we have honored God, and prayed for his will to be done; God by his grace has granted us permission to ask him for whatever it is we would like.
12a. The forgiveness mentioned here doesn't involve forgiving the penalty of our sin. The complete and judicial forgiveness of sin takes place the moment a person receives Jesus Christ into their life as lord and savior. The forgiveness here in verse 12 refers to a Christian's need to ask for forgiveness in order to maintain fellowship with God here on earth.
12b. If we are not willing to forgive others who have hurt us then we shouldn't expect to enjoy fellowship with God. When we sin and afterwards tell God we are sorry he forgives us. Likewise when someone sins against us and Apologizes we should forgive them. If we do those two things there's no reason we can't enjoy life with God here on earth.
13a. James 1:13 says: "God never temps anyone with evil". He doesn't tempt anyone with evil but God does allow trials which test our obedience to him, and the reality of our faith. This part of the lord's prayer teaches that we must not rely on our own strength, but we must pray to God, and look to God for help in standing firm when we are tested.
13b. In other words, we are to pray, lord keep me from sinning today. Demons are everywhere, and so are temptations to sin. We can't possibly overcome these things in our own strength. Every day it's important for us to ask God to give us victory over any word, act, or attitude that would displease him.
14,15. Once again God says, if you want to be forgiven so that you can experience the joy of your salvation with me, then you must be willing to forgive others who have sinned against you. Some of the most unhappy Christians in the world are those who hold a grudge. The least little thing angers, and they become bitter.
16. There's nothing wrong with telling someone that your fasting. Just don't mess up your hair, and walk around dragging your feet, with sad eyes so that people will think you're a martyr. Some people may buy the lie, and think your holy, but you're fast won't mean anything to God.
17,18. Fast, but do your best not to appear as if you are fasting. It's not the end of the world if someone finds out that you are fasting just make sure your motive isn't to fast in order to impress people.
19,20. And there's no security in material things. Any treasure on earth is destined to be destroyed by nature, or stolen by thieves, or lost through the stock market, or lost through inflation. The only investment that you'll never lose are your treasures in heaven earned by living for Jesus while here.
21. Jesus doesn't want us to invest ourselves in earthly things because then those earthly things will have our attention. He wants us to invest ourselves in spiritual things, things that will advance the kingdom of heaven. If you want to think about heaven more, and if you want eternity to be more of a reality today then invest in eternal things. Jesus says where your treasure is that's where your heart will be also.
22a. In other words, just like a lamp gives light to your room your eyes light your body and cause your body to see the world you live in.
22b. If your eyes are working well then you can see clearly.
23a. If your eyes aren't working well your vision suffers. If you're blind you dwell in darkness.
23b. It's not good to be blind. It's worse to be blind and live in denial about it. If you're blind and you refuse to admit it and as a result get in your truck and drive you're going to do some major damage.
There's one thing worse than being spiritually blind and therefore ignorant of the truth of God's word. And that's to be spiritually blind, say you aren't, and consequently speak with authority about the things of God , not knowing what you're talking about.
24. You and I are like slaves who get to choose our master. There are two masters to choose from, and we must make the choice. The bible says you can't serve God and wealth. Materialism wants to be your master. It wants you to serve it, and look to it for security. It wants you to think about things more than God. It wants you to long for things more than you long to please the lord.
25. Do not invest your energy in having and consuming material things. Being consumed with material things will result in you one day realizing that your life is past, and you've missed the real purpose for God having you here. God didn't put us on the earth primarily too eat food, and decorate our body. We are here to worship, and serve Him, and to advance His kingdom.
26. As birds go about doing what God created them to do He makes sure that their needs are met. As we go about doing what God has created us to do He will make sure that our needs are met as well. God has made man to work, and that is what He wants us to do. however God does not want us to be workaholics so that our bank accounts can provide a substitute security apart from Him.
27. The lord God doesn't want us to worry about our needs being met. For starters worry dishonors God because it implies that he doesn't care enough about us, his children to meet all of our needs. Not only that, worry doesn't do any good; it accomplishes absolutely nothing, except maybe ulcers. Food and clothing and whatever else you may need will not suddenly appear out of thin air simply because you worry about them. If we are concerned about our needs then we should spend our time praying the promises of God who promises to meet our needs.
28-30. If the lord God cares about flowers enough to make them look so beautiful, then he sure won't let you go through life without anything to wear.
I don't think many people worry about not having anything to wear. They worry about not having the expensive clothes that are in fashion. Worrying about not having the latest fashions is a problem of vanity, or wrong priorities. People like that need to adjust their thinking to line up with the word of God and then they won't worry.
31. If you really believe that you are responsible for your needs being met, then you can never be anything but anxious. If you're trusting in yourself to supply what you need then you will never know when enough is enough, and even if you thought you had enough you'd still have to worry about a crippling accident, or terrible disease, or a market plunge, or inflation, or anything else that would prevent you from caring for yourself. Trusting in self is a lost cause so it's better to trust God.
32. Those who do not have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ are forced to rely on themselves. God is the God of the non Christian, but he isn't their father, and he hasn't promised to meet their needs either. But it's different for us Christians. God has promised to take care of us, which means we are free to serve him and to trust him to take care of us. We are free to do what is right and to know that he will provide what ever we need.
33. Here's a promise from God. If you put his interests first, he will make sure you have all the physical and material things you will need for as long as he wants you to live.
Chapter 7
1. This does not mean that we shouldn't discern between right and wrong. In scripture God tells us to cling to the good, and expose evil, and you can't do that unless you are discerning between right and wrong and that takes judgment.
This isn't a command to be morally neutral. It is a command to not judge people's motives. It's not our place to judge what is in someone elses heart, or how culpable they are for the wrong that they've done. By the way, it is also a command to not have a critical spirit.
2. If we have a critical spirit, and we're always condemning other people's motives then people will judge us in a negative way as well. They will judge us as being irrelevant in our opinion. We should be cautious, and fair in our attitudes towards others or others will conclude that what we say is irrelevant.
3-5. One unfortunate byproduct of our sin nature is hypocrisy. It's the tendency to magnify the faults in others while being totally blind to the same fault, or even bigger faults in ourselves. It is ridiculous and hypocritical to put down others when we are doing similar, or even worse things ourselves. I should not condemn you for not painting like Michel Angelo if all I can draw is stick men. In other words clean up your own spiritual mess rather then having a superior attitude.
6. If you tell someone about Jesus and they respond with scoffing and ridicule, or if you quote Biblical truth to them, and they mock; let them be. Pray for them, but don't continue to give them opportunities to mock holy things.
7,8. In other words, don't give up on prayer. Some people quit praying entirely simply because God hasn't done something they asked Him to do. Well Jesus says don't quit praying; keep asking because eventually you'll ask for something that God can say yes to.
If our prayers are not answered it's not because prayer doesn't work; it's because we've prayed for something that God in his infinite wisdom has decided not to give us.
9-11. The key to answered prayer is to ask God for good things. If our children would say, dad may I please do some work around the house instead of playing a video game, I'm pretty confident they would not have to ask twice. Parents are always willing to say yes when their children ask for something good. Our God is the same way with us; if we ask for that which is good he will not hesitate to say yes.
12. Notice carefully that Jesus didn't say, don't do something to someone if you wouldn't want someone to do it to you. In essence he says go on the offensive when it comes to doing good. In other words, look at someone and ask yourself, if I were them what would I like someone to do for me, and then do it for them. If you follow that one simple rule you'll wipe out just about every type of relationship problem that you can imagine.
13, 14. I had a man tell me that his church is a wonderful place; he just loved it. He said we really don't have any doctrine; people can believe anything they want, and our church approves of it. Well, that is the wide road which leads to destruction; that is the wide road that leads to hell. Those people in that church may be comfortable sitting in their pews listing to the garbage that comes from the pulpit but when they die without Christ they will be anything but comfortable.
The highway to hell is a wide road with many people on it. The road to heaven is narrow. You can only get on that narrow road when you repent and received Christ. According to Jesus not many people are on that road. In other words, according to Jesus most people will go to hell.
15. It's a sure bet that wherever the pure word of God is taught Satan will inspire false teachers, and false Christians to infiltrate in some way in an attempt to undermine the truth.
16-18. Watch how a preacher conducts himself over a long period of time. If they like to be the focus of attention; if they are more of an entertainer then a bible teacher; if their lifestyle isn't prioritized biblically, then there's a good chance that they are a wolf not a shepherd. Watch how they live, and examine what they teach. If they water down the word of God, then they are wolves, not shepherds. If you don't know more about Christ after hearing them deliver their sermon, that's a red flag.
19,20. Sad to say but not every preacher, or bible teacher is even a genuine Christian. Some who claim to be ministers consider their so called ministry to be a career when it is supposed to be a calling.
Some men "minister" because it is an income. Some do it so that they can talk in front of an audience every week. I know this, if you're not preaching and teaching so that people appreciate Jesus Christ more I would not bet a nickel on the reality of your calling, possibly even your salvation; not after what Jesus said here, I wouldn't. Someone like that fits the description of a bad tree, or a spiritual wolf trying to act like a shepherd for selfish reasons.
21. Not everyone will be saved that’s clear from what Jesus says here. Not everyone who says to me, lord, lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Well who does? Jesus answers that question in the last part of verse 21: he who does the will of my father in heaven. The first step in doing God’s will is to repent and receive Jesus as lord and savior. The bible says God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. There are many people who call themselves Christians, and refer to Jesus as the lord. But they aren't’t saved, because their relationship with Jesus isn’t personal. They’ve never said, “Jesus I’m trusting in the fact that you paid for my sins, and I’m asking you to be my lord and savior.”
22, 23. Jesus will shock many people on judgment day. They may have been very religious during their time on earth and maybe they went to church all their life so naturally they thought that they would go to heaven after they died. But they’re not going to heaven; they’re going to hell because they never really knew Jesus. They knew about Jesus, but they never knew him personally. They never knew him because they never turned away from sin and asked him to come into their life and be there lord and savior.
24, 25. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ, daily time in the word of God, and in prayer, and obedience to that word will give you a solid foundation for your life. You will still have trouble just like everyone else, but you won’t crumble to pieces under the pressure and in the end everything will be OK.
26,27. Most people have an imitation foundation that they rely on for their security. They rely on their 401K, or their family, or friends, or some skill that they may have. But when the storm comes, when the market does a nosedive, or your friends move away, or your family dies, or you have an accident, and you lose your skill, your foundation is gone, and you learn the hard way that those things really never did provide any security at all.
28,29. The scribes were always quoting other scribes when they taught. “This is what Rabbi Jones teaches, and he may be right, however Rabbi Smith says this so he may be right instead.” I would rather stay home, and read the word of God myself then listen to that type of thing.
Jesus spoke the word of God. He did not appeal to anyone or anything other than the word of God. He said, this is right, and this is wrong. This is right because the scripture says so, and this is wrong because the scripture says so. Jesus kept his message simple, clear, and straightforward, and people were not used to hearing that sort of thing. People are not used of hearing that sort of thing today either, but that’s the way the word of God should be communicated.
1. This does not mean that we shouldn't discern between right and wrong. In scripture God tells us to cling to the good, and expose evil, and you can't do that unless you are discerning between right and wrong and that takes judgment.
This isn't a command to be morally neutral. It is a command to not judge people's motives. It's not our place to judge what is in someone elses heart, or how culpable they are for the wrong that they've done. By the way, it is also a command to not have a critical spirit.
2. If we have a critical spirit, and we're always condemning other people's motives then people will judge us in a negative way as well. They will judge us as being irrelevant in our opinion. We should be cautious, and fair in our attitudes towards others or others will conclude that what we say is irrelevant.
3-5. One unfortunate byproduct of our sin nature is hypocrisy. It's the tendency to magnify the faults in others while being totally blind to the same fault, or even bigger faults in ourselves. It is ridiculous and hypocritical to put down others when we are doing similar, or even worse things ourselves. I should not condemn you for not painting like Michel Angelo if all I can draw is stick men. In other words clean up your own spiritual mess rather then having a superior attitude.
6. If you tell someone about Jesus and they respond with scoffing and ridicule, or if you quote Biblical truth to them, and they mock; let them be. Pray for them, but don't continue to give them opportunities to mock holy things.
7,8. In other words, don't give up on prayer. Some people quit praying entirely simply because God hasn't done something they asked Him to do. Well Jesus says don't quit praying; keep asking because eventually you'll ask for something that God can say yes to.
If our prayers are not answered it's not because prayer doesn't work; it's because we've prayed for something that God in his infinite wisdom has decided not to give us.
9-11. The key to answered prayer is to ask God for good things. If our children would say, dad may I please do some work around the house instead of playing a video game, I'm pretty confident they would not have to ask twice. Parents are always willing to say yes when their children ask for something good. Our God is the same way with us; if we ask for that which is good he will not hesitate to say yes.
12. Notice carefully that Jesus didn't say, don't do something to someone if you wouldn't want someone to do it to you. In essence he says go on the offensive when it comes to doing good. In other words, look at someone and ask yourself, if I were them what would I like someone to do for me, and then do it for them. If you follow that one simple rule you'll wipe out just about every type of relationship problem that you can imagine.
13, 14. I had a man tell me that his church is a wonderful place; he just loved it. He said we really don't have any doctrine; people can believe anything they want, and our church approves of it. Well, that is the wide road which leads to destruction; that is the wide road that leads to hell. Those people in that church may be comfortable sitting in their pews listing to the garbage that comes from the pulpit but when they die without Christ they will be anything but comfortable.
The highway to hell is a wide road with many people on it. The road to heaven is narrow. You can only get on that narrow road when you repent and received Christ. According to Jesus not many people are on that road. In other words, according to Jesus most people will go to hell.
15. It's a sure bet that wherever the pure word of God is taught Satan will inspire false teachers, and false Christians to infiltrate in some way in an attempt to undermine the truth.
16-18. Watch how a preacher conducts himself over a long period of time. If they like to be the focus of attention; if they are more of an entertainer then a bible teacher; if their lifestyle isn't prioritized biblically, then there's a good chance that they are a wolf not a shepherd. Watch how they live, and examine what they teach. If they water down the word of God, then they are wolves, not shepherds. If you don't know more about Christ after hearing them deliver their sermon, that's a red flag.
19,20. Sad to say but not every preacher, or bible teacher is even a genuine Christian. Some who claim to be ministers consider their so called ministry to be a career when it is supposed to be a calling.
Some men "minister" because it is an income. Some do it so that they can talk in front of an audience every week. I know this, if you're not preaching and teaching so that people appreciate Jesus Christ more I would not bet a nickel on the reality of your calling, possibly even your salvation; not after what Jesus said here, I wouldn't. Someone like that fits the description of a bad tree, or a spiritual wolf trying to act like a shepherd for selfish reasons.
21. Not everyone will be saved that’s clear from what Jesus says here. Not everyone who says to me, lord, lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Well who does? Jesus answers that question in the last part of verse 21: he who does the will of my father in heaven. The first step in doing God’s will is to repent and receive Jesus as lord and savior. The bible says God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. There are many people who call themselves Christians, and refer to Jesus as the lord. But they aren't’t saved, because their relationship with Jesus isn’t personal. They’ve never said, “Jesus I’m trusting in the fact that you paid for my sins, and I’m asking you to be my lord and savior.”
22, 23. Jesus will shock many people on judgment day. They may have been very religious during their time on earth and maybe they went to church all their life so naturally they thought that they would go to heaven after they died. But they’re not going to heaven; they’re going to hell because they never really knew Jesus. They knew about Jesus, but they never knew him personally. They never knew him because they never turned away from sin and asked him to come into their life and be there lord and savior.
24, 25. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ, daily time in the word of God, and in prayer, and obedience to that word will give you a solid foundation for your life. You will still have trouble just like everyone else, but you won’t crumble to pieces under the pressure and in the end everything will be OK.
26,27. Most people have an imitation foundation that they rely on for their security. They rely on their 401K, or their family, or friends, or some skill that they may have. But when the storm comes, when the market does a nosedive, or your friends move away, or your family dies, or you have an accident, and you lose your skill, your foundation is gone, and you learn the hard way that those things really never did provide any security at all.
28,29. The scribes were always quoting other scribes when they taught. “This is what Rabbi Jones teaches, and he may be right, however Rabbi Smith says this so he may be right instead.” I would rather stay home, and read the word of God myself then listen to that type of thing.
Jesus spoke the word of God. He did not appeal to anyone or anything other than the word of God. He said, this is right, and this is wrong. This is right because the scripture says so, and this is wrong because the scripture says so. Jesus kept his message simple, clear, and straightforward, and people were not used to hearing that sort of thing. People are not used of hearing that sort of thing today either, but that’s the way the word of God should be communicated.
Chapter 8
1. Truth is like a magnet. That is, it has drawing power. A magnet draws some things, but it also repels other things. Truth is like a magnet it draws those who are hungry for truth and repels those who hate truth. People may not always like truth, but most will never forget once they’ve heard it.
2,3. This man had faith in Jesus' ability, he just wasn't sure if Jesus wanted to heal him. That’s the way it is with us also. When we pray for physical things, or material things we know that God can do it, but we don’t know if it’s his will.
4. That Jews were looking for a leader; someone who could lead them to victory over Rome. Many of them we’re starting to think that Jesus could be that leader and should be that leader. They figured that anyone who could do miracles like he did would be just what was needed to pull off a big miracle, and defeat the Roman empire. That’s why Jesus downplayed his miracles; that’s at least one reason anyway.
5,6. Centurions were roman officers in charge of at least 100 soldiers. This centurion had a servant. Most masters probably wouldn’t care if their servant was sick, but this one did.
7,8a. This man was an important officer, but he was humble in the presence of Jesus. He said, Jesus, I’m not good enough to have you come into my house.
We may be important to some people, but no one is important compared to God.
8. He saying, I’m not good enough to have you come over to my house, plus it’s not necessary, because I believe in you Jesus; I believe in your power. This man knew that Jesus’ power was not restrained by time or space. It didn’t matter if Jesus was halfway around the world all he had to do was say, servant you are healed, and that would be that.
9. This man knew about authority. When he gave an order his men obeyed without hesitation. When one of his superiors gave an order to him, he obeyed without hesitation. Here he says, Jesus if you tell my servant's sickness to leave his body it will leave without hesitation.
10. This foreigner who didn’t even know the one true God had more spiritual sense than many of the Israelites who were brought up on the bible.
11. This roman officer is just the tip of the gentile iceberg. Jesus is saying, there are going to be a lot of gentiles from all over the world in heaven, and they will get there through me.
12. Many people who had a golden opportunity to be in heaven will instead be in hell. Many who knew the word of God, and even believed in Jesus for a while will say, I’m finished; the cost of following Christ is too high; I don’t want to be connected to you Jesus. They will choose their sin, and they will choose hell by default and that’s where they will be forever rather than choosing Jesus and heaven.
13. Never put any limits on God. The roman officer believed that Jesus could handle healing his servant from a distance so he asked, and Jesus did it. There are times in scripture when God said that he would have done more if only he had been asked to do more. God won’t give us more than we can handle, but sometimes we don’t even have close to what we can handle because we haven’t asked for it.
14. Here we have a lady with a fever; not a big deal today, but a different story back then. Doctors back in those days would prescribe some very strange things to cure a fever. For example a Dr. Would prescribe seven splinters, seven palms, seven shavings off of seven beams, seven ashes from seven ovens, and seven hairs from seven old dogs. Place it all in a bag and hang it from a patient's throat with a white thread. That sounds like voodoo or something that granny from the Beverly hillbillies would prescribe. But it tells us just how desperate people were for cures back then. It also explains why the miracle Jesus is about to perform was such a big deal.
15. Jesus healed peter's mother in law, and she was so grateful that she got up immediately, and started waiting on him. Jesus didn't have to ask for volunteers; she volunteered. Jesus is looking for Christians to volunteer to be holy. He would like people to remember how he died to save them from hell, and he would like them to be grateful; grateful enough to serve him out of appreciation.
16. There was a famine of God's word in our lord's day. O there was a lot of formal religion, but instead of proclaiming the word of God it suppressed the word of God. That's why there was so much demonic activity. The preaching of God's word pushes back the powers of darkness, but when it isn't preached, or the message is watered down, as it is so often today, then demonic influence moves back in.
17. Often you will hear Christians quote this verse as they pray for someone's healing today. They say, your healing was purchased by Christ on the cross so claim it in Jesus' name. That sounds real spiritual, but it isn't; it simply isn't true. Jesus did not fulfill the scripture quoted here when he died on the cross, and physical healing today is not guaranteed through the cross. Jesus fulfilled that scripture when he healed people himself during the time he was here. God heals today in response to our prayers when he chooses to do it, but the body we are in today is perishable; it will not last forever; it is designed to die because of sin.
18. Remember this verse for later. If nothing else, remember that he commanded them to cross the lake.
19. This man was very excited about Jesus. He was full of enthusiasm for the lord. He said, I'll do anything Jesus; whatever it takes to follow you that's what I will do.
20. In other words, Jesus says, are you willing to follow me if it means sacrificing the nice things of this world? Because if you're not, then you're really not serious about following me, and you might as well walk away right now because you will eventually anyway. As soon as following me means you have to sacrifice you're going to leave.
21. He wanted to wait for his father to die, and then he would follow Jesus. In other words, he was saying, your important to me Jesus, but you are not the most important thing to me.
22. In other words, let the spiritually dead do something other then put me first. But if you want everlasting life than I have to be number one with you. For Jesus to be our savior he must be our lord.
If we are not willing to obey Jesus no matter what, with confession, and repentance when we fail, then he will not save us from hell. That's not salvation by works that's salvation by a faith that results in works which is the only type of faith that saves according to the Bible.
23. They followed Jesus, because they were his disciples. They were not perfect, nevertheless they followed him, and that's what Jesus is looking for in a disciple. In fact that is what a disciple is; he is a learner, a follower of Christ. Jesus is looking for one who has a willing heart.
24. This looks very bad; however Jesus said that they were going over to the other side so they will get there no matter how bad it may look. The word of God never fails.
25. They could have said, lord were getting drenched, and we're really uncomfortable; that would've been fine. They could have said, storms scare us when were on a boat and that would have been fine. But they said, lord we're going to die. That's not fine because that contradicted what Jesus said; that contradicted the word of God.
26a. No matter how frightened, or frustrated we may be we should never say anything that is contrary to God's word. If it contradicts scripture it's not true, and you're wasting your energy, and probably just making things worse; at least in your own mind.
26b,27. They say who can this be? Well, if they didn’t know it before they should know it now, Jesus is God. Meteorologists can predict the weather, but none of them have ever said, it’s too dry; I’m going to make it rain, or the wind is too strong so look for me to cut it in half. No one but God can control the weather. Jesus must be God and the disciples should understand that because he just controlled the weather. In answer to their question, that’s what manner of man he is.
28. These two demon possessed men were living in the cemetery among the dead. They lived among the dead because they were not fit to live among the living. Satan was controlling them, and making them destructive to themselves and to others.
29. Demons are very intelligent. There are some people who do not believe that Jesus is the one true God in spite of HIs own testimony and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. But these demons knew that Jesus was God. There are those who do not believe in hell. These demons know that there is a hell, and that they are going there someday. They also know that Jesus is the one who will send them there.
30. During the Old Testament times God commanded the Jews not to eat pork let alone raise pigs. These people were Jews; they should not have been raising pigs.
31. The demons begged Jesus not to send them to hell. When he didn’t answer they asked if he could send them into the pigs. Hell is so bad that the people there would rather have their souls stuck inside a pig then be in those flames.
32. Demons destroy everything they get into. Hurting, destroying, lying, betraying, and killing are what they do. They find people who will follow them so that they can use them as instruments of destruction, and then after their done using they destroy them. They ruin people’s lives, and take their souls to hell.
33. The men watching the pigs ran into town and told the people about the two demon possessed men, and the pigs that died.
34. They wanted Jesus out of their area before he killed any more pigs. Pigs were big business in that place. Too bad, but they should not have been raising pigs in the first place. They were angry because Jesus stopped them from doing something that they never should have been doing. Many people do not want Christ to be there lord, and savior because they know they will not be able to do what they shouldn’t be doing.
Chapter 9
1. His own city would be the Northern Israel Town of Capernaum.
2a. This man was fortunate to have such good friends. They cared enough to bring him to Jesus, and from the other gospel accounts we know that it wasn’t easy. You’re being a good friend when you try to connect someone to Christ.
2. The man wanted his legs fixed; Jesus fixed his soul. It is better to avoid hell, then it is to be healthy for the few years we have here. It’s good to be healthy, but 2 seconds in hell, and the fact that you won the New York marathon won’t matter one bit to you.
3. In the previous chapter we saw that the demons know that Jesus is God, but these religious leaders refused to believe it. The evidence was there, but they rejected the evidence because they didn’t like Jesus. That’s why they are upset when Jesus announced to this poor man that his sins were forgiven.
4. If they're looking for evidence that Jesus is God then how about the fact that he just read their minds.
5. Which is easier? Well it depends. If you are a human being then both are impossible. If you are God then neither are a problem.
6. To prove that he is God, and able to forgive sin Jesus does something else that only God can do. He heals the paralytic with just his spoken word.
7. Jesus asked this man to do what he thought was impossible. He told the man who could not stand or walk to get up and go home. Impossible, but he did it. He did it because God never tells us to do something without giving us the ability to do it.
God does not give us more than what we can handle.
8. The healing was intended to prove that Jesus is God. The crowd didn’t quite get it. They thought that God gave Jesus, the man, the power to forgive and heal. Sometimes it takes a while for truth to sink in.
9. Tax collectors were Jews who collected taxes from their fellow Jews to give to Rome. Many of them were dishonest; they collected more than Rome required, and then they kept the extra for themselves. Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to be one of his disciples.
10. Matthew throws a dinner party, and he invites Jesus along with all his sinful friends. Jesus spent time with very bad sinners. He didn’t sin with them, but he spent time with them.
11. They asked the question because they thought they were better than everyone else, especially the tax collectors. They thought they were too good for the tax collectors.
12. Jesus came into the world to spend time with sinners, and to tell them to stop sinning. He came into the world to die for sinners so that they wouldn’t have to go to hell.
13. The religious leaders were experts when it came to their religion. They offered all the proper sacrifices. They offered long prayers. They even fasted, but they had no sympathy for lost souls. They didn’t care about their fellow man so as far as God was concerned that canceled out all their religious works. They had no righteousness before God.
14. The reason John the Baptist and his disciples fasted, and Jesus, and his disciples did not fast is due to a difference in ministry. It was also due to a difference in purpose between John the Baptist, and Jesus. John’s ministry was to call people to confess, and repent, which goes hand in hand with fasting.
14,15. Jesus is saying, these few years that I’m here with my disciples are good times. He saying we need to enjoy them because good things are happening. It doesn’t make sense to mourn, and fast while Jesus is healing the sick, raising the dead, and teaching the word of God.
16. If you patch some old clothes with a piece of unshrunk material the patch will shrink, and rip an even bigger hole in your clothes. Jesus is saying sometimes it’s not good to mix the old with the new.
17. In those days they use to sew a new animal skin together, fill it with grape juice, close it tight, and let the grape juice ferment. As it fermented into wine it would expand, and stretch the skin. They would not fill an old stretched out skin with grape juice because when it changed into wine the skin would break because there wouldn’t be any stretch left in it.
Jesus didn’t come to revise the old religious system. He came to die on the cross, pay for our sins, start his church, and say goodbye to the old system which just pointing to the coming work of Christ.
18. Most religious leaders didn’t like Jesus, but this one didn’t care what his fellow leaders liked or disliked. His daughter was just about dead, and Jesus was the only one who could help her.
People do not come to Christ with all their heart until they understand that he is their only hope.
19. As usual Jesus did not say no to someone who had a genuine need, and who approached him with humility.
20. Once again Jesus is interrupted. He was often interrupted because many people had needs, and he was the only one who could help. People needed help, and Jesus helped them. He didn’t say, leave me alone, I’m too busy; he helped.
21. In those days some people believed that if you would touch the garment of a holy man you would be blessed. Of course that was a form of superstition which God does doesn’t like.
Superstition is not good because it’s a substitute for faith, and trust in God.
22. In spite of her superstition Jesus healed her. Her faith was mixed with superstition, but Jesus overlooked her flaws, and healed her anyway.
If God only helped us when we were perfect enough to deserve it he would never helped any of us.
23. In Jeremiah chapter nine verse 17 God encourages people to mourn when they experience a loss. Mourning is not wrong; it is a part of God’s design for us.
24. Spiritually speaking Jesus was on a different level then the rest of mankind. That’s why he was often misunderstood, and laughed at. Men mocked him on the cross saying he saved others, but he can’t save himself. He could have saved himself, but then we’d all go to hell. Jesus was often misunderstood. They laughed at him here as well because he said the dead girl was only sleeping. Well he knew he was about to raise her so to him she was sleeping.
We should please Jesus by doing what is right even when we know that some may misunderstand us.
25. The bible says that Jesus has the keys to death, and the grave. Jesus decides when we die. Sickness said, I’m taking this little girl to the grave. Jesus said, not so fast sickness; I’m your lord, and it’s not time for this one to go yet; so she didn’t.
26. News about Jesus had already spread throughout the land, which is why so many people were bringing the sick, and dying to him. Everyone had an opinion about Jesus, but no one could deny that his miracles were genuine.
27. By calling Jesus, “son of David”, they were calling him the messiah. These two men were desperate so they shouted to Jesus for mercy. Desperate people are not self-conscious so these men shouted to Jesus, asking for mercy, and they didn’t care what anyone thought.
28. Jesus didn’t heal these men right away. He let them follow him into a private place where he could talk to them first. Jesus talked to them about faith but notice that he did not ask them, how much do you believe? He asked, do you believe?
People either believe God's word is true, or they don't. Sometimes people say, I want great faith. Well, if you want great faith then read the bible, because the more you read the bible the more you'll know God and the more you know God the easier it will be for you to trust him, and trust is faith. Great faith doesn't have anything to do with how hard you believe in your mind. Great faith is believing and obeying the word of God.
