The Book Of Acts
Chapter 1
1. The four Gospels only record the things that Jesus began to do. In the book of acts we will see Jesus continue his work through the Holy Spirit, through his word, through Christians.
2. Jesus gave instructions to the apostles, and the New Testament contains those instructions.
By the Holy Spirit, and through the writings of the apostles in the New Testament, Jesus instructs us today.
3. 11 appearances of Christ after he was raised from the dead are recorded in Scripture, and that's probably just a small sample of the many times he appeared.
4. Jesus didn't want his apostles to preach the word of God until after they received the Holy Spirit. That's because if we try doing something for Jesus in our own power we will not succeed.
In order to accomplish anything for Jesus we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that he can work, and speak through us. Jesus says: apart from me you can do nothing.
5. When John the Baptist baptized people they were immersed in water, when Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to his people they will be immersed in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will cover them, the Holy Spirit will saturate them, the Holy Spirit will control them.
6. In other words, are you going to set up your throne in Jerusalem and rule the whole world like the Bible teaches the Messiah will do? Are you going to do it now Jesus?
7. God doesn't like us to ask "when". God's business is to determine when something will happen. Our business is to focus on living for him, and trust that he will do the right thing at the right time.
8. In other words, don't try to figure out when Jesus will return. Some Christians spend way too much time trying to calculate when Christ is going to return; that takes too much energy away from where their focus should be. Our focus should be on living holy lives, and spreading the word of God before he does return, or we die, whichever comes first.
9. The cloud that Jesus disappeared into is likely the same cloud which portrayed the presence of God throughout the Bible. I don't think Jesus traveled too far in this material universe as he ascended. When he hit that cloud I think he was transferred to the spiritual realm and immediately reached heaven.
10. Two men suddenly appearing in white apparel is a dead giveaway to anyone who knows the Bible; they're Angels.
By the way, these Angels are not named, and if you recall Angels are seldom named in Scripture and that's because their identity isn't important. Their service to God is important, they aren't here to make a name for themselves, but to do the will of God. These Angels will talk about Jesus not themselves.
11. The Angels tell us that Jesus will return the same way he left. He left visibly, and physically and he will return visibly and physically. He disappeared into the clouds when he left, and the Bible teaches that he will return in the clouds when he comes back.
12. A Sabbath days journey was about a half a mile. In Old Testament days if you walked further than that on the Sabbath the religious leaders would accuse you of sin. They actually had all sorts of man-made Sabbath regulations like that which made life miserable for God's people.
13. This is probably the same room where Jesus and his men ate the Last Supper, and where Jesus appeared to them for two Sundays in a row after the resurrection. This is where all the disciples stayed after our Lords ascension.
14. Our Lords brothers had been unbelievers until the resurrection. But when they saw Christ after he was raised that was it; from that point on they became faithful followers of Jesus. Consequently, his brothers, along with his mother, the other ladies who had followed Christ, and all of his disciples stayed in that room having a 10 day prayer meeting.
15. Jesus told Peter to take care of his sheep, and that's what he's doing here as he presides over some church business.
Remember that Peter had denied Christ, but he repented, and God restored him. God demands holiness, but if we fail he will still bless and use us if we repent.
16. Peter reminds everyone that the Scripture predicted Judas would betray Jesus. Judas acted of his own free will, and he is accountable for his sin, and yet the Scripture had to be fulfilled concerning the betrayal.
God's sovereignty doesn't eliminate our free choice, and doesn't eliminate our accountability for the choices that we make.
17. Judas had a real part in ministry. Judas preached, baptized, did miracles, and also worked as the treasurer. Which just goes to show that character, not religious works is the proof that one belongs to Christ.
Good works can be counterfeited, but true holy character cannot.
18. Peter gives us all the gory details concerning Judas. After the branch, or rope that he hung himself on broke, his rotting body smashed against a rock and broke open. A hideous end for a hideous sinner which is why I believe God described it so graphically.
Not every sinner who betrays the Lord, or turns their back on him, has a gross, and disgusting physical death like Judas. But their soul falls into hell, bursts open and rots even while they continue to live in the Lake of fire
19. And everyone knew the gruesome end of Judas Iscariot. The wages of his sin was a hideous death, a terrible reputation, and if he didn't ask for forgiveness, an eternity in hell.
20. Judas was replaced. Peter, James, John, and the rest of the apostles were not replaced, but Judas was.
If someone chooses to live in rebellion they will be replaced by God. God's plan will go forward, and we can enjoy being a part it, but we disqualify ourselves through unconfessed sin, and God gives our blessings to one who is more worthy.
21,22. There are no apostles of the Lord today because no one today meets the qualifications. An apostle had to be an eyewitness of the things that Jesus did, said, and of his resurrection.
23. They chose two men who met the qualifications of an apostle. It must have seemed like a tie so they decided to let the Lord make the decision. Jesus should make the decision because the very definition of an apostle is one who is sent by him. Jesus chose the original 12 and he should choose a replacement for Judas as well.
24. Judas had looked good on the outside so no one would have thought that he was capable of betraying Christ, but inside he was full of spiritual rot. Consequently, they want God to choose the one that he knows will do the best job.
The Bible says: judge not according to appearance, but make a righteous judgment. In other words discern a person's character and spiritual life not by how they look, or what they say, but by how they behave, especially when under pressure.
25. They didn't presume to know that Judas went to hell for a fact, but he like everyone else did go to his own place. Every single soul who ever lives is up in heaven or down in hell, and they choose which place it will be.
Christ rejecting, unsaved, sinners go to the place they deserve which is hell. Those who repent and ask Christ to be their Lord and Savior do not go to the place they deserve, which is also hell, but are shown mercy through Christ and by that mercy go to heaven.
26. The apostles had not yet received the Holy Spirit which is why they're still functioning under the Old Testament guidelines for discerning God's will. Proverbs 16:33 says that the lot is cast into the lap, that it's every decision is from the Lord. So in Old Testament days people would cast lots, (sort of like flipping a coin) to determine the will of God because God said he would direct using that method.
Chapter 2
1. All the disciples are together in that upper room in Jerusalem.
2. I've been in a basement 50 feet away from rushing mighty wind in the form of a tornado and I will never forget the sound of it, and apparently that upper room was filled with a similar sound.
3. The Holy Spirit evidently arrived in what appeared to be a large fire which then separated into flames of fire resting upon each person in that room.
4. These Christians were completely saturated by the Holy Spirit; every cell in their body was enlivened by the spirit of God, who had complete control of their entire being.
The Holy Spirit filled their minds with his words, and by faith they spoke it even though they didn't recognize the words they were speaking.
5. A multitude of Jews from all over the inhabited world were in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost.
6. The apostles were speaking in a language that they had never learned, but the people who were from different parts of the world heard them in their own language. They were all hearing the word of God from God himself. The apostles didn't know what God was saying, but the people did.
7-11. The people there were from three different continents. They all spoke different languages, and within those languages they spoke different dialects. And these apostles, who were from northern Galilee, which most Israelites considered to be an unsophisticated backwards region of the country, were actually speaking all those different languages, and dialects. This was an unmistakable miracle and look at the people's reaction:
12. The people had no idea what was going on; they were amazed and confused.
It seems like every time God makes himself known people are either amazed or confused or both, and that's okay because if we were not in awe of God that would mean that he was on our level, and then we'd all be in big trouble.
13. A person who is drunk is often more talkative and bold then he would be if he were sober.
A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is also bold, and if you're filled with the Holy Spirit your going to talk about Jesus an awful lot. I guess I can see why, at least some in the crowd were confused thinking that the apostles were drunk; they were bold and talkative.
14. The same Peter who backed off from a little servant girl and denied Christ three times now stares down this huge crowd of mockers, and preaches the word of God to people who are laughing at him. Two things made the difference: Jesus is alive, and Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit.
If were filled with the Holy Spirit and fellowshipping with our living Lord then were going to be bold for Jesus as well; bold to live for him, and bold to speak up for him.
15. Not many men would be drunk at nine in the morning; certainly no one who takes God seriously would be in that condition, especially at nine in the morning.
16. This thing that has everyone amazed is not the result of drunkenness; it is the fulfillment of prophecy. Verse 17 tells us what that prophecy is.
17. The last days refers to the time between the ascension of Christ and his return. The Bible talks about God revealing himself through visions and dreams in these last days.
I would never put God in a box and say that he could not speak to us through a dream or a vision, but the word of God clearly teaches that we must measure every experience by what is written in the holy Scripture. If anything contradicts the word of God it is not from God.
18. God receives, blesses, and uses average people. God has no favorites. The only requirement needed to be blessed and used by God is to be close to him through Jesus Christ.
19a. Verses 17 and 18 speak of the Holy Spirit's presence in Christians; verse 19 speaks of the destruction of the Israelite nation in 70 A.D. which occurred because they rejected the son of God saying: we have no king but Caesar.
God predicted that there would be wonders in heaven above, and according to several ancient writers a comet, which looked like a flaming sword hung over Jerusalem right before Rome destroyed the city in 70 A.D.
19b. Signs in the earth beneath included all the signs that God so graciously granted the Israelites including all the miracles of Christ, and his apostles which were designed to prove that Jesus was the son of God, the Messiah. But the Israelites despised all those signs, and tossed them aside as if they were worthless garbage, rejecting Jesus in spite of them.
19c. The blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke refers to the blood of millions of Israelites who were slaughtered by Rome. The fire refers to the city of Jerusalem which went up in flames. All of these things were acts of God who was judging them for rejecting his son.
20. There was a space of 37 years between verse 18 and 19, and there is a space of at least 2,015 years between verse 19 and 20. Verse 20 refers to the time right before Jesus returns. And we know from the book of Revelation that the sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into bloood right before He returns.
21. To call on the name of the Lord isn't a one time prayer to God (Lord I'm calling to you); to call on the name of the Lord means to have an ongoing relationship with Jesus. Those who call on the name of the Lord in the biblical sense have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus is important to them; Jesus is their best friend; Jesus is the one that they look to for salvation and leadership. Those are the people who will be saved from hell. They will be saved from the wrath of God which the Israelites experienced for rejecting Christ.
22. The old testament predicted that the Messiah would do miracles to show the Jews that he was the Christ and Jesus did those miracles.
23. The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan. But at the same time the men involved with it are accountable for their sin. Peter calls them wicked, and by the way as I mentioned earlier, Peter isn't lacking boldness since he has received the Holy Spirit. He looks this mob straight in the eye and says: you killed him! You killed the son of God! You killed your Messiah! Peter didn't care what anyone thought of him; he was going to boldly proclaim the word of God no matter what.
24. The Bible says: the soul that sins will die. Jesus never sinned and that's why it was impossible for him to remain dead.
25. David kept his eyes on the Lord, and in this verse he says that Jesus did that as well while he was here on earth, and consequently neither Jesus nor David were shaken during stressful times.
You focus on your problems, and you're headed for discouragement. You focus on Jesus, and he'll get you through. He may not take the storm away, but you'll find out that he's a great shelter in the midst of a storm.
26. Jesus knew that good times would follow his sufferings on the cross. He made it through the bad by focusing on the good that would result from the bad.
As a Christian your sufferings are always a means to a better end, (either in this life or the next); they are never an end in themselves.
