Chapter 1
1. It's not really a church if it doesn't recognize that the father and the son are co-eternal, co-equal members of the Godhead. If a church teaches that God the son was created then they are not the church that our Lord Jesus Christ established.
2. It is important that we as Christians pray for others as well as ourselves. It is an act of kindness to pray for people because God works through our prayers.
3. They had what every true christian has to one degree or another; they had faith, hope, and love. How do we know? Anyone with eyes to see could see it. Their faith produced good works; works of holiness. Their love for Jesus who saved them from hell caused them to labor for him; they tried to please him even when it wasn't easy. And their hope, which rested in the Bible, caused them to patiently persevere with Christ even though it involved suffering.
No good works which coincide with our professed faith in Christ? Then we don't have faith. No labor for Jesus, instead only a superficial living for Him when it is convenient? Then there is no love for Him. No perseverance with Christ through good times and bad? Then your hope is not in the word of God. No faith, no love, no hope, equals no salvation, no deliverance from hell so you better get at it before it's too late.
3,4. If you are a Christian it is because God elected you. If you are a Christian it is because God wanted you in his family. In spite of your sin God chose you.
Knowing that we are chosen should cause us to want to serve our Lord more than ever.
5a. The Thessalonians heard the word of God, and they got saved. It was clear that they were saved because they were changed on the inside.
If a person has truly received Christ then they will have holy convictions and a genuine belief in the word of God.
5,6. The Apostle said, you became followers of us. In other words they enjoyed being around Paul.
A saved person will gravitate to others who are saved; they will observe them and if there is holiness and faith in ways previously unseen they will try to imitate it.
A Christian who is holy will inspire other Christians to be more like Christ. If you want to make a difference in the kingdom of God then live for Jesus because among other things you will have a positive effect on other Christians, even as Paul had a positive effect on the Christians in Thessalonica.
7. Christians need models and we can be a model; we can be a spiritual beacon, and consequently inspire others to be more like Christ. Someone needs to show the way; it might as well be you, and it might as well be me.
8. If we have to convince someone with words that we are a Christian then we may not be a Christian at all. If we are saved then our life should show it; our attitude and our actions should be the outward proof of an inward saving faith.
9. That's repentance in a nutshell, and there is no salvation without it. If a person wants to become a Christian then they must turn from idols and start serving Christ. An idol is anything that's more important to us than God. Trusting Christ along with putting him first is the sign of true saving faith.
9,10. Jesus rescues Christians from the wrath of God, which is hell. He was punished for our sins on the cross so we wouldn't need to be punished in hell forever.
Chapter 2
1. Paul's visit was not a waste of time. He proclaimed the word of God, and there were results.
There are always results when the word of God is proclaimed; they are not always positive results but there are results. The same word that blesses those who are upright in heart will upset and anger those who have a rebellious attitude toward God. The word of God clearly proclaimed will always do something; God says His word does not come back to Him void.
2. Some Christians quit living for Jesus, or they quit speaking the word of God because they suffer in some way for doing it. They get trouble instead of applause so they stop doing what they know they should do. But suffering for doing right doesn't mean we should quit doing right. Some things are worth suffering for; obeying and pleasing Christ is one of those things.
3. There is no trickery or deceit involved in the spirit filled life. God the Holy Spirit is not interested in using deceit and manipulation to get someone to do something. God the Holy Spirit uses honesty, integrity, and the word of God. If that doesn't move someone to do what's right then leave them be; God will deal with them. The Bible says shall we do evil that good may come; it's a rhetorical question; it implies a no answer; Of course not.
4. It's really very simple; live to please God; those who have a heart for God will be encouraged to do the same, and those who don't can do what they want.
Life becomes complicated when our devotion is split between pleasing the Lord who saved us and pleasing those who want to do things their way instead of God's way. Don't argue, don't make a fuss, don't try to trick anyone or force anyone to join you in doing what you know is right in the sight of God; just do what is right yourself.
5. Never flatter anyone. That's not how Christ conducted himself. Just speak the truth in love, and let what happens happen.
Flattery is one person operating in his sin nature trying to get another person to do something in their sin nature. I'm saying God isn't involved in flattery; he's not involved in the use of it , nor is he involved in giving into it.
6a. Never seek praise from people. The Bible says that we should do all things for the glory of God, not ourselves. If we live to please God then we will please others who live for God. If we live to please people we may end up displeasing God.
6,7. A good mother works hard for free because she loves her child. A good mother is all about giving; being able to serve the child she loves is her reward. A good Christian will serve Jesus and others; a good Christian's reward is the joy they receive from serving. If that's not a Christian's attitude then there's too much self in that Christian.
8. I will give you a good definition of love; it's one word: share. Love doesn't go into effect until it shares; until it gives something. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son".
9. The Apostle worked a secular job whenever he had to do it. It was either that or flatter the crowds with spiritual nonsense so that they would give big offerings, and since he would never do that he preached the word of God and worked a second job.
10. The Apostle was not sinless, but he made sure that he was a man of integrity. He had plenty of enemies who said many bad things about him, but none of those things were true.
Satan enjoys inciting people to slander Christians because it tends to discredit Christ. Some are bound to believe the slander and others will not. The important thing is to make sure that it isn't true. The important thing is to be able to stand before God with a clear conscience no matter what anyone one else thinks.
11. Paul says, we exhorted,encouraged, and charged or instructed everyone of you. There was no favoritism with the apostle just as there is none with God.
No favoritism doesn't mean you treat everyone the exact same way. God doesn't treat an obedient Christian the exact same way he treats a rebellious Christian. Having no favorites means that a person's behavior, and attitude should determine how we act towards them not our personal prejudices. Discriminate on the basis of behavior and nothing else; that's how God operates.
11. Exhorted, encouraged, and charged. That's what Paul did because that's what God does.
If we spend enough time with God in his word then we will find that he will encourage us for the good things we do; he will comfort us in our failures, and he will instruct us in the things he wants us to do. That's the power of the Holy Spirit working through the word of God.
12. It takes comfort, encouragement, correction, and instruction from God for us to move in the direction where we are walking worthy of Him. It's a goal we will never fully obtain in this life but it is one which we should never cease to strive for.
13. Some people react to Scripture as if it is simply the opinion of man. They react as if the one preaching or teaching is the one who invented it. But everyone should keep in mind that every single word in the Holy Bible is God breathed. It comes from the lips of our Creator, and therefore should be heard with reverence.