29. Great faith perseveres through obstacles. These men believed in Christ enough to follow him, and cry out to him so consequently they received their healing. If their faith isn't combined with the effort then they're not healed.
God blesses faith that is accompanied by good works because faith isn't real without works.
30. Jesus didn't want people coming to him primarily to see miracles. He healed because he was compassionate, but he didn't want his miracles to overshadow the word of God that he was proclaiming.
31. Well these men who Jesus healed disobeyed him. They were very excited about their miracle but excited or not what they did was still disobedience, and there was no excuse for it. I'm sure they were grateful for their sight, but the best way to say thank you to God is by obeying him.
32. When speaking of people who brought others to Christ scripture often refers to them as, some people, or they. Like here; some good hearted people brought this demon possessed man to Jesus. Bringing a demon possessed person to Jesus was not a pleasant thing to do. These people did this very nice thing, and yet they are not named.
Most of the time when God's people do good deeds for his Glory no one finds out about it, and that's OK. God knows; that's the most important thing.
33. Jesus gave speech to the speechless, health to the unhealthy, sight to the blind, and life to the dead. Nothing like this had ever happened in the history of the world.
34. The enemies of Christ couldn't deny his miracles so they attacked him personally. Do not be surprised if people who reject the word of God that you believe and live, resort to slander.
When people cannot disprove the truth they often slander the one who speaks it.
35. Jesus announced that he was the Messiah. He also told people that the kingdom of God could be theirs if they would repent. Then Jesus did miracles to show that his words were not the boastful words of a religious fraud. The Old Testament predicted that miracles would accompany the messiah, and Jesus made sure that they did.
36. The people we're not getting the guidance they needed from the religious leaders. They were getting religious rules, but not the pure word of God. Consequently, the people were confused, and many were dying without God. Jesus felt sorry for them which is why he taught them the word of God.
37. Nothing has changed much. The spiritual needs of the world are much greater than the Christian workforce God can count on.
38. Jesus didn't say, don't waste your time praying; you need to do something real. He didn't say that because praying is doing. Praying is a part of doing, and when we pray God works through his providence to open doors of opportunity to do other things as well.
Chapter 10
1. Many people in scripture have done miracles by the power of God. But none of those people could give others the power to do miracles like Jesus did. When Jesus tells his people to do something He gives his people the power to do it also.
2-4. We don't know very much about the apostles, and that's fine because the work they did for Jesus was more important than they were themselves.
Christians are not on earth to draw attention to themselves or to get recognition for themselves but to do what Jesus says, and draw attention to him.
5,6. The Jews were promised a messiah, and the first order of business for Jesus' new preachers will be to announce to the Jews that the scriptures are being fulfilled; Jesus is their messiah.
7. That Jews were to be told that their messiah was here, and that they could follow him. They were being fed man made rules, and lies by their religious leaders. Consequently the people were confused, but they don't have to be confused anymore. The people can now follow God, and live for God the correct way through Jesus Christ and the word of God.
8. This was a holy calling, not a moneymaking venture. The things of God are holy. They must not be sold, or marketed. No one should sell tickets in order to hear them preach. No one should sell tickets to their "Christian" concert either. Accepting a freewill offering is fine, but don't call it Christian if you're charging someone for it. Jesus never instructed the church to sell anything.
9. In other words, don't worry about your needs being met. Jesus wanted them to learn to trust God to meet their needs.
10. God will provide for them, and he would do it through people who appreciate the word of God which they teach. Someone will help them. God's people consider it an honor to help support the work of God. God's people don't have to be browbeaten or manipulated into giving. A good Christian gives what they can give to those who teach them the word of God.
11. In other words, if someone wants to help, then the apostles are to allow them to do that. If someone says I appreciate the word of God that you are teaching; come over to my place; I'll give you a cot to sleep on, and plenty of oatmeal, than the apostles are to accept that. If someone else comes along and says, stay at my house because I've got a king size bed, and I will feed you steak, then the apostles were to say, no thinks I'm staying with a fellow who feeds me oatmeal. In other words, no preacher should appear to be in the ministry to get rich; that's the main point here.
12,13a. If someone helps them, then the apostles are to make sure that they know it's appreciated.
13b,14. Shaking off the dust was a symbolic way of saying, I've told you the truth; I've done my part; when you are punished by God you will not be able to say, I didn't know what was right.
15. There's a price to pay for rejecting the truth; for sinning, and not repenting. The more truth a person rejects, the more severe their punishment will be. Some of the hottest places in hell are reserved for churchgoers who never repented, and got serious about Jesus. The hot spots are for them because they knew a lot of truth, but they didn't act on it.
16a. Throw a sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves, and watch what happens; it won't be pretty. In the same way many people who have no regard for Christ, or the word of God will hate preachers who preach the word. They will hate any Christian who says what's right, and does what's right. In other words, don't expect the world to pat you on the back for being like Jesus.
16b. Be righteous, but be on your guard. Just because you are holy, and wouldn't hurt anyone doesn't mean that there isn't someone out there who would hurt you.
17. That's exactly what happened to the apostles and to the early Christians. All the apostles were beaten, and jailed, and all but john were put to death because of their faith in Jesus Christ, and it was all done legally also.
Don't be surprised if the laws of the land do not always uphold Biblical values. Just remember, when they do not, we must.
18. Wicked men would arrest the apostles because of their devotion to Christ. But instead of being upset over unfair treatment the apostles are to recognize that God is in charge of all things. If he allows something bad, then he wants his people to use it as an opportunity to witness for him.
19,20. God will give them the words that will honor Christ. In a crisis God will give his spirit filled people the words that he wants everyone involved to hear. But He doesn't promise to give us words that will get us out of trouble. He promises to give us what we need to say, whether people accept it are not.
21. Treachery, betrayal, and backstabbing await all disciples of Christ who live holy, and speak truth. A holy Christian will not be popular in an unholy world. And if the church, or a Christian tries to be popular with the sinful world which rejects Christ, then they will lose their effectiveness for Christ.
22a. Not every single human being will hate a holy Christian. Rather, all cultures, classes, and nationalities will hate the Christian who proclaims that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Meaning this, no matter what country that message is preached in, there will be trouble for the messenger.
22. Starting with Jesus is important, but so is finishing. Those who reject Christ when times get tough will not be saved. Those who reject Christ at any time, for any reason will not be saved. Those who persevere to the very end with Christ shall be saved.
23a. It's not a sin to avoid trouble if you can avoid it biblically.
23. The return of Christ mentioned here refers to his return to judge Israel which happened in 70AD. God used the roman empire to demolish the Jewish temple and punish the people for rejecting Christ. The apostles were so despised and persecuted by the unbelieving Jews at that time, that judgment hit the nation Israel before some even had a chance to hear the message of Christ in person. Their sin robbed them of an opportunity to be saved; an opportunity that they no doubt would have rejected anyway.
24. A student isn't greater than their teacher, and a messenger isn't greater than the one who sent him.
25. If you live for Jesus, and you say the things he's said, and you wonder why you get opposition; don't wonder. Don't wonder because the mystery is solved right here by Christ himself. If they called Jesus evil, and if they hated him, then who are Christians to think that they should be able to please God, and be applauded by the world.
26. Do not hold back the parts of God's word that will make you unpopular. People may call us narrow minded for preaching the word of God. People may say we are unloving because we say that God will judge sinners. But God says one day people will know the truth, and his people who were falsely accused will be vindicated.
27. Listen to what Jesus tells you in private as you read the scriptures, and then go out, and live it, and talk about it in public.
28. If we fear God then we won't fear anyone, or anything else. If we fear God we will be right with him through Jesus Christ, and if that's the case the worst anyone can do to us is kill us, and that just means we go to heaven.
28. The only thing we should fear is hell. Everything else is temporary, and minor when compared to the horrible, and endless suffering a sinner who rejects Christ will experience in hell. Stay out of hell at all costs; stay out of hell!
29. Not many people pay attention to a little sparrow, but they are important to God. When a little sparrow dies, one that no one ever knew lived, its death is a big deal to God.
30. One strand of hair is worthless to people, but God takes the time to notice it. If it is a part of you than it is important to Him.
31. God did not send his son in the form of a bird to take all birds to heaven. God cares about each little bird, but he became a human, and he died for us so that we could go to heaven. If God was willing to do that, then he must love us very much. That's why we don't have to be afraid of anything.
32. If we are not ashamed of Jesus before those who reject him then he will tell the father that we belong to him after we die. At some point, and in some way before someone a Christian will say, I belong to Christ, and I'm not ashamed. That sort of thing is important to Jesus.
33. Jesus isn't suggesting that there won't be occasional failures to speak up for him. This is talking about someone who never says, I belong to Christ. It's talking about someone who may have confessed Christ at one time, but then later renounced him. If we say, I don't know Jesus, then Jesus will say, I don't know you either, and that's going to be a hard pill to swallow on judgment day.
34. Jesus came to earth to die, and thereby bridge the gap that existed between sinners and God. Jesus didn't come to make everyone get along. Actually the natural result of some receiving Christ, and some rejecting Christ is strife. The unsaved do not feel comfortable with Christians who live, and speak the truth. They never have, and they never will.
34-36. The connection between a Christian, and Christ is stronger than the connection between that Christian, and a member of their family. A Christian who wants to stay connected to Jesus will refuse to go along with sin to please anyone including a family member. That often leads to strife because the unsaved person doesn't get it, and doesn't like it.
37. Anyone who won't live for Jesus because someone else doesn't like it has made their choice, and it's the wrong one. Unless they repent they will be lost. No one is worthy of Jesus, but those who persevere with Christ to the end will be saved, not those who bailed out because it caused strife.
38. Taking up our cross, and following Jesus means being loyal to him, and not renouncing him no matter what. Anyone who renounces Christ because of threats, or pressure, or persecution is not saved. They must repent of that sort of thing.
39. Those who refuse to sacrifice, and suffer for Jesus if need be will lose their immortal soul. Those who renounce Jesus in order to be popular will lose their soul. Those who are true to Christ even if it means sacrifice we'll be saved.
40. Anytime we do something for a Christian we are doing it for Jesus. Anytime we are rude to a Christian we are rude to Jesus. That's how he sees it. Consequently, and obviously it is very important for people to be kind to Christians.
41. We Christians are in this thing together. We all have certain gifts, and opportunity's to use those gifts, and to help with the work of Jesus. If we help and encourage one another then someday we will stand before Jesus, and share in each others rewards.
42. Christians are God's children, and he keeps his eyes on us. God loves his children's so much that he keeps track of every little thing anyone does for them. If someone does something nice for his child he writes it down, and will certainly reward them.
Chapter 11
1,2. John the baptist wasn't intimidated by anyone when he preached the word of God. He told people that they would either repent or burn in hell. That Holy courage of his made him useful to God but also got him into allot of trouble. His holy boldness was the reason he was in prison here. I guess people didn't like to be told repent or burn in hell and I guess they still don't.
3. John knew Jesus was the messiah. He heard the father's voice, he saw the holy spirit land on Jesus in the form of a dove, he told his disciples to stop following him, and start following Jesus. John knew who Jesus was but evidently these disciples of john still needed to be convinced that Jesus was the messiah. They obviously needed convincing because they were still disciples of john instead of being disciples of Jesus.
4,5. In other words, go tell john that I'm doing all the things the old testament predicted that the messiah would do. I really like how Jesus didn't answer their question by simply saying yes, I'm the messiah. Instead he directed John, and his disciples to the holy scriptures for the answer.
That's a very important lesson that we need to remember today. The answers to all of our questions concerning salvation, and living the life God wants us to live, and believing the things that God wants us to believe are found in holy scripture.
6. In other words, don't lose your faith in Christ just because things are not going the way you expected them to go.
God follows his plan, not ours. Our businesses to trust that God knows what he's doing.
7. John the baptist was a hard preaching man of God who didn't waste time trying to make hard headed sinners feel comfortable. He preach the plain truth, and people either liked it, or they did not.
8. John the baptist was not a pampered preacher. He cared more about God then he did anything else, including himself. That's why if someone would have tried to bribe him into softening his preaching he would've laughed at them.
9. A prophet is someone who proclaims the word of God. John the baptist did that; that's what he lived for. John was a good prophet; he did his job well because he loved truth, and he loved God, so he wanted everyone to hear the truth.
10. Back in the old testament God said that he would send a prophet to call people to repentance right before his son came on the scene. John the baptist was that prophet. He prepared people for Jesus by telling them to repent.
Christ won't do anyone any good if they refuse to repent. He will not save anyone who doesn't repent.
11. John the baptist was the most important old testament prophet whoever was. He was also the last old testament prophet. He introduced Jesus to the world. But even the most humble Christian has more knowledge than John did because they know about the cross, and the resurrection, and the ascension.
12. It takes determination to follow Jesus in this world. The religious leaders opposed John the baptist, Jesus, and the apostles. They also threatened anyone who would become a follower of Christ.
Holiness isn't, and never has been popular. The world's way of life is threatened by the call to holiness. That's why those who talk it, and live it experience trouble.
13. The old testament prophets predicted the coming of Christ. John the baptist was the final old testament prophet. He not only said the messiah is coming, he also said there he is; it's Jesus.
14. Elijah lived, and died centuries before Jesus was born, and yet the bible predicted that Elijah would immediately precede the coming of Christ. John the baptist fulfilled that prediction. He lived, dressed, and preached like Elijah.
15. In other words, Jesus is saying, try to understand the significance of what I just said. If john is Elijah; the forerunner of Christ, then what does that make me. John pointed to me, and said that I was the Christ. In other words, the bible is being fulfilled right before your eyes. They wanted to know if Jesus was the messiah; they have their answer.
16,17. The religious leaders of our lord's day were like spoiled children. No matter what you did they were not satisfied. Nothing was good enough for them.
18. John the baptist lived a strict life of self denial while he preach the word of God. The religious leaders looked at john and said, that man is demon possessed; what a madman; don't listen to him because he's crazy.
19a. Jesus ate like everyone else, and drank wine just like everyone else. He even spent time with the type of people the religious leaders avoided. Jesus spent time with sinners so that He could tell them to repent. The religious leaders called Jesus wicked for doing that.
The Jews denounced John, and Jesus. One was too strict, the other wasn't strict enough. The truth is they didn't like John, or Jesus because they both preached the word of God, and that made the religious leaders feel uncomfortable.
Certain people can never be pleased because the problem isn't what they are complaining about; the problem is in them.
19b. In other words, the results will show who is right. John the baptist preached repentance; those with a heart for God repented, and those who did not have a heart for God became angry. Jesus taught the truth to sinners who others despise, and many of them were saved. Meanwhile, the religious leaders led people into hell with their man made rules. Who was right and who was wrong?
20. Some people will not repent no matter what anyone says to them. Jesus himself couldn't get some people to repent; even with his miracles some wouldn't repent.
21. Tyre and Sidon were two cities God punished because they wouldn't repent. But Jesus said that if he had done his miracles in Tyre and Sidon they would have repented.
22. The sinners who Jesus spoke to in person, and did miracles for, but did not repent will suffer more than those who didn't have all the advantages that they had.
All who reject Christ go to hell. However the degree to which people will suffer depends on how much truth they rejected.
23. Capernaum, Jesus' adopted hometown was more wicked than Sodom. Sodom was so bad that God destroyed it, but they would have repented if Jesus had been there doing his miracles.
God knows the different scenarios which would have worked themselves out if people would have made different choices.
24. God destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone because of their immorality, and homosexuality. But Jesus says that hearing about him, and then rejecting him as your lord and savior gets you into even more trouble with God. In other words, it's not a good idea to go to your grave rejecting Jesus especially if you have understood the truth about him.
25. A person doesn't need a college education to figure out how to be saved. You don't have to climb the Himalayas and contemplate your navel for 40 years to learn how to be saved either. It's simple enough for a child to understand. We've all done bad things, and deserve to be punished by God as a result. But if we tell God were sorry, and if we ask Jesus to save us, and if we determine to live for God, then we will not be punished.
26. God kept the plan of salvation simple, and it's good that he did. It's good because anyone can be saved if they want it. There are no conditions except one, wanting Jesus more than wanting sin. That's what it boils down to.
27. Only God the father completely understands God the son, and only God the son completely understands God the father. If we always understood the ways of God then we'd be as smart as Him. We would be as smart as God which would also mean that He would be on our level. Think about that; the world would really be in trouble if that were the case.
27. When you talk about understanding God you're talking about something that is beyond man's grasp. The best hope we have of understanding God is to study Jesus. Jesus reveals God to those who are interested in learning. Jesus said, if you have seen me then you have seen the Father.
28. Jesus promises us rest, and the rest he gives is peace of mind knowing that we are forgiven, and that if we died today we would be okay.
29a. A yoke is a wooden device that is placed over an ox. It gives the farmer complete control over the animal. Jesus is saying, submit to me; let me control every area of your life.
29b. The more we obey Jesus, the more he is able to teach us. But when we try to impose our will on Christ we throw learning and peace right out the window.
29c. As we obey God, and learn about Jesus we become more and more like him. People who are close to Christ do not seek great things for themselves; they don't get upset when things don't go their way either. Like Jesus they are humble in heart.
30. In other words, if we put Jesus' first, and focus on him through prayer, worship, and the word of God he will give us the grace to get through anything that comes our way.
Chapter 12
1. God permitted people who were traveling to pick grain from grain fields. They couldn't harvest someone’s entire grain field, but they could pick what they needed to keep going. That's what the disciples are doing here. This was a legislated social program to help the needy; it was not welfare, it was workfare and it was part of God's law.
2. It was against the law of God to harvest a crop on the sabbath. The religious rulers accused the disciples of breaking that law because they were picking a few handfuls to eat on their way.
3,4. The consecrated bread was holy bread baked by the priests, and by law only to eaten by the priests. But they broke the letter of that law when David showed up and was famished. They let David eat it because he was hungry, and God was okay with that.
5. The religious rulers were condemning the disciples for working on the sabbath. They were hard nosed fundamentalists who only allowed for exceptions when it suited them.
6. Jesus is the one that is greater then the Temple. The temple was the house of God; Jesus is God. If it's okay to work on the sabbath in the house of God then it should be okay for the disciples to do a little work while they are traveling with God Himself.
7. Bending the rules to help someone in distress is more important to God then watching that person suffer for the sake of some ceremonial, or religious law. Man wasn't made to serve the law; the law was made to serve man. God is more concerned about the well being of man then he is the letter of some law.
8. It comes down to this, Jesus is God. Jesus invented the Sabbath so he can make the rules governing it. In other words, this is Jesus' world; don't tell him how to run it.
9. Here's round two of the great Sabbath fight.
10. These religious hypocrites; these high and mighty, holier than thou snakes are using this poor man as bait to trap Jesus.
11. You bet they would, because sheep were worth money. They would help one of their animals on the Sabbath because they would lose money if they didn't.
12. If it is right to show mercy to an animal on the Sabbath, and it is, then it is definitely right to show mercy to a human being on the Sabbath, even if that means doing a little work.
13. They tried to embarrass Jesus, but Jesus put them to shame instead. He exposed the fact that they cared more about their animals (really themselves), then they cared about suffering people.
14. If they had been healed by Jesus that would have been fine as far as they were concerned. However since it was someone else, and since Jesus exposed their selfishness, and lack of compassion they're angry, and they want Jesus dead.
15. These people didn't want Jesus so he left them to find others who did.
Jesus doesn't force himself on any one. Christianity is filled with volunteers; those who of their own free will have decided to follow Jesus.
16. The most important thing to Jesus was preaching the word of God, and seeing people repent. He did not want an emotional push to make him king.
17,18. The old testament predicted that the messiah would be a servant, and Jesus definitely fulfilled that. He lived for others, and he died for others.
Unselfishness can be a rare thing in this world; no wonder the crowds were drawn to Jesus.
19. Jesus didn't stir up a crowd by yelling, or by appealing to their emotions in some way. He spoke the simple truth; he communicated the word of God.
20a. Jesus didn't use any one to obtain personal goals. He did not take advantage of the week.
20. Jesus cared for the sick, and gave hope to the discouraged by proclaiming the word of God. He did it even when the religious hypocrites hated him for doing it. He did it because it was the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is not always the most popular thing to do. What's best for people to hear is often hated by the unrighteous.
21. Nations means all the people of the world. This world is on the path to certain destruction, and everyone is on the path to death. There is no hope for any one apart from Jesus Christ; there is no salvation for anyone apart from Jesus Christ.
If an unsaved person is living with anything other than extreme pessimism and hopelessness they are living in non reality because that is reality for them.
22. The demon had complete control of this man. The demon had access to his eyes, and he made them blind. He had access to his voice box, and he kept him from speaking.
If we give the devil control of any area of our life he will destroy it.
23. Jesus was stronger than the devil, and he proved it by casting out the demons, and restoring what they had ruined. Jesus didn't need to go through a ritual, he just did it; the people had never seen anything like that before.
24. The pharisees didn't like Jesus because he was popular, and they were jealous. They also didn't like him because he spoke the word of God, and that made them very uncomfortable.
If a person doesn't like truth then they often try to discredit the messenger in an attempt to ease their conscience.
25a. It's good to remember that Jesus knows our thoughts. If we try to do good, but fail Jesus knows that we wanted to please him. God knows when we are trying.
25,26. The pharisees are not helping their cause by their hate inspired, foolish words. Jesus shows that the words of the pharisees are ridiculous. Any nation, or family that continues to fight against itself will be ruined. The devil rules the demons so it is foolish to suggest that the devil worked through Christ to cast out his demons.
Truth is logical. True, logic, and true common sense does not contradict the word of God.
27. The pharisees had a double standard, but Jesus will not let them get away with it. If the power to cast out evil spirits is demonic, then whoever does it is in partnership with the devil. That would include all Jewish exorcists who claim to cast out demons.
It is good to call people out when they try to apply a double standard against the word of God.
28. For centuries the devil had his way in this world. But when Jesus came, and started preaching the word of God, and casting out demons he was showing that's the rule of God was starting to grow in this world. In other words through Jesus Christ God began to reclaim what is rightfully his.
29. Satan is the strong man in the story, but Jesus is stronger, and he is proving it every time he cast out demons. Satan made people his slaves by leading them to worship other Gods, and sometimes by possessing them. They were the devils property so to speak, but Jesus entered into the devils kingdom and began to deliver people. The great thing is, Satan couldn't do a thing to stop it; he was helpless. Satan is a strong man but Jesus is infinite in strength.
30. In other words, there is no in between. If we're not doing good then by default we are doing bad. If we aren't doing right, then we are doing wrong. If we're not a help to the cause of Christ, then we're hurting it in some way.
31. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. It's not that the Holy Spirit is more important than the Father, or Jesus, however the natural consequences of blaspheming the Holy Spirit are inherently worse than the consequences of insulting the Father, or the Son.
32. If one rejects the testimony of the Holy Spirit concerning Jesus being the savior they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit and they will not get a second chance in eternity. Anyone who goes to their grave rejecting the savior has sealed their doom forever. Rejecting Jesus Christ as lord and savior is the unforgivable sin, and that goes hand in hand with blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
33. In other words, some things are obvious. Healing blind eyes, deaf ears, sick bodies, and paralysis, like Jesus has been doing are obviously good things so quit calling Jesus a bad person.
34a. Jesus has exposed the hypocrisy of the religious rulers, and he tells them, you men are the evil ones not me. He says you're a bunch of snakes.
34,35. The pharisees tried to hide their evil souls under their long flowing religious robes, but they couldn't. Their slanderous words revealed their true character. Words reveal character.
36,37. Every word we speak is important to God because our words are an accurate gauge of our soul. If a person is a liar, a complainer, or a gossip, they better make some changes why they still have time. God knows our true character simply by listening to us.
38. If these religious rulers do not believe that Jesus is the messiah after all the miracles he has already done, then one more miracle will not do the trick. Consequently Jesus will not give them another miracle, at least not right now.
39a. Jesus was holy in character and conduct. He did many miracles which could not possibly be explained away and his enemies knew it. These religious leaders were wicked because they were willfully blind to the obvious truth about Jesus Christ.
39,40. Jesus will do one more sign to prove that he is God. His death, burial, and resurrection we'll be the final sign. Anyone who can bring himself back from the dead after three days has to be God.
41. The people of Nineveh repented, and all they had was one backsliden preacher proclaiming truth to them. Meanwhile, these religious rulers had God himself preaching, and doing miracles, and still they refused to repent.
42. The queen of the south was willing to sacrifice in order to be with Solomon because he spoke the word of God. Meanwhile, the religious rulers didn't have to travel anywhere. Instead the gracious Son of God came all the way from heaven to be with them. Amazingly however they didn't care enough to listen to him.
43. People back then believed that evil spirits lived in the desert, and maybe since Jesus is the one telling the story it's more than just a story. Perhaps it's true that demons do enjoy the desert when they're not tormenting or tempting people.
43,44. The man in this story had been delivered from demon possession. He had been set free to serve God, but he didn't. Evidently he tried to be neutral. He didn't want to be possessed or controlled by Satan, but he didn't want to live for God either.
44,45a. Lesson: reformation is not sufficient. A person can give up their sin, but if they do not receive Christ, and fill their life with godly things, then sin will move back in. It may not be the former sins, but it will be sin.
45b. Jesus' generation reformed for a while with the preaching of John the baptist. However they didn't receive Christ; they rejected him when they called for his crucifixion, and for the most part they rejected the preaching of the gospel through the apostles. Because of that, their nation was crushed. Their temple was demolished, and they were scattered throughout the world. As Jesus said, their final condition was worse then their first.
46. Mary was probably worried about her son. His brothers, who didn't believe in him until after he was raised from the dead, probably thought that Jesus had lost his mind.
47-50. Jesus is saying that it is more important to be connected to him spiritually, then it is to be connected to him physically.
Holy relatives will not get us into heaven. A person needs to repent, and have a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ in order to be right with God.
Chapter 13
1. If this house was typical of houses back then it was probably one room about 10 feet by 10 feet. It wasn't big enough to hold the crowds who came to Jesus which is probably why he went down by the water.
2. Jesus is using a boat for a stage while the crowd is on the beach listening to him teach.
3. Back in those days a farmer would scatter his seed by hand. Actually the process was called broadcasting so if you can picture in your mind an AM signal that spreads out in every direction that's sort of what sowing seed looked like in our lord's day.
4. People used to walk on paths through fields back then which made the ground hard. Consequently when seeds would land on those paths they would just lay on top of the soil. The seeds sitting on the soil became an easy meal for the birds.
5,6. In some places there was only a thin layer of soil over large rocks. On those places seed would grow quickly, but the roots wouldn't grow properly because of the rock. Consequently without roots the plants would quickly die from the heat of the hot sun.
7. Some soil had a lot of weeds. The weeds grew faster and would use the good in the soil before the good plants had a chance to use any of it. As a result, the good plants would die; they would be choked from lack of nutrition.
8. The good ground had plenty of soil. There was nothing to hinder the growth of the good plants.
9. Christ is saying, try to understand the spiritual meaning of this story. Jesus is going to explain it beginning in verse 18.
10,11. God is the one who reveals spiritual truths. God is the one who reveals to people that Jesus is God. God reveals these things to those who are willing to accept them. Those who do not want to learn will not understand.
12. People who want to understand, and obey truth will understand more. Those who do not want to understand, and obey truth we'll eventually stop believing the truth which they currently believe. People who pretend that something isn't true because they don't like it will get to the point where they won't believe it any more.
13-15. Each time a person willfully rejects what they know is true it's as if a spiritual cataract grows over their soul. If they continue to reject truth they will end up spiritually blind. At that point they no longer reject truth because they don't even recognize it to reject it, and consequently at that point they are a heart beat out of hell.
16,17. The disciples were very privileged because they saw, and heard the messiah. God had promised to send the savior, and for centuries people waited for that savior to come and he never came in their lifetime. But the disciples saw him. The disciples saw God's promise come to pass.
18,19. Two things must happen for the word of God to sink in. First, the listener must want truth. Second, truth must be proclaimed clearly. If those two things are not there, then the devil will snatch the word of God off the person's soul before they can understand it.
20. Some people hear God's word, and they get very excited. They're excited about repentance; they're excited about living for Jesus. In their minds it's always going to be that way, in their minds knowing Jesus means a constant spiritual high.
20,21. These people were all about emotion. As soon as they realize that there is some sacrifice or hardship involved in following Jesus they quit. They would rather go to hell, then put up with discomfort for Christ consequently that's where they go.
22. Some people are too busy for Jesus. They are too consumed with making money, or friends, or sports, or hobbies, or entertainment. They don't have time to pray, or read the bible, or go to church so they don't, and they end up in hell. They end up in hell where they spend eternity wishing that they had made time for Jesus.
23. Some people want truth. They hear the word of God; they repent, and live for Jesus. They understand that going to hell is the worst thing that can happen so they remain faithful to Jesus through good times and bad. They have faith in Jesus, and they live a good life as a result.
24-26. The wheat represents real Christians. The weeds represent those who say they are Christians, but they are not.
27,28. An enemy planted weeds in order to destroy the farmers wheat. The farmers servants wanted to pull the weeds out right away.
29,30. There are certain weeds that wrap their roots around the roots of wheat. If you pull the weeds out of the ground, then the wheat will be pulled out as well. The farmer said, we'll just wait until the wheat is mature. After the wheat is mature we'll go in with a sickle, and harvest it all. After that we will separate the good from the bad.
31,32. A mustard seed is smaller than a BB. But it can grow to be a 15 foot tree in its first year. Jesus is saying, my church will start small, but it will become huge.
33. My mother used to put a little bit of yeast into a big clump of dough, but that yeast would spread, and cause the dough to expand. You couldn't see the east in the dough, but it changed the dough. Likewise when a sinner receives Christ he changes them, and makes them more holy, and as he does they change society, and make it a better place.
34. Jesus used stories to teach people spiritual things. Stories can help us to understand important truths.
35. Those who didn't want truth were confused by the stories Jesus told, and they went away. Those who wanted truth understood the teachings his stories illustrated.