Non-Christians, Christ rejecting sinners will suffer in hell with no hope of getting out. But a Christian who suffers today can endure it knowing that their future will be great.
27. The word hell in this verse doesn't mean the lake of fire; it actually means Hades which is simply the realm of the dead. Before Christ died on the cross there were two compartments to Hades: Paradise, and torment. After he died Jesus went to the paradise section and took the souls of the righteous to heaven with him.
28. The Father raised Jesus back to life and restored the joy he had experienced before the sufferings of the cross.
29. David died, and like the rest of us he remains dead until Jesus raises him on the last day.
30. David knew that the Messiah, as regards his human nature, would be one of his descendents.
31. Jesus didn't stay long in the paradise section of Hades; just long enough to tell the wicked on the other side that their doom was sealed, and just long enough to tell the righteous to pack their bags because they were going to heaven. The soul of Christ didn't stay long in Hades, and the body of Christ didn't stay long in the grave.
32. Every single one of those 120 people who were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost had seen Jesus multiple times after he was raised from the dead.
33. The apostles knew that Jesus made it to heaven because he told them that after he arrived he would send them the Holy Spirit.
34,35. After Jesus ascended to heaven God the father told him to sit down, and wait for all of his enemies to be defeated.
Once sin has run its course Jesus will return to Earth, and the devil, his demons, and all who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be thrown into the lake of fire. Our Lord's enemies will be defeated once and for all with no chance of a come back.
36. You guys killed him; you guys rejected him, but God has made him Lord in spite of you.
Man's rejection of Jesus does not knock Christ off the throne. Impenitent sinners will answer to the one they reject.
37. Peter preached the word of God holding nothing back, and as a result Holy Spirit convicted these people of their sin, and they want to know what they have to do to be saved; how can we get out of this mess that our sins have put us in?
If the word of God isn't preached clearly under the anointing of the Holy Spirit then lost sinners will never understand that they need a Savior; instead they will be comfortable all the way to hell.
38. You want to be saved? Then repent, received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and be baptized in his name.
39. If you're saved then you have the Holy Spirit. And you know that you have the Holy Spirit because you love Jesus. You know you have the Holy Spirit because you want to please Christ, and you feel bad when you don't, and you confess when you fail. The spirit of God inside of a Christian compels them to feel that way, and do those things.
40. Peter preached the word of God, telling people to get saved from hell, and in the process be delivered from the perverse lifestyle of this world.
If one isn't delivered from a perverse lifestyle than they aren't saved either.
41. Those who believed the word of God proved it by receiving Christ and being baptized. Those who rejected the word of God went on their un-merry way which ended in the lake of fire if they didn't change their mind.
42. The saved started going to church, and church meant they were taught the word of God, received holy Communion, and had fellowship with other Christians.
Their main focus was Jesus, and the rest of their activities were like spokes protruding out of that spiritual hub.
43. Their close walk with Jesus produced a healthy fear of God.
The closer we are to Jesus the greater our reverence toward him will be. There is no lighthearted attitude toward Almighty God in those who are close to him.
44. They shared everything they had. Jesus had been good to them so they were good to each other.
45. Jesus was more important to them then their possessions, which is why they shared freely.
46. These guys went to church every day, and they were having a great time doing it. Their life was all about Jesus, and that's why they were filled with joy.
47. The word of God was being proclaimed, the Christians were living it, and they were filled with the joy of the Lord as a result. Consequently other people started coming to Christ as well.
The best way to see others saved is to be on fire for Jesus yourself. Those who have a heart for truth will be drawn to you, if you're full of the Holy Spirit and on fire for Jesus. Those who do not have a heart for truth may be repelled by your love for Jesus, but at least you will be giving people a clear choice before they die.
Chapter 3
1. Twice a day public sacrifices were offered at the Temple and that was also the time when faithful Jews would gather to pray. Peter and John joined them in prayer.
2. Being lame was all this man knew, and all he expected to know. A good day for him was when kind people would carry him to the place of worship, which also provided him a better opportunity to receive charity.
Those who are too proud to receive charity when they really need it are too proud.
3. Peter and John did not just happen to walk near this poor man. Nothing ever just happens to God's people; everything is an appointment, and a test to see how we will handle things.
4. Instead of looking away Peter and John looked at this needy person. They turned toward him to help him, and in the process of doing that they have raised his expectations.
5. The man was eager. He was confident that Peter and John would give him something. Why else would they want his attention? Consequently, he was expecting, but he was not expecting what he was about to receive. God had something for him that was much greater than he expected.
When God doesn't answer our prayers the way we would like it is because he has something better for us. It may not always be short-term better, but it will always be long-term better.
6,7. Jesus healed him, but like the Bible says he still had to rise and walk.
God's gifts are sometimes wasted because the person who has received them either doesn't care enough, or is afraid to use them.
8. Right now this guy is the happiest man in the world. What a great God we have; he such a kind God! He receives no pleasure from people being miserable which is why he gives us his laws which if we keep them will make us happy.
9. All the people who formally saw this man begging now saw him jumping around and playing like a little child.
10. This former beggar had been like a human landmark for decades, sitting in the same place by the Temple begging for years, but everything is different now because Jesus helped him.
Surprised doesn't describe what the people felt. It's true that they saw the miracle, but it was one of those "God things" that are so powerful that they do not register even though you saw it.
11. Notice the affection this man had for Peter and John. Of course God deserves all the credit, and Peter will give him that credit shortly, but Peter and John were appreciated because they allowed God to use them.
The more we allow God to use us to serve others the more people will appreciate us as well, and that's not a bad thing either as long as it is kept in proper perspective.
12. No one can do anything for Jesus without the power of the Holy Ghost. Our good is a product of God's grace. That's why any time we do anything righteous or anytime we say the correct thing it is God who deserves all the credit.
13. Peter is speaking the truth with boldness. He says: you people, you Israelites are responsible for killing Jesus: God's son! It was all you because even the Roman governor wanted to release him.
14. The people demanded that Jesus be crucified and the murderer Barabbas be released. The people shouted: murder the son of God, and set the murderer free. That was their sinful demand.
You can tell a lot about people by the choices they make because everyone has a free will.
14,15. Killing the author of life; killing the one who gives life is moral insanity.
Something that ridiculous, something that immoral, something that hideous can only be done by depraved souls.
16. By faith Peter declared healing for this man in the name of Jesus.
We will never see God move, and we will never see a miracle if we don't have faith in Christ, and therefore never ask for things in Jesus name.
17. The Bible says: my people perish for lack of knowledge. Ignorance causes people to do stupid things. Ignorance of God's word, ignorance of truth causes people to do things that will ruin their souls. The consequences of Biblical ignorance is one of the reasons I am compelled to pray, study, and teach the holy word of God.
18. One of the great things about God is that he can take evil, and use it to bring about good. Sinful man murdered the son of God, but God used his son's death to redeem lost sinners.
19. God will not forgive and forget any sin that has not been repented of, and confessed. A person has to be sorry for their sin and a person has to turn away from their sin in order to be forgiven; that's repentance. Unless a person repents and confesses their sin there won't be any forgiveness and there won't be any refreshment for that person's soul.
19-21. When the Israelites recognize that they have killed their Messiah, the son of God. When they realize the horrible sin they have committed and repent, then Christ will return. So what is a sign that Christ is about to return? When you see the nation Israel turning to Christ as a body then get ready because his return is right around the corner.
22,23. People who do not listen to the word of God are making a fatal mistake. People who willfully reject the word of God will not receive any mercy from the Lord.
24. There was no good reason for the Israelites to miss who Jesus was. All the prophets in the Old Testament spoke of him. The Israelites missed Christ because their hearts were hardened to the truth due to their unconfessed sin.
Unconfessed sin will cause us to miss the good things that God has for us. People need to sit under the anointed teaching of the holy word of God so that they can correct the things that are wrong in their life and learn how to do things God's way.
25. God told Abraham: in your seed (speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ) in your seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Not every person in the world will be saved, but all have the opportunity to be saved because of the redemption Christ purchased for us on the cross.
26. Some people say that the only sin one needs to repent of in order to be saved is the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. A person definitely has to repent of that sin, but in order for that repentance to be genuine they must be willing deep down in their heart to turn away from all of their sins as well. Verse 26 talks about the need to turn away from "iniquities", that means all iniquities, that means all sin. One can't be blessed by God through Jesus Christ, unless they turn from all their sins and receive Christ as Lord and Savior.
Chapter 4
1. The religious leaders come out to intimidate the apostles, at least that's what they're attempting to do.
2. The Sadducees would be especially annoyed at the apostles for saying that Christ came back from the dead and that's because they didn't believe in life after death.
No matter how nicely you speak the truth some will still be annoyed because it threatens their lifestyle and what they want to believe.
3. They arrested them, and put them in jail for the night. They could not try them because it was night and it was illegal for the Jews to conduct a trial after sundown.
4. After only two sermons from God's word, and in spite of persecution and threats from the establishment the church already numbers 5000 men plus women and children.
Outward persecution always backfires on the devil. A much more effective way to hurt the church is to get ministers to water down truth so that it appeals to lukewarm Christians who want to be accepted by the world more than God.
If Satan can get a preacher to be afraid of losing popularity from teaching the word of God then he has a stronghold in that church.
5,6. This is the same bunch that tried and condemned Jesus a couple of months earlier. The apostles may be thinking: okay, now it's our turn to be crucified but that didn't stop them from preaching the truth. They will obey Christ, proclaim the pure word of God and accept whatever comes as a result.
7. Peter has preached two sermons, healed one paralyzed man, and these religious leaders want to know what's going on. They didn't give Peter permission to do those things, and they want to know who did.
8. Peter is once again filled with the Holy Ghost just like on the day of Pentecost.
Being filled with the Holy Ghost is not a one time thing. As soon as we slip spiritually we need to repent and once again ask God to fill us with his spirit. The only chance we have of living the right way is to have the Holy Spirit controlling us.
9,10. Peter was not vague, nor was he diplomatic in his preaching.
Spirit filled people are not vague about anything concerning God. Spirit filled people are full of God, and speak the truth with boldness.
The pure word of God spoken with authority will offend some, but that's between them and God.
11. These people, these rulers had rejected Christ, but God raised him up, and put him in charge of the church. Jesus didn't try to be accepted by the world. His concern was to be accepted by the father.
One of the most pathetic sights in the world is a Christian who professes to believe the Bible but tries to be cool in the eyes of the world. That's so stupid I can't tell you how stupid that is. Live for God! Speak the truth! And let what happens happen. That's what Jesus did; that's what the apostles did. Of course Jesus and the apostles were murdered because of it, but God never said living for him would be easy, or popular.
12. Jesus is the only way to heaven! That's not my truth; that's not narrowminde; Jesus is the only way to heaven plain and simple is truth. It's not just my truth. It's not just the apostle Paul's truth. Is not just Luke's truth. It's not just Jesus' truth. It's everyone's truth, whether they choose to accept it or not.
13. Peter and John didn't have any formal religious training, but like the Bible says they spent a lot of time with Jesus, which is much more important. The world may not accept that for credentials, but it doesn't matter because God will use the person who spends time with Christ and is fully dedicated to him.
14. Evidence that there was power in the name of the resurrected Christ was standing right before them in the person of that healed man. They had truth; they knew they had truth, but they refused to acknowledge the truth.