14. Lesson: imitate Christ even to the point of sacrifice, and suffering. Doing what's right in the eyes of God is a higher calling than being comfortable, then being at ease in this world. It takes work to be spiritually successful for Christ, and that work often involve sacrifice and suffering.
14,15,16a. The Jews rejected God's Son, they murdered Him, then they rejected the Apostles and persecuted them, then they rejected other Christians and persecuted them; no wonder the Bible says that they are displeasing to the Father. The Jews openly opposed the preaching of Jesus and the word of God, and consequently they were contrary to all men.
Anyone who in anyway tries to hinder the word of God from being proclaimed, or heard is an evil person who is at least in part responsible for the lost condition of the souls involved. If someone wants to get on the bad side of God then all they have to do is prevent others from hearing the word of God, or down play the importance of God's word so that others dismiss it.
16. The Bible speaks of a cup of iniquity. The Jews of our Lord's day had a cup of sin and it was almost full; once the cup is full God's wrath hits.
There is a limit to the number of sins God allows people to commit before he says, that's it, time to punish. The thing is, no one knows how close their cup is to being full. Everyone's life is a different length therefore everyone's cup is a difference size. Consequently the next sin could be the drop that causes iniquity to spill over the brim. The good news is that receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior empties the cup for the Christian. In Christ our cup is empty because Jesus was already punished for all our sins.
17. They endeavored the more abundantly; in other words they made every effort.
If we make every effort to do what the Bible teaches we are to do, then many times we will do it. There will be times when because of our sin nature, or someone Elses sin nature, or the devil, we will fail. However we owe it to God to make every effort to do what we believe is best, and to live according to Scripture.
18. The devil kept the Apostle from going to Thessalonnica to teach them God's word.
Satan will do everything in his power to keep a preacher who faithfully teaches God's word from the people who need to hear it. The devil will create obstacles from outside, and he will also place obstacles in people's minds to keep them from connecting with the word of God. Satan hates the good which he knows the Bible produces in those who hear and understand it.
19,20. Paul said, Ye are our glory and joy. Knowing that his teaching helped others to be more like Jesus gave the Apostle more joy then anything else.
If we consider what makes us feel good we can gauge our level of spirituality. If pleasing Jesus, or accomplishing something that we know goes along with scripture gives us a sense of satisfaction then we are on the right track.
Chapter 3
1. The apostle is saying, we couldn't wait any longer; we could not put it off any more so we did what we thought was good, and we will see what that was in the next verse. But for now I want you to notice that Paul did what he thought was good.
Those who wait for a special revelation from God, or a sign from the Lord, or maybe a strong impression of some sort to determine the will of God for themselves can easily be misled. If a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, if there are no unconfessed sins in their life, then they can trust that the Holy Spirit is guiding them, and simply do what they believe is good, or better yet what is best. Go in that direction, use the wisdom God gives you, if the door shuts, then accept that from God, and try something else that you think is good. More often than not that's how the Holy Spirit leads God's people today.
2. The apostle felt that it was good and therefore God's will to send Timothy to the Thessalonians in order to strengthen their faith. That meant Paul was left without his best friend in the Lord, actually his son in the Lord, and a great companion; someone who was of great encouragement to him.
It is good, and it is often God's will for His people to sacrifice some personal happiness for the well-being of others, especially other Christians.
3. The Thessalonians were suffering for their faith, and Paul wanted Timothy to remind them that they were told to expect these difficult times.
It's good to know in advance that God has not promised us a smooth road if we obey him, if we do what is right, and speak the truth. It's good to remember that so that we do not stumble spiritually, and possibly even lose our faith when we encounter bad times for being faithful to Jesus.
4. In other words, we told you this was going to happen; we told you it wouldn't be easy to live for Jesus.
It is not easy to live for Jesus in a world that doesn't care about him or the word of God. Holiness goes against the grain; holiness rubs the majority of people in society the wrong way. Speaking the truth concerning Jesus being the only way to heaven will not get you applause, but rather it will get you the label bigot or narrow minded in today's world.
5. Paul was concerned that the high cost of being a Christian caused the Thessalonians to fall away from Jesus. He was concerned that the tempter, meaning Satan, tempted them to take the easy, but sinful road rather than walking the narrow path with Christ.
Holiness is the road less traveled, but it is the only one that will get a person to heaven. Faith in Christ which is verified by holiness is the only means of salvation and that's why Paul was so concerned about these Christians he was afraid that they had abandoned Christ.
6. The apostle was relieved because word came back that the Thessalonians hung in there with Jesus through some very difficult times. The Thessalonians couldn't wait to see Paul and Paul couldn't wait to see them, and that's the way it is among Christians who really love Jesus. God fearing, Jesus loving Christians enjoy being around each other.
7. The Thessalonians actually encouraged Paul in his faith when they stood firm for Jesus under pressure. He was happy that their faith was real and therefore they were heaven bound. He was strengthened in his faith because when one Christian goes all out for Jesus that will strengthen the faith of other Christians to endure as well. Our faith is increased when we see others live by faith.
8. In other words, now we really live; this is living, to follow Jesus and to know that you are following Jesus. Paul says it doesn't get any better than this.
To be saved and to know that others you care about are saved is the greatest joy in the world to a Christian.
9. Thank you's rang hollow in the apostle's mind.
The most sincere thank you's to God often ring hollow; they just don't seem to be enough when we think of the great things that he has done for us in Christ Jesus. It seems as if we should appreciate him more; it seems as if we should be able to express our thankfulness in a greater way.
10. Paul couldn't wait to see the Thessalonians again so that he could strengthen their faith even more. One of the most important things to any Christian should be to help other Christians followed Jesus better. We ought to be excited about helping other Christians understand Jesus better, and appreciate him more.
Any Christian can help another Christian along these lines if they are walking with the Lord. You don't have to be a great theologian to be an encouragement to someone else's faith in Christ; you just have to live for Jesus yourself, and not be ashamed to talk about it.
11. He wanted to go to them, but he would not think of doing it unless God would direct him. You say how would he know if God was directing him? He would know if the door would open up, and if it seemed like the best thing for him to do when measured by the standard set in the written word of God.
12. The Thessalonians were loving Christians, but there was still room for improvement so Paul prayed that they would abound more and more in love.