36. The disciples wanted truth so they made an effort to pursue it. They invested time in pursuit of God's word and it will pay off for them.
37,38a. The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, in other words the good seed represent saved people. Jesus is the one who saves people. We cannot do it by being clever, or through manipulation, or by trying to be cool. All we can do is proclaimed God's word, and pray that people receive it.
38,39. When Jesus returns he will bring his angels with him. He will send his angels to gather up those who have rejected him. Jesus will judge them, and send them to hell for ever.
40-43. When Christ returns, God will remove all sinners who have refused his offer of forgiveness through Jesus. There will be no sin on the new earth. Jesus will punish sinners in hell and that's where they will remain forever. It will be terrible for the wicked, and it will be terrible, nonstop. Those who reject Jesus Christ will suffer forever.
44. What this teaches is that a person must want salvation through Christ more than anything else in order to receive it. Meaning: when we ask Jesus to save us from hell, and to be the lord of our life we must mean it. God says in Jeremiah 29, "you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart".
45,46. Eternal life is the perl of great price. If you don't believe that, then ask someone who's burning in hell today. They'd tell you, I'd give anything to get out of this place.
47,48. The Jews could only eat fish that had scales, and fins. If the fishermen pulled in his net, and saw anything without scales, or fins it was thrown away because it was unclean.
49. Not everyone who says they are Christians are saved. It's not our business to judge who is, and who isn't saved. The angels will do the separating when Christ returns, and Jesus will do the judging at that time.
49,50. Hell is not instant annihilation. Hell is eternal torment, and the wicked, whether they claim to be Christians or not will go there.
51. It evidently clicked with the apostles; at least partially. Like all of us, they still had much to learn.
52. Every bible teacher should have an ever growing storehouse of bible truth in their soul. Good teachers teach what is familiar, and what is not familiar.
53,54. The last time Jesus was in this area the religious people tried to kill him. But God does not give up easily, consequently Jesus is back, giving them one last opportunity to accept him.
55,56. The "this" refers to Jesus is ability to speak powerfully, and to do miracles. The people were saying, we know this man; he grew up here; he didn't go to bible college, or rabbi school. How can he be doing these things? Jesus was the son of God. That's the answer to their question!
Being used by God is not complicated. Stay close to him; read the bible, and pray, and God will use you in your own unique way.
57a. If after all the kind things Jesus has done the people are still offended by him, then those people have a big problem. The matter how hard we try there's just no satisfying some people.
57. You can be an expert at just about anything if you are from another town. Jesus taught truth better than anyone, and he did miracles, but he still was not accepted by the people in his hometown. That's the way it often is; you're from here? Well you're not very good; you can't be!
58. Jesus could do miracles for any one any time. God is no man's puppet; he does whatever he wants to do. Jesus didn't do many miracles in his hometown because people didn't ask, and they didn't ask because they didn't want to believe that he could do them.
Chapter 14
1,2. Herod had john beheaded, and as a result of doing that his conscience was tormenting him. Herod was paranoid which is why he thought that Jesus was John the baptist back from the dead.
Guilt is a real thing; if it isn't removed by Jesus Christ it will torment the sinner.
3. Herod arrested john the baptist because he had been preaching that he was guilty of adultery.
3,4. Herod kicked his wife out of the door, and married her sister. John told Herod to repent, but Herod didn't think it was any of John's business, or God's business for that matter so he put John in jail instead.
5. Herod was angry because John wasn't intimidated by him, and because he wouldn't quit preaching against his sin.
6. Harod's niece danced before him, and got him all stirred up.
7. Herod, under the control of his lust, promises to give his niece everything and anything she wants. He will give her anything, because he wants her.
Some people give because they want something in return. Some men are nice to women because they want something in return.
8. The world is full of people like Herodias who hate those that expose their sin. There are plenty of women like her daughter as well, who use their body to manipulate men. This is an ugly story, but God shows things as they really are.
9. Herod was so full of pride that he would execute an innocent man rather than admit he made a mistake with his rash vow.
Breaking a promise is better than sinning to keep that promise.
10,11. They shut John's mouth, but they couldn't quiet the voice of the Holy Spirit. That's obvious because they continued to feel guilt even after John the baptist was murdered.
Sin is why they felt guilt, and only repentance and confession could remove it. God's word is truth, and truth makes a sinner feel guilt, not the messenger who is delivering the truth.
12. They told Jesus because if something is bothering us than the first thing we should do is pray to Christ about it.
13. After John was murdered Jesus left the area. Some may have thought he left because he was afraid. However what appears to be true isn't always true, and we shouldn't avoid doing what is right simply because it may be misunderstood. Jesus left because his disciples needed rest, not because he was afraid.
14. Jesus felt sorry for the people so even though he was tired he helped them. Instead of pleasing himself, he helped the people.
15. The apostles lost track of time. When they realize it's later then they think they start to worry because the people don't have any food to eat. If they believed that Jesus could do anything they would not have worried.
When Christian's worry it isn't because of circumstances, it's because they lack confidence in Christ. Jesus is more powerful then any circumstances and He will handle whatever threatens us; we worry when we do not believe that.
16,17. They are wrong. They have five loaves, two fish, and Jesus.
When Christian's worry it is because they forget that the all loving, all powerful, lord of the universe is with them at all times.
18. They were told to do what was humanly impossible. They did not have what they needed to do what Jesus asked them to do. But they offered Jesus what they had.
When God tells us to do what seems to be impossible, offer him all you have, and watch him go to work.
19a. Jesus will meet their needs, but he will do it in an orderly manner. They will sit, and they will wait their turn because that's how God does things. The bible says that God is not the author of confusion.
19. Jesus was multiplying the food faster than the apostles could deliver it, and faster than the people could eat it.
20. There was more leftover than they had when they started.
It doesn't matter if were short on time, money, or strength. If we commit what we have to God he will stretch it until we have enough to do what he wants us to do.
20,21. Jesus made sure the disciples picked up the leftovers. He didn't say, forget it men just let it rot if we need more I will just do another miracle.
God promises to meet all our needs, and part of how he does that is to give us the good sense to not waste what we already have.
22. As God, Jesus knew his men would run into a storm out on the water, but he sent them out anyway.
Not every troublesome situation is a result of our sin, lack of faith, or missing God's will. Actually whether it is or not the fact is God allowed it and he wants to use it to strengthen us spiritually.
23. It's not good to always have people around, whether it's in person, the radio, internet, or television. Jesus often got alone, and spent quiet time with his heavenly father. If Jesus needed that then we do as well.
24. Jesus knew they were in a bad storm, but he will let them ride it out for a while before he steps in, and saves them.
Some trials are punishment for sin. Other trials are intended to teach us that we can trust God, and that he is in control even when it seems like things are out of control. That's what this trial was all about.
25. Of course there was no coast guard to save the apostles in that day so humanly speaking they were in a hopeless situation. But then between 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM Jesus came walking to them on the water in the midst of the storm.
When it is God's will, and God's time to rescue us he cannot be stopped; he will do it.
26. A common superstition among fishermen back in those days was that water phantoms would sometimes appear during a storm at night, and destroy boats. So, it's night, there is a storm, and now they see someone walking on the water toward their boat. Now you know why they were terrified.
27. The apostles thought that whatever it was that was walking on the water was their worst enemy. However, he turned out to be their best friend.
Many people reject Jesus because they don't want to give up their sin. They treat him as if he is an enemy. Those of us who know him as our lord and savior know how foolish that is. We don't have a better friend in this world then Jesus.
28. Peter sometimes took on more than he could handle. He sometimes got ahead of God. But he was always willing to do God's will in the presense oh Christ; to obey Jesus no matter what.
29,30. The second Peter put his focus on the water and took his focus off of Jesus he started to sink.
When we focus on our trouble we will panic. The answer is to do the next thing, and stay close to Christ. Whatever needs to happen will happen; God will make sure of that. Pray, do the next thing that needs to be done, and trust God with whatever happens.
31. There is no guarantee that we won't, at times, feel overwhelmed when we step out by faith, and do what we know God wants us to do. Just remember, if that happens, do what Peter did, cry out to Jesus. If we cry out to Jesus he will calm us down.
It is better to do the will of God, and be afraid then to not do will of God because of fear.
32. As soon as God's purpose for the trouble was accomplished, He removed the trouble.
33. They never would have chosen that storm if they could have avoided it. But God used it and now they are closer to Jesus than ever. They appreciate his power more than ever.
Trouble strengthens our relationship with Christ when we react to it by drawing closer to God.
34. Jesus had been in this area before which is why people will recognize him.
35,36. The touching of Jesus' coat was an expression of their faith in Christ. They had faith in his compassion, and in his power. Their touch was like a prayer and consequently he graciously answered their unspoken prayers by healing them.
Chapter 15
1. The scribes and the pharisees traveled 100 miles to criticize Jesus because he didn't keep their man made religious rules. What makes it even more ridiculous is that their rules contradicted scripture. It's foolish to promote unbiblical things; it's twice as foolish to work hard at it. So they traveled 100 miles to make a big deal out of something that didn't matter.
2. The Jewish rulers didn't wash because they were worried about germs. They were upset because Jesus, and his apostles didn't practice ritual washings before they ate. The problem is God never told His people to practice all those washings. They can get upset at Jesus all they want, but since what they are promoting isn't in scripture, and therefore not commanded by God, their laws have no authority.
3. That's the real question. Jesus is in effect saying you're all bent out of shape because we don't follow your man made rules. You're concerned about that, but you don't seem to care that you break the holy word of God in order to keep your man made rules.
3. Religious traditions are not necessarily a problem. But if the tradition contradicts scripture it is not of God, it's not God's will, and should be thrown out.
4-6. In 1st Timothy 5:4 the bible teaches that if parents need something then their grown children should help them. The pharisees had a rule which said, if you dedicate whatever your parents need to God you don't have to give it to your parents.
There's only one thing worse than breaking a commandment, and that's to break it, while trying to be pious about it, and that's what the religious rulers were guilty of doing.
7,8. The religious rulers talked about obeying God, but they didn't do it. They were experts at disobeying God, and looking holy while doing it.
9. Teaching man made rules as if they are scripture is a bad thing. The pharisees did that and many Christian fundamentalist today do the same thing. I have heard more fundamentalist preachers than I care to remember preach man made rules as if they were holy scripture. According to what I have heard from them it's a sin to play cards, it's a sin to shoot pool, it's a sin to go to a movie, and to have a television; it's also sin for women to trim their hair, to wear something other than a long dress, to have a glass of wine or a glass of beer. Of course none of those things are forbidden in the bible, and none of them should be preached as if they were. The pharisees made the mistake of not sticking to what the word of God said. In some cases they went beyond what was written; in other cases they left out important Biblical truths.
10,11. A person can obey all the old testament dietary laws, but that will not make their souls pure before God. What we eat doesn't affect our soul.
12. Of course Jesus knew that they were offended; he also knew that they were angry, but he still told the truth. Jesus blasted them for exalting their man made rules above the bible, and for being hypocrites. He did it to their face, and he did it publicly. Their false teaching was done publicly; it affected the public, so they had to be publicly rebuked and he did that.
13. Any religion which is contrary to holy scripture isn't planted by God, and is destined to be destroyed. All religions are not created equal. The father has one religion: Christianity. That's the only one he planted. Therefore all other religious systems will be destroyed in the end.
14. Stay away from any religion which doesn't teach that Jesus is the only, eternal son of God, and the only savior. Stay away from any religion that doesn't teach that Jesus is lord, and the only way to heaven. Anyone who doesn't stick to the orthodox truths of scripture concerning Jesus and in general is a blind guide leading their followers to hell.
15. Jesus has blasted the religious system the disciples had been raised in so they asked him for an explanation.
If someone is in a religious system that is leading them astray they should be told, even if it offends them. Jesus cared enough about people to offend them because of their wrong beliefs.
16,17. The good that is in food is absorbed by our body. The waste is eliminated. Food does not affect our soul; the food we eat doesn't even touch our soul.
18. The problem isn't what we eat; ithe problem is what we are; we are sinners from birth. What we put in our mouth isn't the problem. What comes out of our mouth is the problem, and what comes out are words that reflect what is inside our sinful soul. Don't judge a person by what they eat; judge a person by the words they speak.
19. Eating the best food, and doing all sorts of religious rituals will not fix our sinful soul any more than washing a broken down old beater of a car will make it run good. Man's sin isn't the problem. The problem is man's sin nature which causes him to sin.
20. The pharisees did their religious washings, and when they finished they were still filthy to God. The human soul needs scrubbing, man's sins need to be forgiven, and only by repentance and receiving Christ will that happen. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin; that's what scripture says.
21. Tyre and Sidon were just north of Israel. As far as we know this is the only time that Jesus ever left Israel, at least as an adult.
22. This woman had not been a worshiper of God. Because of that she had no claim on God. She didn't know, worship, or serve him.
23a. This woman called Jesus the son of David, which was another name for the messiah. She is acting as if she is one of God's chosen people, but she is not. She could have been, but up to this point she obviously had not wanted that. That's why Jesus ignored her here; He didn't respond to her prayer, as it were. This illustraites the fact that God doesn't promise to answer the prayer of those who do not serve him.
23. To Jesus this woman is a lost soul who is starting to come around. He will not send her away because a person like this needs to be handled with patience.
24. God's purpose is to bless his people, not those who reject him. In spite of what false teachers say today God doesn't see all people in the same way.
God's attitude toward those who belong to him through Jesus Christ, as opposed to those who do not is very different.
25. She hasn't been what she should have been, but now she is calling out to God with humility so Jesus will respond.
26. As one who hasn't yet repented, and made a commitment to Christ she had no right to claim the promises of God. God promises to take care of us if we are his servants through Jesus Christ. However God has not promised to care for those who do not consider him to be there lord. That's why Jesus said, it is not right to take what belongs to God's children, and give it to the dogs.
27. She says, you're right lord, I shouldn't try to talk like one of God's people when I'm not one. I'm not worthy, but I've notice that sometimes the family dog gets table scraps; do you have a table scrap for me?
28. She wasn't worthy of God's help, so she asked for God's mercy. Jesus gave her what she wanted even though she wasn't one of God's people.
Sometimes God answers the prayers of the unsaved to show them that he is real, and that they should become one of his people. She persevered with God; she persevered in prayer, and for that her faith is said to be great.
29,30. Jesus could have saved time by saying, I'm going to count to three, snap my divine fingers, and when I do you all will be healed of whatever problem you have.
The quick way is not always God's way. Most of the time God lets us labor, and persevere because that builds patience and character. If God always gave us what we wanted right away many of His children would remain spiritually immature.
31. Jesus came to reveal God, and he is doing that right here with these miracles. The people gave God credit for the miracles that Jesus did.
It is good to thank people who help us, but we must also thank God because all blessings originate with him.
32. Jesus knows how he will solve this problem, but he still presents it to his disciples. How they respond will reveal what they have learned about Jesus thus far.
33. Well, that's the wrong response. Instead of suggesting that the situation is hopeless they should have said, we don't have answers, but we are sure that you do lord.
It is easy to forget how God has taken care of problems in the past, and when we do we worry about the present.
34. Jesus didn't ask how much food they had so that he could figure out if he had enough to do a miracle. He may have just wanted his disciples to recognize that they didn't have much; he may have just wanted his disciples to think about how they didn't have enough. At any rate it is good for us to remember that we don't have much to offer God except a willing heart.
35. Jesus is giving the orders here, and if the people want to eat they better obey. Like with us, they must prepare themselves for blessing by obedience.
36. Jesus could have made fish, Bread, and a glass of wine appear on the lap of each person in the audience, but instead he let the disciples help. Jesus multiplied the food, and he had them distribute it.
God doesn't need our help to accomplish his work on earth. God doesn't need our help; he lets us help; we get to help.
37. At some point in this miracle Jesus started multiplying faster then the crowd could eat. I say that because in the and they had more food, then they began with.
38. Figure in a wife, and even one child per couple and you have 12,000 people who were fed by Jesus. There could have easily been 15 to 20,000 people in this crowd. You're looking at half the population of my hometown Wausau fed by Jesus with seven loaves of bread, and a few small fish.
39. Jesus didn't send the crowd away until after he fed them. If any left early they missed supper; if they remained after they becoming hungry, Jesus satisfied them.
If we bail out on Christ we will and up suffering in hell instead of blessed in heaven. If we persevere with Jesus he will bless us forever.
1. The scribes and the pharisees traveled 100 miles to criticize Jesus because he didn't keep their man made religious rules. What makes it even more ridiculous is that their rules contradicted scripture. It's foolish to promote unbiblical things; it's twice as foolish to work hard at it. So they traveled 100 miles to make a big deal out of something that didn't matter.
2. The Jewish rulers didn't wash because they were worried about germs. They were upset because Jesus, and his apostles didn't practice ritual washings before they ate. The problem is God never told His people to practice all those washings. They can get upset at Jesus all they want, but since what they are promoting isn't in scripture, and therefore not commanded by God, their laws have no authority.
3. That's the real question. Jesus is in effect saying you're all bent out of shape because we don't follow your man made rules. You're concerned about that, but you don't seem to care that you break the holy word of God in order to keep your man made rules.
3. Religious traditions are not necessarily a problem. But if the tradition contradicts scripture it is not of God, it's not God's will, and should be thrown out.
4-6. In 1st Timothy 5:4 the bible teaches that if parents need something then their grown children should help them. The pharisees had a rule which said, if you dedicate whatever your parents need to God you don't have to give it to your parents.
There's only one thing worse than breaking a commandment, and that's to break it, while trying to be pious about it, and that's what the religious rulers were guilty of doing.
7,8. The religious rulers talked about obeying God, but they didn't do it. They were experts at disobeying God, and looking holy while doing it.
9. Teaching man made rules as if they are scripture is a bad thing. The pharisees did that and many Christian fundamentalist today do the same thing. I have heard more fundamentalist preachers than I care to remember preach man made rules as if they were holy scripture. According to what I have heard from them it's a sin to play cards, it's a sin to shoot pool, it's a sin to go to a movie, and to have a television; it's also sin for women to trim their hair, to wear something other than a long dress, to have a glass of wine or a glass of beer. Of course none of those things are forbidden in the bible, and none of them should be preached as if they were. The pharisees made the mistake of not sticking to what the word of God said. In some cases they went beyond what was written; in other cases they left out important Biblical truths.
10,11. A person can obey all the old testament dietary laws, but that will not make their souls pure before God. What we eat doesn't affect our soul.
12. Of course Jesus knew that they were offended; he also knew that they were angry, but he still told the truth. Jesus blasted them for exalting their man made rules above the bible, and for being hypocrites. He did it to their face, and he did it publicly. Their false teaching was done publicly; it affected the public, so they had to be publicly rebuked and he did that.
13. Any religion which is contrary to holy scripture isn't planted by God, and is destined to be destroyed. All religions are not created equal. The father has one religion: Christianity. That's the only one he planted. Therefore all other religious systems will be destroyed in the end.
14. Stay away from any religion which doesn't teach that Jesus is the only, eternal son of God, and the only savior. Stay away from any religion that doesn't teach that Jesus is lord, and the only way to heaven. Anyone who doesn't stick to the orthodox truths of scripture concerning Jesus and in general is a blind guide leading their followers to hell.
15. Jesus has blasted the religious system the disciples had been raised in so they asked him for an explanation.
If someone is in a religious system that is leading them astray they should be told, even if it offends them. Jesus cared enough about people to offend them because of their wrong beliefs.
16,17. The good that is in food is absorbed by our body. The waste is eliminated. Food does not affect our soul; the food we eat doesn't even touch our soul.
18. The problem isn't what we eat; ithe problem is what we are; we are sinners from birth. What we put in our mouth isn't the problem. What comes out of our mouth is the problem, and what comes out are words that reflect what is inside our sinful soul. Don't judge a person by what they eat; judge a person by the words they speak.
19. Eating the best food, and doing all sorts of religious rituals will not fix our sinful soul any more than washing a broken down old beater of a car will make it run good. Man's sin isn't the problem. The problem is man's sin nature which causes him to sin.
20. The pharisees did their religious washings, and when they finished they were still filthy to God. The human soul needs scrubbing, man's sins need to be forgiven, and only by repentance and receiving Christ will that happen. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin; that's what scripture says.
21. Tyre and Sidon were just north of Israel. As far as we know this is the only time that Jesus ever left Israel, at least as an adult.
22. This woman had not been a worshiper of God. Because of that she had no claim on God. She didn't know, worship, or serve him.
23a. This woman called Jesus the son of David, which was another name for the messiah. She is acting as if she is one of God's chosen people, but she is not. She could have been, but up to this point she obviously had not wanted that. That's why Jesus ignored her here; He didn't respond to her prayer, as it were. This illustraites the fact that God doesn't promise to answer the prayer of those who do not serve him.
23. To Jesus this woman is a lost soul who is starting to come around. He will not send her away because a person like this needs to be handled with patience.
24. God's purpose is to bless his people, not those who reject him. In spite of what false teachers say today God doesn't see all people in the same way.
God's attitude toward those who belong to him through Jesus Christ, as opposed to those who do not is very different.
25. She hasn't been what she should have been, but now she is calling out to God with humility so Jesus will respond.
26. As one who hasn't yet repented, and made a commitment to Christ she had no right to claim the promises of God. God promises to take care of us if we are his servants through Jesus Christ. However God has not promised to care for those who do not consider him to be there lord. That's why Jesus said, it is not right to take what belongs to God's children, and give it to the dogs.
27. She says, you're right lord, I shouldn't try to talk like one of God's people when I'm not one. I'm not worthy, but I've notice that sometimes the family dog gets table scraps; do you have a table scrap for me?
28. She wasn't worthy of God's help, so she asked for God's mercy. Jesus gave her what she wanted even though she wasn't one of God's people.
Sometimes God answers the prayers of the unsaved to show them that he is real, and that they should become one of his people. She persevered with God; she persevered in prayer, and for that her faith is said to be great.
29,30. Jesus could have saved time by saying, I'm going to count to three, snap my divine fingers, and when I do you all will be healed of whatever problem you have.
The quick way is not always God's way. Most of the time God lets us labor, and persevere because that builds patience and character. If God always gave us what we wanted right away many of His children would remain spiritually immature.
31. Jesus came to reveal God, and he is doing that right here with these miracles. The people gave God credit for the miracles that Jesus did.
It is good to thank people who help us, but we must also thank God because all blessings originate with him.
32. Jesus knows how he will solve this problem, but he still presents it to his disciples. How they respond will reveal what they have learned about Jesus thus far.
33. Well, that's the wrong response. Instead of suggesting that the situation is hopeless they should have said, we don't have answers, but we are sure that you do lord.
It is easy to forget how God has taken care of problems in the past, and when we do we worry about the present.
34. Jesus didn't ask how much food they had so that he could figure out if he had enough to do a miracle. He may have just wanted his disciples to recognize that they didn't have much; he may have just wanted his disciples to think about how they didn't have enough. At any rate it is good for us to remember that we don't have much to offer God except a willing heart.
35. Jesus is giving the orders here, and if the people want to eat they better obey. Like with us, they must prepare themselves for blessing by obedience.
36. Jesus could have made fish, Bread, and a glass of wine appear on the lap of each person in the audience, but instead he let the disciples help. Jesus multiplied the food, and he had them distribute it.
God doesn't need our help to accomplish his work on earth. God doesn't need our help; he lets us help; we get to help.
37. At some point in this miracle Jesus started multiplying faster then the crowd could eat. I say that because in the and they had more food, then they began with.
38. Figure in a wife, and even one child per couple and you have 12,000 people who were fed by Jesus. There could have easily been 15 to 20,000 people in this crowd. You're looking at half the population of my hometown Wausau fed by Jesus with seven loaves of bread, and a few small fish.
39. Jesus didn't send the crowd away until after he fed them. If any left early they missed supper; if they remained after they becoming hungry, Jesus satisfied them.
If we bail out on Christ we will and up suffering in hell instead of blessed in heaven. If we persevere with Jesus he will bless us forever.
Chapter 16
1. The religious leaders were not satisfied with all the miracles Jesus had already done. Consequently they want a miracle from heaven. In other words, do a miracle in the sky; reverse the course of the sun, or something like that.
2,3. In other words, you can predict the weather by looking at the signs in the sky, but you can't see that I'm the Christ even though I have done too many miracles to count? The Jews did not lack evidence concerning Jesus; they did not lack the mental capacity to believe in Jesus. They chose not to believe in him, because they were jealous of his popularity.
4. Jesus is saying, you will get one more sign. After I'm dead for three days God will raise me up. In other words, Jesus is saying, my resurrection will prove that God is on my side, not yours. It will also prove that those who reject me, reject God, and doom themselves forever.
5. The disciples arrived forgot to bring food with them.
6,7. They think Jesus' talking about yeast that is in bread. They're thinking, Jesus knows we need bread, but he does not want us to buy it from the pharisees. "Peter when you go to buy food do not buy bread from a bakery owned by Pharisees."
8. In other words, why are you guys so concerned about food, and why do you think that I'm even talking about food. Food should not be a concern to the disciples, and verse nine tells us why.
9,10. Jesus is saying why are you concerned about food, and why would you think that I was concerned about food. They had been without food before, but Jesus always managed to feed them. It was a lack of faith that cause them to worry about not having what they needed.
When we put Jesus first we don't have to worry about having what we need. He promises to take care of us if we seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.
11,12. In scripture yeast is symbolic of sin, and false teaching. The pharisees were hypocrites. The sadducees wouldn't believe anything that didn't make sense to their puny rationalistic little human minds. If they couldn't figure something out, or see something, then they didn't believe in it. That's why they didn't believe in angels, heaven, or hell. Jesus is saying don't be like the pharisees or the sadducees.
13. The most important question that each person must answer is: who is Jesus? People who get that answer wrong, and consequently reject Christ as Savior and Lord will will spend eternity in hell. People need a clear understanding of who Jesus is. People need to know what he has done for us on the cross, and what he demands from us. Those are questions that no one can afford to get wrong.
14. Saying Jesus is a prophet, and a holy man is true, however it misses the point. It would be like answering the question, who was Winston Churchill, by saying he was an English man who liked brandy and cigars. That's a correct answer, but he also led Great Britain in world war two, and saved them from Hitler. It's true, Jesus was a prophet, and holy, but he is also the eternal son of God who died for our sins.
15. Those who hardly knew Jesus had all sorts of different opinions about him. But Jesus says, how about you who have been with me for a long time, and have seen my miracles, and have heard me teach; who do you say that I am?
16. Peter, as he often did, takes the lead, and speaks for the others. He says, you are the Christ, you are the son of God. Peter was correct because God inspired his answer; that's why it's in the bible, and by the way Jesus did not rebuke Peter like he would have if he had been wrong.
17. You can tell others that Jesus is the son of God, the only Savior, and you can do it with eloquence. However the ability to translate those facts into a conviction in someone's mind can only be done by God himself. God is the only one who can penetrate a sin darkened mind, and convince someone that Jesus is who he claims to be.
18. Peter means stone; it means loose rock, like a rock you would throw. Jesus said Peter you're a stone; a little stone. Then Christ when on to say, and upon this rock I will build my church. The word rock there doesn't mean a little, loose rock like you might throw. It's a different word. It means rock like a rocky cliff. Jesus did not say that he would build his church on the stone: Peter, but on the cliff or the big rock. The big rock refers to the truth that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, like Peter confessed. The church is built upon God's word, and the truth concerning Jesus is the foundational truth on which the church is built.
18. All attacks against the church will ultimately fail because Jesus will not lose. The Church will survive every attack that the world, the flesh, and the devil throws at it. Every enemy of God, and his church will lose, and that includes the enemy: death. the power of death will be defeated by the resurrection of Christians. You may die, but you won't stay dead. Death couldn't defeat Jesus, and it will not defeat us either if we belong to him.
19a. Peter had the keys to the kingdom of heaven; meaning: he was the first apostle to preach salvation, and eternal life through Jesus Christ to the Jews, and also to the gentiles. He got things going in the church. The first Christians became Christians through the first Sermons preached by Peter.
19b. The Jews used the words, bind and loose as a way of saying prohibit and allow. Jesus is saying that the apostles, and only the apostles will be inspired by God to bind (allow), or loose (prohibit) in the church whatever God wants to allow, or prohibit. And we are blessed to have an inspired, written record of all the things that they were led by God to bind or lose, and they are all in our new testament.
By the way, the scripture does not mention any type of apostolic succession. In other words, no where does God say to anyone, except to the 12 that they have the power to prohibit, or allow. Which means the bible is the only infallible word of God, and therefore the only infallible teaching for the church.
20. This was a turning point in our lord's ministry. In the early days of his ministry he was popular. His miracles were drawing people like a magnet. But the nation was rejecting his claims of being in the messiah, and he knew it. That became evident in their evaluation of who he was. Remember they were saying that he was a prophet like Elijah, or a good man, or some other such thing. Any evaluation of Christ which does not conclude that he is the savior, and eternal God is a rejection of Christ.
21. Notice that the bible teaches that Jesus must endure suffering and death. The desire to complete the father's plan of redemption inspired Christ. His redeeming death was the reason he came to earth in the first place. In John 18:11 Jesus said, shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?
22. Many call Jesus Lord, but few treat him as Lord, and Peter is an example of that right here. "The Lord", has become sort of a nickname for Jesus to some. Peter called Jesus Lord, and in the next breath told him that he was wrong.
God is never wrong about anything, and he never does anything wrong. Anyone who says or thinks: God you shouldn't be doing this, or that, is out of line, and arrogant.
23. If Peter has his way Jesus isn't crucified which means all of us burn in hell.
I'm glad that God says no to our prayers sometimes. Some of God's greatest blessings are unanswered prayers.
24. In other words, we must obey Jesus even if people treat us badly because of it. We must be loyal to Christ even when it is difficult. Additionally we must only use the things of this world to the degree that they bring us closer to God. In other words, we must detach ourselves from anything that turns us away from him if we fail than we are not following Christ.
25. Put Jesus' first, or lose your soul. Obey Jesus, repent, and confess when you fail, or burn in hell with the rest of the rebels.