15,16. The religious big shots admitted that a great miracle had been done in the name of Jesus Christ, and they don't know what to do as a result of it. The answer should be obvious but their sin loving, truth hating, stubborn hearts wouldn't allow them to do the logical thing which was repent and confess that they had murdered the son of God.
Having truth and understanding truth will just get a sinner into more hot water with God if are not willing to admit the truth and act on it.
17. Spiritual leaders are called by God to put a stop to error in order to protect the people they serve from false doctrine. In this case the leaders attempted to put a stop to truth in order to protect themselves from losing popularity. They didn't want God's word proclaimed because they didn't want the popularity of Christ to spread. The more popular Jesus is, the less popular they are.
18. In other words: don't ever talk about Jesus again! We forbid you to teach that Jesus is the son of God! You cannot say that we killed God's son, and that the father raised him from the dead!
It is bad to reject Christ, which is what they had done. It is even worse to prevent others from hearing the message of Christ, which is what they are trying to do.
May the souls of all who go to their graves with the attitude of those warped religious leaders rot in hell for the untold numbers of people they have led into the Lake of fire.
19. In other words, you guys figure it out; should I obey you or God? Should I obey the one who made me and sustains me, and is able to save me from hell, or should I obey some no account, Christ rejecting truth rejecting sinner whose going to burn in hell forever if they don't repent?
If they can't figure out the answer to that question than anything else that Peter says won't convince them either.
20. In other words, we have no choice but to preach Jesus! We have no choice; we have to talk about Jesus, we have to tell the world that he's the son of God, we have to tell the world that he died on the cross to pay for our sins, we have to tell the world that there's no way to heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus commanded them to preach the word of God, the Holy Spirit is compelling them to preach the word of God, and they would be miserable if they didn't. Besides, the stakes are too high, and the consequences too severe for Christians to not speak the truth, and follow the way of truth no matter what happens to us as a result.
21,22. The religious leaders wanted to punish the apostles but they were cowards. They were politicians, not statesmen. They would only do what the majority of the people approved of because they were people pleasers. Now in this case their cowardice worked out well because it kept them from doing something bad to the apostles.
Sometimes politicians appear to be morally upright, but really they aren't. They're just riding a wave of public opinion that happens to be the right opinion, and many times when that public opinion changes those political reeds shaken in the wind go right along with what's popular.
23. And it doesn't say this, but I'll bet you that these apostles were thrilled to report that they told the religious leaders about Jesus. They had not been intimidated by those who could have put them to death. They were not intimidated because Jesus said fear not those who can only kill the body but can do no more.
24. They lifted their voices when they prayed; in other words, they prayed out loud. Thinking a prayer is good, but it is better, if possible, to speak our prayers because talking helps maintain focus.
25. The sinful world hated Jesus which is why they couldn't wait to nail him to the cross. They raged, and their rage didn't stop until he was dead. But their rage against Jesus was a useless thing; it was a waste of time to think that killing Jesus could defeat God, and stop the word of God from being true.
26. What a bunch of fools. The authority, the power of the human rulers who demanded the execution of Jesus has gone to their head; it filled them with arrogance. They fought against God when they fought against Christ, and to fight against God is to live on the edge of damnation because God wins every time.
27,28. Notice how even the worst sins of the worst sinners doesn't operate outside the realm of God's sovereignty. The worst sin ever committed was murdering the son of God and yet God through his providence used it to bring about the salvation of man.
Carry that principle over into your life today; anything bad that happens to you as a Christian has to be okayed by God first. And when he OKs something bad is not going to result in permanent damage to you; the result is always long-term spiritual good. People say: why does God allow bad things to happen to his people? Answer: In order to bring about a greater good.
29. Notice that they didn't pray for the persecution to stop. They wouldn't bother praying that because Jesus had warned: "in the world you will have tribulation." So instead of praying that the persecution would stop they prayed for boldness; for courage to endure whatever trouble may come their way.
30. Jesus gave gifts of healing to his 12 apostles to authenticate the message of salvation through Christ. No one has the gift of miracles the way the apostles did.
31. God answered their prayer for boldness right on the spot. He filled them with the Holy Spirit in answer to their prayers. He gave them boldness in answer to their prayers. Spiritual boldness can only come from spending time with Jesus in prayer. The more we pray the more bold we will be for Jesus.
32. Everyone was sharing because everyone was close to God. When we' re close to God we understand that everything we have is from him, and belongs to him; when we' re close to God we understand that the things we have should be shared with anyone who has a need.
33. They were always talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ because without that Jesus is just another well-meaning religious guy who died for a cause.
The resurrection proved that Jesus knows how to defeat death; the resurrection proves that Jesus did defeat death. The resurrection proves that he will defeat death for those of us who belong to him. Every other author of every other religion dies and remains dead, but not Jesus, and that's the difference.
34,35. The apostles didn't make a rule forcing all Christians to sell everything they had and share it equally. The selling, and the sharing was done out of kindness, and devotion to Christ. It was done because it is what the Holy Spirit wanted those Christians to do.
These verses are not a divine mandate for communism or socialism, they illustrate the unselfishness of those who are filled with the spirit of God, and that's the issue.
36,37. Barnabas, as we'll see a little later on in this book, had the gift of encouragement. He was extra patient with people.
All of us need someone like Barnabas sometimes; someone who will still like us even after we have really messed up. It's a wonderful Christian virtue which every Christian should practice.
Chapter 5
1. This married couple saw what Barnabas did in the last chapter, and how people admired him for his generosity. Evidently they wanted to be admired for being generous as well, but they wanted that admiration without actually being generous.
2. There wasn't anything wrong with keeping back part of the proceeds since God didn't command them to give the entire amount to the church.
3. And there you see the sin. Evidently they promised to give the entire price, but they didn't tell the church that the only gave a portion. They lied to God because they lied to the church.
4a. It was their land to keep or sell. It was their money once the land was sold so they could have given is much as they wanted, or they could've kept it all for themselves. The sin was saying that the gave a greater percentage than they really did.
4. Some people think the Holy Spirit is an impersonal divine energy; I've known some church going, but untaught Christians who don't understand that the Holy Spirit is a person. How I know the Holy Spirit is a person? Well for starters you can't lie to energy. You can only lie to a person. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is as much a person with a mind, emotions, and will, as the father and the son.
5a. God executed Ananias right then and there because of his sin.
This is God's world, and it is God's church, and every now and then he makes an example of someone to remind us that he is holy and that he hates sin and he always eventually judges it.
5,6. God holds people accountable for their actions. Sin has consequences. That ought to frighten all of us into holiness. Jesus paid the eternal penalty for the Christian's sin but that doesn't mean that there aren't temporary consequences that must be endured by the sinner.
7. She didn't know her husband was dead, and she also didn't know that their sinful plot had been discovered.
8. Peter graciously, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, gave this woman an opportunity to confess and be forgiven. If anyone knows how important it is to have a chance to confess it's Peter especially after he denied Jesus three times on holy Thursday.
9. Sapphira didn't know that God had drawn a line in the sand. She also didn't know that one more sin would put her over that line, and bring down his wrath.
We never know which act of willful rebellion against God will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and brings severe chastisement.
10. Married couples have a responsibility to God, and to each other. It is their duty before God to try to help each other become more godly. These two helped each other become more ungodly, and you see the outcome of that.
11. The fear wasn't on non-Christians; it was on Christians. The fear was over the prospect of deliberately turning their back on God, and experiencing His wrath as a result. There were no lukewarm Christians at this stage in the church; you were either in or out and if you were in you acted like you were in.
12a. God was confirming that the message of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ was true. God, through signs, wonders, and miracles was saying: this is the message and you better believe it; Jesus is the Savior and you better receive him.
12. Solomons porch was the outer coridoor of the temple. It was a perfect spot to preach the gospel of salvation to some very religious, but very lost sinners. This was a golden opportunity to preach salvation to a bunch of churchgoers who didn't think they needed to be saved.
There are many churchgoers today who don't think that they need salvation through Jesus Christ, because they are churchgoers. There are many today who have been inoculated by their church membership and therefore haven't caught the real thing which is a personal one-on-one relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ.
13. If anyone was thinking about joining the church because it seemed like the latest popular fad the death of Ananias and Sapphira change their minds about that very quickly.
God is not someone to trifle with; he is holy, and must be taken seriously.
14. God's holiness, and hatred for sin, as well as his forgiveness was the talk of the town. Consequently, only those who were really interested in repentance, and getting right with God became a Christian.
15. There was a superstitious belief that certain shadows had magical powers to bring about both good and evil. There's no evidence that God healed anyone using Peter shadow; only that the people thought his shadow would heal them.
16. There were no failed attempts to heal anyone. The healing was done by Jesus using his apostles as props and the purpose was to confirm the gospel message.
I believe in divine healing, but I don't believe in faith healers because they are nothing like the apostles. The faith healers today who advertise miracles, and rake in millions have nothing in common with the apostles at all.
17,18. The problem with these religious leaders is that they had a sinful self focus instead of a God focus. They saw themselves as being worthy of praise instead of admitting that only God is worthy. That led to jealousy, and it led to them hating anyone who would steal the attention that they craved. That's why they hated Jesus, and that's why they hated his apostles. They wanted to be the center of attention and they hated Christ and his apostles because people admired them.
19. Without the guards knowing it this angel opened the prison door and walked the 2 apostles out safely.
20. In other words, the angel commands them to go to the Jewish Temple where all the Jews gather, and preach the message that got them arrested in the first place. The apostles will do it and they will do it boldly because they know that Jesus is bigger than the authorities who arrest edthem. Like right here: the authorities arrested them, but God overruled and un-arrested them. You can afford to boldly proclaim the written word of God and live for Jesus with a God like that on your side.
Notice also that if God spares us from some trial or perhaps a sickness or maybe a close call of some sort then it is for the purpose of serving Him
21a. They were at the temple at daybreak. In other words, they obeyed as fast as they possibly could with no thought of their own safety.
21-24. They discovered that they had been guarding an empty prison, and consequently they were confused.
God warns that he will curse the wicked with (among other things) confusion. Perplexing, disrupting, frustrating things happen to the impenitent sinner as a consequence of their sin.
25. In other words, the men you put in jail for preaching Jesus by the temple are by the temple preaching Jesus, and that's why they aren't in jail.
26. In order to obey God and preach Jesus the apostles disobeyed the rulers. They disobeyed but they also willingly submitted to the consequences of their disobedience. They did not put up a fight when they were arrested.
27,28a. In other words, we told you not to talk about Jesus, but you disobeyed and have filled Jerusalem with talk about Christ.
If the only charge our enemies can make against us is that we are obedient to Christ then we're in pretty good shape.
28b. They say not only are you preaching Jesus, but you are also blaming us for his death. No kidding; the apostles did blame them, but they also offered them forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Truth must be proclaimed so that sinners feel guilty. Truth must be proclaimed in order to give guilty sinners an opportunity to confess and repent before it's too late. The apostles are trying to get these guilty religious rulers to repent by proclaiming the word of God.
Entertainment doesn't save anyone. Watered-down, unspiritual slop that some people call sermons doesn't save anyone either. Straightforward, uncompromised proclamation of the holiness of God, the damnation of sinners, and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ are the only things that'll bring a lost sinner to their knees.