There's always room for improvement when it comes to being unselfish; when it comes to being loving, and caring more about giving then receiving. There's always room for improvement when it comes to wanting to serve rather than to be served.
13. Sanctification is a process that begins the moment we are saved, and it continues until the day we die. Sanctification means to be more like Jesus; we should want to be like Jesus today, and every day so that when the moment of death comes, or perhaps His return takes place we will be ready for it to happen.
Christians stand unblamable in the sight of God because they are in Christ Jesus; that's our position. Now God wants us to strive to be unblamable in personal holiness; he wants that to be our practice; he wants our practice to match our position in Christ.
Chapter 4
1a. The Bible teaches us how to please God. The principles, commands, and instructions written in the Bible will cause us to please God, if we follow them. God's will is not a mystery; it is found in the creators book.
1. We can never please God too much; no Christian is as dedicated to Jesus as they should be. There's always room for improvement.
2. The Apostle gave commandments by the Lord Jesus because he gave out the word of God. The New Testament was written by several human authors, but they received their words, their instructions, from the divine author who is the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus. When we read a commandment from the word of God we are receiving a Command from the Lord Himself.
2,3. God wants us to behave ourselves; God wants us to behave like him. God's will for us begins with us being holy, and confessing whenever we fail. If we don't live the will of God that we know to be his will because it's taught in the Bible, then it'll be very hard to discern the rest of God's will for us.
3,4. In other words, restrain your desires. Our good desires should be satisfied within the boundaries laid out in Scripture. Our bad desires must not be satisfied at all.
5. In other words, Christians shouldn't treat their desires as if they were a god to worship; a lord to bow down to. Christians should not obey their desire's every wish. Christians should not put their desires above God's word because that makes them into an Idol.
6. In other words, do not do anything to hurt another christian. Do not take advantage of them in any way. Do not use them; do not manipulate them. Don't abuse someone simply because the opportunity is there to do it. Those who hurt others, especially other Christians, God will hurt.
7. God has plenty of filthy, vile, sinners in this world who either scoff at, or ignore his commands; He sure doesn't want His children to behave that way. God has called Christians to be his holy children. If we aren't holy, then we're out of God's will. If we aren't serious about putting our faith into action, and putting God's will above our own, then we are not in God's will.
8. Those who would get upset at me, or any other Bible teacher for teaching the Holy word of God, including the parts that are not popular better sit back and consider for a moment where their displeasure is really directed. I would remind them that their problem is with God.
If someone rejects the word of God they may prefer to think that they are rejecting the man who teaches it, but the fact is they are rejecting the God who gave it. That's something to think about.
9. A desire to be good to other Christians comes naturally to a child of God. It comes naturally if their walk with the Lord is a good one. You don't have to teach a good Christian to be nice to other Christians.
10. In other words, don't stop caring about other Christians. We never can care about others too much. The obligation to care is always being renewed.
11. God says we are to mind our own business; that means don't gossip, and don't meddle.
11. If we don't work with our hands, then we will sin with our hands. If we keep busy doing the things that are good, then will be too tired, and we won't have the time to do the things that are bad. The Bible says we are to overcome evil with good.
11,12a. People recognize the virtue in hard work, and in the person who minds their own business. This speaks of common decency. Christians should be good people, decent people; the world is watching. The unsaved may not care about being good themselves, but they know what good is, and they often watch to see if Christians are behaving correctly.
12. In other words, be self-sufficient in the Lord. Anytime a person becomes dependent on others they can lose some of their freedom. Christians should work hard, and live within their means whenever possible so that they can supply their own needs. When a Christian is dependent on others, then those others can dictate what they do, which then takes the place of God who is the only one that should dictate what they do. Dependency splits devotion. God says that the borrower is the slave of the lender.
13. It might surprise a non-Christian to learn that they have no hope, but I'm telling you they don't! They have nothing beyond this life; at least nothing good, nothing happy, nothing comfortable, nothing to look forward to. You die without Christ, you never see friends and loved ones again. You die without Christ, you never experience anything good ever again. Someone says, stop it; you're being way too negative! It's negative alright, but that's what "no hope" is all about; that's what it means! No hope is very negative, but God is the one who said it , not me!
13. Believers grieve when a christian friend or loved one dies, but at least we know that our separation is only temporary.
It's not wrong for a Christian to grieve. But it is out of place for a Christian to talk, or feel hopeless. That's wrong because it is contrary to what God has said.
14. When Jesus returns to earth he's not coming alone. Every Christian who has died, and whose soul has been in heaven with God is returning to earth with Jesus. For all we know they could be on their way right now; it's possible.
15. You and I may be alive when Jesus returns, but either way we will be there when it happens. I have heard Christians say, I want to be here when Jesus comes back. You will be here; no christian will miss that big show; in fact every one of us are in the program.
16. This is the rapture; the rapture is the resurrection of Christians; it will occure after the great tribulation at the second coming of Christ right before judgement day; i have no doubt that that is what Holy Scripture teaches.
16,17. The souls of Christians who return with Christ will be reunited with their physical bodies about the time they enter Earths atmosphere; their bodies will be raised and reunited with their souls in the sky. After that living Christians will be changed from their regular physical body's to their resurrected bodies without even dying. Immediately following that they will be caught up to meet Christ and the returning Christians.
18. The second coming of Christ, the resurrection of Christians, and the great reunion which will take place are meant to be encouraging things for us to think about. Unfortunately some Christians who believe that this rapture of believers will take place seven years before Jesus returns to earth have taken something which was meant to unite the church in hope, and turned it into a divisive thing; something to break fellowship over.
Chapter 5
1. In other words, he isn't going to tell them when all these things concerning Jesus returning are going to happen. He has a very good reason for not telling them the date of our Lord's return; he doesn't know the date, and neither does anyone else.
If you hear someone say that they know when Jesus will return, walk away from them. If someone writes a book that contains the latest formula for figuring out the day Christ will return don't buy it; it's a lie, and they are liars.
2. Which means it will be a surprise. Thieves don't send a notice announcing in advance when they will break into your home, and Jesus didn't tell us when he was coming back. He didn't give us the means to figure it out either; it's going to be a surprise.