26. Some people do not want Jesus to interfere with their lifestyle. They shut Christ out in order to do things their way. They go to hell, because living the way they want to live is more important to them then pleasing Christ. Two seconds in hell, and they will know that Jesus was right, and they were foolish.
27. Whether it's Jesus coming to us on the last day, or us going to him at our death, he is going to judge us, and he will determine if we're going to hell or to heaven. The criteria? Faith in Christ, and what we did with that faith. Romans 2:6 says, God will render to every man according to his works. He will give eternal life to those who buy patience in good works seek glory and honor and immortality; but wrath and indignation to those who are contentious, and who do not submit to the truth but ascent to iniquity.
28. The coming in his kingdom took place on the day of Pentecost. The spirit of Jesus came into his disciples on Pentecost, and the kingdom of God on earth began in its mystery form; in other words the church, came into existence.
Chapter 17
1. Those who are closest to Christ get to experience most with Christ. Peter, James, and John were the closest to Jesus, and they are about to experience something spectacular.
2. The bible says that God is light, and here we see the light of God, which had been veiled by the body of Jesus begin to radiate out of him.
3. No medium can conjure up the dead, and it is forbidden for anyone to try. However, when it suits his purpose God can, and has brought departed souls back to earth. He brought Moses and Elijah back to speak with Jesus, and the three apostles saw it all.
4. Peter is saying, this is great, and it was great. Jesus, and two of the biggest saints in the history of the world are together for the first time on earth. Peter didn't want this moment to end.
5. Moses and Elijah where the top two old testament prophets as far as the Jewish people were concerned. But they are nothing when compared to Jesus. Furthermore both Moses and Elijah would tell you that they were nothing compared to Jesus because the holier we are the more we know we are nothing when compared to God. Humility goes hand in hand with holiness.
6. The voice of God, the same voice which said, let there be light, spoke out loud to the apostles. No wonder they hit the deck.
Think about this, if the apostles were afraid when they heard God's voice what will it be like for the wicked on judgment day? I can't even imagine.
7. This is why you want Jesus on your side when you die. This is why you want to die in the state of grace; right with God through the savior. Jesus is our advocate with the father; he is the mediator. If you belong to Christ then on judgment day, when we would have every reason to be afraid, he will say, it's fine; don't be afraid, and everything will be fine.
8. It would've been nice to spend time with Moses and Elijah. It would've been fun; they could have talked about the red sea splitting, which Moses presided over. They could have asked the two men of God to describe paradise, which is where they had been for centuries. It would've been nice; many things are nice, but only one thing is needed, and that is a right relationship with Jesus.
9. It would serve no good purpose to tell people what they saw on that mountain. Oh it would probably stir up the crowds, but it would not have created the faith that would save their souls. However, once Jesus dies, and has been raised from the dead this story of the transfiguration will add an exclamation point to the gospel of salvation through Christ.
10. In the old testament the bible says that Elijah will return to earth right before the messiah arrives. If there was even the slightest doubt about Jesus being the messiah the Glory of God shining out of Christ, and the father's voice removed it. But the apostles are wondering, Jesus we know you are the messiah, but Elijah is suppose to precede you so where he is he?
11. Elijah will come to earth, and preach the word of God right before Jesus comes the second time at the end of the world. The old testament prophecy will be fulfilled literally, right before Jesus Christ returns.
11,12. Elijah will come, and Elijah has already come. The wicked will not appreciate him when he comes in the future just like they did not appreciate him when he came the first time.
Stocks go up and down; nations and people come and go, but sinful human nature does not change. Those who love sin hate God, and those who speak and live for God. They killed John the baptist, who came in the spirit of Elijah. They killed Jesus, and believe me wicked sinners would love to wipe out the church and all true Christians as well.
13. It took awhile, but the truth finally sunk in.
Grasping truth can be a very slow process, even for people who are devoted to God. It often doesn't sink in right away, but it will, if you keep praying, and keep trying to learn. The most important thing in the process is to live holy before God. God can teach a person who is devoted to Jesus.
14,15. Peter wanted to stay on the mount of transfiguration, but he couldn't, and Jesus couldn't, and here you see one of the reasons why. Some people have big problems, and some are on the way to hell. That's why this world cannot be a cakewalk for Christians. This life isn't supposed to be a vacation for God's people. Vacation comes later in eternity. This is the time to prepare for eternity by doing unselfish acts of kindness for others in the name of Jesus. The apostles were reminded that we live in an imperfect world, trouble by sin, with people who do not have their act together. This world needs help; it needs Jesus.
16. The father of this poor boy seems to be blaming the apostles for the failed attempt to deliver his son, but maybe he is being a bit too hasty. The problem isn't always the fault of God's servants. Sometimes it's the fault of the one who has the problem. If a person doesn't want to be delivered from sin, or the devil, then no servant of God will be able to make it happen.
Some people would rather continue in the sin that is destroying them, then repent and be happy.
17. If you read the gospels then you know that the apostles were not exactly giants in the area of faith, but they were not faithless either. Their faith cause them to leave family, friends, homes, and jobs for Jesus, and those aren't easy things to do. Jesus was probably rebuking the father, and his son, and the Jewish nation in general for being faithless. The people thought that the apostles were magicians who could twitch their nose, and deliver people from demons, sin and the effects of both but it doesn't work that way.
There must be a a desire to be delivered, because God doesn't overpower our desires. God honors our free will.
17. It sounds like Jesus has had enough, and I can understand why. When you care about someone whose life is going down the drain because they don't seem to care about themselves that can be very difficult. Their life is lousy so you give them advice from the Bible which could help them, but they don't listen. That sort of thing is part of the cross of Christ that we must endure with Jesus as Christians.
Jesus was getting tired of it all. He was like a doctor Who wanted to help, but his patient won't take their medicine. The focus of the people was on miracles and defeating the Roman empire instead of repentance and unless that changes Jesus will not be able to help them much.
18. As God, Jesus could do anything; he could even cast a demon out of one who may not want it to leave. Jesus gave this boy a fresh start, but that boy must repent, or the demon will find some demonic friends, and they will move right back in; the choice is his.
No one goes to hell because that's what God wants. Every person who goes to hell will be there because they have chosen to turn their back on God's mercy through Jesus Christ.
19. The disciples are concerned that they may have disappointed Jesus. They don't like failing Jesus so they are asking for help.
A good person wants to get better.
20. The faith here refers to confidence in the power, and goodness of God, and that he is willing to exert that power and goodness on behalf of of that needy person. The disciples should have been filled with confidence because Jesus told them to drive out demons, but they were not. That was the issue with their lack of faith.
20,21. What we can't do because of a lack of confidence in God; prayer and fasting can accomplish. Today an exorcist uses the name of Jesus, as the apostles did, but they also do a lot of praying, and fasting, and that's why they win, and the devil always loses.
22. Jesus will be betrayed, and he knows it. Normally to be betrayed one must be tricked, but you can't trick God. Jesus will allow himself to be betrayed so that he can die, and pay for our sins.
23a. Jesus didn't always say happy things because he always spoke the truth.
Most people do not want to hear negative things from God, and I guess that's understandable. Many will not go near a preacher who speaks the truth when it is negative; that's not understandable. But because that's true some preachers will only say things that make people feel good; that's beyond not understandable, that's evil!
23. The disciples were so horrified from the bombshell that Jesus was going to be betrayed, and murdered, that the good news of his resurrection went right over their heads.
24. The tribute money spoken of here was a tax, but it was not a Roman tax. This was the temple tax which the Jews were required to pay a for the upkeep of their temple in Jerusalem. Someone asked if Jesus did his fair share in keeping up the temple; that is, the house of God.
25a. Peter presumes to talk for Jesus. Presumptuous talk is always dangerous; it is extremely dangerous when one presumes to speak for God. Peter was wrong to say that something was true simply because he thought it seemed like it probably was true.
It is wrong to speak with authority concerning things that we do not really understand.
25. Jesus had not been there when Peter answered the man's question. However, Jesus knew all about the question and peter's answer. Consequently he wasted no time in talking to him about it.
25,26. No member of any royal family has to pay taxes to their father the king. No tax collector would demand that the son of a king pay taxes. Jesus is saying, Peter, I don't have to pay taxes to my own father's house. Jesus didn't drill Peter, or make him feel small, but He did make it clear that Peter answered incorrectly.
27. In other words, Jesus says, we don't have to do this, but we will do it any way in order to avoid looking bad
It is wrong to disobey God to avoid looking bad to the world. In other words, it is wrong to disobey God to win the world's approval. However, it is also wrong to refuse to sacrifice something as a Christian to keep from looking bad to the world.
27. When it is God's will for us to do something he will give us the grace, and the means to do it. He will give us the means to do what he wants us to do, but he does not always do it in a conventional way.
Normally God provides money through a paycheck, or an offering, but if through no fault of our own that doesn't provide what we need to do his will then he will provide some other way.
Chapter 18
1. Their motives were probably selfish, but it was a good question, and I'm glad that they asked it. I say that because if they don't ask this question then maybe we don't get a clear definition of greatness, the way God defines it.
We must know what God wants before we can do what God wants. That's another very important reason to study scripture.
1,2. In order to illustrate greatness Jesus needs to use a child. Jesus did not call for a pharisee, with their long, flowing religious robes, although most people thought the pharisees were great. Others thought the scribes were great because they had memorized so much scripture. However Jesus did not call a scribe to his side either.
God judges greatness by how genuinely humble we are. That's why Christ called for a child.
3. In other words, before you worry about being the greatest in the kingdom of God make sure you get into the kingdom of God.
Unless we repent, and become like a child we aren't even going to get into the kingdom of heaven.
3. Children know that they don't have what it takes to survive on their own. Little children trust their parents to take care of them. Little children are honest enough, and humble enough to ask for help.
To be saved as sinner must know that they can never survive the day of judgment on their own merits. To be saved a sinner must admit to God that they'd need his help. To be saved a sinner must be honest, and humble enough to ask for God's help through the savior Jesus Christ.
4. The world defines greatness much differently than God. To the world being great means being talented, or good looking, or wealthy, or having a high IQ. But God would say, don't be pushy, don't act like you're better than others. Be willing to do the menial, servant like jobs that many people think they're above doing. That's humility and that's God's definition of greatness.
5. Every time we are kind to a little child we are being kind to Jesus; that's how he sees it. A child is vulnerable, and easily used and abused, and therefore has the special attention of Christ. We do Jesus a personal favor when we are kind to children.
6. Anyone who has the ability to influence children would be wise to influence them in the direction of God. Those who poison the mind of children by removing the distinction between right and wrong, or by influencing them away from God in other ways will suffer a very horrible fate. A person would be better off suffering a violent death then doing something to move a child away from Jesus. Contributing to the destruction of an innocent soul is a serious sin to God.
7. Temptations are a part of life in this sinful world, consequently people will sin. But God says, just make sure you aren't the tempter. When God says, woe unto you if you do this or that, no amount of pleasure you receive from doing it will be worth the pain of the punishment that will follow.
It is bad to sin; it is even worse to drag others into it.
8,9. Nothing and no one is worth going to hell for. Sin is the reason people go to hell so Jesus says, if something causes you to sin stay away from it.
Hands, feet, and eyes are not used exclusively to sin. However if they cannot be controlled, and used only for good, then cut them off, says Jesus. You're better off living without the good things that your hands, feet, and a eyes provide if that's the only way to avoid sinning with them.
Many things are morally neutral; we can use them for good or for bad. Don't keep something in your life that is used for good if you don't have the willpower to stop it from being used for sin. The good it does isn't worth going to hell for.
10. It seems as if all Christians and children have a guardian angel, and one of their duties is to report to God all that they see. If we do good to others their angel will tell God all about it. If we do evil to someone their angel will report that as well. God says, I will hear how you are treating others, and I'm keeping track. That's important to understand, because how we treat others is how we treat God.
11. Jesus did many good things, but the greatest thing he ever did was die on the cross and pay for our sins. Jesus came to save the lost, and for the lost to be saved they need to know that they are lost, and that they need the Savior. People must be told that their sins have offended God, and that they cannot remove the penalty for those sins by doing good deeds. Sinners must know that Jesus is their only hope, and that they must repent and receive him as Lord and Savior.
12. Oh sure he does, and that's because a good shepherd is like a good parent. A good parent would never say, I have five healthy, happy children so it doesn't matter that the sixth is sick, and miserable. They are all important to the parent, and the sick one will probably get more attention because he needs it.
13. He rejoices, not because that sheep was more important than the others. He rejoices because he almost lost him. He rejoices because the one that was on the verge of death is now okay.
13,14. A condemned soul will burn in hell forever. That's not what God wants, but that's the way it is. God's will is for everyone to be saved. However, it is not God's will to force those who despise him to be with him forever. God's first choice: everyone wants to be with him. God's second choice: those who would rather sin then be with him suffer their just punishment, and in the process get what they want, which is eternity apart from God. God will always honor our free will even if it isn't his first choice.
15. If someone sins against you it's an issue between you, them, and God, so keep it private; no one else has to know about it. Go to the one who sinned against you, and tell them you were offended. If they repent, great the issue is settled; don't dwell on it, or talk about it ever again.
15,16. In doing these things as God instructs the goal must always be to restore the sinning Christian's fellowship with God, and with the one they have sinned against. Consequently, if they don't repent, go to plan B. Plan B is take a witness to the person's sin, and confront them again.
17a. Jesus says, tell it to the church. In other words, tell it to the church leadership who needs to be told about the offense, and the sinners refusal to confess. The offended Christian, the witnesses, and the pastor can pray together, and then approach the sinning Christian in an effort to convince him to confess and apologize. This sort of thing must be done with gentleness and kindness, but also with the full authority of the lord's own words right here. It's serious business. The well being of that person's soul is at stake. The command to love your neighbor includes helping him to come to his spiritual senses. He may not like it now, but if he repents then he will thank you later.
17b. If he still doesn't repent; well, he may be a Christian, but he certainly isn't acting like one so he shouldn't be treated like one either. Meaning this: treat him with kindness, but make it clear that you do not condone his sin, and you will not have fellowship with him as you would with other Christians.
This isn't revenge, or even punishment. Church discipline is never about punishment because Jesus has already been punished for our sins. This is simply an attempt to wake him up, and cause him to confess so that his relationship with Christ can be what it should be. The very second he repents he must be welcomed back, and that sin, which he repented of should never be brought up again.
18. Be careful not to remove this verse from its context, and end up with a false interpretation.
We have " priests" who think that this verse gives them the exclusive right to forgive sin. In my first communion prayer book it says, "in the confessional the priest takes the place of Jesus". My question is, where did Jesus go? The bible says in a Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I and he who blots out your transgression".
We also have Pentecostals thinking that they can bind up trouble, and loose blessings. Could someone please tell me what ever happened to praying to God about the things that we would like? Where is God in all these things, and what has happened to prayer? The meaning of this verse is clear and simple. When church leadership binds disciplinary actions on a sinning Christian that action is honored in heaven, if God's formula has been followed. And when the Christian has repented, and confessed, and the church has restored him to fellowship that decision is also honored in heaven.
19,20. God is saying that two or three Christians who have followed God's formula for restoring a wayward believer can be sure that they have God's support.
21. Peter thought that he was going way beyond what was necessary by suggesting someone should be forgiven seven times. Peter felt that way because the religious leaders of our lord's day taught that no one should be forgiven more than three times. Peter probably thought that Jesus would be shocked when he suggested that someone be forgiven seven times. The main thing to see is that whether it is three times, or seven times Peter felt that there should be a limit to our forgiveness of others.
22. 70 times seven equals 490, however Jesus is not saying forgive someone 490 times and when their offenses reach 491 refuse to forgive. Jesus is saying, do not put any limit on your forgiveness of others. So if you want to talk about being shocked or surprised you going to have to talk about Peter after hearing what Jesus just said. Jesus knew that his answer would have to be explained so he tells a story.
23. The kingdom of heaven which Jesus' refers to hear is the church. Jesus is saying, Christians listen to me because this is how I want you to handle forgiveness. The world will handle forgiveness its own way, but this is how Jesus wants his people to deal with that issue.
23. The servants in this story refer to governors. The governors were in charge of sections of land within this man's kingdom. One of the duties of the governor's back then was to collect taxes from the people in their district, and then pass that tax money on to the king. The king is about to check his books to make sure that his governors are up to date in their tax payments.
24. 10,000 talents are worth well over $1,000,000,000 in today's economy. This governor owes the king over $1,000,000,000, or 10,000 talents. Now to help you understand just how much that was, in those days it took an average worker 20 years to earn one talent. Do the math; an average worker would have to work 200,000 years and give every cent to the king to pay off that debt. This man's situation was hopeless because he owed a debt that he could never repay.
25. The governor did not have the money to pay off his debt consequently the king ordered that he and his wife and his entire family be sold into slavery to help pay off the debt. The problem with that is that the top price for any slave was only one talent and he owed 10,000 talents. He has nothing; there's no way possible for him to pay off his debt.
25a. It says that this man could not pay. The same could be said about us and our sin debt to God. The man in his huge financial debt is a picture of our sin debt; that's what this story is all about. No human being has the means to pay off their sin debt. We cannot earn forgiveness because the bible says all of our righteousness is but filthy rags. We cannot buy groceries with filthy rags, and we cannot buy an automobile with filthy rags, and we certainly cannot pay off our sin debt to God with filthy rags. We can't pay for our sins just like this governor could not paid his debt because we don't have what it takes.
26. The governor had done wrong, but at least he had the character and the humility to admit it. He didn't make up excuses; he didn't blame someone else; he took full responsibility and simply asked for mercy. All sinners are in the same situation with God today that this man was in with the king. Unfortunately for many; they do not follow this man's example because they make up excuses for their sins or they blame someone else for the bad things that they have done; it doesn't work; God does not buy it. The only hope sinners have is to humble themselves, admit they have sinned, and ask God for mercy through Jesus Christ.
27. What an amazing show of mercy! This king graciously forgave the governor his entire debt. He did it because he had compassion; he did it because he was merciful to the one who asked for mercy. God works the same way; every time a sinner humbles themselves and asks for mercy through Jesus Christ God grants that forgiveness and mercy. He completely forgives their entire sin debt.
28. This man who had been forgiven his $1,000,000,000 debt went out and found a fellow servant who owed him about three months' wages which of course is a lot of money but not nearly the amount that he had owed the king. He grabbed his fellow servant by the throat and demanded payment.
29. The words of his fellow servant were the exact same words that he had spoken to the king. He should have immediately thought of how the king had been so gracious to him. The same is true for us Christians. Every single time someone asks us for forgiveness or tells us they're sorry we should remember all the times that we have gone to God and asked for forgiveness. We should remember all the times that God has forgiven us. Well, did this man remember the mercy that he had received?
30. He wouldn't forgive! The governor who had been forgiven over $1,000,000,000 refused to forgive a debt of three months' wages even though the man had humbled himself just as he humbled himself before the king. The governor had certainly been willing to accept forgiveness when he needed it, but he wasn't willing to grant forgiveness to someone else. You say that's outrageous! How can anyone who has been forgiven so much be so unmerciful? Good question and the same question applies to Christian's today. How could a Christian who has been forgiven so much by God ever refuse to forgive a fellow Christian who have sinned against them and apologized?
31. The man's fellow governors understood what a terrible thing the forgiven governor had done. Consequently they told the king all about it.
32. The king called this governor who refused to forgive wicked.
33. The governor had been shown mercy and had been forgiven but he refused to show mercy and that is why the king called him wicked. It is a wicked thing in the eyes of God for a Christian who has been forgiven so much a hold a grudge against someone who has done something wrong to them. It is wicked in the sight of God for a Christian to be bitter and unforgiving toward someone who has sinned against them if they have confessed their sin. Who do Christians who refuse to forgive think they are? Do they think that they are better than God? Do they think that they are more important than God? Do they actually think that offenses against God can be forgiven, but sins against them are so serious that they could never be forgiven? That is a great wickedness!
34. The governor had his forgiveness reversed and he was forced to pay for his sin. I've got a suggestion for you; do not go to your grave with unforgiveness on your soul. If you're a Christian do not go to your grave with unforgiveness on your soul. I don't know exactly what awaits someone who refuses to forgive, but I don't have to know exactly what it is because I know for sure it's not good.
34,35. The man was sent to the torture chamber to pay for his sin of unforgiveness. Then Jesus says to Christians, the same thing will happen to you. Like I said in the previous verse, I don't have to know all the details of what that means, but I do know that it is bad, and I do know that bitterness and the sin of unforgiveness are an indication that one is not right with God through Jesus Christ and is in danger of eternal punishment.
Chapter 19
1,2. Jesus concluded his ministry up north in Galilee, and as a result heads South towards Jerusalem.
3. The pharisees didn't like Jesus because they didn't like how he was so popular. Consequently, they figured that if they could get him to comment on divorce, which was a very divisive issue in that day, then he would lose the support of at least some of his followers.
4,5. States can legalize same sex marriages today if they want to, but it is just playing make believe. Marriage was instituted by God; it is not the invention of man. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman; God has said it. God does not recognize any other arrangement as being a marriage. Same sex marriages are just ongoing sins of fornication.
6. God's plan for marriage has not changed. His plan is one woman, and one man until death do them part.
7. In Deuteronomy chapter 24 God allowed for divorce.
8. Divorce was not what God had in mind for marriage. He allowed it because sometimes sin causes problems in marriage to the point where divorce becomes the lesser of two evils. The law God gave permitting divorce was meant to restrain hasty divorce by demanding sufficient cause, and legal formalities. It was never intended to promote divorce.
9. According to Jesus two people who have been joined together by God; in other words a divinely recognized marriage can only get a divorce when there has been unfaithfulness, otherwise if there is remarriage then the parties are guilty of adultery. Jesus reiterates God's plan for marriage as it was in the beginning. In other words, you asked me my opinion on marriage and divorce, and I have given you God's mind on the issue.
10. The disciples say, well if a person can't get out of their marriage anytime they want to, then I guess it's better not to get married at all. I don't know about that, but it sure is a good idea not to be hasty in marriage.
11. Marriage isn't for every one, but neither is being single.
12a. In other words, some have been born without the ability to reproduce or have a normal physical relationship. They stay single without any problem.
12b. Back in those days, and in some cultures, if a king wanted someone to be in charge of his harem he would find a man, and have him castrated. They wouldn't get married either; they were made a eunuch by the king.
12c. This type of eunuch can be married; there isn't anything holding them back physically. However, they choose to stay single so that they can serve God with fewer distractions.
If a Christian is walking with God, and they are not married it is because God doesn't want them married; at least right now he doesn't. Maybe next week God will bring the right person across their path. The wise thing for a Christian to do is to not be concerned about it. Just walk with God, and he will work things out the way he wants them to be. If a Christian is married, fine; if they are single fine. God has called some to be single, and some to be married.
13. People were bringing their children to Jesus for his blessing.
It's a good idea for people to bring their children to Jesus today. People can do that by teaching them to pray, and telling them bible stories, especially stories about Jesus. Parents can bring children to Christ today by living for Christ themselves, and talking about him in the midst of their daily routine. If parents let Jesus be a part of their daily life then that will be a very natural way to bring Jesus and their children together.
14,15. Concerning children Jesus said, of such is the kingdom of God. There is no pretense with a little child. They are honest, trusting, and humble. They need help, and they know it.
Jesus said we must become like a child to enter into heaven which means the only way anyone can be saved is by understanding that they need help, and by coming to Christ for that help.
A child is humble, and sinners must humble themselves, repent, and and ask Christ to save them.
16. There is in every person a built in knowledge that one must be good to be right with God. The only question people have is, how good, and what good must I do to make up for the bad that I have done. People know that they must be good, and that the God of justice demands that any bad be punished.
16,17. Jesus declared the standard which is keep the commandments. No one gets into heaven unless they are morally perfect.
A person must be forgiven their sins, and they must be thoroughly purged from all desire to sin, and the committing of all sins.
17-19. No one kills, steals, lies, or commits adultery in heaven. Additionally everyone in heaven loves others as they love themselves. So yes people in heaven are forgiven, but they are also perfectly holy all the time. In answer to his question, which was "what good thing shall I do that I might have eternal life", Jesus gave that answer.
20. People often think that they are better than they really are. That sure was the case with this man. Jesus knew that he wasn't as good as he thought, and he's about to reveal it to him.
21. Perfection is the standard for entrance into heaven. The one thing this man lacked was a willingness to obey God in everything. Jesus knew what his weakness was so he hit him in his sore spot. That's why Jesus said, sell everything, and give it away.
21,22. It is not a sin to have wealth, but it is a sin not to part with wealth when God tells us to. This man said that he loved his neighbor as himself; he did not. If he really did love his neighbor as himself, then he would've given what he had to the poor instead of keeping it for himself, especially after Jesus told him to do it. This man would not repent of his rebellion; he would not submit to Jesus because he loved his wealth more then he loved his soul. He made his choice; he kept his wealth, but he lost his soul.
23,24. God is not prejudice against the wealthy. However, it is impossible for those who love the things of this world to be saved, and the more of those things a person has the easier it is to fall in love with them. The bible says love not the world, neither the things of the world, if any one loves the world the love of the father is not in them.
Abraham and Job were very rich, and yet they were saved. They were okay because they were masters of their wealth, not slaves to their wealth. The man in this story was evidently a decent guy, but his wealth was his master, and that sin was damning his soul. He loved the world therefore he did not have the love of the father in him, and consequently he did not follow Christ.
25. Many believed that wealth was a sign of God's favor. So if it's tough, or next to impossible, for a wealthy person to be saved, then the disciples thought, who in the world can be saved?
26. By God's enabling grace any man can choose to repent. A greedy person can repent, and use their wealth, be it great or small, to help the needy, and to serve God. No one is too far gone for God to save.
27. Peter had not exactly been one of the richest men in the world; he had been what we would call a blue collar working man. Before he came to Christ he probably would have been a beer drinking, pool shooting, country music liking, average guy; not a whole lot of money. However as a general rule people love what they have, and seek for what they do not have. Consequently a willingness to give up all we have is a willingness to give up a lot, no matter how little it may be.
28. On resurrection day, which is also the day of judgment when, Jesus sits on his throne, the apostles, who had left all things for Jesus and his church will be honored to sit by his side.
29. To put it another way, those who put Jesus first will be saved. The lordship of Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for one to receive eternal life. Jesus must be top priority.
30. All who respond to the call of Christ at whatever time in their life they do it will enjoy the blessings of God's kingdom forever. Each person who dies right with God through Jesus Christ must go through a particular, personal judgment, and suffer loss, and rewards according to their works (first Corinthians chapter three), but in the end those who die in the state of God's grace because of their relationship with Christ will experience paradise for ever.
Chapter 20
1,2. This land owner finds some workers at 6:00 AM, and agrees to pay them a fair wage for the days work.
3. It was now 9:00 AM. The first laborers have been working for 3 hours. But now the owner realizes that he needs more help so he returns to the marketplace. The marketplace was the job service of the day. Men wanting to be hired would congregate in the marketplace. Employers looking for workers would look in the marketplace.
4. When this man hired the first group at 6:00 AM he told them exactly how much he would pay, and they agreed. This second group wasn't promised an exact figure; only that it would be fair, and they agreed to work for what was fair.
5. Well the man goes out at 12:00 PM which was 6 hours after he hired the first group and he hires more men. Then at 3:00 PM, 9 hours after the first ones were hired, he finds some more workers. He evidently told these last two groups the same thing, I will pay you what's fair, and they trusted him.
6,7. He hires this last group at 5:00 PM, just 1 hour before the work day is over.
8. If those who were hired at 6:00 AM would have been paid first the point of the story would have been lost. They would have taken their fair wage, and they would've gone home content. But, the ones hired last were paid first.
9. The men who punched out at 5:00 PM were paid first. They had been promised a fair wage, and what they received was beyond fair. The owner gave them a full day's pay for working only 1 hour.
10. These workers who were hired at 6:00 AM worked 11 hours longer than the ones who started at 5:00 PM so they expected more money than they had agreed to work for. They expected to renegotiate their contract as it were.
11,12. There right; they worked longer, and harder than the ones hired at 5:00 PM, however they had no reason to be angry.
13-15a. He paid these workers what he had promised them. He paid them what they agreed to work for. It's none of their business what he does with the rest of his money. It's not their money; it's his. If he chooses to give it all away to the poor, who don't even work 1 minute for him, then that's his business.
15b. These workers who were paid a fair wage were angry at the owner because he was generous to the undeserving. If these workers would have loved their neighbors as themselves then they would have been happy that those other people were treated so well.
16. God is never unfair in the sense of withholding the good that someone deserves. However If God was strictly fair all the time then everyone would be dead, and burning in hell right now.
God accepts all sinners who repent. Some are worse than others; none deserve to be forgiven; none deserve heaven.
No one should say, I'm forgiven, but I don't see how God can forgive my neighbor; he's much worse than me. I'd say, I doubt it! U doubt it because few things are more detestable to God then sinful pride.
17. The 12 are called his disciples. But more than that, in the gospel of John Jesus calls them his friends. Friends tell friends things that they do not tell anyone else, and that is what Jesus will do with the 12 right here.
Jesus is our God, our Savior, and our Lord, but he also wants to be our friend.
18,19. Sometimes people do not understand the word of God because they do not want to understand it. Sometimes people do not understand because they are clinging to their preconceived ideas of what the bible says, and they don't want to accept anything else. The disciples had a preconceived idea of what the messiah would do, and being murdered by the religious rulers was not it. It did not matter how many times Jesus told them in clear, simple words that he would be murdered, it did not sink in.
It is important to let God's word speak for itself; accept it as it is even when it doesn't set well with us.
20. The mother of James and john has a favor to ask of Jesus on behalf of her two sons.
20,21. Wait a minute didn't you hear what Jesus just said? He is not going to Jerusalem to defeat the Roman empire, and establish a physical kingdom. He is going to Jerusalem to be murdered.
22. Jesus says, first of all you don't know what you are talking about, and she didn't. She, like some today, did not understand the spiritual nature of the kingdom of God; that is, the church age.