29. Whoever the authority may be they are only people. No one has a right to tell you to do something that is contrary to Scripture, and we have no right to obey them if they do.
30. When they told these rulers that they killed the one God raised from the dead they were stepping on a Tiger's tail. But truth is truth, and the apostles had to obey God with their words as well as their actions, no matter who didn't like it.
31. Repentance is a gift of God's grace. We couldn't choose to repent apart from God's grace, and we wouldn't choose to repent apart from God's enabling grace. And if we do repent, and receive Christ as our Lord and Savior God gives us another gift: his forgiveness.
32. The Holy Spirit is given by God to those who submit to him by receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is for the obedient. You say: we can't earn salvation by obeying God! You're right but the only way to receive the gift of salvation is by choosing to receive it which is an act of obedience.
I've heard people say that it's wrong to tell others that they must receive Christ, they say that that constitutes working for your salvation. No it doesn't! If I give you a gift you must choose to reach out and take it from me or you won't possess it. That's not earning the gift, that's receiving the gift. That's how salvation works. It's a gift from God through Jesus Christ, but you must receive it, you must choose to receive it.
33. They plotted to murder the apostles. They weren't interested in trying them in a court of law and if they were found guilty having them executed. That wasn't good enough; they were so angry that they wanted to murder Peter and the others. And so we see that this wasn't about righteousness, and it wasn't about justice; it was about hatred
34. Gamalial was a respected man. He had been one of the apostle Paul's professors back in the early days.
35. In other words, be careful what you plan on doing to Peter and the other followers of Jesus. Gamalial doesn't want his fellow Jews to do anything rash.
36-39. In the long term Gamalial's observation is true. God's people will be victorious in the end, and truth will win out in the end. However, the outward success of a movement, or the continuation of a religious movement, or experience doesn't mean that it is of God. Jesus talks about the weeds, and the wheat growing together until the end of the age. At that time, what is of God will be separated from what is not of God.
40. They beat the apostles; which probably means they lash them with the whip 39 times. That is not with Gamalial advised, but they wanted to back their warning with force and show the apostles who was boss so they beat them anyway. Well someday those religious leaders will know for certain who's boss and it won't be them; it will be the Lord Jesus Christ whom they continue to hate and persecute.
41. Their bodies may have been sore from the whipping, but their spirits were flying high because they were obedient to Jesus, and they were privileged to suffer for him.
It is an honor for a Christian to suffer for Christ. It is a privilege to complete in our bodies the sufferings of Christ for his church. It is a privilege to sacrifice something in response to all the kindness Christ has shown us.
42. They were jailed, they were warned, they were beaten, because they preached the word of God. So first chance they got, they're out preaching the word of God.
Discomfort, trouble, opposition, isn't necessarily a sign that the door to a particular ministry is shut. Those things may make it more difficult and more painful to do what is right but they should not stop us from trying. The Bible says if we faint in the day of calamity that our faith is weak.
Chapter 6
1. The Grecians and the Hebrews spoken of here in verse one both refer to Christians. They were two segments of a very large, and fast-growing early church. And when you have a group that large some are bound to be overlooked, and of course when that happens there's always the possibility of division and hurt feelings.
2. Serving tables is a worthy Christian ministry, but the apostles were called to pray and teach the word of God so serving tables would not be right for them; it's a good calling but it wasn't their calling.
3. So they needed to find some Christians who had the gift of administration, and they also needed to be men of good spiritual character.
Any honest labor becomes a holy ministry when it is done for God's glory by people who are living for Jesus.
4. If a pastor isn't devoted to prayer, and teaching the word of God then his priorities are dead wrong. Someone says: my church won't give me enough time to do those two things. Then quit! Let them hire someone else to run their social club. Every man of God who is called to preach the word should do what God says he is to do not some church board or some denomination.
5. The entire church agreed that it was a good idea to leave the apostles to the word of God and prayer and find somebody else to do the work of service in the church. It wasn't the correct thing to do because it was popular with the people. It was the correct thing to do because it was according to the word of God.
6. The seven men chosen would not be teaching the word of God. Nevertheless their physical labor was spiritual because it was done for Jesus and the church. That's why the apostles laid hands on them. Meaning: the apostles commissioned them.
7. Division was threatening the church but the apostles handled the problem biblically, and therefore the problem went away.
Problems between people, even between Christian people, are inevitable, but when they are handled with wisdom from God they will be controlled and solved correctly.
8. Stephen was filled with the grace of God.
God's grace is the fuel that empowers our souls to do the right thing. God's grace is his gift that enables us to say and do what is pleasing to him, even if it is difficult.
9. Jerusalem had a variety of synagogues for foreign Jews to visit while they were in town for the religious festivals. Some of these foreign Jews started to argue with the Christian Jew: Stephen. At first it was a gentleman's discussion but that didn't last long.
10. It doesn't say that Stephen was smarter than his opponents. Stephen wasn't better educated than his opponents either. But he spoke with greater wisdom because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. By far the most important thing that you could ever do once you're saved is to ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit. If you want to be used by him, if you want to be effective for Christ, then you must be filled with the Holy Spirit.
11. When an unbeliever doesn't want truth they often slander the one who speaks the truth. These foreign Jews were no match for the wisdom of Stephen and consequently they slandered him. They couldn't deal with the issues because they were wrong so they attacked.
12. In other words, they spread panic among the people concerning the things Stephen was saying. Like political demagoguery, they used inflamed rhetoric to turn the people against Stephen, and by extension Jesus.
Many people will believe a lie if it is spoken with passion.
13,14. I'm sure Stephen said that the holy Temple, would soon be destroyed because that's what Jesus said would take place. I'm sure Stephen said that the ceremonial law with the rituals, and the animal sacrifices would be set aside because the death of Christ on the cross fulfilled the things they pointed to. No doubt Stephen said those things but they put a twisted spin on his words and turn them into false accusations.
The devil accomplishes much by taking the word of God and repeating it out of context, or simply changing a word here or there.
15. In other words, Stephen is in trouble, and about to be stoned to death, but he is calm, and he has a holy confidence that radiates from his face because he knows that he's in the will of God.
Chapter 7
1. The high priest wants a yes or no answer from Stephen. Question: Stephen did you speak against Moses and the temple; yes or no. He wants a yes or no answer, but this is an opportunity for Stephen to proclaim the word of God which includes the fact that these religious rulers killed the son of God so although they may want a yes or no answer they're going to get a longer one than that.
2. God told Abraham what to do, and where to go, and Abraham obeyed.
It is the duty of all Christians to follow the revealed will of God in Scripture and trust him with the results.
3,4. Abraham went when God said go even though God didn't tell him where he would end up. He obeyed the command without knowing the final outcome. Abraham trusted that God is good, and that he knew what he was doing.
Uncertainty over the end result of obedience is never a reason to disobey God.
5. And there were times when God's promise seemed 1,000,000 miles away because he was in his 90s and still childless.
6,7. This refers to Israel's bondage in Egypt. This particular promise was fulfilled even though it took 400 years for it to happen.
8. Stephen declares his belief in the divine origin of the nation Israel beginning with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons.
9. A reminder from Stephen to the Jews that their ancestors rejected God's man: Joseph.
He's beginning to draw a connection between what the ancestors did to Joseph, and what these current religious rulers did to Christ, and are now doing to Stephen.
9,10. Here's another connection Stephen is making: Joseph and Jesus were both abused by their fellow Jews. They both suffered unjustly, but God was on their side and he exalted them both: Joseph to ruler in Egypt, and Jesus to the right hand of his throne in heaven.
11. Here's another connection: after Joseph's brothers rejected him they went through a long period of suffering. After the Israelites rejected Christ they entered into over 2000 years of trouble as well.
12-16. The Jewish ancestors who rejected Joseph later recognized him as being God's man who saved them from a terrible famine. The same pattern will be followed by the Israelites concerning Jesus. Someday they will realize that they killed their Lord and when they repent he will return and set up his earthly kingdom.
17-20. The parents of Moses hid him for as long as they could. They were afraid that the Egyptians would find him and kill him like they were doing with the other Hebrew baby boys.
21. His mother put him in a waterproof basket, and set him in the Nile River. That's when, by God's providence, Pharaoh's daughter found him.
22. Moses became the adopted grandson of Pharaoh. He was taught all the wisdom of Egypt. Moses was very intelligent, and he knew how to get things done.
23. At some point Moses discovered that he was a Hebrew not an Egyptian. Consequently at age 40 while he was a captain in the Egyptian army, a war hero, and next in line to be king, he visited his Hebrew brothers.
24. By helping the Hebrew slave who was being abused Moses turned his back on Egypt. The choice that Moses made was the correct one even though he lost all the benefits of being the future leader of Egypt.
25. Instead of getting behind Moses his Hebrew brothers turned on him. Are you beginning to notice a pattern? They rejected Joseph, then they rejected Moses; is it surprising that they also rejected their Messiah?
26. Moses tried to be a peacemaker between two Hebrews.
27. In other words, mind your own business Moses; you aren't our ruler. Moses was God's ruler, but they missed it. The same thing happened with Christ.
28. Moses put his life on the line to save a Hebrew from an Egyptian, but they didn't care; in fact they repaid evil for good. Jesus did many kind things in his ministry, and gave his life for the entire world including the Hebrews, but they didn't appreciate him either. Same old story.
29,30. After 40 years in the desert God appeared to Moses in a burning bush.
God knows how to get our attention, and that was enough to get the attention of Moses.
31,32. Moses was too afraid to even look at the Bush.
No one is bold in the true presence of God.
33. It was holy because God was there.
34. Moses was God's deliver. God chose him, Israel rejected him. Some familiar? It's the same old story.
35. God sent Moses back to Egypt even though Israel had rejected him as deliver years earlier. God saved Israel even though he had to persevere through their stubborn rejection of his hand-picked deliver.
Most of the time God doesn't give up on people very easily.
36. Both Moses and Jesus did miracles, but both were still eventually rejected by the Israelites.
Signs and wonders are great, but their faith value is short lived for those who are hardhearted.
37. Now Stephen begins to make the transition from Moses to Jesus.
38. They accused Stephen of not respecting the law of God, but that wasn't true. Stephen declares that the law came from God.
39. If these religious leaders are looking for those who really didn't respect the law of God then they should look at their own ancestors first. Their ancestors rebelled right after God gave them his law.
40,41. Their Jewish ancestors worshiped a Golden calf, and made plans to return to Egypt even after God saved them from that place. They were breaking God's law faster than God could write it on those stone tablets.
42. The Israelites worshiped idols during their years of wandering in the wilderness after they left Egypt. They chose to reject God so God rejected them. God gave them the desires of their heart and so they worshiped idols with a clear conscience.
Anytime anyone can continually commit a serious sin with a clear conscience they are living on the edge of hell.
43. Israelite idolatry began with the golden calf and climaxed centuries later with star worship right before God sent them into Babylonian exile as punishment. The point is this: Israel has a track record of rejecting God so it's not surprising that they rejected his son.
44,45. Stephen was also accused of blaspheming the holy temple. But here he honors it by acknowledging that it was given to Israel by God.