3. The unsaved people in this world will be doing their normal things; they will be working, playing, and of course committing sin like any other day. They will be living their life with no thought of God, or judgment, when all of a sudden, like getting hit in the back of the head with a 2 x 4 Jesus will return, and before their heads stop spinning they'll be judged, and thrown into the lake of fire.
4,5. In other words, we aren't stupid; were not spiritually ignorant; we know the word of God. We have the means to be ready to meet our maker. Jesus doesn't come to Christians as a thief in the night; he comes to us like a good friend comes during the day.
6. The bar has been set high for Christians, and it is perfect holiness; it's Jesus. The lost world will live the way they will live; that has nothing to do with how Christians should live.
We must be alert; we must not allow ourselves to slip into a spiritual slumber. God tells us to be sober which means we must not over indulge our appetites for any of the things in this world, because doing that will surely lull us to sleep spiritually.
7. Meaning, those who are lazy toward God, or live in sin are in spiritual darkness. They're so far from God, and so far from truth that they don't even know how much danger they are in. They're ignorant of the fact that their immortal souls are in great danger. They don't get, neither do they care that they are a heartbeat out of hell.
8. "The helmet of salvation." If knowing that we are saved from hell doesn't inspire us to be self-controlled, and to live for Jesus, then there's good reason to believe that we are not truly a Christian at all; we're not behaving like one who really believes in Christ.
9. If we belong to Jesus, then God won't punish us for our sins. If were trusting Christ; if Jesus is our Lord and Savior, then we're not going to hell.
God's wrath is for those who sin, and refuse forgiveness through Christ. Christians still sin, but we have received God's forgiveness; that's the big difference.
9,10,11. In other words, your relationship with God through Christ doesn't skip a beat when you die. The trip through the valley of the shadow of death will be smooth sailing all the way; it'll be an easy ride with great scenery and the angels driving. I'm saying, if you enjoy your walk with Christ now, then you will enjoy it even more after you die. If fellowshiping with Christ is the most important thing to you now, then you will have that most important thing on an infinitely better level after you die. You say, but I don't care about Jesus. Then you better not die.
12. The sin nature of man naturally rebels against authority. But Christians are to function under the control of the Holy Spirit not their sin nature, and consequently they are to respect the authority of their pastor; even when he has to say things that are not pleasant.
If all a preacher ever does is speak positive things, then he isn't doing his job. I say that because the word of God is a sword that cuts both directions. The word of God encourages, and it also corrects.
There may be legitimate reasons to quit going to a particular church, but if a Christian leaves a church because the word of God rubs them the wrong way, then they're out of God's will, and they will not be happy in any church that teaches the Bible correctly; they will become church tramps. There are church tramps out there who float from one evangelical church to another, because as soon as something rubs them the wrong way they're gone. They can't take truth; they are weak, immature, carnal believers at best; they are babies who have never grown up spiritually, and therefore cannot handle the strong meat of God's word.
12,13. The word of God is sacred, which means the man of God who prayerfully studies, and teaches it should be honored. The pastor/teacher has a high calling, and he is an essential tool in the hand of God to help Christians in their walk with Christ.
No one should expect perfection from any pastor/teacher, but respect them for their willingness to be use by God to help you in the most important area of your life. Respect them if they really study the word so that you can be fed, and by all means pray for him.
14. Spiritually speaking we're all in different places, with different needs. God says, give people help in their area of need, and don't get frustrated with them, or quit on them if they don't respond as quickly as you think they should. This is an admonition to preachers.
We see from this that God wants preachers to exhort, warn and encourage. All three of those things are needed; being a good preacher doesn't mean you give Christians a constant diet of positive affirmation like some popular preachers do; they're not doing their job; they're not following the guidelines of Scripture laid out right here, and elsewhere.
15. God is saying, try to be kind, all the time, to everyone.
We are not told to decide whether we think someone is worthy of kindness. We are to be kind, even to those who we think are unworthy. Why? Because God has told us to.
16. There's no way that we can rejoice always, as Scripture says we must, unless we put Jesus first, and find our contentment in our relationship with him.
17. God's not saying, be on your knees with your hands folded 24 hours a day; that's impossible. This simply means, be aware of God in your life, and talk to him as you would talk to a constant companion.
18. Give thanks weather times are good or bad. We can't always give thanks because we like everything, but we should always give thanks because God tells us to. It's not a matter of liking everything that we give thanks for; it's a matter of obeying God, and trusting that he's working all things together for good, which is a good reason to give thanks for everything.
19. In other words, when you know God wants you to do something don't put it off.
20. It has been my experience over the past 32 years that whenever a Christian has said, and I've heard plenty of them say, "thus saith the Lord", meaning: they are getting a direct revelation from God, they should be saying, "thus saith my flesh," because I believe that on every occasion it has been bologna; nothing but hype. However, one thing we know for certain; the Bible is true prophecy, consequently God is certainly saying, respect solid, orthodox Bible teaching; respect word of God. Take seriously what God says in Scripture because there is no doubt that it is the word of God.
21. Compare everything to what the Bible teaches, and only accept what lines up with Scripture.
22. Evil is anything that goes against Scripture. Avoid it, avoid being around it like you would avoid someone with a contagious disease. Avoid sin, and anything that looks like what the Bible calls sin.
23. God wants us to be holy: spirit, soul, and body. In other words, be holy on the inside, and on the outside. He wants us to do what is right for the right reason, which is to bring honor to Jesus. The Bible says do all things for the glory of God.
24. There you have it. Jesus will cause us to be what he wants us to be if we have faith in his death on the cross, and if we draw close to him through praise, prayer, the word of God, church, and Christian fellowship. If we take care of those spiritual disciplines, then Jesus will take care of the holiness that he wants us to live.
25. Preachers need prayers. Pastors need prayers. Preachers walk around with a bull's-eye on their back, and the devil never stops shooting. If he can disable a faithful preacher then he can hurt those they minister to as well.
26. The same as a handshake today.
27. Every word in this book of the Bible, and in all books of the Bible are for every single Christian everywhere.
28. God's grace is his favor; favor that we cannot earn; favor we do not deserve. If the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ isn't with us, we're dead; worse yet we're hell bound. If the grace of Jesus Christ doesn't remain with us, then we lose our salvation in a heartbeat. But thanks be to God he answers this prayer, and his grace does remain with us; he gives us the grace to do what he tells us to do, and to believe what he wants us to believe. He gives us the grace to hang on to the salvation that was purchased for us, and given to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1. It's not really a church if it doesn't recognize that the father and the son are co-eternal, co-equal members of the Godhead. If a church teaches that God the son was created then they are not the church that our Lord Jesus Christ established.