Leadership in the kingdom of God; leadership in the church isn't about having political power, it's about service, and martyrdom if need be. Having a position of responsibility in the kingdom of God doesn't mean a person is a Christian celebrity. Leadership in the church is about hard work, self sacrifice, and not expecting a reward for it until after you die.
22. Drinking that cup means suffering, the loss of popularity; it means enduring persecution, and in some cases death for Jesus. In other words, if you want to be great for God then you need to understand the road that will get you there, and that road is self sacrifice, self denial, and being a servant to God and others.
23. James was beheaded in 44 AD, and John was whipped, beaten, and exiled. They suffered and they didn't compromise the truth to avoid it either.
A Christian must have an unselfish attitude in order to serve Christ, and if he does then he will be great in the kingdom of God.
Those who seek positions of authority in the church to be recognize by people, or to become a Christian celebrity may attain their goals, but they will not be great in God's kingdom.
24. The other 10 apostles were angry at James and John because they asked for the top spots. From what follows it seems as if they were angry because they didn't ask first. They were not outraged over the self centeredness of the question; they were just upset that they didn't think about asking the question themselves.
25. Jesus is saying what we all know; in the world the great ones are the ones who exercise power and influence on behalf of themselves. People often look at others who can push people around and say that's the way I want to be someday; I want to have that authority; I want to be a great one. Jesus says that's the way it is in this world.
26. Jesus says I don't want my people to have the values of the world. I don't want my people to look at greatness and define it the way the world defines greatness. Jesus is saying in my church; and my kingdom the great ones are the servants. Whoever serves the most wins. Whoever gives of themselves the most in an unselfish attempt to serve others wins.
27,28. God's commandments, are a reflection of his character. He his holy, and therefore so are His commandments.
Jesus tells us to serve others which is a command, and it is also what he did. He tells us to do good to those who are bad to us; that is how he treats those who are bad to him. Jesus tells us to be generous to those who cannot repay our generosity; that is how Jesus deals with us. Jesus is our God, and he is also our example.
28. Jesus sacrificed his life to set people free from sin. Having our sins forgiven, and erased is the only way anyone can enter the kingdom of heaven.
29. Jesus was very popular at this time, but it will not last. Once the crowd understands that his kingdom is a spiritual kingdom which requires people to repent, and not a material kingdom which grants their every wish, many will reject him.
30. By calling Jesus the son of David they were acknowledging that he is the messiah. They know Jesus is the only hope of ever seeing again so they cry out to him for mercy.
31. It was dangerous to scream, Son of David to Jesus in the midst of a huge crowd, which would include Roman soldiers, and Roman citizens. As I said, Son of David meant Messiah, or great king. If Rome hears them referring to Jesus as great king they might think that the Jews are revolting against Caesar and they will crush them as a result. But these blind men were too desperate to care about things like that. They didn't care what anyone thought; they wanted the Lord's attention.
32. Jesus could see that they were blind so he knew what they wanted, but he still wanted them to tell him.
God knows what we need, but he still wants us to pray. Our prayers do not enlightened God, but our prayers provide grace which draws us closer to God, and also there are certain things which God won't do unless we pray for them.
33,34. What a thrill to be in darkness for so long, and then to see. The last miracle recorded in this gospel was one that made these two formerly blind men the happiest two men on earth. No wonder they followed Jesus.
Jesus is the only one who can restore us physically as well as spiritually. Why would anyone want to follow anyone else.
Chapter 21
1. Bethpage was 2 miles from Jerusalem. Jesus is now only 2 miles from where he will be crucified in a couple of days.
2,3. It took faith for these disciples to walk up to a donkey, untie it, and take it without asking for the owner's permission. What will the neighbors think? They would think, we caught ourselves a couple of donkey thieves. But the disciples will do it because they trust the word of God.
Faith is doing what God says, even when it may look ridiculous to others.
4,5. In those days a king rode a horse if he was making war; he rode a donkey if he came in peace. Jesus will ride into Jerusalem as their king, bringing an offer of peace. He is not coming to judge, or punish; he is coming to die for the sins of man. The king is coming to reconcile sinners to God.
6. This is a big day for Jesus. It's a day of great prophetic importance and fulfillment. Consequently, Jesus sends two men that he can trust to follow orders, and they followed them.
The more dependable, and trustworthy we are the more Christ can use us. God says, if he cannot trust us with little things, then he will not trust us with big things.
7. 483 years from the time God said it would happen, on the very day God said it would happen, it happened. Jesus the messiah rode into Jerusalem officially offering himself to them as their Messiah, and King.
8. The Israelites were welcoming Christ, but for the wrong reason. Laying branches before someone was a symbolic way to welcome a national liberator. So we see that the people we're not thinking about repentance. They were excited about the prospects of Jesus crushing the Roman empire, and giving Israel her independence. They think that this is Israel's 4th of July.
9. Their words suggest: long live the king. Jesus is king, but when they find out that he will not crush Rome this same bunch will scream, kill him; he isn't our king.
10. We're used to television, magazines, and newspapers so it's hard to imagine that a famous person like Jesus wasn't recognize, but he wasn't. Everyone heard about Jesus, but few from Jerusalem had seen him so when he arrived they didn't recognize him. Unlike the famous people of today, Jesus could have walked down main street in many towns and not been recognized.
11. The crowd knew who Jesus was because many of them were from out of town. The people from Jerusalem were asking, who is that man on the donkey?
12. The temple complex looked more like the midway at a fair then the house of God. Hucksters were pedaling animals for sacrifices, and Jewish coins needed for worship. They had a very profitable business because this was the only place to buy these things and because they inflated the prices to take advantage of the out of town worshipers. They were using God to make money, actually it was almost extortion.
13. Anyone who would use the church, or Christianity to market something is like these who Jesus condemned as being thieves and robbers.
Anyone who sees worshipers as potential customers is thinking the wrong way. A person's mind should be on Jesus not money or potential customers when they are at church.
14. We are seeing both sides of God in Jesus. we've seen him furious at sinners, and now we see him compassionate towards the needy.
Jesus never turned a person who had needs away.
15. Jesus did a good thing when he cleared the house of God. The religious rulers had tolerated the hucksters who turned the house of God into a carnival midway, but Jesus drove them out. Jesus did what the rulers should have done a long time ago. What did the rulers do in response to Jesus' righteous actions? They became angry.
If someone doesn't have the holy nerve to do what is right themselves then they should at least get out of the way of someone who does.
16. The rulers are angry because Jesus is allowing children to praise him as the messiah. But Jesus would not stop the children because they were right in what they were doing.
The arrogant religious rulers were too caught up in themselves, and too jealous of Jesus to praise him as the Messiah, but the children did.
Little children do not have an agenda. Their faith in God is simple, and pure, and often they can teach adults what it means to be spiritual. Instead of suppressing them, the people should try learning from them.
17. It is holy week. Jesus spent nearly every day of that week in Jerusalem. At night he would go to Bethany where he probably stayed with his friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
18,19. This is the only reported miracle of Christ where he destroyed life. But he was making an important point, and this miracle illustrated it. From a distance this tree looked healthy, with plenty of leaves. But upon close examination there was no fruit. That tree failed to do what it was created to do so Jesus destroyed it.
God is God. He owns everything, and everyone. God has the right to create or destroy.
18,19. Here's the lesson: this tree symbolized Israel. Israel's religion looked good on the outside. They had their fancy temple with all its fine rituals. However, like the fruitless tree, Israel did not have any spiritual fruit or holiness. God was not pleased.
Outward religion is fine, but there must also be a heart for God, or it is useless.
20. Usually a tree withers and dies slowly. This one died, and immediately shriveled which of course is unheard of under normal conditions. Why did it die so quickly? Because Jesus wanted it to die quickly.
Jesus can do anything quickly. He can skip the normal process any time with anything and make something happen right away, when he chooses to do it that way.
21. Removing a mountain was a figure of speech in those days. It referred to removing a problem, or rising above the problem. Jesus is saying, we can overcome any problem by faith. We can pray for it to be removed, or we can, by God's grace, learn to live with it, and allow God to use it.
22. Believing that God is able to do what we ask him to do is one condition for answered prayer, but it is not the only one. Not having any confessed sin is another. It also has to be God's will, and God's time.
23. In other words, Jesus, who gave you the authority to teach, and to do miracles, and to drive the money changers out of the temple? They wanted to know which Rabbi certified Jesus' ministry.
24,25a. They demanded to know where Jesus received his authority. Jesus said, I will answer your question, if you answer mine. Where did John the baptist get his authority? Was he sent by God, or man? Now remember, John preached repentance, and also declared that Jesus was the Messiah, and therefore needed to be followed. Jesus is saying, OK religious rulers, I want you, in public, right now to tell all of us what you believe. Was John right about me or not? Was John from God or not?
25,26. If they say John the baptist was from God, then they are admitting that they are out of God's will because they have not followed Jesus like John told people to do. If they say John isn't from God, then the people will not like them because the people believed that he was from God.
What a miserable way to live. People who care more about what people think then what God thinks always have to calculate everything they say. Say one thing when you're with one group and say something entirely different when you are with the next group. It's much easier to live to please God, and let others think what they will think.
27a. Liars! They had an answer. It was the wrong answer, but it was an answer. They didn't believe that John the baptist was from God; that would be their honest answer. But they didn't have the guts to say it because they didn't want to lose any of their popularity.
27. They were not being honest with Jesus so Jesus will not give them an answer. Why should he? People who play games with the truth, and are dishonest do not deserve an answer. People who know the truth, but refuse to admit the truth do not deserve an answer, and Jesus didn't give them one.
28,29. This son was a rebel, and he didn't try to hide it. He was who we was, a disobedient son. But one day he snapped out of it. He came to his senses, and obeyed.
30. This son was a rebel also, but he pretended that he wasn't. He said all the right things, but he didn't do the right things. He was worse than his brother. At least his brother was honest about his rebellion. At least his brother didn't add hypocrisy to his sin of rebellion. At least his brother repented. This guy was content being obedient in word only.
31. The tax collectors and harlot's were bad, and they, along with everyone else knew it. But many of them repented, and consequently were forgiven. Meanwhile, the arrogant religious rulers did not repent. They were self satisfied, and content with their religiosity, and they died lost.
God will forgive any sinner who repents, and turns to Christ. But God has no use for the arrogant who look down on others, and never repent themselves.
32. The scribes and the pharisees were supposed to be the religious leaders of the day but they were not even good spiritual followers. The harlots were ahead of them because they repented. The scribes and the pharisees thought they were too good to repent so they didn't. That's why the harlots are in heaven, in these religious rulers are burning in hell.
33. Let me give you the players in this story. The householder is God the father. The tenants are the religious rulers. The vineyard refers to Israel.
33,34. The servants in this story refer to all the old testament prophets that God sent to Israel preaching repentance.
35,36. Time after time God raised up holy men to call his people to repent, but they would not do it. They refused to be holy, they did not produce good spiritual fruit. Instead of doing good they killed the prophets who were sent to them.
37. Here's another player: the son. The son of the landowner of course is Jesus. For centuries the Israelites rejected God's prophets, but God does not give up easy so he sent his son. They may reject servants, but you have to be a miserable low crawling snake to reject the son of God.
38. In those days if a land owner died, and his heir was also dead the land would go to any tenant who might be renting it. That's why these tenant farmers who didn't care about anyone except themselves decided to kill the son. Eventually they would get the land.
39. What these tenant farmers did to the son is exactly what the religious rulers will do to Jesus. They will take him outside the city limits of Jerusalem, and have him murdered on the cross. They thought they were so smart, but they forgot one thing: God the father knows what they are planning and eventually did, and He made them pay.
40,41. They actually got this answer right. Jesus is talking to the religious rulers who were plotting his death. And, by this story, Jesus is saying, I'm not stupid; I know what you are planning.
40,41. The message is this, you better think long and hard before you kill the Son. This is your last chance with God. This is it! God has warned you many times, and he will not warn you again. Get serious about God, now. if you kill the Son it's over for you; you will suffer like never before.
42. The religious rulers rejected Jesus, but that doesn't change a thing as far as God's plan is concerned. They don't accept Christ as lord? too bad for them, he is still lord. 100% of the world could reject Christ, but he would still be the Son of God, and the only way to heaven. If 100% of the people reject Jesus Christ than 100% of the people will burn in hell; it's that simple. God does not adjust his plan of salvation to suit the will of the majority.
43. Jesus said that God will take the kingdom of heaven away from Israel, and give it to another nation, and that nation, is a spiritual nation, and that nation is the church.
The Jews rejected the savior so the kingdom of God was taken from them, and given to the church. That means in order to be right with God a person must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The doorway to heaven is Jesus.
44. Those who stumble over the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven will be crushed to pieces. That's because to stumble over Christ means to reject Christ, and those who go to their grave rejecting Christ are rejecting God's forgiveness.
45. And they perceived correctly. They knew what Christ was saying to them. He was saying I'm your last chance with God so you better make it good, or God will grind you to powder, and you'll burn in hell.
46. This was so typical of the religious rulers who sought the praise of men; the fear of hell did not stop them from trying to arrest and kill Jesus but the prospect of losing popularity among the people restrained them.. These rulers, who were supposed to be the teachers of truth, in reality despised the truth. They despised the truth so much that they wanted to kill the one who spoke it; namely Jesus. But smothering the truth doesn't get rid of it. Those who submit to the truth we'll be saved; those who cover the truth will be damned.
Chapter 22
1. This parable will illustrate how the church age came to be.
2-4. The king is excited. He has his son's wedding all planned. It's going to be great. It will be so much fun that the king, who loves his subjects, wants them all to come and enjoy themselves. But, as we will see, they will not be interested.
What a picture that is of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus preached to the Jews, and so did the apostles, but most were not interested. Most people are not interested today either.
5. They were too busy. They were too busy with the things of this world to pay attention to the Kings invitation.
Many today are too busy with the things of this world to pay attention to God's invitation through Jesus Christ.
5. It comes down to this: most people do not want Jesus. They are too busy with their work, and too busy with their play, to think about God, and pursue Him. It's not that they live immoral lives, or are terrible sinners, they're just indifferent toward God.
People can talk for hours about absolutely nothing, but somehow many can't find an hour to give God on Sunday mornings. They can watch television, or do other things for several hours, but they don't have any time for God, or any interest. Someone says, well indifference toward God isn't too bad; it's not like murder or something. God certainly won't send a good person to hell just because they really don't care about him; will he? Oh yes he will! Let's continue with the story.
6. Some who reject Jesus go beyond indifference; they violently oppose Christianity. There will always be some who hate Jesus so much that they will do unspeakable evil to his people who dare to proclaim the truth, but the truth does not go away, and they will answer to God for their rebellion and the rejection of the savior.
7. When you assault the Kings messengers you assault the king. And when someone assaults Christians they are assaulting Christ. That is what Israel did when they murdered the son of God, and God made them pay. They murdered God's son so God used the roman army to destroy the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D..
7,8. They were not worthy because they would not accept the gracious offer of the king.
It is bad to sin against God; it is bad times infinity to reject God's offer of forgiveness through the savior Jesus Christ. Rejecting the savior is the straw that breaks the camel's back, and seals the doom of the sinner.
9. Israel didn't want God, and they don't want Jesus today, and that's their business. God's business is to bless. God enjoys blessing, and nothing will rob him of that joy. God does not quit; if one person rejects Christ he will give someone else a chance. He is bound to bless which is why he wants Christians to proclaim the word of God throughout the entire world.
10. Notice how both the bad and the good were invited to this wedding.
God doesn't care how bad a sinner has been in the past. The past doesn't mean anything to God if they will only repent and turn to Christ today. God will gladly forgive the sin of any sinner who repents.
11. In those days the wedding host provided the proper clothing for the guests. Anyone invited was welcome to come, but they had to come on the King's terms, and that meant being clothed properly.
It's the same with God and salvation today. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell. He wants all to be saved. All are invited. But to be accepted one must come on God's terms. What are God's terms? Jesus Christ. There is salvation and no one other than Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ, and good works, apart from which faith is dead. Those are God's terms. The bible says: what matters is faith working through love.
12. This man thought he could come into the Kings presence on his own terms, and in his own way, but he was wrong. He knew the king wanted him at the banquet so I guess he figured that the king would bend the rules, and welcome him, but he was wrong about that also. He was like many today who believe that God loves them so much that he will let them into his heaven even though their souls are filthy with sin and they also are wrong, and they will stand before God speechless just like this man.
13. When Jesus speaks of weeping and gnashing of teeth he is talking about hell. Weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, that's what hell is all about. The lesson is this: we come God's way or we go to hell. We come to God through Jesus Christ, or we don't come to God at all. Yes God wants everyone in heaven. But God does not bend the rules for anyone.
14. God wants everyone to be saved, and the cross of Jesus Christ was powerful enough to do the job. The problem is, not everyone wants Jesus. Many people, most people, want sin more than they want Jesus, and those who choose sin will not be chosen by God. God does not choose them because they do not choose Him; they choose hell, and they will live forever with their choice.
15. This would be laughable, if it wasn't so sinful. These religious leaders will try to entangle the son of God with their words. That would be like me trying to out run a race horse.
16. Everything they said about Jesus was true. They don't believe it; but it's true. They were trying to flatter Jesus. That was a waste of time. It was a waste of time because God doesn't need anyone to make Him feel good about himself; it is impossible to flatter God.
17. If Jesus says no; they tell the Roman Governor that he is a rebel who encourages tax evasion. If Jesus says yes; they tell the Jews that Jesus is a Rome lover and therefore should not be followed as the messiah.
18,19. The tax money would be a Roman coin. In order to buy things, or pay govt taxes, one had to use Roman currency. You could tell if a coin was Roman because it had a picture of Caesar on it and an inscription stating that he was deity.
20,21. The coin was minted by the Roman empire. It had Caesars picture on it. The Jews used the Roman coins to conduct business. The Jews used Roman roads, and lived in the peace which the Roman empire provided in the first century. As a result, Jesus said, you have to pay for these things; pay your taxes; gives Caesar what he has coming.
21,22. Pay the government your taxes because that's what they've got coming, and give God your worship and obedience because that's what he has coming.
23. The Sadducees didn't believe in anything they couldn't figure out. Which means they didn't believe in anything supernatural. If they couldn't taste it, or hear it, or touch it, or see it, then they didn't think it was real. But they were wrong because the final standard for truth isn't what our senses tell us; it is what God tells us in his holy word the bible. You can't see heaven or hell or angels or demons or friends who have died but all these people and things exist. We know they exist because the bible says that they do.
23,24. This law was called the law of the kinsmen redeemer. If a married man died before having children then the dead man's brother would marry his widow, and the first son born of them would be known as the son of the dead husband. That's how the deceased man's name would carry on.
25-28. The Sadducees invent this ridiculous story as a way of mocking the doctrine of resurrection. How can there be a resurrection? Who would a woman like this be married to after the resurrection?
29. Notice the importance which Jesus places on the bible. When people don't know the scriptures they will be wrong about a lot of other things, especially spiritual things. They may be well meaning, but without the scriptures to guide them their opinions about life after death will be all over the map.
29. This Sadducees brought God down to their level. In other words, they put human limitations on God. If something seemed impossible, then it was too difficult for God to do as far as they were concerned. If something didn't make sense than it couldn't be real. Instead of God's word being the standard for truth, their minds and what their minds determined was rational became the standard of truth. No wonder they were so confused.
30. Angels do not get married and have baby angels. Jesus is saying, no one will get married in heaven.
You and your spouse will continue to be who you are. Your children will always be your children, but the marriage relationship will be different in heaven. Family's will be able to enjoy their memories, and each other, but relationships will be on a completely different level than what they are here.
31,32. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have been physically dead for a long time, but they are still alive. God is still there God. Notice, he is the God of Abraham. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. So the Sadducees are wrong; life does not end at the grave. Life continues on, and we continue on.
33. The crowd thought the Sadducees had probably backed Jesus into a corner with their question. They had no idea how Jesus was going to answer their question concerning the resurrection and the problem posed to him by the Sadducees, but Jesus gave a great answer by simply teaching what the scripture says. The religious rulers thought they could make Jesus unpopular with the people but their little scheme backfired, and now Jesus is more popular than ever.
34,35. In those days a lawyer was an expert in the old testament law. This lawyer is going to attempt to trap Jesus by using God's Old Testament law. He doesn't understand that Jesus is the God who invented that law. He doesn't understand that Jesus knows the law inside and out. But it's an interesting question, and a great answer from Christ.
36-40. The entire law of God can be boiled down to love God, and love your neighbor. The rest of God's law is just an expansion of those two commandments.
Because that's true we can be confident that when we're not sure of God's will in a certain situation we will be OK if we do what is loving towards God in other people.
41,42. The religious rulers knew the answer to that question right away. The messiah would be the physical descendant of King David.
42,43. Under the inspiration of the holy spirit David wrote Scripture and in one place he spoke of the messiah, who he knew would be his great great great grandson as being his Lord. There was great respect given to Elders in that culture so it would be unheard of for someone to call their son or grandson Lord, and yet David did.
42-44. There's no way that any father would ever call one of his offspring Lord in that culture. Not if that offspring is a mere man they wouldn't. On the other hand if that offspring was human, and God, then that would be a different story.
45. The Messiah has to be more than just a man, and just the son of David, or David never would've called him Lord.
46. Jesus is David legal offspring through Mary who descended from David. Jesus is David's Lord because he is the Son of God. Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man. As man, he is David son. As God, he is David's Lord. Jesus is proclaiming his deity and his humanity.
1. This parable will illustrate how the church age came to be.
2-4. The king is excited. He has his son's wedding all planned. It's going to be great. It will be so much fun that the king, who loves his subjects, wants them all to come and enjoy themselves. But, as we will see, they will not be interested.
What a picture that is of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus preached to the Jews, and so did the apostles, but most were not interested. Most people are not interested today either.
5. They were too busy. They were too busy with the things of this world to pay attention to the Kings invitation.
Many today are too busy with the things of this world to pay attention to God's invitation through Jesus Christ.
5. It comes down to this: most people do not want Jesus. They are too busy with their work, and too busy with their play, to think about God, and pursue Him. It's not that they live immoral lives, or are terrible sinners, they're just indifferent toward God.
People can talk for hours about absolutely nothing, but somehow many can't find an hour to give God on Sunday mornings. They can watch television, or do other things for several hours, but they don't have any time for God, or any interest. Someone says, well indifference toward God isn't too bad; it's not like murder or something. God certainly won't send a good person to hell just because they really don't care about him; will he? Oh yes he will! Let's continue with the story.
6. Some who reject Jesus go beyond indifference; they violently oppose Christianity. There will always be some who hate Jesus so much that they will do unspeakable evil to his people who dare to proclaim the truth, but the truth does not go away, and they will answer to God for their rebellion and the rejection of the savior.
7. When you assault the Kings messengers you assault the king. And when someone assaults Christians they are assaulting Christ. That is what Israel did when they murdered the son of God, and God made them pay. They murdered God's son so God used the roman army to destroy the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D..
7,8. They were not worthy because they would not accept the gracious offer of the king.
It is bad to sin against God; it is bad times infinity to reject God's offer of forgiveness through the savior Jesus Christ. Rejecting the savior is the straw that breaks the camel's back, and seals the doom of the sinner.
9. Israel didn't want God, and they don't want Jesus today, and that's their business. God's business is to bless. God enjoys blessing, and nothing will rob him of that joy. God does not quit; if one person rejects Christ he will give someone else a chance. He is bound to bless which is why he wants Christians to proclaim the word of God throughout the entire world.
10. Notice how both the bad and the good were invited to this wedding.
God doesn't care how bad a sinner has been in the past. The past doesn't mean anything to God if they will only repent and turn to Christ today. God will gladly forgive the sin of any sinner who repents.
11. In those days the wedding host provided the proper clothing for the guests. Anyone invited was welcome to come, but they had to come on the King's terms, and that meant being clothed properly.
It's the same with God and salvation today. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell. He wants all to be saved. All are invited. But to be accepted one must come on God's terms. What are God's terms? Jesus Christ. There is salvation and no one other than Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ, and good works, apart from which faith is dead. Those are God's terms. The bible says: what matters is faith working through love.
12. This man thought he could come into the Kings presence on his own terms, and in his own way, but he was wrong. He knew the king wanted him at the banquet so I guess he figured that the king would bend the rules, and welcome him, but he was wrong about that also. He was like many today who believe that God loves them so much that he will let them into his heaven even though their souls are filthy with sin and they also are wrong, and they will stand before God speechless just like this man.
13. When Jesus speaks of weeping and gnashing of teeth he is talking about hell. Weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, that's what hell is all about. The lesson is this: we come God's way or we go to hell. We come to God through Jesus Christ, or we don't come to God at all. Yes God wants everyone in heaven. But God does not bend the rules for anyone.
14. God wants everyone to be saved, and the cross of Jesus Christ was powerful enough to do the job. The problem is, not everyone wants Jesus. Many people, most people, want sin more than they want Jesus, and those who choose sin will not be chosen by God. God does not choose them because they do not choose Him; they choose hell, and they will live forever with their choice.
15. This would be laughable, if it wasn't so sinful. These religious leaders will try to entangle the son of God with their words. That would be like me trying to out run a race horse.
16. Everything they said about Jesus was true. They don't believe it; but it's true. They were trying to flatter Jesus. That was a waste of time. It was a waste of time because God doesn't need anyone to make Him feel good about himself; it is impossible to flatter God.
17. If Jesus says no; they tell the Roman Governor that he is a rebel who encourages tax evasion. If Jesus says yes; they tell the Jews that Jesus is a Rome lover and therefore should not be followed as the messiah.
18,19. The tax money would be a Roman coin. In order to buy things, or pay govt taxes, one had to use Roman currency. You could tell if a coin was Roman because it had a picture of Caesar on it and an inscription stating that he was deity.
20,21. The coin was minted by the Roman empire. It had Caesars picture on it. The Jews used the Roman coins to conduct business. The Jews used Roman roads, and lived in the peace which the Roman empire provided in the first century. As a result, Jesus said, you have to pay for these things; pay your taxes; gives Caesar what he has coming.
21,22. Pay the government your taxes because that's what they've got coming, and give God your worship and obedience because that's what he has coming.
23. The Sadducees didn't believe in anything they couldn't figure out. Which means they didn't believe in anything supernatural. If they couldn't taste it, or hear it, or touch it, or see it, then they didn't think it was real. But they were wrong because the final standard for truth isn't what our senses tell us; it is what God tells us in his holy word the bible. You can't see heaven or hell or angels or demons or friends who have died but all these people and things exist. We know they exist because the bible says that they do.
23,24. This law was called the law of the kinsmen redeemer. If a married man died before having children then the dead man's brother would marry his widow, and the first son born of them would be known as the son of the dead husband. That's how the deceased man's name would carry on.
25-28. The Sadducees invent this ridiculous story as a way of mocking the doctrine of resurrection. How can there be a resurrection? Who would a woman like this be married to after the resurrection?
29. Notice the importance which Jesus places on the bible. When people don't know the scriptures they will be wrong about a lot of other things, especially spiritual things. They may be well meaning, but without the scriptures to guide them their opinions about life after death will be all over the map.
29. This Sadducees brought God down to their level. In other words, they put human limitations on God. If something seemed impossible, then it was too difficult for God to do as far as they were concerned. If something didn't make sense than it couldn't be real. Instead of God's word being the standard for truth, their minds and what their minds determined was rational became the standard of truth. No wonder they were so confused.
30. Angels do not get married and have baby angels. Jesus is saying, no one will get married in heaven.
You and your spouse will continue to be who you are. Your children will always be your children, but the marriage relationship will be different in heaven. Family's will be able to enjoy their memories, and each other, but relationships will be on a completely different level than what they are here.
31,32. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have been physically dead for a long time, but they are still alive. God is still there God. Notice, he is the God of Abraham. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. So the Sadducees are wrong; life does not end at the grave. Life continues on, and we continue on.
33. The crowd thought the Sadducees had probably backed Jesus into a corner with their question. They had no idea how Jesus was going to answer their question concerning the resurrection and the problem posed to him by the Sadducees, but Jesus gave a great answer by simply teaching what the scripture says. The religious rulers thought they could make Jesus unpopular with the people but their little scheme backfired, and now Jesus is more popular than ever.
34,35. In those days a lawyer was an expert in the old testament law. This lawyer is going to attempt to trap Jesus by using God's Old Testament law. He doesn't understand that Jesus is the God who invented that law. He doesn't understand that Jesus knows the law inside and out. But it's an interesting question, and a great answer from Christ.
36-40. The entire law of God can be boiled down to love God, and love your neighbor. The rest of God's law is just an expansion of those two commandments.
Because that's true we can be confident that when we're not sure of God's will in a certain situation we will be OK if we do what is loving towards God in other people.
41,42. The religious rulers knew the answer to that question right away. The messiah would be the physical descendant of King David.
42,43. Under the inspiration of the holy spirit David wrote Scripture and in one place he spoke of the messiah, who he knew would be his great great great grandson as being his Lord. There was great respect given to Elders in that culture so it would be unheard of for someone to call their son or grandson Lord, and yet David did.
42-44. There's no way that any father would ever call one of his offspring Lord in that culture. Not if that offspring is a mere man they wouldn't. On the other hand if that offspring was human, and God, then that would be a different story.
45. The Messiah has to be more than just a man, and just the son of David, or David never would've called him Lord.
46. Jesus is David legal offspring through Mary who descended from David. Jesus is David's Lord because he is the Son of God. Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man. As man, he is David son. As God, he is David's Lord. Jesus is proclaiming his deity and his humanity.
Chapter 23
1,2. In other words the religious rulers are the high positions of authority. That's true; sincere people looked at them to know how to please god, and to know right from wrong. The religious leaders had a very important job in Israel; which they didn't do very well as we will see.
3. Notice Jesus says the religious leaders have a very important position, they have authority over you and consequently do what they tell you to do but don't do as they do.