46-50. In other words, if you say I blasphemed the holy temple because I said it has become outdated, and because I implied that God is bigger than his temple, then you are the ones who are going against the holy Scriptures. I was arrested for saying what the Scriptures say: God is more than his temple.
51. The rulers were running God's religion their way, and when someone like Jesus, or Stephen interjected the word of God they killed them. They were stiffnecked; in other words, they were too prideful to bow before the word of God and the God of the word.
52,53. I wonder who's on trial here? Stephen says: your ancestors killed the holy prophets, and you took their sin to the next level by killing God's son. You guys brag about the law; you're so proud to have the law, but you break it in the worst possible ways.
54. They were furious after hearing the word of God.
A person's reaction to the holy Scriptures reveals their attitude toward God.
55,56. Stephen's circumstances are worse than those of the religious leaders, and yet he is filled with peace because he is focused on Jesus, and they are furious and miserable because they are out of God's will.
Circumstances do not have to dictate feelings.
57. They were acting like fools. They were filled with uncontrolled rage because they can't take the truth.
58. Saul would not have admitted it at this time, but the words of Stephen evidently disturbed him. Stevens godly attitude under intense pressure was probably one of the things that the Holy Spirit used to begin to convince Saul that Jesus was the son of God.
59. They were angry enough to kill Stephen, but of course they didn't know that by killing him they were promoting him. Stephen is dead and as happy as can be; meanwhile, even though they attempted to satisfy their hatred by killing him, they are still filled with hate, and at least some of them were filled with guilt as well. They didn't solve their problem by killing Stephen, and they didn't eliminate the truth by killing Stephen either.
60. 60. Stephen was a class act and a godly act. Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit and being kind to those who were killing him was the evidence. The fruit of the Holy Spirit which includes kindness and long-suffering is evidence that one is filled with the spirit of God.
Chapter 8
1. The Christian persecution led by Saul was misguided zeal and sin, but that persecution was used by God to get Christians out of Jerusalem and into the rest of the Empire spreading the message of salvation through Christ.
Sometimes God uses discomfort to get us to change directions.
2. Devout men mourned over the death of Stephen. Stephen was in a better place, but his spiritual boldness and righteousness will be missed by his fellow Christians.
It's normal to miss a Christian loved one when they die, but one must always remember that we are mourning our loss not there's because they are in the happiest place in the world.
3. Saul made havoc of the church. The words made havoc describe what wild animals do to their prey after they catch them and it's not a pretty sight. If Saul was not demon possessed he sure acted like it.
4. Saul attempted to eliminate the message of Christ by persecuting the church but instead Christians spread out and proclaimed Jesus everywhere they went.
Persecution always backfires on the devil because Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church.
5. Philip was one of the disciples who left Jerusalem and took the message of Jesus with him to Samaria.
6. God gave Philip the ability to do miracles to authenticate the message of Christ.
7. By the power of Jesus Philip did the same miracles that Jesus did when he was here in person.
8. There was great joy because people were being healed, delivered from Satan, and saved.
The church that is equipped with the word of God, and preachers who aren't afraid to declare it are like the Allied soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy and pushed back Hitler's dominion. When the word of God is preached with boldness Satan's kingdom is pushed back, his captives are set free, and there is great joy among them.
9. Simon the sorcerer was probably demon possessed. He had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for supernatural powers and along with them the admiration of the foolish.
10. The people assumed that the supernatural was always of God, but it isn't. Satan can do lying wonders to confirm people in their loss condition. People see supernatural works and conclude that it is the power of God, and the one doing it should be followed no matter what their message may be.
11. The people put Simon on a pedestal because he impressed them with his magic.
12. Jesus was saving people because of the preaching of Philip. Actually Jesus by the power of his word was snatching people out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and placing them into the kingdom of heaven.
The word of God is a more powerful force than the lying wonders of the devil for those who are open to truth.
13. Simon believed but his faith was shallow. He was more impressed with Phillip' s miracles than he was with Jesus who those miracles pointed to.
What a person is won by, they are won to. In other words if the church attempts to evangelize by means of so-called Christian entertainment than the people they draw by it will be devoted to that entertainment, and when they get bored with it they will move on to something else that gives them a more exciting buzz.
People need to be won to Jesus by the word of God so that Jesus will have their devotion.
14. For the sake of church unity the apostles had to verify that the Samaritans were actually Christians.
15-17. The Samaritans had believed and been baptized, but God delayed giving them the Holy Spirit until after the apostles arrived. It had to be that way, or the apostles, who were Jewish, probably wouldn't have believed that the non-Jew Samaritans were really accepted by God.
Samaritans were known for their idolatry, but the father accepted them when they accepted Christ.
18. What Simon didn't understand is that only the apostles could deliver the Holy Spirit by laying on hands. There is no scriptural support for suggesting that anyone else ever laid hands on someone resulting in them receiving the Holy Spirit. And something else Simon didn't understand was that God's gifts cannot be bought.
19. He wanted the power to impart the Holy Spirit to people he laid his hands on, and he was willing to pay for that power. I suppose he thought he could really increase his influence and popularity if he could give people the Holy Spirit.
20. In essence Peter told Simon to go to hell along with his money. Simon was a blasphemer who was enamored with himself and would do anything for self-promotion.
Simon' s self focus gave him a spiritual IQ of zero. He actually thought that he could purchase the presence of God, purchase that which is of infinite value with money.
21. In other words you're unsaved and on the way to hell if you don't repent.
22. Peter told him to go to hell with his money and he will if it continues to be his idol. He needs to repent and pray to God for forgiveness and then maybe, if he is sincere, he can avoid hell.
23. In other words, there's nothing good about this man at all. He's full of sin; he does evil things, and he has ungodly motives for the seemingly good things he wants to do.
24. Notice that there's no mention of repentance from Simon. He wants prayer so that he can be delivered from the consequences of his sin, and that's all he wants. He's like many today that don't want to stop their sinful behavior, but they want to avoid hell.
25. These villages where the apostles preached on the way back to Jerusalem were probably some of the same places where Jesus had preached when he was here.
26. Philip is experiencing great results for Jesus in Samaria, but then God tells him to travel 80 miles to the south.
Sometimes it is God's will for his people to walk away from success.
27,28. It may be becoming clear to Philip why God told him to leave a populated area where things were going well to go to a deserted place. Why would God do that? Because there was one man who had a heart for truth and needed to be told about Jesus. There was one man who God knew would receive the truth if he heard it.
If there is someone, somewhere, who hungers for truth, and will accept it if they hear it, then God will get enough truth to that person for them to be saved.
29. Notice how Philip himself was led by the spirit of God.
God doesn't need a third-party to communicate his will to you; he will show you himself. Just make sure you pray and read the word daily and confess all your sins and he will lead you by his spirit.
30. Philip ran! Sometimes Christians think too much. But when God says do this or do that be quick to obey and don't waste time trying to analyze the outcome. If we reason or think rather than obey we may fail to obey.
31. The Ethiopian wasn't saved so he didn't have the Holy Spirit, who is the writer of Scripture. That's why he didn't understand the word of God. He needed a teacher.
32. The Scripture he was reading spoke of Christ and how he did not resist his suffering. Jesus didn't fight the will of God. Jesus didn't complain that the will of God was too difficult for him even though it was extremely difficult.
Remembering our Lord's attitude should encourage us not to complain, or feel sorry for ourselves in times of suffering.
33. Words fail when trying to describe the evil of the generation that murdered God's son. "Injustice" is not a strong enough word. Justice was thrown on the ground and trampled.
34. In other words was the writer of Scripture talking about himself or someone else? That question was a slow pitch right across the plate and Philip is going to knock it out of the park.
35. Philip talked about Jesus. I have listened to far too many preachers talk about anything and everything other than Jesus. I have listened to far too many evangelicals try to be cute, or try to be funny, or try to sound sophisticated and intellectual. I have listened to far too many sermons were preachers talked about their programs and their committees and their denomination but very little about Jesus Christ. Philip talked about Jesus and that's all any of us Bible teachers should talk about.
36. Philip must have stressed the importance of water baptism in the name of Jesus and the Ethiopian was happy that he had an opportunity to obey God and be baptized.
Faith without works is dead and when one understands the importance of a believer being baptized then they'll want to do it if they are truly saved.
37. Faith without works is dead, but this verse teaches that works without faith in Jesus Christ are useless.
38. They went down into the water, which means the Ethiopian was probably immersed, which is the way the Jews used to baptize.
39. The spirit of God transported Philip out of that place. And I'd say that that miraculous departure was a great parting sermon for the Ethiopian. Philip disappears, he's taken away by the Holy Spirit, and by that the Ethiopian's new faith is confirmed with a miracle.
Many times God will graciously do something extra special for new Christians to confirm their faith.
40. The Holy Spirit dropped Philip off about 30 miles away. And because he was filled with the Holy Spirit he immediately began to serve Jesus there, and everywhere else he ended up.
It doesn't matter where we are today, or tomorrow; the important thing is letting Jesus use us wherever we are right now.
Chapter 9
1. The death of Stephen did not quench Saul's hatred for Christians. Seeing the Christians scatter wasn't good enough for Saul either. He wanted them in prison or dead.
2. Saul was willing to travel 130 miles from Jerusalem to Damascus in the hopes of satisfying his hatred. He wasn't even sure that there were any Christians there but it was worth the effort just in case.
3,4. Saul thought he was opposing Christians; he didn't know he was opposing the risen, living Lord Jesus Christ.
How a person treats Christians is how they treat Jesus, that's how he sees it.
5. Jesus didn't pull any punches. He said: Saul you are persecuting me. He confronted Saul with his sin in order to wake him up so that he might change his ways.
The straight word of God will encourage us in the things we do right and confront us over the things we do wrong.
6. Saul with his face in the dust humbly asks the Lord Jesus Christ what he wants him to do. His pride is gone in the presence of Jesus.
The toughest hard-core sinners tremble when they stand before Christ.
7,8. Saul who had nothing but hatred for the son of God is now blind and confused. He was blind and he will stay blind for a while and that will give him time to reflect on his past sin.
9. Saul is suddenly engulfed in guilt, fear, and darkness and it lasted three days. He sat alone in darkness wondering what was going to happen next because he had no promise of forgiveness, or healing. For all he knows that room he has been in for three days may be where he stays until he dies.
He had been filled with hatred and sinful pride; sin had permeated every cell in his body and so the removal of that sin demands a holy terror, and anguish that also permeates every soul in his body.
The deeper one allows sin to become ingrained in their life the deeper God has to dig to remove it which means more pain.
10. Ananias receives a direct revelation from God.
11. Any command probably would've been more appealing to Ananias then: go meet with Saul.
Sometimes God's will for his people makes them extremely uncomfortable, and even fearful.
11,12. Ananias probably thought: well at least Saul is praying; that might be a good sign. At least God seems to be dealing with Saul the Christian killer.
13,14. In other words, Ananias thinks he has to fill God in on the facts surrounding Saul. Maybe you weren't aware of this Lord but he's been nothing but trouble for Christians.
It's funny how Christians who are going through difficult times often feel that they have to explain the situation to God as if he didn't know what they were going through.
15. Saul the Christian killer; Saul that Jesus hater will become a servant of Christ.
People who do not believe that Jesus is the risen Lord have a hard time explaining the sudden reversal in Saul. With no one but Jesus himself instructing him Saul went from being a Christ hater to a Christ proclaimer.