2. It is important that we as Christians pray for others as well as ourselves. It is an act of kindness to pray for people because God works through our prayers.
3. They had what every true christian has to one degree or another; they had faith, hope, and love. How do we know? Anyone with eyes to see could see it. Their faith produced good works; works of holiness. Their love for Jesus who saved them from hell caused them to labor for him; they tried to please him even when it wasn't easy. And their hope, which rested in the Bible, caused them to patiently persevere with Christ even though it involved suffering.
No good works which coincide with our professed faith in Christ? Then we don't have faith. No labor for Jesus, instead only a superficial living for Him when it is convenient? Then there is no love for Him. No perseverance with Christ through good times and bad? Then your hope is not in the word of God. No faith, no love, no hope, equals no salvation, no deliverance from hell so you better get at it before it's too late.
3,4. If you are a Christian it is because God elected you. If you are a Christian it is because God wanted you in his family. In spite of your sin God chose you.
Knowing that we are chosen should cause us to want to serve our Lord more than ever.
5a. The Thessalonians heard the word of God, and they got saved. It was clear that they were saved because they were changed on the inside.
If a person has truly received Christ then they will have holy convictions and a genuine belief in the word of God.
5,6. The Apostle said, you became followers of us. In other words they enjoyed being around Paul.
A saved person will gravitate to others who are saved; they will observe them and if there is holiness and faith in ways previously unseen they will try to imitate it.
A Christian who is holy will inspire other Christians to be more like Christ. If you want to make a difference in the kingdom of God then live for Jesus because among other things you will have a positive effect on other Christians, even as Paul had a positive effect on the Christians in Thessalonica.
7. Christians need models and we can be a model; we can be a spiritual beacon, and consequently inspire others to be more like Christ. Someone needs to show the way; it might as well be you, and it might as well be me.
8. If we have to convince someone with words that we are a Christian then we may not be a Christian at all. If we are saved then our life should show it; our attitude and our actions should be the outward proof of an inward saving faith.
9. That's repentance in a nutshell, and there is no salvation without it. If a person wants to become a Christian then they must turn from idols and start serving Christ. An idol is anything that's more important to us than God. Trusting Christ along with putting him first is the sign of true saving faith.
9,10. Jesus rescues Christians from the wrath of God, which is hell. He was punished for our sins on the cross so we wouldn't need to be punished in hell forever.
Chapter 2
1. Paul's visit was not a waste of time. He proclaimed the word of God, and there were results.
There are always results when the word of God is proclaimed; they are not always positive results but there are results. The same word that blesses those who are upright in heart will upset and anger those who have a rebellious attitude toward God. The word of God clearly proclaimed will always do something; God says His word does not come back to Him void.
2. Some Christians quit living for Jesus, or they quit speaking the word of God because they suffer in some way for doing it. They get trouble instead of applause so they stop doing what they know they should do. But suffering for doing right doesn't mean we should quit doing right. Some things are worth suffering for; obeying and pleasing Christ is one of those things.
3. There is no trickery or deceit involved in the spirit filled life. God the Holy Spirit is not interested in using deceit and manipulation to get someone to do something. God the Holy Spirit uses honesty, integrity, and the word of God. If that doesn't move someone to do what's right then leave them be; God will deal with them. The Bible says shall we do evil that good may come; it's a rhetorical question; it implies a no answer; Of course not.
4. It's really very simple; live to please God; those who have a heart for God will be encouraged to do the same, and those who don't can do what they want.
Life becomes complicated when our devotion is split between pleasing the Lord who saved us and pleasing those who want to do things their way instead of God's way. Don't argue, don't make a fuss, don't try to trick anyone or force anyone to join you in doing what you know is right in the sight of God; just do what is right yourself.
5. Never flatter anyone. That's not how Christ conducted himself. Just speak the truth in love, and let what happens happen.
Flattery is one person operating in his sin nature trying to get another person to do something in their sin nature. I'm saying God isn't involved in flattery; he's not involved in the use of it , nor is he involved in giving into it.
6a. Never seek praise from people. The Bible says that we should do all things for the glory of God, not ourselves. If we live to please God then we will please others who live for God. If we live to please people we may end up displeasing God.
6,7. A good mother works hard for free because she loves her child. A good mother is all about giving; being able to serve the child she loves is her reward. A good Christian will serve Jesus and others; a good Christian's reward is the joy they receive from serving. If that's not a Christian's attitude then there's too much self in that Christian.
8. I will give you a good definition of love; it's one word: share. Love doesn't go into effect until it shares; until it gives something. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son".
9. The Apostle worked a secular job whenever he had to do it. It was either that or flatter the crowds with spiritual nonsense so that they would give big offerings, and since he would never do that he preached the word of God and worked a second job.
10. The Apostle was not sinless, but he made sure that he was a man of integrity. He had plenty of enemies who said many bad things about him, but none of those things were true.
Satan enjoys inciting people to slander Christians because it tends to discredit Christ. Some are bound to believe the slander and others will not. The important thing is to make sure that it isn't true. The important thing is to be able to stand before God with a clear conscience no matter what anyone one else thinks.
11. Paul says, we exhorted,encouraged, and charged or instructed everyone of you. There was no favoritism with the apostle just as there is none with God.
No favoritism doesn't mean you treat everyone the exact same way. God doesn't treat an obedient Christian the exact same way he treats a rebellious Christian. Having no favorites means that a person's behavior, and attitude should determine how we act towards them not our personal prejudices. Discriminate on the basis of behavior and nothing else; that's how God operates.
11. Exhorted, encouraged, and charged. That's what Paul did because that's what God does.
If we spend enough time with God in his word then we will find that he will encourage us for the good things we do; he will comfort us in our failures, and he will instruct us in the things he wants us to do. That's the power of the Holy Spirit working through the word of God.
12. It takes comfort, encouragement, correction, and instruction from God for us to move in the direction where we are walking worthy of Him. It's a goal we will never fully obtain in this life but it is one which we should never cease to strive for.
13. Some people react to Scripture as if it is simply the opinion of man. They react as if the one preaching or teaching is the one who invented it. But everyone should keep in mind that every single word in the Holy Bible is God breathed. It comes from the lips of our Creator, and therefore should be heard with reverence.