Truth must be obeyed no matter how ungodly the communicator of that truth may be. Some people foolishly believe that they can rebel against the authorities in their life because the authorities are not perfect. Some people think that because their Pastor or parents may have done wrong that that gives them a license to rebel. Don't you believe it. Jesus says right here, do what they say when what they say is from God's word but don't do as they do if they do wrong. God expects us to live right, no matter what anyone else does.
4. That's the religious rulers in a nutshell. They made up all sorts of unbiblical rules which made life miserable for the people; they took the fun out of serving god. There's never any spiritual joy for those who are in legalistic religions. There's no joy because it's really hard to serve Christ out of love when you're constantly being beaten over the head with one man made tradition or rule after another, or when you're always being told that God will not accept you if you don't keep those man made traditions, even though it's all religious nonsense.
Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. He never said if you love Me or really want to be accepted by me then obey the religious trash that's been piled upon the Scripture by legalistic Pastors.
4,5. The religious leaders were in the ministry to be noticed. Jesus said, for all their works they'd do to be seen by men. The religious leaders of Jesus time were not in the ministry because they cared about God or the people, but instead to be noticed. The ministry was their stage; they promoted themselves instead of God. To them God was just someone to be used to get people to pay attention to them.
They made their phylacteries broad. A phylactery was a little leather box about 4 inches square. People would put a few tiny strips of paper with bible verses written on them into the phylacteries and then they would attach them to their forehead arms when they would go in for public prayer. They were very small; no big deal. What did the religious leaders do? Well they put big strips of paper into much larger boxes and attach it to their head; that way people would notice them and say, wowthey sure are something special with those big boxes attached to their head,they sure are holy. Jesus exposed their hypocrisy. And that's not all they did; they also enlarged the borders of their garments. The borders of their garments refer to fringes that God had instructed men to hang from their garments. Those fringes were suppose to be simple little reminders that they were God's chosen people. What did the pharisees do? Well they made their fringes extra long. Again this was to draw attention to themselves. They wanted people to look at their extra big boxes and their extra long fringes and think, my oh, they sure are something special. They did other things as well.
6a. They love to sit at the head table where everyone could notice them, and where they'd look important.
6. The best seats in the synagogue were the ones up front facing the crowd. That's where the important people sat, and since the religious leaders were so important to themselves that's where they wanted to be.
7. Self was on the the throne in the lives of the religious rulers. They didn't want God to be honored, or to have the attention of the people; they wanted it all to themselves. Judaism had become a religious Hollywood and the rulers were the stars of the show.
There must never be a Hollywood attitude among "preachers", "Christians singers", or anyone else in Christianity as there was with the Scribes and the Pharisees. They created their religious Hollywood, and they loved it because all eyes were on them. They may have been religious, but they were not the spiritual leaders they were supposed to be. Real spiritual leaders do not direct attention to themselves. Real spiritual leaders want you to look to Christ. They want you to see how wonderful Jesus is, and something else, they don't act as if they are something special because they are content being servants of Christ, willing to help others in their spiritual growth by promoting Jesus and the entire word of God.
8. The title isn't the problem. It's the attitude in the person who thinks he's a big shot because of that title that is a problem. It's not a sin to be called rabbi. Jesus just doesn't want any preacher or teacher to think of themselves as the great rabbi, or the great teacher. There's only one great teacher, and that's the God man Jesus Christ. The rest of us who teach are sub teachers.
Without Jesus there would be nothing to teach, and without Jesus there would be no power in us to teach. Reality is, Jesus is the rabbi, and the rest of us are students. That's the perspective that every Christian minister whether he be a pastor or a teacher or a preacher all need to have.
9. Father,in the sense of being the ultimate authority in your life. Jesus is warning against religious hierarchy who think its their business to micromanage other peoples lives. It's fine to have teachers and religious leaders; that's Biblical. It is not fine to put them on a pedestal. They're just people, saved by grace, like the rest of us. Save your reverence and awe for Jesus. There's only one pedestal, and only room for one person on it, and that's Jesus.
10. Same thought; no Bible teacher, Pastor, or Minister should allow respect for them to get out of hand. No preacher should think of themselves as the master. There's one Master, as Jesus said, and it's him. I don't care who we are, if were saved, we're just servants of the real Master Jesus Christ and we ought to act like it.
11. You say, I want to be great for God. Well that's wonderful. Someone says I want to be a great Christian. That's wonderful as well. If that's true, then don't shoot for religious titles, and don't lust for attention, or honor. A great Christian is someone who acts like Jesus. They put their desires last, and serve others without demanding anything in return.
12. Truth always does two things. It humbles the prideful, and it encourages the humble. The religious leaders did the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do. They were always trying to exalt themselves. Consequently they were humiliated by Jesus many times in front of the crowds. Meanwhile those who recognized their own sinfulness, and came to Christ with a humble heart, asking for forgiveness we're exalted to a place of right standing with God.
13. It's bad enough to go to hell yourself; it's a whole lot worse to drag others to hell with you. The rulers who rejected Jesus Christ are burning in hell as I speak, and so are those who chose to follow them instead of Jesus.
There will be no mercy for ministers who use their position to get money and fame for themselves. There will be no mercy for them since by doing that they drove people away from Christ, instead of towards Christ. Jesus says, if you are not for me, then you are against me.
14. These men were disgusting. A widow might have a few bucks left to her by her husband, probably not much, and she'd have to make it last for the rest of her life. Then along comes one of these religious leaders with their long robes, and their big words, and their long babbling prayers. They say to the poor widow, turn your money over to me and I will take care of it for you. The poor widow would think, well, I can sure trust a holy man like you. So they would take the widows money, and then they would spend it on themselves. The dirty snakes! No wonder Jesus said, woe to you pharisees.
15. The religious rulers made converts. The problem is, the rulers were children of hell so that's what their converts became as well. They converted people to their legalistic, burdensome, religion of man made rules.
A religion like that makes people competitive with each other. People find themselves trying to follow more man made rules than the next person. The focus is not on God. The focus certainly isn't on Christ and his cross. The focus is on me, and my good works, and the way I dress, and the way I don't have facial hair, and the way I don't wear makeup etc.
16a. The religious rulers were blind spiritually. They were blind because they were led by the imaginations of their minds, instead of by the word of God.
Blind people can do many things, and do them well. But a bind person shouldn't be driving a car. An unsaved person is able to do certain things well, and a Christian who doesn't have a working knowledge of God's word may be able to do certain things well also. However no unsaved person, or Christian who doesn't have a working knowledge of scripture should try to be a spiritual guide to others. The pharisees attempted to be spiritual leaders; spiritual guides but they didn't even know the way themselves.
16b-19. The religious leaders had a very elaborate, and a very unbiblical system of oaths. What it gave them, they thought, was a license to lie. I say that because they said some of the oaths were binding and some were not. That's the kind of foolishness that people come up with when they have too much time on their hands, and they don't have a proper respect for the word of God. If they would have spent more time reading God's word, filling their minds with the holy word of God, then they wouldn't have had the time, for such foolishness; foolishness like oaths with the loopholes.
20-22. In other words, God hears all oaths, and all oaths are made to Him, whether His name is spoken in the oath or not. It doesn't matter, because the Bible says, thou shalt not lie. All oaths are binding as far as God is concerned.
23. They followed the law of giving to God down to the smallest little thing, which was good. If they had 10 grains of wheat, or 10 specks of pepper, or $10.00 they gave God one, and kept nine for themselves. The problem is they ignored other, even more important things, like mercy, and love, and justice.
It is easier to do good things, then it is to be good on the inside. It is easier to follow some rule, then it is to let God control our attitude. It is easier to give God an offering then it is to love your enemy. It is easier to come to church, then it is to be kind to those who are mean to you. The Pharisees, like many people, we're better at doing then they were at being. Obeying God's law is very important. But being full of the Holy Spirit, and having a Christ like attitude is very important as well.
24. Gnats and camels were both unclean creatures. That means if you were a Jew you couldn't eat them. The Jews were very careful to obey those dietary laws. They even strained their water to make sure there were no gnats swimming around in there. They didn't want to accidentally swallow a gnat. They were careful not to defile themselves with little things, but then they'd blow it all by swallowing a camel. The point is, they made a big deal about little things, while ignoring the more important things.
25. It's like Dr. J Vernon McGee use to say, you can pour perfume on a pile of manure, but it's still going to be manure. And the pharisees looked good on the outside, but on the inside they were rotten. People saw how they never missed church, and how they went through all their fancy rituals, and people thought, they sure are holy. But God, who sees our hearts, saw their hearts, and was disgusted with how filthy they were. Their outside was just a thin, candy coated shell covering an inside that was full of greed and self indulgence.
26. Following rules doesn't get it done. Going through the motions of holy-type activity doesn't get it done. Going through rituals, and religious activity doesn't get it done. Any, corrupt on the inside person, can do those things. Doing things like that, things that people can see, won't make anyone right with God. On the other hand if you surrender your life to God; if you say, Lord take control, and you mean it, then you are giving your heart to God. And when you do that, the outside things will fall into place. Put God first in your heart, and slowly but surely, more and more, you'll start doing the correct things on the outside as well.
27,28. This can be true of people today. It's much easier to look good on the outside, then it is to clean up the inside. There are people who serve on church committees, and are involved in religious programs; they serve as ushers, singers, teachers, and pastors. But their actual relationship with god is lukewarm at best. Some of them aren't even saved. They don't spend time with God, and they don't deal with the sin in their life. They look good outwardly, but inside the are full of moral and spiritual rot. Jesus is cautioning his people not to be that way.
29. The rulers made a big deal out of the tombs of the old testament prophets. They would visit the Tombs, and of course like everything else they did, they would use it as a photo OP. They wanted to identify themselves with the great men of god from the past.
29,30. The liars! The Pharisees sure would have taken part in the murder of the Prophets. They said, we would never do what our forefathers did. We would never kill God's Prophets. Of course not. You're just in the process of plotting to kill God's Son, that's all. They were hypocrites.
31. They admitted that they were the sons of those who killed the Prophets of God. They were the sons of murderers. As far as God is concerned, with them, it was like father, like son.
32. In other words, go ahead and do what's in your heart you religious rulers. You know you want to do it. You won't listen to reason. You won't listen to warnings. So just go ahead, add to the sin of your forefathers, and bring down Divine judgment on yourselves.
One thing about having a freewill, God gives us the freedom to do what we want to do. People do what they want to do. People have freedom to choose sin, or righteousness. That's why God holds everyone accountable for their actions.
33. Answer, they won't, and they didn't. They've been burning in hell for 2000 years, and it will never stop. There was no avoiding hell for these people, or anyone else who refuses to turn from their sin, and ask Jesus to save them from the wrath of God.
34. They said, we'd never kill God's Prophets. But they are about to kill God's Son, and after that they will persecute and kill the Apostles, and other Christians as well.
34-36. God gives every person, and every nation a spiritual cup, so to speak. And with every sin that's committed a drop of iniquity is placed into that cup. When the cup is full, it means that Gods patience is exhausted, and His wrath is about to hit. The thing is, no one knows how big their cup is, and no one knows how much room they have left in their cup. Israel's cup in our Lord's day was just about full. The killing of God's Son, and His followers will fill it, and God's wrath will be poured out, and it was poured out in 70 A.D.
37. If you think Jesus enjoyed blasting the religious leaders, and calling them snakes you are wrong. More than anything Christ wanted Jerusalem to repent and receive him. If they would have then He would have protected them, and given them good times. But they wouldn't, and it grieved Him.
38. The house Jesus refers to his the Holy temple. The Holy Temple was suppose to be God's house, but the Jews evicted Him. They didn't want Him around. When Jesus walked into that Temple that meant God Almighty, in the flesh, was there. But the religious leaders didn't want Jesus there messing up their lifestyle. They didn't want Jesus there chasing out all those vendors who brought in so much cash. They didn't want God in His temple. So like the gentleman that He is, He's leaving. But that means that the house of God will be empty, and desolate. Oh there may be some religious activity, but God won't be there. God is not there in their hearts or in their priorities, therefore God is not in their church either.
No big church with a high steeple will bring God into your life unless you first ask Jesus Christ to come into your soul, and take over.
39. It's been a long hard road for the nation Israel since they rejected their God King. But God isn't quite finished with them yet. They will come to their senses one of these days, and kick themselves for killing their Messiah. One of these days the people of Israel will once again cry out to their Messiah, just as they did on Palm Sunday, and they will say, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Only this time instead of the religious rulers telling them to be quiet, they'll join in, and that's when Jesus Christ will return to earth. Not only to bless Israel, but to bless the entire world.
Chapter 24
1. It is now Tuesday of holy week. It is now only a couple of days before Jesus Christ is crucified. It says here that Jesus left the temple. This is his last visit to the temple, and as far as his public teaching is concerned it's over; it's done. The only teaching that Jesus will do in these last few days is to His disciples.
1. The temple was more than one building; it was buildings. It was more than just one building where people came to worship God. There were courts and colonnades surrounding the temple itself. It was a huge set of structures; one of the wonders of the ancient world. It covered 1/6 land area of Jerusalem. It was built like are rock; the complex was built like a rock and so the Jews were very proud of it and thought that it would last forever.
2. The disciples and the other Jews were very proud of their temple, but it had become as cold and dead as a mausoleum. The people had rejected God and as part of the punishment for doing that the temple would be destroyed stone by stone , and it happened exactly as Jesus predicted. He didn't just say it was going to be destroyed; he said it's going to be destroyed stone by stone, and that is what happened 37 years later. There was a rumor going around that the Jews had put gold in the mortar when they built the temple and so when Rome came to destroy it they took it apart stone by stone just exactly as Jesus predicted would happen.
3. Verse three contains three questions. Question number one, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us, when will these things be? In other words when will the temple be destroyed?
Question number two: what will be the sign of your coming? In other words when are you coming to set up your kingdom, and what will be the sign which will indicate that it is about to happen?
Question three: what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? In other words what will be the sign of the end of the world as we know it?
4. They asked for signs, and Jesus is first response is, don't let anyone deceive you.
Whenever people start looking for signs they can easily be deceived. Satan is a master at producing false signs. Focus on Christ; focus on God's word; and you won't be deceived by any false signs between now and the fulfillment of God's plan.
4,5. The reason it's so important to read the word of God is because Jesus said that before he returns many false teachers will tell lies in his name. Not only that, many people will come along, and claim to be Christ. The result: because many people are not in the word of God like they should be, they will be deceived, led astray, and damned forever. If for no other reason than that it's critical to read, know, and follow God's word.
6. There have always been wars and rumors of wars. Therefore they are not a sign of the second coming of Christ. It's like Jesus says, the end is not yet. So the next time war breaks out in the Middle East, especially, in the Middle East, and someone writes a book suggesting that it's signaling the end of the world hopefully no one will buy the book. War isn't a sign that the end is near; war is the norm, unfortunately. In the last 3000 years there have only been 200 years of world peace. War breaking out is big news, but it's even bigger news when peace breaks out.
7. Again, when the things written in verse seven happen it's not necessarily a sign of the end. If you read the headlines of any major newspaper they pretty much copy verse seven word for word. These things are happening today in various places. Now, from the book of revelation we know that they will increase as the Lord's second coming draws closer. But their existence doesn't mean anything other than Jesus knew what he was talking about when he predicted that this age would be full of these sorts of things.
8. All these things God has described are just the beginning of sorrows, and remember what Jesus said in verse six: they must come to pass. Political upheaval, terrorism, wars, famine, and disease are not a sign of the end; they are a sign that everything is normal. Not normal the way God wanted, but normal for a world affected by sin. Not normal the way God intended it to be in the beginning, but normal for a world whose people for the most part are being swayed by the biggest destroyer of all, Satan. God never wanted sin and death to be a part of this world, but man chose it when he chose to sin, and now before God wipes sin out he is letting it run its course. And that is why these terrible things must come to pass.
8. The disciples should be figuring out right about here that Jesus isn't going to set up his kingdom on earth right away. In other words from what he has said it should be clear to them that he is not going to bring in good times immediately. He is talking about wars, and disasters, and then he says, it's just the beginning. Wars and disasters suggest many years, and then it's still only the beginning. If I was a betting man I would bet that the color is probably draining from the face of the Apostle's as it becomes painfully clear that the wonderful paradise kingdom promised in the old testament isn't going to happen anytime soon.
By the way, I hear people say that the Apostles believed and taaught the imminent return of Christ; they did not believe it and they did not teach it, they knew it would be preceeded by many things.
9. Now Jesus' prophecy is hitting close to home; now it is getting personal. Before it was, these bad things will happen in the world. Now it's, these bad things are going to happen to you. Jesus said, people will hate you because you live for me. People will hate you because you preach my word, and it doesn't matter where you go.
People are people, and people are sinners, and if you live for Jesus, and tell people that He is the only way to heaven there will be those who will hate you; so get ready.
10. The persecution in some cases will be so bad that those who once claimed to be Christians will say, not anymore; it's not worth it to me. Many will say, Jesus is not my Savior; not anymore, the price is too high.
It has never been popular to be a Christian who is really sold out to Christ, living for the Lord, and speaking the truth. It has never been popular, and it never will be. However those who are willing to put up with the persecution until the end will be saved.
11,12. Sin will run wild everywhere in the world as the end draws near. Sin will be rampant, and where you have sin you have a "me first" attitude. I'm on the throne of my life; not God. I am the one who is important. You better not get in my way, or I will run you down. It's like Jesus says, when sin starts running wild the love of many will grow cold. Sinners love self, not God or others.
13. This verse is a warning, but I think it's more than a warning; It is also a promise.
If you ever find yourself standing in front of a firing squad, or with your head on the chopping block, or even lying in the hospice unit, and you are still holding on to the belief that Jesus is your Savior you are blessed because you are saved. The next stop for you is heaven.
14. The end here refers to the end of the Israelie State. The message of Jesus is this, the good news that He will save anyone from hell who repents and receives him as Lord and Savior will be preached throughout the inhabited world before the wrath of God comes crashing down on Jerusalem and 70 A.D.. Speaking of that event...
15. Jesus is now answering the question they asked back in verse three. The question was, when will the temple be destroyed? Answer: when godless people desecrate it, and that happened in 70 A.D.. The ungodly Romans desecrated the temple before they destroyed it.
15,16. This warning is for the Christians who will be alive and 70 A.D.. When you see the temple desecrated get out of Jerusalem just as fast as you can. Those who believed, and as a result obeyed Jesus' instructions were spared. Those who did not believe Christ and therefore did not obey his command suffered.
It is always that way. Believed God's word, and follow his instructions on how to get to heaven, or suffer in hell. Those who didn't believe, and obey Jesus in 70 A.D. were destroyed. Those who don't receive Christ today will suffer eternal punishment. The words of Jesus Christ are true and they must be heeded or one will suffer the consequences .
17-20. In other words, when it is time to run, run and don't worry about your possessions.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy for people to get their priorities straight. Some people's priorities are all wrong. They pay more attention to their televisions, music, sports, cars, and whatever, then they do their family and God. But when fire or some other tragedy occurs they usually say the same thing, we lost everything but thank God my family and I made it. What a pity that it often takes a disaster to remind people about what's really important.
21. It was bad in 70 AD before Rome demolished Jerusalem. 1 million Jews were captured, and 1.1 million were either scattered or starved to death. It was bad when Hitler slaughtered millions of Jews during world war two. But those two things were just a small taste of the suffering and death that will occur during the days before Jesus returns. It is going to be bad, real bad. It is going to be the worst thing; the worst disaster, and the worst carnage to ever hit this world. And when you think about all the famines, plagues, wars, and disasters, and then you hear Jesus say, none of those things are as bad is what will hit this planet during the tribulation before He returns, you know it will be horrible.
22. If Jesus Christ does not intervene by his return the world destroys itself.
What a lie sin is. It promises satisfaction, but it delivers misery and death. Sin destroys, and the only person who can rescue a life ravaged by sin is the Lord Jesus Christ. He does it for people today whenever they repent, and receive him as Lord and Savior. He will do it for the world at the end of the age when He returns.
23. In times of trouble people are vulnerable to slick talkers who promise a way out of their problem. It'll be no different during the tribulation. At the end of the age. God's people will be under tremendous pressure, and will be suffering much persecution. Like today, there will be opportunists who will try to take advantage of that. People will say, I'm the Christ, I'm Jesus, I've returned, I'll save you if you follow me; if you sign over your possessions to me.
24,25. In that day the false Christs will be empowered by Satan to do miracles. Of course the world loves anything that's supernatural so people will flock to these false teachers by the droves. It's happening today as well. People are drawn to the supernatural, and Satan is more than happy to empower his ministers to do a few tricks.
Sometimes these people can appear to be very nice, and their teachings can seem to make sense. Perhaps they make people feel good, but when you examine their teachings closely you'll find an error here, and there, and I'm not just talking about errors in insignificant matters that good Christians can disagree on. I'm talking about errors concerning the Godhead and concerning the fundamental truths of orthodox Christianity. But when you examine their teachings; the things that they say you'll see that they'd don't quite line up with scripture in this place, and in that place. That's the warning siren of the Holy Spirit to get away, and warn others to get away. Miracles or not get away from them.
26. Now remember Jesus is warning His people not to be taken in. It's going to be tough to be one of God's people in the last days. People will want Jesus to return, and consequently they may be tempted to believe some of the slick talking, smiling, false Christs, and false prophets.
Sometimes people want someone, or something to be a certain way so badly that they make believe it is that way when deep down inside they know it really isn't. But life is too short to play make believe. Life is wasted, poor decisions are made, and life becomes a silly child's game with disastrous results when we don't live in, and deal with, reality.
27. You'll know it when Jesus returns if you're alive when it happens. You won't miss His return; no one will.
The next time some false prophet says, I am Jesus; or I am the Messiah you'll know their lying; even if they do miracles to back their false claims you will know that they are lying. If he didn't return to Earth with all the angels, and if every eye did not see him as he descended to this planet then he's not the real Jesus; he's a liar.
28. When Jesus returns two things will happen. Number one he will set up his kingdom for the redeemed. Number two the world system, and the people who oppose God, and Jesus Christ will be judged, killed, and sent to eternal hell. The evil, Christ rejecting sinners in this verse are represented by the carcasses, and the flesh eating eagles represent God's judgment. In other words God's judgment will pick them apart like a vulture picks apart a carcass.
29. On the day that Jesus returns the big dipper is going to scatter, and so will Orion, and so will all the stars, and the planets. The night sky we'll be chaos, and the daylight, well, it won't look like daylight because the sun will grow dark. And then, after God has everyone's attention, and everyone is looking up, versed 30 happens.
30. The people of the earth will mourn because they opposed Jesus Christ, and they lost, and they know it.
People sin because they want to, and also because they think that they will get away with it. But when it's too late and the consequences of their sin have caught up to them, they mourn. They mourn because they know they've been foolish. They mourn because they wish they would have listened to the word of God. Sooner or later all who rebel against God and reject the Savior will mourn.
31. God's people who somehow, by God's grace,manage to survive the terrible persecution will have the ride of their life. God has more in angels then you can count, and on that day He will send them all across the world, and they will transport all of His people to Israel. Once in Israel they will get their first glimpse: a closeup look at the savior. And after welcoming him to earth, the new heavens, and the new earth will be ushered in.
32. In Wisconsin we know summer is near because the lilac bushes start to sprout leaves. In Israel it was the fig tree that sprouted.
33. Wars and natural disasters do not mean that the return of Christ is near. There will not be a whole lot of warning before Jesus returns; he will return like a thief in the night according to Scripture. But when the stars, and the planet start doing strange things; when they start shaking, and the sun and the Moon begin to go dark, then Jesus is right around the corner.
34. The generation that's alive when all those fearful, and strange things begin to happen will see the return of Christ. Verse 34 suggests that those people shouldn't kid themselves, and think that Jesus isn't at the doorstep; they need to hurry and get right with God before it's too late.
The return of Christ is imminent. The stars and the sky could start bouncing around tonight, and Jesus could return tonight, or even today.
35. Psalm 119:85 says ,"Forever o Lord your word is settled in Heaven." The word of God is our anchor. What it says about God, Jesus, heaven, hell, and salvation is true. You can't trust anything as much as you can trust the word of God. That's why if something goes against the Bible we must reject it; flat out reject it, no matter who may be disappointed in the process.
36. The book of Deuteronomy 29:29 says, " the secret things belong to God". The exact date of our Lord's return is a secret. In spite of that, some wild eyed religious crackpot will come along every now and then and claim to know when Jesus will return. They make the Christian talk show circuit, and write a book, and make a lot of money, and all because people either do not know, or do not believe the bible when it says that no one knows the day that Christ will return.
37-39. The people in Noah's day lived as if they would live forever. They lived as if there was no God. They were warned that judgment was coming. They were told, repent or die. But they ignored those warnings, and carried on with their sin like it was no big deal. They thought they would get away with their rebellion; they did not, and neither will people today. Be sure your sins will find you out.
Those who do not make time for God; those who do not take God seriously, will be blindsided by His wrath just like the sinners of Noah's day.
40,41. Let no one be deceived; when the dust clears, and this world is over there will be a final separation of the righteous and the wicked. One will be taken, and one will be left, and it will happen very quickly. When Jesus returns there won't be any time to repent. Those who will not repent today are playing Russian roulette with their immortal soul.
42-44. In Revelation 3:11 Jesus says, "behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown." God says, watch, be on guard, because Jesus is coming when the world least expects it. The more people who say, Jesus won't come back, or if he does it won't be for many years, the more likely his return is at hand.
43,44. If you get a tip that a burglar will hit your house tonight you'll be prepared. If you don't know what time he's coming you'll be ready from sundown to sunrise.
We know that Jesus is returning; we just don't know the exact moment. We don't know the exact moment of his return just like we don't know the exact moment of our death. We do know that one of those two things will happen in our lifetime, and could possibly happened today. That's why Jesus wants people to be ready right now.
45-51. Notice, Jesus says, if that servant. Which servant? That servant who had been wise, and faithful (vs. 45, 46). If that faithful servant turns bad (verse 48), then he will be punished with the unfaithful. That's talking about hell. The entire context of this parable is about the separation of the righteous from the wicked; it's about being saved or lost.
The unsaved need to be prepared, and the saved need to stay prepared, because it is possible to be a faithful servant, and become unfaithful, and then be punished along with the rest of the unfaithful in the place where there will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Chapter 25
1. In this story Jesus is the bridegroom; the 10 bridesmaids (virgins) represent people in general. We're going to meet the bridegroom someday; either he will come to us or we will go to him, but just as sure is you are where you are and I am where I am we will meet Jesus on that day.
1,2. The bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Some of these who are about to meet Jesus feared the Lord during their life, and others did not. It's that way today as well. Some people fear God, others barely give God a thought.
100,000 people will died today. 100,000 people will meet Jesus today; some are ready; some are not.
2. The foolish ones represent people who do not plan ahead. They don't plan for eternity. They don't think: what if the bible is true, what if there really is a hell for those who reject Christ?
3. They took lamps, which was smart. But they didn't take a supply of oil, which was stupid. They sort of started to get ready to meet the groom, but they didn't fully prepare. They're like the person who hops a train headed for California, but only buys a ticket to St. Louis.
Many people are like that with God. They sort of got some religion; they sort of go to church, and every once in awhile they pray, but they never really repent, and make Christ there Lord and Savior; they're without oil.
4. The wise had containers with extra oil in them. They were prepared for the long haul.
Wise people plan for eternity. Foolish people wing it just hoping that everything will somehow work out.
5. The groom's delay represents the length of our life. The delay in meeting Jesus depends on how long we live.
6. One day the delay will be irrelevant; one day the number of years we live on earth won't matter. We have a date with Jesus; it's written on his calendar, and like it or not that's one date we will keep. He's going to call our name; we will be summoned into his court, and we will appear.
7. It's time to meet the groom so they arose; they have no choice in the matter.
We have no choice either. Ready or not the time will come when we will meet Jesus Christ face to face.
8. In other words, we aren't ready, we haven't prepared properly so help us. We aren't ready so give us some of what you have. In other words, you're ready so give us some of your readiness.
8,9. It was too late to receive anyone's help.
I am willing to help anyone who wants help spiritually speaking. I'm willing to help anyone get to heaven, but if they scoff at the word of God, and continue to give Jesus the cold shoulder there will come a day when it will be too late for anyone to help them.
You can't get your mom and dad into heaven if they don't want Jesus. You can't get your son or daughter into heaven if they don't want Jesus. We get what our deeds deserve, and no one can change that for us. The bible says, everyone who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. That's talking about personal responsibility and personal accountability to God.
10. Those who were ready went with the groom but the door was shut to those who were not ready.
Those who die right with God through Jesus Christ will be with Jesus. Those who are not ready when they die will have the gates of heaven slammed shut in their face.
11. They say, Lord Lord let us in, as if knowing who Jesus is is sufficient; well it is not. Jesus says, not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. They didn't do the will of the father so they can shout until they are horse, but they're not getting in.
12. Jesus will say, no, it's too late; you didn't want Me, now I don't want you.
God will always hear the prayer of any sinner who repents; today He will hear that prayer. But God will not answer the prayers of a sinner after they die without Christ. We're so used of God being compassionate that we can't imagine Him being any other way. But there is no compassion for the lost sinner who dies without Christ.
12. In life they could have been forgiven. If they would have lived up to the light that they had, and would've hungered for truth then God would have gotten them the message of Jesus Christ somehow.
Then there are others who know the truth; God gives them plenty of chances to receive Christ, but they sin those chances away. They know all about Jesus; they've heard the stories about Jesus 1000s times, but they don't know Him personally because they never said Jesus come into my life , take control, be my Lord and Savior.
12,13. We don't know when Jesus Christ will return, or when we will die, so we should live every minute as if it were our last. Be prepared; get ready, stay ready, don't sin, and when you do sin, confess and start over. Jesus said, behold I come quickly; hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown.
14. This man called his own servants. A man will trust his own servants, those who belong to him, those who know him, and those who he knows. God is the same way; he trusts those who he knows with the things that concern him. God never trusts the servants of the devil or the servants of this world with the things that are important to Him. The unsaved are spiritually dead which is why their priorities are not God's priorities. God uses people who live clean lives; those he knows will do right.