16. Jesus is calling the shots and he's not apologizing for it either. Jesus chose Saul to be saved; he chose Saul to serve him, and he chose Saul to suffer for him, and he doesn't feel the need to give an explanation either.
The sooner we Christians understand that the Lord Jesus Christ is sovereign and therefore has the right to allow anything he wants into our life and to use us in any way, and in any situation he chooses, the better off we will be.
17. Ananias refers to Saul as his brother. He overlooks his sinful past because he is now a Christian.
Jesus forgives those who repent and receive him as Lord and Savior and so should we.
18. He was baptized before he did anything else. This verse once again stresses the importance of water baptism for those who have received Jesus Christ.
19a. Notice how he was baptized before he had anything to eat or drink.
When a person is serious about Jesus, obeying him becomes more important then things generally considered to be necessities.
19,20. Saul swallowed his pride and instead of condemning Jesus to his fellow Jews he started preaching Jesus to them.
Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to repent, and get on the right track. That's what Saul did. He started preaching that Jesus is the son of God, which was also admitting that he had been wrong in the past; he had been wrong with terrible consequences.
21. The amazed people here were not Christians because those talking about the change in Saul refer to Christians in the third person. So we see that non-Christians were amazed at the change in Saul.
22. Saul had the Jews fired up and confused. What's going on was Saul? They didn't understand his radical change in behavior, and they didn't understand his new interpretation of Scripture (which favored Jesus) either.
23. Not everyone was impressed nor were they influenced by Saul's reversal concerning Christ.
We get to choose our trouble. Rejecting Jesus Christ will bring us plenty of trouble from God on judgment day. Receiving Christ and living for him in this world will give us trouble today. Saul chose trouble from the world rather than trouble from God. Smart choice.
23,24. The governor turned Damascus into a military fortress in order to capture Saul.
When Saul persecuted Christians he was a hero. But now people are trying to kill him. Think about it, Saul did not make the switch because he was bored; Saul does not make that switch unless he is absolutely certain that Jesus Christ is the risen Lord, is Almighty God, and is the only Savior.
25. Saul had faith to trust God, but he also used common sense.
Jesus tells Christians that in this world they will have tribulation, but if we can avoid trouble without violating Scripture then we should do it.
26. The Christians in Jerusalem had suffered a lot because of Saul so they were suspicious; maybe he was trying to trick them. But Saul proved that his faith was real by his willingness to suffer for Jesus.
27. Barnabas was a kind person. He always seemed to give people the benefit of the doubt. When others didn't trust Saul, Barnabas stood by him. Barnabas people sure are nice to have around when you need a friend, and you can't seem to find one.
28,29. The Grecian Jews could not out debate, or out reason Saul so they decided to kill him. They, like many today had a truth agenda. They wanted something to be true so badly that they disregarded all the facts that contradicted it.
We shouldn't care what truth is as long as we have truth.
30. Saul escapes death again, and this time he returns to his home in Tarsus.
31. The Jews left the Christians alone for a while because they had too many other problems to contend with at that time. For example, the Emperor Caligula was trying to set his image up in the temple, and when the Jews protested Rome made war with them.
32. We shift gear from Saul to Peter here in verse 32 and we see that Peter visits the church that Philip had started earlier.
33. Which means he had no hope of ever walking again.
34. In other words, you are healed so start acting like it. Not a bad suggestion for Christians today also. Christ has declared that we have power over sin so there's no reason for us to live like victims of sin any longer.
35. No other "God" could do the things Jesus was doing through his apostles. Consequently those with honest hearts believed the word of God and received Christ.
36. Tabatha was a wonderful Christian woman. There's no record that she ever said great things, but she certainly did great things. She was a giver; she gave her time and her money to the service of her Lord by helping people in his name.
37. Death was good news for Tabatha, but bad news for all those who would miss her. People like Tabatha do not grow on trees. Generous people who are kind to those who need it are not commonplace so she would be missed.
38. These people knew the power of Jesus and so they call for Peter; they're not willing to accept Tabatha's death.
39. She was a good person; very kind, a real servant, and that's why so many people cared about her.
The Bible says those who would have friends must show themselves friendly.
40. There was no showmanship here; Peter wasn't there to draw attention to himself. He was there to let Jesus work through him, and he is attempting to do it in the least conspicuous way.
41-43. The apostles were extensions of Jesus Christ doing miracles in the early church to show that the message of Christianity is authentic. The result was that many came to Jesus.
Today we have the written word of God which is truth and which contains the miracles that testified to the reality of Christ. The supernatural word of God will burn in the heart of those who are open to truth and will cause them to repent and receive Christ.
Chapter 10
1. The Italian band meant that the soldiers had been recruited in Italy. Cornelius was in charge of that group which consisted of at least 100 Roman soldiers.
2. Cornelius understood that there was a God, that he was holy, and that he must be worshiped and obeyed. He did his best, even though he didn't know much about that God.
3. 3 PM was the normal hour of prayer.
Cornelius was not a Christian, but he lived up to the spiritual light that he had and God will reward him for his faithfulness by giving him more truth.
4. God noticed his prayers and good works.
God notices every good deed we do. They aren't enough to earn us heaven, but he appreciates them.
5,6. Peter doesn't know it, but God is planning a mission for him. It's going to take Peter by surprise because God will use him to teach a Gentile named Cornelius.
7,8. There's no time like the present to obey the word of God so Cornelius immediately does what God told him to do.
Most of the time ignorance of right isn't the problem, but rather procrastination of doing what's right. People miss God's blessings because they put off obedience not because they're ignorant of God's will.
9. The roof was the perfect spot to catch a cool breeze coming off the Sea of Galilee. Peter was on the roof praying and God is going to use this time to prepare him.
God often uses our prayer time to prepare us for what's next.
10. God is helping Peter to focus by putting him in a trance. In a trance a person's mind can be focused because his senses are somewhat dulled. So Peter is shut off from everything except God.
In our prayers we should try to shut ourselves off from everything around us; shut ourselves off from everything except God.
11. God unzipped the sky, and dropped a blanket of animals, birds, and bugs.
12,13. In Old Testament days Jews were not supposed to eat the sort of things that were in this blanket, but God is saying that the old, ceremonial, and dietary laws have passed away. That also means that the barriers between Jews and Gentiles are gone as well. Almighty God is preparing Peter to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
14. I think Peter put his brain on pause before he spoke because he says something that's absolutely ridiculous; he says "no Lord." If someone is your Lord then you better not say no to them. But Peter says I've never eaten anything unclean and I'm not going to start doing it now I don't care what you tell me to do.
15. It is just as wrong to add something to the word of God as it is to remove something. Peter is adding to the word of God; he is making up prohibitions.
When people add to God's word they often alienate people for no reason at all. When people add rules to the word of God they make coming to Christ and being saved more difficult than it really is.
16-18. God's command to Peter didn't make sense to him but the visitors at his door are about to clear up some of his confusion.
When God's word doesn't seem to make sense just trust Him because sooner or later He will give you understanding.
19. Peter was confused about what God said,but the answer was at his door.
20-22. God said, Peter do not hesitate to go with the men at your door. Then the men tell Peter that an angel said He was to come with them. It sure would be nice if God's perfect will was always so clear.
23,24. Cornelius was exciting about Peter's arrival because he knew that he was going to hear the word of God.
I would not go near a church that did not teach the word of God verse by verse. There is something wrong about a christian who doesn't get excited about God's word like Cornelius.
25. Cornelius had a heart for God but when he fell down before Peter it became clear that he needed some instruction.
26. Peter did not for a second tolerate anyone kneeling before him.
Chruch leaders should be honored for their position but it is wrong to kneel before them, I don't care who they are. The Bible says that God will not share His glory with anyone.
27,28a. We in 21st century America cannot fathom what a big deal it was for Peter to go into the home of a gentile. Traditionaly touching something that belonged to a gentile or even entering their home would make an Israelite ceremonialy unclean so God is really streatching Peter here. He is asking Peter to set aside tradition that is no longer Biblical.
28b,29. God showed Peter that he shouldn't call any man common, or second rate. If there's one thing the human race has it is parity; were all sinful; God says we've all become useless. The big difference between the saved and the unsaved is that Christians are forgiven.
30-33. Cornelius didn't know what was going on; Peter really didn't know what was going on either. God used the Angel to bring these two together and when they compare notes they'll understand what's going on.
34. God is not partial when deciding who to love, and who he will save from hell. His love, and mercy are not confined to the Israelites, or to anyone else. That's something that Peter needed to understand.
35. Salvation is always through Christ, and always by God's grace, and always through faith. But God knows the hearts of those who would receive Jesus if they could. The person who fears God, understanding that he is accountable to God, and as a result avoids all known sin, asking for forgiveness after he fails, will be given more truth until they have enough to receive Jesus and then they will be saved.
36. Peace with God is the best news that this world has ever heard. The problem is, it never makes the headlines. People really don't care when someone converts to Christ and is saved from hell. Walter Cronkite never reported on that; Peter Jennings never reported on that; FOXNews never reports on that; people don't care. It's up to Christians to spread the word about Jesus so that souls can be saved from hell because no one else is going to do it.
37,38. Jesus is Lord of all according to verse 36. Jesus is Lord of all means that he does whatever he wants which is why I'm glad that he's good. Jesus can do anything he wants to do, and unlike all others who claim to be absolute rulers he only does what is good.
39,40. Did you know that every sermon recorded in the book of acts includes the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The resurrection of Jesus confirms that everything he said is true. How do we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the father except through him, like he said? How do we know that's true? Because he is the only religious leader who ever came back from the dead proving that he never committed a sin and that would include lying.
41. There are money hungry, popularity seeking, leaders of so-called evangelical colleges, who refuse to dogmatically teach that Jesus came back from the dead in his physical body. Why don't they take the stand for the physical resurrection of Christ? Because they want to appeal to a broader range of people. The doors to those institutions should be nailed shut and the leadership should be ashamed of themselves for selling out.
A spirit does not eat and drink like Jesus did after he was raised, and a spirit cannot be touched like Jesus was touched after he was raised. There can be no doubt that his resurrection was physical.
42. Jesus will judge those who are still alive when he returns, and he will judge those who are raised at his return. I would suggest that everyone be in good terms with the judge before that trial begins.
43. The word forgiveness actually means pardon. God never calls a Christian innocent; we are not innocent; we are guilty; there's no doubt about it, but through Jesus Christ Christians receive a full and everlasting pardon.
44-46. The moment the word of God hit the souls of Cornelius, and his household, it took root, sprang up, and produced salvation. Then, to prove to Peter, and the other Jews that God actually received the Gentiles he caused them to speak in languages that they had never learned just as the Jewish disciples did on the day of Pentecost. It took a miracle for the Jews to believe that God would accept Gentiles on the same terms as he accepted them: the terms being: receiving Jesus Christ.
47. Cornelius and company were Christians before they were baptized. They received the Holy Spirit as proof they were Christians before they were baptized but they submitted to baptism right after they were saved.
Baptism doesn't save us but it is a command from God to every Christian.
48. These new Christians needed Peter to stay with them for at least a few days. New Christians desperately need the word of God. That's because Satan loves to confuse them, and cause them to doubt their salvation and even lead them astray with false teaching.