14. Lesson: imitate Christ even to the point of sacrifice, and suffering. Doing what's right in the eyes of God is a higher calling than being comfortable, then being at ease in this world. It takes work to be spiritually successful for Christ, and that work often involve sacrifice and suffering.
14,15,16a. The Jews rejected God's Son, they murdered Him, then they rejected the Apostles and persecuted them, then they rejected other Christians and persecuted them; no wonder the Bible says that they are displeasing to the Father. The Jews openly opposed the preaching of Jesus and the word of God, and consequently they were contrary to all men.
Anyone who in anyway tries to hinder the word of God from being proclaimed, or heard is an evil person who is at least in part responsible for the lost condition of the souls involved. If someone wants to get on the bad side of God then all they have to do is prevent others from hearing the word of God, or down play the importance of God's word so that others dismiss it.
16. The Bible speaks of a cup of iniquity. The Jews of our Lord's day had a cup of sin and it was almost full; once the cup is full God's wrath hits.
There is a limit to the number of sins God allows people to commit before he says, that's it, time to punish. The thing is, no one knows how close their cup is to being full. Everyone's life is a different length therefore everyone's cup is a difference size. Consequently the next sin could be the drop that causes iniquity to spill over the brim. The good news is that receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior empties the cup for the Christian. In Christ our cup is empty because Jesus was already punished for all our sins.
17. They endeavored the more abundantly; in other words they made every effort.
If we make every effort to do what the Bible teaches we are to do, then many times we will do it. There will be times when because of our sin nature, or someone Elses sin nature, or the devil, we will fail. However we owe it to God to make every effort to do what we believe is best, and to live according to Scripture.
18. The devil kept the Apostle from going to Thessalonnica to teach them God's word.
Satan will do everything in his power to keep a preacher who faithfully teaches God's word from the people who need to hear it. The devil will create obstacles from outside, and he will also place obstacles in people's minds to keep them from connecting with the word of God. Satan hates the good which he knows the Bible produces in those who hear and understand it.
19,20. Paul said, Ye are our glory and joy. Knowing that his teaching helped others to be more like Jesus gave the Apostle more joy then anything else.
If we consider what makes us feel good we can gauge our level of spirituality. If pleasing Jesus, or accomplishing something that we know goes along with scripture gives us a sense of satisfaction then we are on the right track.
Chapter 3
1. The apostle is saying, we couldn't wait any longer; we could not put it off any more so we did what we thought was good, and we will see what that was in the next verse. But for now I want you to notice that Paul did what he thought was good.
Those who wait for a special revelation from God, or a sign from the Lord, or maybe a strong impression of some sort to determine the will of God for themselves can easily be misled. If a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, if there are no unconfessed sins in their life, then they can trust that the Holy Spirit is guiding them, and simply do what they believe is good, or better yet what is best. Go in that direction, use the wisdom God gives you, if the door shuts, then accept that from God, and try something else that you think is good. More often than not that's how the Holy Spirit leads God's people today.
2. The apostle felt that it was good and therefore God's will to send Timothy to the Thessalonians in order to strengthen their faith. That meant Paul was left without his best friend in the Lord, actually his son in the Lord, and a great companion; someone who was of great encouragement to him.
It is good, and it is often God's will for His people to sacrifice some personal happiness for the well-being of others, especially other Christians.
3. The Thessalonians were suffering for their faith, and Paul wanted Timothy to remind them that they were told to expect these difficult times.
It's good to know in advance that God has not promised us a smooth road if we obey him, if we do what is right, and speak the truth. It's good to remember that so that we do not stumble spiritually, and possibly even lose our faith when we encounter bad times for being faithful to Jesus.
4. In other words, we told you this was going to happen; we told you it wouldn't be easy to live for Jesus.
It is not easy to live for Jesus in a world that doesn't care about him or the word of God. Holiness goes against the grain; holiness rubs the majority of people in society the wrong way. Speaking the truth concerning Jesus being the only way to heaven will not get you applause, but rather it will get you the label bigot or narrow minded in today's world.
5. Paul was concerned that the high cost of being a Christian caused the Thessalonians to fall away from Jesus. He was concerned that the tempter, meaning Satan, tempted them to take the easy, but sinful road rather than walking the narrow path with Christ.
Holiness is the road less traveled, but it is the only one that will get a person to heaven. Faith in Christ which is verified by holiness is the only means of salvation and that's why Paul was so concerned about these Christians he was afraid that they had abandoned Christ.
6. The apostle was relieved because word came back that the Thessalonians hung in there with Jesus through some very difficult times. The Thessalonians couldn't wait to see Paul and Paul couldn't wait to see them, and that's the way it is among Christians who really love Jesus. God fearing, Jesus loving Christians enjoy being around each other.
7. The Thessalonians actually encouraged Paul in his faith when they stood firm for Jesus under pressure. He was happy that their faith was real and therefore they were heaven bound. He was strengthened in his faith because when one Christian goes all out for Jesus that will strengthen the faith of other Christians to endure as well. Our faith is increased when we see others live by faith.
8. In other words, now we really live; this is living, to follow Jesus and to know that you are following Jesus. Paul says it doesn't get any better than this.
To be saved and to know that others you care about are saved is the greatest joy in the world to a Christian.
9. Thank you's rang hollow in the apostle's mind.
The most sincere thank you's to God often ring hollow; they just don't seem to be enough when we think of the great things that he has done for us in Christ Jesus. It seems as if we should appreciate him more; it seems as if we should be able to express our thankfulness in a greater way.
10. Paul couldn't wait to see the Thessalonians again so that he could strengthen their faith even more. One of the most important things to any Christian should be to help other Christians followed Jesus better. We ought to be excited about helping other Christians understand Jesus better, and appreciate him more.
Any Christian can help another Christian along these lines if they are walking with the Lord. You don't have to be a great theologian to be an encouragement to someone else's faith in Christ; you just have to live for Jesus yourself, and not be ashamed to talk about it.
11. He wanted to go to them, but he would not think of doing it unless God would direct him. You say how would he know if God was directing him? He would know if the door would open up, and if it seemed like the best thing for him to do when measured by the standard set in the written word of God.
12. The Thessalonians were loving Christians, but there was still room for improvement so Paul prayed that they would abound more and more in love.