14,15. Before the man in this story left on his journey he gave each of his servants what was suitable to them. The duties you have today are tailor made for you. They are made for the circumstances God has allowed to come into your life. They're also made to suit the measure of talent God has given you.
God does not call us to do something that he has not equipped us to do. Jesus is the one who opens the doors, and Jesus is the one who gives ability. We shouldn't worry about what we can't do; we should just roll up our sleeves and get busy doing what we can do. Some have five talents worth of ability, and opportunity some have two, and some have one. That doesn't mean that one person is better than the next; the fact is anything that any of us have been given is a product of God's grace just like the servants in this story.
16,17. They both used what they had been given; they both did very well with what they had to work with.
Success for us is doing what God wants us to do. Don't waste your time comparing what you do with what some other Christian does. They are responsible to use the gifts and the opportunity's that God has given them, and you are responsible for the gifts and opportunity's that God has given you. Develop what you have by prayer, work, and practice, and use it all for the Glory of God. God doesn't expect you to do anything with the gifts and opportunity's that others have. Just be yourself in the lord, and use what God has given you.
18. He takes his master's gift, and buries it. He could've used the energy he put into digging a hole into using what his master gave him, and he would have been better off. But he didn't use what his master gave him, and he did not intend to use it either.
19. Their time of testing came to an end.
That is a picture of our time of testing. This life is our time of testing. Whether it's through death, or by Christ's return this time will pass, and we will give an account of ourselves to God.
20-23. Notice the thing that these two servants had in common. They both did their best, and faithfully worked hard to use what their master gave them. They both doubled what they had been given. The didn't both produce the same amount; the one who had been given more to work with produced more. But they both did the best with what they had. That's the important thing to see.
God won't compare what you did for him with what someone else did. He will look at how you used what he gave you to work with. He will be as pleased with you as he is with someone who did 1000 times as much as you, if you tried to make the most of what you had to work with.
24,25. This servant had a very low opinion of his master, and He didn't have any desire to serve him either.
A real servant of God who's been saved by grace will do his best to serve the God who saved him from hell. He won't be perfect, but he will try. He will fail at times, but he will ask for forgiveness, and start again. A person who refuses to serve God doesn't love God, and doesn't appreciate Him, and I wouldn't bet a nickel on his salvation. This third servant represents that type of person.
26,27. The master didn't give this servant much; just one measly talent. As a result, he didn't expect much in return. Even if the man would have put it in the bank to collect some interest that would have been enough to please the master. But he didn't do a single thing with what he was given.
28,29. The point is this: there are consequences to our attitude toward Christ. If you prepare for eternity by serving Christ, and live to please him, you will be rewarded. If you don't care about Jesus, and as a result, give no thought to living for him, then you will be punished. Concerning people like that Jesus says, even what they have will be taken away. Meaning this: their opportunity to be saved by receiving Jesus will be removed from them. They will have nothing at all for all eternity; nothing but bad.
30. In other words hell. Jesus is talking about eternal Hellfire. Anyone who doesn't care about Jesus is a worthless servant. They are not saved, and they will be sent to hell for ever without end. They will weep and gnash their teeth, and those are the words of Jesus Christ.
31. Jesus is talking about his second coming. He is saying that when he returns it will be in Glory. No one will miss the fact that he is God when he returns, and if how he looks doesn't convince someone that he is God, then all those angels who will be with him sure should do the trick.
This is the only time in scripture that I'm aware of where it says that all the angels are in one particular place. Usually they are scattered on different assignments, but not on that day. This is too big, and the return of Christ is way too important to just send a few angels. God wants all the angels to be there for the lord's return.
32. All nations refers to all people. All people will be brought to Jesus on the day that he returns to earth. This is judgment day. The book of acts 17:31 says this, "God has appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has chosen", and that man is a Lord Jesus Christ, and this is that day.
32,33. In the bible the right hand speaks of the hand of blessing. The sheep, representing the saved are to the right of Jesus. The goats, representing the unsaved are to his left. The people on the left are standing, but not for long. Psalm 1:5 says this, "therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment"; the ungodly are going down. If you find yourself standing on the left side of Jesus on the day that he returns you are going down. The reason I preach the bible is to try to get people to understand that they have to repent, or there going down.
34. Jesus speaks to the saved, and He says they are the blessed; Jesus is giving them the kingdom of God. It's been prepared for them. God knew all along those who would repent and continue with Jesus through good times and bad, and this is their reward.
35,36. How do you know if you're saved? Well I come to church. We'll good, but so do demons. Church pews are filled with demonds and lost souls who are on the way to hell.
Jesus says if your helpful, sympathetic, compassionate; if you do good works, those are the things that indicate salvation. We must have faith in Jesus Christ because the bible says he who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son abides in death, but works follow faith, and if the work isn't there the faith is dead, and dead faith doesn't save anyone according to what God says in the book of James.
37-40. Don't say you love Jesus if you're not willing to help a Christian who needs help. If a man says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; that's what Scripture says. If we're saved we care about Jesus; we want to please Jesus, and if that's true we want to be sympathetic, and helpful for Jesus sake, because it pleases him.
God is telling us ahead of time what is saved person looks like so we won't be surprised on judgment day.
41. Hell is eternal fire! People say I think this world is hell. That's the biggest bunch of demonic blather to ever come out of a sinners mouth. "I think this world is hell"; signed: Lucifer.
41. Hell is eternal fire, that means it burns, and it never goes out; it torments, and there's no pain killer.
Hell is horrible, and hell was never intended for man. Hell was made for the devil in his angels. People go to hell for the same reason the devil goes to hell. People go to hell because in their heart they say: no God; no I'm going to live my way, and I don't care what you, and your Son think about it. That's the truth, and that's why every sinner who burns in hell is getting exactly what they've got coming.
42. Jesus says, you're going to hell because you knew my people needed help but you didn't care.
43. Jesus says, you're going to hell because you were selfish, and you are going to hell because you didn't show mercy. The bible says, blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. There's no such thing as a saved person who doesn't care about others. The saved person who doesn't care about others is guilty of a continual sin, and in 1st John the bible says, if you're saved you don't continue in sin. If we don't care about what God cares about then we don't know Christ and we're not saved.
44. They call him Lord. These aren't Muslims or Jews or atheists. They are people who called themselves Christians during their life; they call Jesus Lord. With their mouth they call Jesus Lord, but by their actions they deny Him.
45. In other words, sins of omission are the sins that Jesus says will send these people to hell.
People sometimes think, I never killed anyone, or I never robbed a bank, or beat my wife so I think I'll go to heaven. However, not doing the wrong things is only half the story. Saved people also do the right things. Saved people want to be like Jesus. Saved people don't want to be like the devil, and they want to be like Jesus. The spirit of Jesus is in them, and that Holy Spirit puts the desire in God's people. If the desire isn't there, and the doing isn't there, then the Holy Spirit isn't there, and the bible says if we don't have the Holy Spirit then we don't belong to Jesus.
46. Those who reject the Savior go to hell because that's what they deserve. The evil, indifferent, selfish, sin loving, lovers of iniquity get what they've got coming. They are tried, convicted, sentenced, and sent to hell by the Savior who wanted to forgive them, but they despised him. They will be removed from all that is good, and pleasant, and they will immediately be thrown into hell.
46. Hell is everlasting punishment because the punishment must fit the crime. To sin against a Holy God, and then refuse his mercy, is a crime that we can't even fathom. The punishment for that degree of infinite guilt must be infinite suffering.
Chapter 26
1,2 On the very first Passover down in Egypt the Israelites put lambs blood on their doors. That blood protected them from the death that struck the Egyptians who didn't believe God and therefore did not put the blood on their doors.
Jesus will be crucified during the Passover celebration. That is fitting because Jesus is the Lamb of God. All who ask him to be their Lord and Savior are spared from eternal suffering in hell just like the firstborn of Israel was spared during that first Passover down in Egypt.
3,4. While Jesus was talking to his Disciples the religious rulers were talking to each other. They were trying to come up with a sneaky plan to kill Jesus.
5. They wanted Jesus dead, however they were willing to wait a few days before killing him. There were over a million people in Jerusalem for the Passover. Many of them liked Jesus so if He is arrested, and the crowd finds out that the religious rulers were behind it the people will probably riot. So the rulers say, we have to put our plot on hold for a few days.
6,7. Here is a woman who had a heart for God. She could've sold that oil, and bought some nice things for herself. But instead she sacrificed it to Christ.
Every time you take some cash that you could spend on yourself, and give it to the Lord's work you are doing what she did. Jesus appreciates that sort of thing today just as he did back then.
8. How would you feel if your best friends yelled at someone who gave you a gift and called it a big waste? It's not enough that Jesus is feeling the pressure of his upcoming crucifixion; now he has to listen to this sort of thing coming from his so-called devoted followers.
9. Yes it could've been given to the poor. But it's her oil, and it's her business what she does with it. And by the way, it wasn't a waste. Blowing it on booze would've been a waste; giving it to Christ is worship.
10. Instead of putting this woman down they should have said, I'm going to sell my most valuable possessions, and do something nice for you with the cash like she did. I'm going to do that Lord because I want you to know that my devotion to you is strong; just as strong as this woman's.
11. They can help the poor 365 days a year until Jesus Christ returns. But there's only one very small window of opportunity to be nice to Jesus before he suffers, and dies for them.
12. She heard Jesus talk about his death, and that is why she anointed Him with her oil.
The more you read the word of God the better you will use the time, money, and other resources you have. God's word will sanctify your spending.
13. And it's not just what this woman did, it's any act of humble devotion to Christ. Any unselfish thing you do for Jesus Christ is recorded in God's mind for ever, and he will bless you forever because you did it.
14. One of the 12 most fortunate men who ever lived on earth; one who spent three years with Jesus in person. One who saw him do countless miracles to help people. That one, because he was greedy, sold Christ out to his enemies.
14,15. Judas got the equivalent of $15.00 for selling out Christ. Now he can put about 3/4 tank of gas in his car. Check that; by today's standards that's barely over 1/4 tank. Let's see Judas; you've been in hell for 2000 years going on forever, but at least you got $15.00 out of the deal. Judas was an idiot.
16. They paid Judas in advance so now he will keep his end of the deal, and betray Christ.
Partners in crime must work together in order for evil to succeed. Which proves that even evil needs a measure of good to prosper. Good is a stronger force then evil. Good can exist by itself but evil cannot; good can prosper by itself, but evil cannot.
17. Unleavened bread refers to bread that doesn't have yeast. Yeast is actually corrupted dough. I suppose that's why in Scripture yeast is symbolic of sin and false teaching. The feast of unleavened bread lasted seven days. During those seven days no yeast was to be found in any food, or anyplace, in any home in Israel. It was a reminder for God's people to search their lives carefully, and get rid of anything that may be sinful.
18. Jesus said, My time is at hand. Ecclesiastes chapter three says, there's a time to be born, and a time to die. The time that God had appointed for Jesus to die had arrived.
You were born the second God wanted you to be born, and there's a time appointed for you to die as well.
19. They found the house, prepared the roasted lamb, and all the side dishes that went along with the Passover meal.
20,21. Jesus already told them several times that he would be murdered. Now he drops another bombshell on them. One of the 12 will betray him into the hands of his killers.
Jesus measures out truth to us in doses that we can handle. And something else; he tells us what we need to know when we'd need to know it, not a moment sooner.
22. Notice how that none of the 11 trusted themselves.
Never be confident to the point where you don't think you have to be on guard against yourself.
23. Jesus is saying, I'm sharing my dinner with the one who will betray me.
You expect to be hurt by those who openly oppose you, however it's a real shot to be stabbed in the back by a friend.
24. When someone says, I wish I was dead you know they are unhappy. When someone says, I wish I had never been born; that indicates something way beyond unhappy. I wish I'd never been born is saying I'm so miserable that I would gladly have missed all the good that I have enjoyed in order to escape the nightmare I am experiencing. For 2000 years Judas has been saying, I wish I had never been born. People in hell wish they had never been born.
25a. Jesus knows Judas is guilty. Judas knows Judas is guilty. Not only that; Judas knows that Jesus knows he is guilty. And yet Judas still refuses to confess, and repent. Judas is a confession away from forgiveness, but he refuses to do it. He chooses instead to burn in hell.
25. Plain talk from Christ to Judas about his guilt.
No one ever gets saved apart from some plain talk from God. If a lost soul isn't given the word of God, and confronted with their guilt, and their need for a savior they will never repent, and they will burn in hell for ever.
26. When the communion bread is blessed with the words of Scripture: "this is my body", it becomes a Holy thing. From the moment the bread is blessed it should be treated with reverence. We don't worship bread but it is a sanctified thing which represents the body of Jesus Christ. To treat it as a common thing, and to handle it in a reckless way is to make light of the sacrificial body of Jesus Christ.
27. The cup refers to the cup of wine that they drank during the Passover. It was called the cup of praise because after they finished drinking they repeated some songs of praise out of the book of Psalms. That is how the Passover ended every year.
28. God made a covenant between himself, and the Israelites when Moses received the law on Mount Sinai. If the Jews would bring an animal sacrifice in payment for their sins than God wouldn't hold their sins against them. God then told them to kill an animal, and sprinkle some of its blood on the book which contain the words of that covenant. That blood made the covenant official. Why blood? Because it was the way both parties in an agreement said, if I don't keep my end of this covenant, then let me become like this dead animal.
28. The communion wine represents the blood of Jesus Christ. His blood paid for our sins. And his blood sealed the new covenant between God, and man. If you ask Christ to be your Lord and Savior, then God swears by the blood of his Son that your sins will be forgiven, and you won't go to hell.
29. I don't know what Jesus, the apostles, and others are drinking in heaven today, but it isn't wine that's for sure. He will drink wine again, but not until He returns to earth, and sets up His kingdom.
30. The Passover hymns were Psalm 113 through Psalm 118. Jesus, and the 11 leave the upper room, walked to the edge of town, crossed the brook kidron, and climbed the western slope of the mount of olives, until they reached the garden of Gethsemane.
31. Jesus is telling his Disciples that they will fulfill old testament prophecy tonight, only they're not going to like it. When Jesus is arrested they will panic and run leaving Him alone in His suffering.
32. Jesus is looking beyond the cross to the good times out there in the future. In fact it was those good times in the future that helped Him to endure the pain, and the shame of the cross.
What was true for Jesus is true for Christians. No matter how bad things may be for a Christian good times are coming. Some of the greatest joys for a Christian occur during hard times. That's because to survive, and endure they think about their wonderful future, and that brings joy.
33. Peter was full of self confidence, and he had a wonderful self image. But Peter was a sinner full of arrogance and pride. The problem with people like Peter is that they don't pray as they should. Pray? Are you kidding; I can handle things because I'm strong.
34. Peter boasted about how he would be better than the rest. Jesus said, Peter you're going to be worse than the rest. The others will take off on Jesus wants, but Peter will deny Jesus three times.
35. Well, they are all telling Jesus just how wrong he is. It didn't matter how well meaning they were; they were still contradicting the word of God.
We may at times not like what God says, but we have no right to say he is wrong.
36. Jesus needed to pray because he was locked into a no good situation with no easy way out. Going to the cross and suffering spiritually and physically was a nightmare scenario to Jesus. But the only alternative was to bail out, and love would not let him do that because that would mean certain hell for all of us.
37. Jesus prayed alone many times, but this time he wanted his three closest friends to be with him. The disciples James and john were his Cousins, and Peter was Peter. He wanted their company, but he didn't ask for their prayers, at least not prayers for him.
Jesus never needs our prayers. He is the lord of our prayers. He never needs to be the subject of our prayers.
38. If we need to remember that Jesus is 100% human so that we can really appreciate just how unselfish he was. He is about to be punished for our sins, which means, on the cross, he will be blasted with guilt, physical punishment, spiritual death, separation from God, and the pain of crucifixion. All of that for us, and the thought of it is about to kill him here in the garden.
39. God's will isn't always fun. God's will was painful for Jesus. It called for self sacrifice. He would like to skip it, if possible, but he says, Father I'll do your will; I won't let you down.
40. The prayer, not my will but yours be done only takes a few seconds to pray. Which means we have only a small sample of the prayers and the agony Jesus went through in the garden. He prayed, and agonized, and suffered for an hour before he checked in with Peter James and john.
41. Our flesh is prone to sin, and if are going to beat it then will have to do what Jesus said, watch and pray. Praying will make your spirit stronger than your flesh. It really is an amazing thing how prayer will give you the determination and strength to say no to the pull of your sin nature.
42. Sometimes we must really bear down and pray long and hard. There are times when the pull of our flesh to walk away from God's will is strong. There are times when the battle with our emotions is fierce. During those times we must continue in prayer until our spirits have put out the fire of our flesh. Jesus' is human will wasn't yet in total agreement with the will of the father but it's getting closer as he continues to pray. He says again, not my will but your will be done.
43. They probably tried to stay awake but there was a point when you simply can't do that.
44. I've heard people say, if you pray the same prayer twice you lack faith. Oh really? Would you please read verse 44 again; it says that Jesus prayed the third time saying the same words.
45. The window of opportunity for them to pray has passed. The window of opportunity for them to stand by Jesus during this difficult time in the garden is also past. They might as well continue to sleep now.
When it's time for God to use us the time of preparation is over.
46. Jesus didn't run, and he did not hide. He went out to meet those who came to arrest him. That's the only way to do God's will. Whether it is exciting or, tedious, fun, or difficult, do what God wants you to do without regret, or hesitation. It's God's will? Okay I'm going to do it, and leave the results to God.
47. Sinful man sometimes treats God as if he is a criminal who has done something wrong. Judas brought a bunch of men with clubs and swords to arrest Jesus as if he was some kind of a criminal.
We should never even entertain the thought that God is ever unfair, or ever does anything wrong. To accuse God of being unfair, or wrong about anything is to treat him like a criminal just like Judas and the gang who came to arrest him did.
48,49. Some people go through the motions, pretending to honor God, but their hearts are far from him. Judas wanted to appear as if he had a lot of respect for Christ, but deep down he had no respect for him. Judas was loaded with self love, and Judas had a lot of respect for himself, but he had no respect for Christ and no love for Jesus.
Warning to anyone who goes through the motions of being respectful to God but deep down you know that he really isn't important to you. Warning, the spirit of Judas is in you. Correct that before it's too late.
50a. God never stops loving even if someone is engrossed in the most vile sin; God never stops loving them. Take Judas for example, his sin of betraying Christ, and then his hypocritical greeting is about as low as anyone can go. But Jesus still calls him friend.
We think way too highly of ourselves if we choose not to rise above our feelings and be decent to those who have done something to hurt us. We're way to self centered if we refuse to forgive those who have apologized for hurting us in some way. We accept God's forgiveness and so an unwillingness to forgive others suggest that we place more importance on ourselves than we do on God.
50. Jesus is trying to get Judas to look into his own soul. Jesus obviously knew why Judas was there. But he wants Judas to think about why he is there. Judas needs to stop thinking about what he will buy with the silver he gets for betraying Christ. He needs to think carefully about the evil he is doing to the only truly innocent man who ever lived. That's why Jesus said, for what purpose have you come?
If when you pray, or lay your head on the pillow at night, or open the word of God, you hear a small voice saying, go apologize, or stop doing this or start doing that, do not ignore it. That may be the Spirit of Christ in you trying to get you to look into your own soul as Jesus is trying to get Judas to do right here. The Holy Spirit may be trying to get your attention so that you'll change the things that need to be changed.
51. Talk about a highly charged atmosphere; you've got it in the garden right here. Jesus was calm, and in control of himself, and the circumstances. However I think everyone else was tense, especially the Disciples. Peter is the one who swung the sword; he wanted to help Jesus escape so he became violent and cut off the soldiers ear. The problem is Jesus didn't want to escape, and the problem is Jesus told His men that He must be betrayed, and put to death, and be raised three days later. Peter was trying to help by doing something that was clearly contrary to the word of God which Jesus had spoken not once but several times.
You will never help God and you cannot possibly please God by doing something contrary to the word of God. It won't work no matter how well meaning you may be. Spiritual success and spiritual progress only exist within the boundaries of Scripture.
52. Jesus doesn't want any misguided help from some well meaning Christian who either doesn't have a clue about what God's word says, or simply disregards it, and thinks that he has a better way. Jesus immediately rebuked Peter for his misguided and unbiblical zeal.
53. Jesus didn't need peter's help and he certainly didn't want any help that was unbiblical. The same is true today; God does not want our help if we're going to do something that is contrary to Scripture. If He wants to use us that's His business, but He doesn't need us. One angel killed thousands of enemy soldiers who were threatening God's people in the old testament. If one angel can do that, and Jesus has 72,000 on call right here in the garden then He certainly doesn't need Peter and his sword.
Please remember that God isn't so desperate to see something happened that He needs you to do something unbiblical to make it happen. Remember also, your situation isn't so out of control, and so desperate that God needs you to do something unbiblical so that He can take care of you.
54. Here's another reason that Jesus didn't want Peter's help. Jesus being betrayed, and Jesus being crucified, and Jesus being raised on the third day were all predicted in the old testament. They are all a part of God's plan, and like Jesus says, the scripture cannot be broken.
Never try to promote Scripture, or the God of Scripture by doing unscriptural things like Peter did. That sort of thing will backfire every time, and all you will do is make a mess out of things, and then God will have to spend time cleaning it up.
55. They are treating Jesus as if He is some sort of a desperate criminal. They act as if He has a track record of being a violent troublemaker. They are acting as if Jesus is the type who must be beaten down with clubs or He won't cooperate. The fact is, none of what they think is correct, and none of what they think even matters. If it isn't God's will for Jesus to be arrested then He will turn their clubs into sawdust, and He will turn their swords into wet noodles. But since it is the Father's will He will go peaceably; there was no need for this armed mob.
56a. Everything about Jesus' betrayal, and the manner of His arrest, and how His disciples will react was all predicted way back in the Old Testament. It's there for everyone to read.
Jesus wasn't a man who was caught and captured. He was arrested, but He allowed it in order to fulfill the prophecies that He,as God moved the Prophet's to write centuries earlier.
56b. This was a very selfish, cowardly, and unkind thing to do to Jesus. It would have been nice if they would have hung in there with Christ, and acted like friends. But they panicked, and it revealed a lack of faith on their part.
According to John's gospel, with one word Jesus knocked this entire mob on its back. He wanted this mob, His disciples, and all of us to know that, yes, He would be arrested, but He was still running this show. So there was no reason for His men to panic, as if Jesus couldn't be trusted to take care of them. He already said, you can take Me but leave these men alone.
56. Only a couple of days earlier Jesus said, if your faith endures to the end then you will be saved. Well judging by their actions here it looks as if the Disciples are all a bunch of phony Christians. The faith of all eleven fail, but the important thing is that they all bounced back.
Being a real Christian doesn't mean that you will never disappoint, or be unkind to Christ. You're going to blow it now and then, and you will feel bad about it. But you will also bounce back; you will also repent of whatever sins you've committed and get back on track with God.
57. This bunch was known as the Sanhedrin. They were the Jewish Supreme Court in the area of religion.
When terrible sinners like this get a taste of power they abuse it. Their power goes to their head, and instead of using their power to honor God they do things that serve their own purpose and actually dishonor God. God granted these men power, and authority, but instead of using their position to do good they have the nerve to put God through an illegal trial.
58. Peter, like the rest, took off in a panic when Jesus was arrested, but Peter came to his senses. He must have thought, I must be crazy; I told Jesus I would stand by Him no matter what. He may have been thinking, I've got to go to Him. So there he is, not exactly with Jesus, but at least in the same area. He didn't stand next to Jesus and say, I'm with this man all the way, but he was sort of in the same area.
This is a classic example of trying to walk the fence. Some people want to belong to Christ because they know deep down that Jesus is the only way to heaven. They want to belong to Christ but they don't want to be too close because they do not want the world to persecute them as it did Jesus. But there is no in between. If we're not with Jesus, then we are against Him. Jesus Himself said. If you deny Me before men then I will deny you before My Father in heaven.
59. The religious leaders decide that Jesus must die. There's only one problem; they know that He hasn't done anything deserving death. Easy solution: just find some liars who would sell their own mother for a dollar, and have them testify that they witnessed Jesus doing something worthy of death.
When a sinful person wants something that is all the reason they need to do whatever it takes to get it.
59,60. Many false witnesses came forward, but their testimonies didn't agree so the rulers had to keep trying. Finally they found two men who lied the same way. It was a lot of work, and it took time, but their evil effort paid off.
One reason evil succeeds today is that the people behind it try hard, and they do not quit.
60,61. Jesus had said, destroyed this temple, and I will rebuild it in three days. When He said that He was talking about His body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. He never said that He would destroy any temple, however these liars said, we heard Jesus say that He was going to destroy the Holy Temple. That is the false testimony that they were looking for. Threatening to destroy the Temple was blasphemy, and blasphemy was a capital crime as far as the Jews were concerned. The false accusers clearly twisted the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, but of course the religious leaders are not interested in justice; they are only interested in murder.
There are those who will twist your words. There are those who in an attempt to win an argument, or discredit you will add to what you have said, or distort your words in some other way. When it happens, remember what they did to Jesus, and remember people still twist the words of God today.
62,63a. The high priest was getting frustrated with Christ. He wanted Jesus to respond to the false witnesses, but Jesus had no response to their lies.
It doesn't pay to talk to liars. There's more satisfaction, and less frustration talking to a wall them to a liar. At least a wall isn't dishonest. Besides talking to liars gives them a measure of credibility that they do not deserve.
63. What a hypocrite! He tried to get Jesus to respond to the false testimony in a way that would be incriminating, but Jesus did not say anything. So now it's time for plan B. He asked Jesus straight out, in front of many witnesses: are you the Christ, the son of God. Which, by the way, is the same as saying are you God? If Jesus answers yes they are thrilled because they can accuse Him of blasphemy.
64. In essence Jesus said, yes I'm God. Then He quoted a Scripture that these Jews knew spoke of the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus quoted it and applied it to Himself. Jesus said you shall see Me sitting on the right hand of God. They knew exactly what Christ was saying; He was saying I'm the real judge. I'm almighty God. Jesus was saying, I'm on trial before you today, but someday you will be on trial before Me. Someday you men will answer to Me.
65. The leaders didn't like Jesus so they charged Him with blasphemy for claiming to be God. Their judgment on whether Jesus was God or not was based on the fact that they did not like Him; not on the facts; not on the basis of the evidence that He had shown. Their sin infested souls created a God in their own image. Their sick little minds created a God who was just like them. Result: the real God was unacceptable to them.
Most people believe in a God. But if you tell them what the real Jesus says about repentance, dying to self, being a servant, the depravity of man, and the need for Jesus to pay for the sin of man on the cross, most will turn away from Christ just as fast as these men did. Sinners want a God who fits their lifestyle; they do not want the real Jesus Christ.
66. He would have been worthy of death if He would have been lying when He said that He was God. But He couldn't help but say I am God because that's who He is. God is not a man that He should lie.
The honesty that compelled Jesus to speak the truth even though it brought abuse, is the same honesty that makes the written word of God so reliable. When you see the strong dedication Jesus had for the truth here it should strengthen your faith in the integrity of His word, the bible.
67. God spoke these words 700 years before Jesus was born, and he told Isaiah the prophet to write them down: "I gave my back to those who strike me, and my cheeks to those who plucked out my beard. I did not cover my face from humiliation and spitting". Jesus walked into this situation knowing that all that abuse would take place.
The bible says, you're a fool if you don't avoid trouble when you see it coming. But you are not a fool if you step in front of a gunman, and take a bullet for a friend. Jesus is no fool to suffer humiliation and death for us, so that we wouldn't have to go to hell. The bible says greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend. Jesus laid down His life for us even though sinners have been so unfriendly towards Him; all of us have.
67,68. They blindfolded Jesus, and then they beat Him. They say who punched you? Of course if Jesus would have said, that punch came from you George, and that one was from you Fred, they would've dropped dead on the spot. He could have told them who threw the last punch right then and there, but He didn't. He will tell them later; He will tell them when they are standing before Him at the great white throne judgment.
69. Here's Peter's golden opportunity. He blew it last time in the garden when he took off on Christ. Now here's his chance to do what he promised Jesus he would do. Here is Peter's big opportunity to redeem himself after abandoning Christ in the garden when he was arrested.
70. Peter had been ready to fight with a sword in the garden, but he wasn't ready for this spiritual battle with a servant girl. He wasn't ready because he slept instead of praying like Jesus told him to.
Screaming, using a weapon, or using your fist, are all weapons of the flesh that accomplish nothing for Jesus. God wants us to be full of the word, prayed up, standing firm for Christ, and speaking the truth in love. Those are weapons of the Holy Spirit. Those are the things that will accomplished something for Jesus.
71,72. He swore with an oath, in other words, he called down a curse upon himself if he was lying about not knowing Christ. First Peter tells a lie, and then he swears that what he says is true.
That is so typical of a liar. Usually liars suspect that people don't completely believe them. They know they are lying, so they figure other people might know it as well. That's why they try to support their lies with oaths, or maybe by talking loud.
73. Galileans spoke with a definite accent so when Peter spoke they all knew he wasn't from Jerusalem. They knew that Jesus and his disciples were all from Galilee, they knew that Peter was from Galilee. That along with the fact that no Galilean would have had any reason to be in the court of the high priest unless he was one of the Lord's disciples convinced them that Peter was one of them. I say that was good because it will give Peter another chance to do what he should've done to begin with, and that's proclaim his loyalty to Christ as he said he would.
74a. Peter swore again that he didn't know Jesus. He began to curse and swear, and by that he was saying may God almighty strike me dead if I am lying. It's a good thing for Peter and for all of us that God doesn't always give us what we ask for, or do everything we ask him to do.
74,75. This third denial fulfilled Jesus' prophecy, and as soon as he said it he glanced over at Jesus, and Jesus looked at him, and Peter must have felt very small.