Chapter 11
1. The news spread quickly that Christ was saving Gentiles as well as Jews. This was big news with the apostles and with the early church which was entirely Jewish at the beginning.
2. By the time Peter returned to Jerusalem after seeing the Gentile Cornelius and his household saved the word had spread that he had been in that Gentile home. Not only that, Peter was saying that God accepted those Gentiles through Christ. The Jews were very upset with Peter because of those things.
3. The Jewish christians in Jerusalem overlooked the good things that had occurred, such as the Gentiles repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Instead they were stuck on the fact that Peter ate with them.
4. Peter started with the vision he saw while praying on the house top, and then he related in detail everything that happened with Cornelius receiving Christ. Now Peter could have flexed his apostolic muscle and shoved his beliefs down the Jews throats, but instead he explained why he did what he did.
Humility is one aspect of good leadership.
5,6. This was a vision, not an actual happening so when Peter said he looked at it closely it means he thought about it carefully. A vision is not seen with the eyes; it is seen with the spirit.
7. If these Jewish Christians were shocked when they heard that Peter ate with the Gentiles, then they should of been with him when he was told to eat these formerly forbidden animals; Peter was shocked also.
8. Peter is saying that he responded to these new things from God the same way the Jews in Jerusalem are responding to him. He says it didn't make sense to me either. In other words, I know what you men are going through and I know what you're thinking but it's time to change our thinking and get it in line with the word of God.
9. In other words, what God says is right, is right, and what God says is okay, is okay. When God says that something is correct no human being has the right to say anything different.
10. God told Peter three times that it was okay to kill and eat those formerly unclean animals. By the way, just as a footnote, cruelty to animals is wrong, but they are animals, not humans, and those groups who condemn meat eaters ought to eat their vegetables, and mind their own business because God says it's okay to eat meat.
11. As soon as the vision ended three men were at Peter's door. They would supply the answers to his puzzling vision.
12. Peter says: God told me to go with them to the home of a Gentile and not to worry about it. And now the Jews in Jerusalem also need to set aside the former barriers between Jew and Gentile and learn to accept them in Christ.
If God receive someone we better not reject them.
13. God was working both ends of this thing. This wasn't about Peter hanging out with Gentiles on a whim; the entire thing was God's doing; he arranged the meeting between Peter and the Gentiles and so the Jews in Jerusalem need to accept what's going on here.
14. Cornelius had been a God fearing man, but he still needed to be saved. He needed to hear about Christ so that he could receive him. And we see from this that God knows the hearts of all people. If, given a chance, someone would receive Christ, then God will surely make it possible for them to hear about Jesus.
15. The Gentiles did not pray a special sinners prayer to receive Christ; they were not baptized, and they were not confirmed. They heard the word of God and they received the message of Jesus in their souls. God knew that they believed in Christ and that they had received him and so he gave them the Holy Spirit as a result and they were saved.
16. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he told his disciples that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Peter remembered those words when he saw it happen to the Gentiles. He knew that Jesus had baptized Cornelius with the Holy Spirit just as he did the apostles on the day of Pentecost which meant that there was no difference between Jew and Gentiles as far as God is concerned, as long as they were in Christ.
17. In other words, Peter is saying who was I to argue with God.
18. God has granted repentance to the Gentiles so that they also can have eternal life. Some people hate the thought of repentance; they hate the thought of giving up their sin; but what they don't understand is that an opportunity to repent before they die is a gift from God.
Instead of becoming stiffnecked and angry when the word of God tells you to give up your sin and receive Christ one should be thankful for the opportunity, and do it because if they do they won't burn in hell forever.
19,20. Antioch was known for its worship of the pagan gods Apollo and Artamais. Among other things the "worship" of Apollo and Artamais included prostitution. So if you guessed that Antioch was deep into moral depravity you were right. Bad people, doing bad things, much of it in the name of their religion.
21. Several of the depraved sinners in Antioch repented, and became Christians.
Notice that the word of God is powerful enough to change even the worst of the worst. Nothing but the pure word of God can change a sinner into a saint. In spite of modern society's acceptance of lifestyles, which the Bible defines as depraved, the word of God must be proclaimed and sin must be called sin so that people will repent and not go to hell. Someone says: it's unloving to tell people that what they're doing is wrong; no it's unloving to make them feel comfortable in their sin because they are going to be comfortable all the way to hell, and then they won't be so comfortable anymore.
22. The new church in Antioch was sort of like a car without a driver. They needed leadership because that's how God designed his church to operate. Consequently, Barnabas became their pastor for the time being.
23,24. Barnabas was a kind person. He was also full of the Holy Spirit. That means he was good, patient, self-controlled, and unselfish. The only people who would have trouble with someone like that are those who are nothing but trouble themselves.
25,26. The word Christian means follower of Christ. Someone says: I'm a Christian, but I don't go to church, I don't really read the Bible, and I don't pray much either to be honest with you. So where's the evidence that your Christian because you not acting like one. A Christian is one who follows Christ; at the very least they care about following Christ; they certainly don't ignore Christian disciplines such as church, Bible reading, and prayer.
27. There were prophets in the early church who spoke the word of God with authority. In my life as a Christian I have witnessed and dealt with the terrible consequences of so-called prophets who presumed to speak for Jesus. Those people are very fortunate that we are not living in Old Testament times because they would be dead. God did not tolerate those who said they spoke for him but instead were speaking the imaginations of their own heart; they were stoned to death. Prophets never missed on any prophecy they spoke because if they did they were labeled a false prophet and executed.
There's too much flippant nonsense spoken in the name of Jesus today by self-proclaimed prophets who are destroying lives, and misrepresenting Jesus, and if you think they're going to get away with it you are wrong.
28. Secular, and Jewish historians both record this famine; it took place in 46 A.D.
29,30. This famine was a problem, but it provided an opportunity for the church. People's problems are a Christians opportunities. They provide opportunities for Christians to help which is what Jesus wants.
Chapter 12
1. This Herod was the grandson of the King Herod who killed all the little baby boys when Jesus was born. He was a power hungry madman like his grandfather.
2. James was the first apostle to be martyred for Jesus.
3. In order to please the Jews even more Herod arrested Peter as well. He's going to kill him, he thinks, but he can't do it for seven days because it was the feast of unleavened bread. It was considered improper to execute someone during the religious feast.
4. Four squads of soldiers were guarding Peter. He was important, and so Herod probably figures Christians will try to rescue him. I wish I could thank Herod personally for putting so many guards around Peter because it will make the upcoming miracle even more impressive.
5. The church didn't have the manpower to overcome the Roman guards and rescue Peter. But, they did have prayer power, which is bigger than manpower, especially when it is earnest prayer like here.
6. I guess Peter didn't have a problem with insomnia or for that matter worry. He actually has sort of a track record of sleeping in disturbing circumstances. You might remember that he fell asleep in the garden of Gethsemane while Jesus was praying, and now here he is sleeping while chained to a couple of guards on the eve of his execution.
We learn from this that trusting God and his word is the answer to fear and worry. Most people would have panicked in a situation like this but because Peter was so close to Jesus he had peace and could sleep.
7. This was actually a triple miracle: number one, the Angel appears; number two Peter's chains fell off, and number three the guards slept through it all, including that bright light that filled the cell.
8. The Angel told Peter to put on his shoes, coat. I think he had to tell Peter to do those things because he was probably dazed, not knowing if this was reality or a dream. When an Angel appears and lights up the jail cell where you are sleeping you probably don't think about your coat and shoes.
9. Peter was thinking: this must be a dream. When God does something remarkable, something that our mind cannot fully comprehend it can seem surreal, sort of like a dream. We know that something happened, but our mind can't quite grasp it completely; it doesn't quite register.
10. They walked through the other cellblocks, and when they got to the iron gate that led to the street it opened by itself. The power of a good Angel is a remarkable thing. And the good news is: that power is used to help Christians. Who knows what they're doing right now behind the scenes to help you and I.
11. And try to remember that behind this show of divine, and angelic power was fervent prayer. Prayer is more powerful than a wicked ruler. Prayer is bigger, it wields more influence than a godless population. All things are possible when Christians pray.
12. Mark was a young man; he was a cousin to Barnabas. He later traveled with Peter, and wrote the gospel of Mark receiving his information from Peter.
13-15. In other words the Christians said: no, it can't be Peter because he's in prison, or perhaps he's dead by now; don't you know that's why we are praying; it just can't be Peter we' re praying for Peter.
It was easier for these Christians to believe that Peter had been executed then to believe that God had answered their prayers and rescued them. So much for the lie that you must have strong faith before God will answer your prayer and the reason prayers are not answered is because in every instance the person praying lacks faith; you can't back that by Scripture.
16. The Christians were shocked that God answered their prayers and such a dramatic way.
17. And this is the last we see of Peter in the book of acts. He leaves Jerusalem, and eventually became the leader of the church in Rome. Meanwhile, back in Jerusalem, James the half-brother of Jesus took charge of the church in that city.
18. When the two guards who had been chained to Peter finally woke up they turned to look at their prisoner but instead all they saw was each other. That's because Peter was not there.
19a. Instead of seeing the hand of God in the disappearance of Peter Herod blames the soldiers who had been guarding him. As far as Herod is concerned they failed so they must be executed.
19,20. The coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon depended on Herod for food exports. That's why now that he is angry at them for some reason they will attempt to please him with flattery.
21. The pompous, no good, murdering sinner sits on his throne. He really thinks he is something, and the people of Tyre are going to feed his ungodly ego.
22. They would say anything to get their food imports from Herod again. Oh you speak like a God Herod; you're too wonderful for words Herod, and he's lapping it up like a dog laps up his own vomit.
23. God will not share his glory with anyone; that's what the Bible says, and to prove it Herod dies a horrible death. He serves as a warning to anyone who would try to steal credit that belongs only to God, or the attention that belongs to God.
24. Herod is dead, meanwhile the church of Jesus Christ goes forward. Herod is just one of many who thought he could destroy the church, but God always destroys those who would destroy his son. Everyone who has ever attempted to put an end to Christianity are either dead, or will die, but the message of Christ goes forward.
Chapter 13
1. There were five prominent prophets and teachers in the Antioch church.
2. It doesn't say exactly how God made his will known, and that's probably a good thing. If he would have revealed the method then Christians would probably expect the same type of leading, and it doesn't always come packaged the same way. God's people who are close to him will discern his leading.
3. By laying their hands on Paul and Barnabas the church in Antioch was saying: we're with you guys 100%, we will support you and we will pray for you.
4. Seleucia was a port used in the city of Antioch. Cyprus is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea. Barnabas was from the island of Cyprus.
5. Salamis was the largest city on the island of Cyprus. Paul's spiritual game plan was to preach to the Jews in the synagogue. In other words, give the Jews the first shot at receiving Christ. That's the way Jesus wanted them to do it in the early church.
6. Paphos was 90 miles west of Salamis. They were now in the capital city of Cyprus.
7. Sergius Paulus was the governor of this Roman province. Bar Jesus was the governor's personal sorcerer. By the way, sorcery is an abomination according to the word of God; it is condemned by God; that would include tarot cards, Ouija boards, astrology, séances etc.