There's always room for improvement when it comes to being unselfish; when it comes to being loving, and caring more about giving then receiving. There's always room for improvement when it comes to wanting to serve rather than to be served.
13. Sanctification is a process that begins the moment we are saved, and it continues until the day we die. Sanctification means to be more like Jesus; we should want to be like Jesus today, and every day so that when the moment of death comes, or perhaps His return takes place we will be ready for it to happen.
Christians stand unblamable in the sight of God because they are in Christ Jesus; that's our position. Now God wants us to strive to be unblamable in personal holiness; he wants that to be our practice; he wants our practice to match our position in Christ.
Chapter 4
1a. The Bible teaches us how to please God. The principles, commands, and instructions written in the Bible will cause us to please God, if we follow them. God's will is not a mystery; it is found in the creators book.
1. We can never please God too much; no Christian is as dedicated to Jesus as they should be. There's always room for improvement.
2. The Apostle gave commandments by the Lord Jesus because he gave out the word of God. The New Testament was written by several human authors, but they received their words, their instructions, from the divine author who is the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus. When we read a commandment from the word of God we are receiving a Command from the Lord Himself.
2,3. God wants us to behave ourselves; God wants us to behave like him. God's will for us begins with us being holy, and confessing whenever we fail. If we don't live the will of God that we know to be his will because it's taught in the Bible, then it'll be very hard to discern the rest of God's will for us.
3,4. In other words, restrain your desires. Our good desires should be satisfied within the boundaries laid out in Scripture. Our bad desires must not be satisfied at all.
5. In other words, Christians shouldn't treat their desires as if they were a god to worship; a lord to bow down to. Christians should not obey their desire's every wish. Christians should not put their desires above God's word because that makes them into an Idol.
6. In other words, do not do anything to hurt another christian. Do not take advantage of them in any way. Do not use them; do not manipulate them. Don't abuse someone simply because the opportunity is there to do it. Those who hurt others, especially other Christians, God will hurt.
7. God has plenty of filthy, vile, sinners in this world who either scoff at, or ignore his commands; He sure doesn't want His children to behave that way. God has called Christians to be his holy children. If we aren't holy, then we're out of God's will. If we aren't serious about putting our faith into action, and putting God's will above our own, then we are not in God's will.
8. Those who would get upset at me, or any other Bible teacher for teaching the Holy word of God, including the parts that are not popular better sit back and consider for a moment where their displeasure is really directed. I would remind them that their problem is with God.
If someone rejects the word of God they may prefer to think that they are rejecting the man who teaches it, but the fact is they are rejecting the God who gave it. That's something to think about.
9. A desire to be good to other Christians comes naturally to a child of God. It comes naturally if their walk with the Lord is a good one. You don't have to teach a good Christian to be nice to other Christians.
10. In other words, don't stop caring about other Christians. We never can care about others too much. The obligation to care is always being renewed.
11. God says we are to mind our own business; that means don't gossip, and don't meddle.
11. If we don't work with our hands, then we will sin with our hands. If we keep busy doing the things that are good, then will be too tired, and we won't have the time to do the things that are bad. The Bible says we are to overcome evil with good.
11,12a. People recognize the virtue in hard work, and in the person who minds their own business. This speaks of common decency. Christians should be good people, decent people; the world is watching. The unsaved may not care about being good themselves, but they know what good is, and they often watch to see if Christians are behaving correctly.
12. In other words, be self-sufficient in the Lord. Anytime a person becomes dependent on others they can lose some of their freedom. Christians should work hard, and live within their means whenever possible so that they can supply their own needs. When a Christian is dependent on others, then those others can dictate what they do, which then takes the place of God who is the only one that should dictate what they do. Dependency splits devotion. God says that the borrower is the slave of the lender.
13. It might surprise a non-Christian to learn that they have no hope, but I'm telling you they don't! They have nothing beyond this life; at least nothing good, nothing happy, nothing comfortable, nothing to look forward to. You die without Christ, you never see friends and loved ones again. You die without Christ, you never experience anything good ever again. Someone says, stop it; you're being way too negative! It's negative alright, but that's what "no hope" is all about; that's what it means! No hope is very negative, but God is the one who said it , not me!
13. Believers grieve when a christian friend or loved one dies, but at least we know that our separation is only temporary.
It's not wrong for a Christian to grieve. But it is out of place for a Christian to talk, or feel hopeless. That's wrong because it is contrary to what God has said.
14. When Jesus returns to earth he's not coming alone. Every Christian who has died, and whose soul has been in heaven with God is returning to earth with Jesus. For all we know they could be on their way right now; it's possible.
15. You and I may be alive when Jesus returns, but either way we will be there when it happens. I have heard Christians say, I want to be here when Jesus comes back. You will be here; no christian will miss that big show; in fact every one of us are in the program.
16. This is the rapture; the rapture is the resurrection of Christians; it will occure after the great tribulation at the second coming of Christ right before judgement day; i have no doubt that that is what Holy Scripture teaches.
16,17. The souls of Christians who return with Christ will be reunited with their physical bodies about the time they enter Earths atmosphere; their bodies will be raised and reunited with their souls in the sky. After that living Christians will be changed from their regular physical body's to their resurrected bodies without even dying. Immediately following that they will be caught up to meet Christ and the returning Christians.
18. The second coming of Christ, the resurrection of Christians, and the great reunion which will take place are meant to be encouraging things for us to think about. Unfortunately some Christians who believe that this rapture of believers will take place seven years before Jesus returns to earth have taken something which was meant to unite the church in hope, and turned it into a divisive thing; something to break fellowship over.
Chapter 5
1. In other words, he isn't going to tell them when all these things concerning Jesus returning are going to happen. He has a very good reason for not telling them the date of our Lord's return; he doesn't know the date, and neither does anyone else.
If you hear someone say that they know when Jesus will return, walk away from them. If someone writes a book that contains the latest formula for figuring out the day Christ will return don't buy it; it's a lie, and they are liars.
2. Which means it will be a surprise. Thieves don't send a notice announcing in advance when they will break into your home, and Jesus didn't tell us when he was coming back. He didn't give us the means to figure it out either; it's going to be a surprise.
3. The unsaved people in this world will be doing their normal things; they will be working, playing, and of course committing sin like any other day. They will be living their life with no thought of God, or judgment, when all of a sudden, like getting hit in the back of the head with a 2 x 4 Jesus will return, and before their heads stop spinning they'll be judged, and thrown into the lake of fire.