75. Peter was humiliated, and he knows that he deserves every bit of the humiliation he feels. When we fail the God we love; when we fail the Lord who died for us, we feel like dirt. We also know that we should feel like dirt. Peter cried because he really cared about Jesus. Jesus was the last person that Peter wanted to hurt, but he hurt Him.
Two lessons: stay prayed up so you will be bold in the face a persecution, but if you fail, remember Jesus is willing to forgive you of even the most disgusting sin.
Chapter 27
1. The religious leaders get together early in the morning and discuss how they're going to kill Jesus, and look good doing it. They had a problem because Rome wouldn't allow them to execute someone who was guilty of the religious crime of blasphemy. The religious rulers have to convince the Roman governor that Jesus had done something which Rome considers a capital crime.
2. Pilate hated the Jews, and the Jews hated Pilate. But the Jewish rulers had to convince Pontius Pilate that Jesus should be executed so they go to him.
3. Judas knew the power of Jesus. That's probably why he was surprised that Christ allowed himself to be arrested and condemned to death. Judas figured he'd sell Christ out, get his money, without Christ being arrested. It was the perfect plan, but it backfired.
3. Judas was remorseful; he felt terrible, but he did not repent.
A person can feel bad about their sin; horrible guilt until they die, and go straight to hell. Repentance is being sorry for sin, and turning to Christ for forgiveness and also changing one's ways. Judas felt bad, but it isn't enough for a sinner to feel bad. He returned the silver, but he didn't turn to Jesus.
4. No words ever spoken by man have ever been more depraved and hellish than those spoken by the religious rulers right here. They say in essence, we don't care if Jesus is guilty or innocent, and we don't care how guilty you may feel Judas. We have Jesus in custody, and that's all that matters. We're going to see that he dies, and that's all that matters. Get out of here, go confess your guilt to someone else.
You know with religious leaders like this the world doesn't need a devil.
5. Satan loves to whisper, go ahead, sin, no one will catch you. No one will find out. He may be right; with the exception of God and you. You will know that you sin, and you will feel guilt over that sin.
Guilt is a real thing; it isn't just a psychological problem; it is a spiritual consequence for disobeying your Creator. So yes, maybe no one else will know, but you will know. You will know, and you will live with the guilt, and with the pressure that comes with it. Sometimes, as was the case with Judas, the guilt is so strong that people kill themselves. That's what Satan hopes will happen.
6. Blood money simply means it was money received for committing a crime. They were right about God not wanting that kind of money for an offering. Judas receive that money for betraying an innocent man so they were right, it was blood money. They conveniently overlooked the fact that they were the ones who payed Judas that blood money in the first place. Their sinful souls have warped their minds. They lost what ever common sense , logic, and spiritual sensitivity they may have had.
7. The money that Judas returned was used to buy a cemetery for strangers. Judas had been a greedy man who didn't care about God, or the poor consequently God took his money and used it on behalf of the poor. Judas chose wealth over God, and in the end he lost everything including his wealth.
8. It was called the field of blood because the people found out that the money used to buy it was obtained through treachery, and murder. The religious rulers got no pat on the back for buying that field. It became a memorial to their treachery, and to their hideous sin of killing the Son of God.
9,10. The Bible predicted that the money given to betray the Lord would be used to buy this field, and it happened, and notice the last part of verse 10, "as the Lord directed me". The rulers did their evil of their own free will. Judas did his evil of his own free will. In spite of that however, in some mysterious way, God's sovereignty was under-girding it all.
You can be sure every prophecy in God's written word will come to pass because He is working behind the scenes in conjunction with man's free will to control history.
11. Jesus could not lie and would not lie so he says, yes I'm the king of the Jews. They didn't want Jesus, but he still is the king; that cannot change because it's reality.
People today don't want him to be there Lord, or their Judge, but Jesus is still there Lord and He will be there Judge. What people want doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what is real, and what's real is what the Bible says is real. It doesn't matter who doesn't like it, or how many people don't like it, public opinion doesn't change what God says is true. We can take it or leave it, but God won't change it.
12. Jesus would not answer his accusers because they knew they were lying and he knew they were lying.
Do not dignify the words of a liar by responding to them. You can't change a liar's mind by correcting them because if they were interested in truth they wouldn't be lying in the first place. Responding just gives their words a measure of credibility that they do not deserve.
13. Pontius Pilate thinks that there is either something wrong with Jesus' hearing or He has a death wish. His enemies are firing all sorts of accusations at Him, and He isn't even trying to defend Himself.
14. Pontius Pilate never saw anyone like Jesus, and he can't figure Him out.
God baffles a lot of people. He baffles them because He doesn't do what they figure He should do. They are baffled because God doesn't give them something they have been praying for, or they are baffled because something bad happens, and He didn't prevent it. Well something bad was happening to God's Son, and neither He nor the Father would prevent it. God wouldn't prevent it because He would use it to bring about a greater good.
When God doesn't remove bad it's because He is using it to bring about a greater good.
15. Once a year in an attempt to get on the good side of the Jews Pontius Pilate would pardon one of their criminals; it's that time again.
16. Barabbas was widely known, and widely disliked. That's probably why the governor will let the people choose between him and Jesus. Pontius Pilate knows that Jesus is innocent and he wants Him released. Consequently he will put Christ up against someone he knows the people can't stand. For sure, Pilate figures, the people will want Jesus released.
17. The governor is convinced that the people will want Jesus to be released.
18. The religious rulers were being bad to Jesus; they were being bad to God because they wanted what He had. We're going to kill you Jesus because the people like you more than they like us. We're going to put you out of business Jesus, because people would rather serve you than us.
Christians are not in this world to get people to serve them, or to do what they want. We are here to declare what Almighty God wants, and to tell people to do what God wants, even if we lose friends, family, and wealth because of the truth we speak. So be it; if we must suffer the loss of all things because we say God must be followed, then so be it; may God be blessed; may Jesus increase while we decrease.
19. You talk about timing, this is timing. Pilate is on the verge of passing judgment on Jesus when all of a sudden he gets word from his wife. God gave her a dream and it's a warning to her husband. God is reaching out to that man; he is giving him one last chance to do the right thing.
When you're tempted to sin pay attention to that voice in your conscience that's saying, don't do it. That's the same voice that was speaking to Pontius Pilate right here; it's the voice of God, and you will be sorry if you don't listen.
20. The religious rulers do not want Jesus beaten and then released. They don't want Jesus put in prison. They want Him destroyed. They want Jesus out of their lives for good.
I have heard preachers try to convince lost sinners to avoid hell by saying, don't go to hell, it'll be bad, because God will not be there. Are you kidding? To an ungodly sinner who doesn't want to repent that sounds like heaven; that's exactly what they want. What they don't realize though is that where there is no God there is no good. So they won't have God, but they will have torment and everlasting bad in His place. That's what needs to be emphasized when talking to lost sinners.
21. Just a couple of days earlier they were shouting praises to Jesus. They had been so excited and happy, calling Him the Son of God. Now here they are choosing a murderer over Christ.
22. Pontius Pilate is shocked. This is nonsense; to take a murderer over a man who had been so popular. I don't think he can believe it, and I don't think he wants to believe it. He doesn't want to believe it because he knows Jesus is innocent.
22. The governor was no leader. A good leader makes what he believes is the best decision and then he lives with the results. Pontius Pilate isn't even making this decision. He is asking the mob what he should do with Jesus. Why ask them? He's the one who's in charge. He's asking them because he is a politician not a leader.
23. They couldn't answer the governor's question. They knew that Jesus didn't do anything wrong, but they still wanted Him dead. As a result, in order to drown out the voice of their conscience, they started to scream like a bunch of lunatics, crucify him crucify him!
People who hate do not need a reason to hurt someone.
24. In your dreams governor. Nice try, but it won't work. Nothing less than using his God given authority to release Jesus would get him off the hook. Sure the religious leaders would have made trouble for him if he had released Jesus, but when did God ever say that living for Him would be easy? When did God ever say that doing the right thing would result in a medal of honor and a pat on the back from the world?
25. In other words, if we are killing an innocent man, then may the punishment for such a horrible sin fall upon us and our children. That is, if we are murdering an innocent man may we and our children be executed as murderers; that is what they are saying. Well, God is just. He is just and as proof of the innocence of his Son He did exactly what they ask for. 37 years later they were punished with the same hideous death that Jesus suffered. The Romans crucified so many Jews that they ran out of crosses, and they ran out of places to stick them in the ground.
26. The Jews had a law, you can't whip a man more than 39 times. The Romans had no such law. As a result, they nearly beat Jesus to death. He was beaten so badly that he didn't even look like a man and he certainly was not able to carry his cross; at least not all the way to Calvary.
27. The Praetorian was sort of like a commons area. It was a part of the governor's palace. It was where the Roman soldier's practiced their drills; it is where the soldiers will mock Christ.
28. Jesus didn't own anything except the clothes on his back. Hear these Roman soldiers even stripped him of that.
28. Scarlet was the color of royalty. Jesus claimed to be the king of the Jews so they mock those claims by putting this scarlet robe on Him. They will remember this mocking when they stand before Him on judgment day. On that day they will know that they mocked a real king, and one who has power to send them to hell.
29. The crown of thorns was for mocking and torture. The rod in his hand was a mock royal scepter. The crown was a mock royal crown; the purple garment was a mock royal robe, and their words to him were a mockery of reverence. Little did they know that the one they mocked actually rules the world, and will one day judge them.
30. His back has already been shredded by the flogging. And now the thorns are driven into his skull like nails. I've never seen a picture, or a crucifix that accurately portrays how Jesus looked on the cross.
31. They didn't stop their torture because of compassion. They stopped or they wouldn't have had anything left to crucify. If they don't stop Jesus dies before He is nailed to the cross.
32. The governor's plan was to beat Jesus so badly that the Jews would feel sorry for Him and say, let Him go. Well it didn't work. So now you have Jesus beaten, and whipped much worse than others who would be crucified. He was so torn apart, and lost so much blood that He couldn't carry His cross.
33. Golgotha was another name for mount Calvary.
34. Gall was a pain killing narcotic. Others who were crucified would gladly take this pain killer, but not Christ. If Jesus deadens the pain then He doesn't feel the full impact of the suffering for our sins. If He is going to be our substitute, and suffer the punishment for our sins, then He has to feel every ounce of the torture that we have coming.
35. Crucifixion was reserved for the worst of the worst. Hardcore criminals were crucified. The worst sinners were crucified, and that is how Jesus suffered and died. He paid for everyone sins, even the worst of the worst. So they laid the cross on the ground. Then they laid Jesus on the cross. Then they stretched out his arms as far as they could, then they nailed His hands to the cross beam. After that they put His feet together on a base, and hammered the spikes through them as well.
36. They guard the cross evidently in case one of His disciples try to rescue Him. The soldiers were just a few feet away from the most important thing that ever happened on this planet, and they were clueless. Like many people today the soldiers didn't know that this was the Son of God paying for our sins.
37. That sign was the only thing that the authorities got right. Evil men, through an illegal trial, convicted, illegally beat, and are now illegally executing the only truly innocent person who ever lived.
38. Isaiah 53:12 says that Christ would pour out His soul to death, and that He was numbered with the transgressors, and that He would bear the sins of many. As far as the Jewish rulers were concerned putting Christ in the middle of two hardcore sinners was just another way to humiliate Him. Reality is He died like a hardcore sinner because He was paying for the sins of hardcore sinners.
39. It wasn't enough for this bunch to scream for the crucifixion of Christ. It wasn't enough to see Him nearly beaten to death. It wasn't enough to see Him hanging there suffering on the cross. They have to mock Him until He is dead.
39,40. They told Jesus to save himself because that's what they would do if they were him.
It is good that God is not like people or he would have taken them up on their challenge. If God acted like people when they are mocked, offended, or dared, we would all be in hell because Jesus would have come off the cross.
41,42a. Purely by accident the religious rulers said something true about Jesus. Well it was only partly true. They said that he couldn't save himself. That's not true because as God he could do anything, but at the same time he loved us so much that he wouldn't go against that love, and call this thing off no matter how much he suffered. So he couldn't save himself, but not for the reason the religious rulers thought. He couldn't save himself because he cared about them and us to much to come off the cross.
42. I would like to tell them, you liars you will not believe in him. They managed to overlook, and explain away all his other miracles, including raising Lazarus from the dead. So even if Jesus would come off the cross they would come up with some excuse for not believing him.
Evidence that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sin is not lacking. What is lacking is a willingness in the hearts of some to accept that evidence; to accept the truth.
43. In other words, if God is really his Father than God will prove it by getting him off the cross. And I want to know who gave them the right to dictate to God what he should do. Who are they to presume that they know the way God should do things. If things go the way we think they should go then it is from God. If however something happens that doesn't suit us then that can't be from god. That was their attitude, and I'm afraid that's the attitude of a lot of people today.
44. And there wasn't a bit of difference spiritually speaking between the robbers, and the religious rulers. The only difference was how they dressed and maybe the style of their sin. They both mocked Jesus; they both mocked a dying man. They are both depraved sinners on the way to hell if they'd don't repent.
45. From 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM there was a supernatural darkness that covered the land. It was during those 3 hours that Jesus endured all the suffering that was needed to pay for our sins. Jesus had suffered much from people but none of it even came close to what he suffered from noon until three; it was a holy thing that can't really be understood. During those 3 hours all the hell that we had coming was placed on Jesus.
If you want to know what hell will be like for the millions who will be there then look at Jesus on the cross from noon until three. He experienced hellish pain, no relief, darkness, he was cut off from God and from all that is good. That is what hell will be like for all wo go there.
46. From forever in the past until this moment the eternal Son had never been separated from the eternal Father; they had unbroken fellowship until the cross. As a child, and as a man the Father had always been there for Jesus. When Jesus wanted to talk to the Father he was there to listen. When Jesus in his humanity needed direction, or some other kind of help the Father was there to give him what he needed. But no help came when Christ was on the cross. Our sins were placed on Christ during those 3 hours, and when that happened the Father broke fellowship with the Son.
Don't tell me that someone who hasn't repented, and been forgiven by receiving Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven in the presence of God. That is a lie; it's not going to happen. If the Father wouldn't have fellowship with his Son when he was carrying our sin on the cross then he sure won't let anyone who has rejected his mercy through his Son be with him in heaven.
46. This was the worst part of Jesus' sufferings. It was bad when Judas betrayed him. It was bad when Peter denied him. It was bad when they ripped his flesh down to the bone. It was bad when he was mocked, punched, hit over the head with a rod, and spit on. But Jesus never said, why, until the Father left him. That was by far the worst part of this nightmare for Jesus.
47. Eli sounds like Elijah so some of the people thought Christ was calling for the Old Testament Prophet to come and save him.
48. They gave him a drink, not because they cared about him, but because they don't want him to pass out, or die; not yet anyway. You see they were having a good time with Jesus. He was interesting, and they wanted to keep this thing going. This was a form of morbid entertainment for the bystanders.
49,50. Too late, he dies. The bible says there's a time to be born in a time to die. The time to die will come for you, and me just as it came for Christ, but with one big difference. We will die because, as sinners, we must. Jesus died because he chose to die for our sins. It says, he yielded up his spirit. In John 10: 17 Jesus said, I lay down my life that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. All the pain, and torture that Jesus went through was voluntarily done for our benefit.
51a. There were three parts to the holy temple. Part one was the outer court; part two was the holy place, and part three was the most holy place. The most holy place was separated from the rest of the temple by a very heavy curtain. The reason it was separated from the rest of the temple, and actually the rest of the world is because God's presence was there. In other words, the curtain of the temple separated the presence of God from man. It was God's way of saying, you are too sinful to be in my presence. However, that big, thick curtain ripped from top to bottom the very moment that Jesus died. God ripped that curtain by his own hands, as it were. When he ripped it he was saying, my Son has made it possible for you to come to me. Nothing else, and no one else ever tore that curtain. The death of Jesus is the only thing that opens the door for us to come to God, and we must come to him through the Savior Jesus Christ.
51,52. There was an earthquake the second that Jesus died, and that earthquake caused the graves of many old testament saints to be opened; the earthquake opened their graves. The people in those graves were not raised right away, as we will see. The earthquake opened the graves; the bodies were not raised immediately, but since this occurred during a Jewish holy festival no Jewish person could go near the cemetery consequently the graves just remained open. No Jew who was ceremonially defiled could take part in holy day celebrations and one thing that defiled a person ceremonially was to step on a grave or touch a grave, so everybody could see that the graves were open but no one could go near and do anything about it. The graves stayed open for three days with the dead bodies still inside, but then notice what happened on Sunday.
53. After Jesus was raised then these old testament saints were raised as well. God was giving us a little sample of things to come. The message is this: because Jesus Christ died and was raised all who belong to him will one day be raised as well. This was a prototype of the general resurrection which will occur on the last day. By raising these people from the dead God was saying, see, I have the will to raise my people, and now you know that I am able to do it; what I have done for the these I will do for all who belong to me.
54. The Roman centurion in charge of Jesus' crucifixion probably presided over many crucifixions in his career, but he never saw one like the Lord's. That seems clear because observing Jesus as he suffered turned this Roman into a believer. All the talk concerning Jesus' miracles and everything that he taught, plus how he behaved before the crucifixion and during, along with the earthquake and the darkness at noon day convinced this Roman that Jesus was the Son of God.
55,56. These women who had followed Jesus look at him from a distance. It also says that they had followed Jesus from Galilee which is way up north. They followed him and ministered unto him. Once Jesus started his formal ministry at age 30 that's what he did; he ministered, and so did his disciples. Consequently, since they did not receive a regular paycheck because they didn't have a secular job they accepted offerings and these women were some of the offerers. If people don't give then Jesus has to go to plan B what ever that would be.
This illustrates the fact that all Christians are in this together; that we must rely on each other. Christian's need to be hard workers and earn money and preachers must preach and teach the word of God clearly and they should receive their living from the word that they preach so that they can continue doing it without being hampered by a secular job. Jesus needs preachers and he needs givers or the ministry does not fire on all cylinders.
57. Joseph had been a disciple but he was a secret disciple up until this point. He was a rich man and well respected among the Jews because he was one of the Jewish religious leaders. The religious leaders had made it clear that any one who would follow the Lord Jesus Christ would be excommunicated from their religion which in Joseph's case would mean a loss of reputation as well as income, and in the mind of many Jews certain damnation. In other words, they'd made it very hard to be a follower of Jesus Christ which no doubt is why Joseph kept it a secret, but no longer.
58. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ pushed Joseph over the edge; he was no longer a secret believer. No doubt he had been outraged over how his fellow leaders treated Christ; he knew that it was a travesty of justice. Joseph wanted to be identified with Jesus more than he wanted to be identified with the religious rulers after how they behaved; he was no longer ashamed of Christ. Joseph didn't care about his reputation, his position, or his wealth; he would take a stand in favor of Jesus. He went public because he was a true believer.
There comes a point where every real Christian takes a stand for Jesus Christ in one way or another, or they are not a real Christian. At some point every genuine Christian stops worrying about what man thinks and begins to care about what God wants. Every real Christian reaches that point because Jesus says, if you deny me before men then I will deny you before my Father in heaven.
59,60. Joseph gave his tomb to Christ and that took courage. He is being kind to someone who the Roman empire just crucified and as you can imagine that was a risky thing to do in that day. It took courage and it took faith to care for one who the Empire just executed. But Joseph didn't care; he gave his tomb to Jesus and of course he never dreamed that he would get it back in three days. Joseph thought that he was giving it to him permanently but Christ was in essence just signing a three day lease; he wouldn't need it any longer than that.
We don't lose anything when we give it to Jesus. The time, money, and energy that we donate to Jesus will be used by him just as he used Joseph's tomb but then it will be returned to us many times over. We may not get exactly what we give, but God will give us something. What he gives us may not come to us in this life; we may have to wait until eternity but God always pays back (with interest)what is given to him.
61. These women wouldn't leave Jesus. They continued to hang in there with him even though he was dead. They had been with Jesus during his life and ministry; they had remained with him during his crucifixion and they did not leave his side until his body was in that tomb and the stone covered the entrance. No one forced these ladies to stay with Jesus all this time. They did it because they appreciated him so much; they continue to show their gratitude for as long as they could, and they're not finished yet.
These ladies set a good example for all Christians. We should recognize what Jesus has done for us, and show our appreciation to him by our loyalty; by living in a manner that shows we are grateful. I have never liked religious legalism. Some churches are extremely legalistic; they have little rules and regulations that govern every area of life. They try to govern the conduct of their people, and it is maddening. Legalism doesn't glorify God, it usually glorifies the pastor, or the person practicing it; look at me; look at what I do; look at what I don't do; look at my " holiness standards". I've never understood the need for legalism; I've always believed that if I just taught the Bible verse by verse then people would see how wonderful Christ is, and how many great things he has done for us, and consequently serve him out of love. That's the way it was with these ladies who followed him.
62. The religious rulers who tried Jesus and demanded from Palate that he be put to death; are worried about something so they visit the Governor. The enemies of Christ had murdered him, and you would think that that would put an end to their worries; at least the worries that surrounded Christ, but it didn't. Somehow they became aware of his prediction that he would come back on day three. What amazes me is that they obviously were aware of it, and yet his disciples, and even the loyal ladies evidently were not aware of it even though Christ had told them many times. His prediction of coming back on day three was taken seriously by the religious leaders, but it seems to have gone over the heads of his disciples.
62,63. Notice the contempt that these religious leaders continue to have for Jesus. They don't even call him by name; they call him that deceiver. They called Jesus the deceiver. Wouldn't you like to look them in the eye and say, who are you calling a deceiver? You lied about everything; you're the deceiver, you deceived your own people into calling for the death of Jesus, someone that you knew was completely innocent. You tried to deceive everybody into thinking that he was a danger to the Jewish nation when in fact the only reason you wanted him dead was because you were jealous of his popularity; you're the the ones who deceive. They hired a deceiver to betray Jesus; what about that? They've got a lot of nerve calling Jesus, that's deceiver.
64. They didn't believe that Jesus would come back. They thought that his disciples would steal his body and then tell everyone that he came back from the dead.
The religious rulers were liars, and they were hypocrites; they promoted their man made religion in order to benefit themselves. Since that's the way they were they naturally thought that the apostles were that way as well.
That's usually the way it works. People who lie, steal, and cheat, often do not trust others. They aren't very trusting because they assume others are like them.
65. Pontius Pilate gives the order; he says take some Roman soldiers and make the tomb as secure as you possibly can. In other words, he says do whatever you have to do; do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no one's steals the body of Jesus. They think that they are thwarting the cause of Christ by doing this, when in reality they are helping it as we will see. The devils plans always backfire; God win's every time.
66. They put an official Roman seal on the entrance to the tomb, and that was serious business. Anyone who would break that seal to remove the stone would be in big trouble with the Roman empire. I'm talking about the death penalty. They seal the tomb with an official Roman seal, and then in addition to that they put Roman guards outside the tomb. That was serious business as well because if you were a Roman guard, and you allowed something that you were guarding to be taken, you were put to death. So when it came to guarding things the Roman soldier was serious about doing his job. They definitely made the tomb as secure as they possibly could, and I would like to say thank you to Pontius Pilate and his Roman soldiers for doing such a wonderful job. I'm grateful they did that because their efforts proved that the only explanation for the empty tomb on Sunday morning was the resurrection.
Chapter 28
1. This is pure devotion. As far as these women are concerned Jesus is dead, and will stay dead. That means he has nothing to offer them anymore, but it doesn't matter they will still honor him. They will honor him because he was good to them, and he was good to many. They will honor him because they believe he is the Son of God.
2. The Roman soldiers thought they were in charge of the tomb. The religious rulers thought they were in charge of the tomb. The fact is, God put this angel in charge of this tomb. Anyone who can remove a rock that weighed several tons from the entrance of a tomb and then sit on it gets to be in charge. It didn't matter who wanted that stone in front of the tomb God wanted it removed so it was removed. It was removed, not to let Jesus out; the stone was removed to show the world that he was already out.
3. This angel is there to greet the ladies who came to anoint Jesus, and they are there to announce the resurrection of Christ. The angels were there at his birth when they appeared to the shepherds. They were at his resurrection, and they will be with him when he returns.
4. So much for tough guys who don't think it's cool to worship God, or be right with God. People like that are playing let's pretend. They are phonies. One second in the presence of one holy angel and they will be just like these soldiers. They will be shaking like scared puppies.
5. Notice how the angel spoke to the ladies and told them not to be afraid. He said that to the ladies because they were right with Christ. As for the soldiers who were terrified, they ought to be terrified. If they are terrified enough maybe they will repent and make Christ there Lord. The reason the angel didn't say, don't be afraid, to those soldiers is because they were a heart beat out of hell without Jesus.
Anyone who has not received Christ is like those soldiers, a heart beat out of hell, and has absolutely no reason to feel comfortable at all.
6. The angel says, he is risen, just as he said. It's too bad they didn't believe Jesus when he told them that he would come back after three days. They wouldn't have wasted three days being sad, grieving as those who have no hope. I know I wouldn't have been nearly as sad at the funeral of my father, and my mother if God would have said that they would be back in a few days. The bad news is they were sorrowful for nothing. The good news is, their unbelief didn't keep Jesus from coming back.
Just because someone doesn't believe something is true, doesn't mean it isn't true. Unbelief does not stop God from doing what he said he would do. Unbelief doesn't cause God to change what is true. It is true whether anyone believes it or not.
7,8. The bible says they were experiencing fear and joy at the same time. They didn't know what to feel. One thing is for sure, they aren't sad anymore. Jesus is alive, and they can't run fast enough to the disciples to tell them the good news. They had an encounter with an angel who told them that Jesus was alive, and they were full of fear and joy.
The closer you are to God the more you will fear him, and at the same time the closer you are to God the more joy you will have.
9,10. Jesus has been raised and he's not a ghost either. They grabbed him by his feet. That means his feet were solid.
The bible teaches that our resurrected body will be like Jesus' body after he was raised. He came back in his old body only it was much improved. You will be in your body forever; It will be improved; better in every way, but is going to be that body you're in right now.
11. They know they are as good as dead for letting that tomb be opened and allowing the body to be gone. They don't dare go to their commanding officers and ask to be excused. Roman commanders were not very understanding. Consequently, the guards went to the religious leaders hoping that they will devise some sort of cover-up; which they did.
11,12. No doubt the soldiers told the religious leaders all about the earthquake, and the angel, and the empty tomb, and the missing body, and the supposed resurrection. That means the religious leaders were in trouble. It means that they killed the Son of God. It means that they were dead wrong when they murdered Jesus. It also means that if they have half a brain in their heads, and they aren't totally spiritually dead they will fall down and beg God for forgiveness. But no, instead they take counsel among themselves.
12. You cannot throw money at this problem and solve it, but you would never convince the religious leaders of that. They bribed Judas and it worked so now they bribe the soldiers, and sad to say it will work again.
Brides work; they don't work forever, but they do work for a while.
13. Notice the religious leaders attitude; it's still all about appearance. They say, tell the people this, and tell the people that so that the people will think. Who in the world cares what the people think? They didn't want the people to know that they killed the Son of God. They didn't want the people to know that Jesus was raised from the dead. They didn't want the people to know that they were wrong about Jesus. The problem with the religious leaders, and others like them is that they care more about what people think, than what God things. And that's also why people like that go to hell.
13,14. This story is so full of holes that I don't know how anyone could possibly believe it. The disciples who ran off when Jesus was arrested would not risk going to his tomb which was sealed with a Roman seal, and guarded by Roman soldiers. Even if they tried, they wouldn't get past the soldiers, and even if they did, they wouldn't have taken the time to unwrap the body and then folded up the linen neatly before they left. The guards would not have known that the disciples took the body if they were sleeping, as the story goes. And finely the religious leaders never did try to arrest the disciples for stealing the body.
15. Which just goes to show that most people do not spend a lot of time thinking. Most people don't want to be bothered with details. They want to do whatever it is they do, and leave the thinking to others. If people would have only thought about this pitiful excuse they would have realized that it made no sense and they would've rejected it.
15. There are a smorgasbord of stories; a smorgasbord of lies that people cling to in order to deny the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For example:
The ladies, the apostles, the Roman soldiers, the angel, all went to the wrong tomb. The truth: Jesus came back and the women, and the disciples, and actually several hundred at one time all saw him.
People will not allow themselves to be torchered and killed for a lie that they know is a lie. You wouldn't get one person to die for a lie that they know is a lie, and yet the all disciples suffered terrible persecution, and all but John were killed because they proclaimed the resurrection.
16. The disciples did what Jesus told them to do, and as a result, they will see him. If they don't follow his instructions, then they don't see him, and they miss a blessing.
There is no trick to experiencing the abundant life, and a fruitful life for Jesus. It comes down to this: read, and do his word.
16,17. This verse is a very strong witness to the accuracy of Matthew's gospel. Only someone who was dedicated to truth would mention that some doubted.
18. As the eternal God, Jesus has always had all authority. But now for the first time he has a new kind of authority. His death on the cross paid for our sin. Because that's true he now has the authority to give eternal life to anyone who repents, and receives him as Lord and Savior.
19a. Have you ever heard this one? You Christians want to push your religion off on everyone else. No, we can't force Jesus on anyone, but we better do our best to tell everyone that Jesus is the only way to heaven. You say, but most people I tell don't listen. So what; we preach Jesus because he commands us not because X amount of people will say yes. We preach Jesus because he who has the Son has life, and he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
19. Step one: receive Christ. Step two: be baptized. Baptism is a command, not an option. It is a way to say to the world, I belong to Jesus. It publicly identifies you with Jesus.
20. The most important fact of Christianity is that it is from Christ. The teachings of Christianity must be confined to the teachings of Christ, that is the word of God. If something isn't taught by scripture it doesn't belong in the church. Meaning what? Meaning throw out all human teachings, and stick to the Bible because it contains the Holy Spirit inspired words of God.
20. Jesus never leaves anyone as long as they want him. We grieve Christ when we sin, but he will stick with us through holiness, and sin, good times, and bad. He will not leave us no matter what. He will get us to heaven no matter what. If we want him, then he wants us flaws and all. If we turn to him, or return to him, then he will accept us every time.