4,5. In other words, we aren't stupid; were not spiritually ignorant; we know the word of God. We have the means to be ready to meet our maker. Jesus doesn't come to Christians as a thief in the night; he comes to us like a good friend comes during the day.
6. The bar has been set high for Christians, and it is perfect holiness; it's Jesus. The lost world will live the way they will live; that has nothing to do with how Christians should live.
We must be alert; we must not allow ourselves to slip into a spiritual slumber. God tells us to be sober which means we must not over indulge our appetites for any of the things in this world, because doing that will surely lull us to sleep spiritually.
7. Meaning, those who are lazy toward God, or live in sin are in spiritual darkness. They're so far from God, and so far from truth that they don't even know how much danger they are in. They're ignorant of the fact that their immortal souls are in great danger. They don't get, neither do they care that they are a heartbeat out of hell.
8. "The helmet of salvation." If knowing that we are saved from hell doesn't inspire us to be self-controlled, and to live for Jesus, then there's good reason to believe that we are not truly a Christian at all; we're not behaving like one who really believes in Christ.
9. If we belong to Jesus, then God won't punish us for our sins. If were trusting Christ; if Jesus is our Lord and Savior, then we're not going to hell.
God's wrath is for those who sin, and refuse forgiveness through Christ. Christians still sin, but we have received God's forgiveness; that's the big difference.
9,10,11. In other words, your relationship with God through Christ doesn't skip a beat when you die. The trip through the valley of the shadow of death will be smooth sailing all the way; it'll be an easy ride with great scenery and the angels driving. I'm saying, if you enjoy your walk with Christ now, then you will enjoy it even more after you die. If fellowshiping with Christ is the most important thing to you now, then you will have that most important thing on an infinitely better level after you die. You say, but I don't care about Jesus. Then you better not die.
12. The sin nature of man naturally rebels against authority. But Christians are to function under the control of the Holy Spirit not their sin nature, and consequently they are to respect the authority of their pastor; even when he has to say things that are not pleasant.
If all a preacher ever does is speak positive things, then he isn't doing his job. I say that because the word of God is a sword that cuts both directions. The word of God encourages, and it also corrects.
There may be legitimate reasons to quit going to a particular church, but if a Christian leaves a church because the word of God rubs them the wrong way, then they're out of God's will, and they will not be happy in any church that teaches the Bible correctly; they will become church tramps. There are church tramps out there who float from one evangelical church to another, because as soon as something rubs them the wrong way they're gone. They can't take truth; they are weak, immature, carnal believers at best; they are babies who have never grown up spiritually, and therefore cannot handle the strong meat of God's word.
12,13. The word of God is sacred, which means the man of God who prayerfully studies, and teaches it should be honored. The pastor/teacher has a high calling, and he is an essential tool in the hand of God to help Christians in their walk with Christ.
No one should expect perfection from any pastor/teacher, but respect them for their willingness to be use by God to help you in the most important area of your life. Respect them if they really study the word so that you can be fed, and by all means pray for him.
14. Spiritually speaking we're all in different places, with different needs. God says, give people help in their area of need, and don't get frustrated with them, or quit on them if they don't respond as quickly as you think they should. This is an admonition to preachers.
We see from this that God wants preachers to exhort, warn and encourage. All three of those things are needed; being a good preacher doesn't mean you give Christians a constant diet of positive affirmation like some popular preachers do; they're not doing their job; they're not following the guidelines of Scripture laid out right here, and elsewhere.
15. God is saying, try to be kind, all the time, to everyone.
We are not told to decide whether we think someone is worthy of kindness. We are to be kind, even to those who we think are unworthy. Why? Because God has told us to.
16. There's no way that we can rejoice always, as Scripture says we must, unless we put Jesus first, and find our contentment in our relationship with him.
17. God's not saying, be on your knees with your hands folded 24 hours a day; that's impossible. This simply means, be aware of God in your life, and talk to him as you would talk to a constant companion.
18. Give thanks weather times are good or bad. We can't always give thanks because we like everything, but we should always give thanks because God tells us to. It's not a matter of liking everything that we give thanks for; it's a matter of obeying God, and trusting that he's working all things together for good, which is a good reason to give thanks for everything.
19. In other words, when you know God wants you to do something don't put it off.
20. It has been my experience over the past 32 years that whenever a Christian has said, and I've heard plenty of them say, "thus saith the Lord", meaning: they are getting a direct revelation from God, they should be saying, "thus saith my flesh," because I believe that on every occasion it has been bologna; nothing but hype. However, one thing we know for certain; the Bible is true prophecy, consequently God is certainly saying, respect solid, orthodox Bible teaching; respect word of God. Take seriously what God says in Scripture because there is no doubt that it is the word of God.
21. Compare everything to what the Bible teaches, and only accept what lines up with Scripture.
22. Evil is anything that goes against Scripture. Avoid it, avoid being around it like you would avoid someone with a contagious disease. Avoid sin, and anything that looks like what the Bible calls sin.
23. God wants us to be holy: spirit, soul, and body. In other words, be holy on the inside, and on the outside. He wants us to do what is right for the right reason, which is to bring honor to Jesus. The Bible says do all things for the glory of God.
24. There you have it. Jesus will cause us to be what he wants us to be if we have faith in his death on the cross, and if we draw close to him through praise, prayer, the word of God, church, and Christian fellowship. If we take care of those spiritual disciplines, then Jesus will take care of the holiness that he wants us to live.
25. Preachers need prayers. Pastors need prayers. Preachers walk around with a bull's-eye on their back, and the devil never stops shooting. If he can disable a faithful preacher then he can hurt those they minister to as well.
26. The same as a handshake today.
27. Every word in this book of the Bible, and in all books of the Bible are for every single Christian everywhere.
28. God's grace is his favor; favor that we cannot earn; favor we do not deserve. If the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ isn't with us, we're dead; worse yet we're hell bound. If the grace of Jesus Christ doesn't remain with us, then we lose our salvation in a heartbeat. But thanks be to God he answers this prayer, and his grace does remain with us; he gives us the grace to do what he tells us to do, and to believe what he wants us to believe. He gives us the grace to hang on to the salvation that was purchased for us, and given to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.