8. Satan had a grip on the governor. He influenced him through this sorcerer, and he didn't want to lose that influence. Consequently, he tried to keep the governor from hearing the word of God.
Satan is afraid of the Bible because he knows that it is able to deliver people from his power.
9. When a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit they won't be timid when it comes to Christ, or anything else in the word of God. As we see here, Paul looked this Satanist right in the eye.
10. When wickedness, and false teaching is encountered it must be exposed, and condemned. If a preacher shrinks back from doing that then he's not doing his job. Paul said: you are a child of the devil, and you are perverting the right ways of God.
11,12. Once again Jesus outmuscled the devil. Paul put an immediate stop to this man's evil influence in the name of Jesus.
Evil influences, false teachings, must be dealt with in a straightforward way. If they are not they will cause more trouble.
13. And later were going to see that Paul was upset with John Mark for leaving. He was young, and probably couldn't take the pressure so he bailed out and went back home.
14. You've heard of the book of Galatians? Paul has just entered the province of Galatia right here. He's about to plant the churches which he later wrote to in the book of Galatians.
15. It was the job of the synagogue ruler to emcee the synagogue service. They didn't teach, but they would invite people from the congregation to teach. The synagogue provided an opportunity for Paul to preach Christ to the Jews. The synagogue was the TV station, the Internet, and the radio of the day. Paul used open doors that God provided while they were open and that's what Christians need to do today.
16. This congregation was a mixed bag. There were Jews, and also some Gentiles who feared God. These Gentiles went to the services, but they didn't adhere to all the laws and the traditions of the Jews.
17. The Jews didn't like being slaves in Egypt, but when they looked back at those days they realized that God used it as a stage to display his power so that everyone would know that he is the real God.
18. God endured the rebellion of the Israelites just as a loving parent stays with their child when they don't do the right thing.
There are consequences to rebellion, but God does not abandon his people. He endures our rebellion as he endured Israel's. He stays with us, and tries to get us to learn from our mistakes.
19. Israel's years of slavery in Egypt, plus their years of desert wandering, plus the time it took to conquer and distribute the promise land amounted to 450 years. It was a long, hard struggle, longer than it had to be because of their continual rebellion, but God, the good Shepherd, brought them to their land and gave them the rest that he promised.
20,21. Up until the time of Saul God had been Israel's King. He ruled Israel through his special agents: men like Moses, Joshua, and the judges found in the book of Judges. Consequently when Israel asked for a King like all the other nations had they were rejecting God their King. They wanted the pomp and ceremony that goes with a human King so they substituted tinsel for substance.
22. Israel's first King: Saul wanted to do things his way so God removed him, and put David in his place. At least David's heart was in the right place. At least he wanted to do things God's way.
23. One of David's descendents: Jesus, is the Savior who God promised he would send to deliver us from our sins.
24. Before Jesus John the Baptist was sent by God to preach repentance to the Israelites. People had to repent before they could follow Christ, and people still do. Jesus won't work for those who refuse to repent.
25. John the Baptist said I'm not the Messiah and compared to him I'm nothing.
Compared to Jesus everyone is nothing. We' re all nothing compared to Jesus; we' re not even close to being in the same league as Christ.
26,27. Paul says: we Israelites missed our Messiah; and worse, we murdered him. Israel expected the Messiah to be a political deliver, not someone who needed to die to pay for our sins.
28. The Jews tried very hard to find Jesus guilty of something deserving death, but they couldn't. Finally, they quit trying, and just made something up.
29. When the Israelites, and the Romans did everything to Jesus that the Bible predicted they would do he died. His body was removed from the cross, and he was put in a tomb.
30. The devil couldn't keep Jesus in the grave. Jesus never sinned, consequently death couldn't hold him.
The good news for Christians, is that in Christ we are sinless as well which is why we will eventually be raised from the dead also.
31. Jesus continued to appear to his followers for 40 days after his resurrection, and every single one of them talked about it. How could you not talk about something that wonderful.
32,33. Begotten means: one-of-a-kind, or unique. Jesus has always been the eternal son of the eternal father. He is always existed as God's son. However, Jesus was made known to the world as the son of God by his incarnation.
34,35. The resurrection of Christ was predicted in the Old Testament, and Paul quotes two of those Scriptures right here.
Theologians during Old Testament days couldn't figure out how the Messiah would die and pay for our sins, which the Bible teaches, and yet rule and reign forever in Jerusalem, which the Bible also teaches. They couldn't reconcile those two biblical teachings, but if they would have studied every verse and taken each verse at face value they would have understood that yes the Messiah would die and pay for our sins, but that he would be raised physically from the dead which would enable him to rule from Jerusalem.
The Bible is clear, we just have to study at all and believe every word of it.
36. David served God in his generation. You can't ask anything more of someone than that. Let us strive to serve God in our generation.
37. David's body has been dust for centuries. Jesus' body didn't get a chance to turn into dust. He wasn't in the grave long enough for any corruption to begin.
38. Through Jesus Christ there is forgiveness.
All religions are not equal. Those that reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior fail to provide forgiveness for their followers and that makes their religion useless. Yes, I said useless.
A particular religion may have moral laws which promote good behavior, but it is worthless, it is useless, it is damnable if it doesn't provide forgiveness because if our sins are not forgiven then we' re going to burn in hell and pay for them forever.
39. Everyone who puts their trust in Jesus Christ; that is everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior is free from guilt, and is forgiven by God. That's something which the law of God, as holy as it is, is powerless to do.
40. In other words, be careful, or the bad things that the prophets predicted would happen to those who would rebel against Christ will happen to you.
God doesn't warn just to show that he predicts the future, but to give us opportunity to repent before judgment day.
41. This is what the prophets predicted would happen for rejecting Christ: it would bring earthly, and eternal suffering. Too bad the Israelites didn't listen to the prophets because over 1 million of them were killed by Rome in 70 A.D. precisely for rejecting Jesus, and those who persisted in spiritual rebellion died and went to hell.
42. The Gentiles who heard Paul preach couldn't wait for the next Bible study.
It is easy to tell the difference between a little sermonette and Holy Spirit anointed preaching. Anointed preaching and teaching makes one crave for more the word of God if they are right with Christ.
43. They were so excited about the word of God, and Jesus that they followed Paul and Barnabas down the street after the service. And notice that the one thing they urged the people to do more than anything else was to continue in the grace of God. In other words, keep accepting the mercy of God which he offers through Jesus. In other words, never stop confessing, repenting, and accepting the mercy of God. That's the worst thing anyone could ever do.
44. The people who heard the word of God the previous week told others how great it was and that's why the place was jammed the following week.
Get hungry for the word of God because if you are, then your excitement for Scripture will be contagious. Be on fire for Jesus and others will catch fire for Him as well.
45. There's the opposition that always comes when one proclaims the word. The word of God separates like a sharp sword. It draws those who love truth and have a heart for God. Meanwhile it irritates those who despise God and have no desire to repent.
46. If you reject Jesus Christ then you condemn yourself. God doesn't condemn those who won't repent; they sentence themselves to hell. John 3:18 says: "he who does not believe in Christ is condemned already."
47. There comes a time when Christians must give up on those who reject truth and give it to others who may be open.
48. Christians can't take credit for their salvation or even for wanting it. It's true that we can either receive or reject Jesus, but God is always the one who makes the first move when one receives Him. Our faith is a gift from God.
49-52. Shaking the dust from their feet was a symbolic act. It meant: I've done my part so when God judges you, your blood will be on your own hands, not mine.
Once we give someone the word of God we can pray for them, but they choose what they're going to do with it.
Chapter 14
1. The apostles teaching had great results, but that doesn't mean they used fancy words, or great debating skills. It means they spoke the word of God plainly.
2. These unbelieving Jews were spiritual poison; they killed the faith of those who had believed.
Some people will be lost because they spent too much time with spiritual poison. The Bible says bad company corrupts good morals.
3. The apostles said what needed to be said; they spoke the holy word of God, and they spoke it with conviction. That's enough to get people who want truth excited all by itself, but then God did miracles to back what they taught as well.
4. If a preacher's message doesn't cause division then he has failed to deliver truth clearly. In a sinful world like this truth will divide.
5-7. Their persistence was great. If a door closed in one area they went someplace else; they didn't give up. Their message was correct; what they were doing was correct; as a result, they will continue to do it or die trying.
The word of God is worth proclaiming even if no one receives it. It's worth proclaiming because it is right.
8,9. The word of God gave this man faith.
The Bible produces faith because it is the supernatural, living word of Almighty God. Every word of Scripture is God breathed and it never changes.
10. He didn't just stand, he leaped, he sprang, and then he walked. This guy was as happy as anyone could possibly be simply because he could walk.
We must guard against taking simple things like standing and walking for granted. Learn from this man that the truly important things in life are often overlooked and unappreciated.
11,12. The people in that pagan area believed in many God's. They believed that every now and then those gods would appear on earth as humans. Consequently, they think Paul and Barnabas are Zeus and Hermes. They believed that Zeus, their top God, would allow Hermes to tagalong with him on his visits to earth and that's what they think is happening here.
13. Each city had their favorite God who they thought was their protector. Zeus was Lystra's God. That's why they had a temple for him, and they also had in image of him at the entrance to the city. So this was a big day for Lystra because they actually believed that their God has made a visit in the flesh.
14,15. Paul and Barnabas are shocked at the idea of being worshiped.
Any godly person will feel uncomfortable when they are receiving too much attention; more attention then Jesus.
16. From the beginning, the Israelites were fortunate because they had the word of God. The Gentiles were left to go their own way, but now they are hearing the word of God as well. Now they are being taught God's way also.
17,18. These heathen needed to get their eyes off of their useless idols, and on to the living God. They didn't have the word of God like the Jews, but they still had plenty of evidence that there is a one true God.
There is plenty of natural evidence which proves that the God of creation is real, and deserves to be worshiped. Lack of biblical knowledge may perhaps cause the sincere to worship him as: he who has no name, but those who respect truth know that he is out there.
19. Talk about fickle. One minute they are worshiping Paul and the next minute they're stoning him. By the way, the offspring of these Galatians settled in Western Europe so these fickle rock throwers might well be our grandfathers. Maybe that's why so many Americans are fickle rather than steadfast with regards to the word of God.
20. What a miracle! A person isn't viciously stoned to death, or at the very least nearly stoned to death one day, and then traveling on his own power the next. Paul should be dead but he isn't because God's not finished using him yet.
21,22. When Paul said that believers must suffer many hardships as Christians he wasn't using a pious cliché; he lived it.
Jesus never promise Christians that we would have all of our desires if we just believed hard enough. Jesus never said that our lives would be easy; He said unless you deny yourself for my sake you can't be my disciple.
23. Here you see the succession of leadership as it began in the early church. It started with the apostles who appointed others who then appointed others. This is how Jesus has kept his church orderly for 2000 years.
24-26. Paul's first missionary journey was a success because they went were God led, and spoke with God commanded. They didn't quit even when it got painful.
Perseverance can be painful, but the only way a Christian fails is if they quit saying, and doing what God wants.
27,28. Notice how they reported everything that God did. Every step Paul and Barnabas took and every word they spoke was done by the grace of God.
Christians are tools and that's about it. We are tools to be used by the hand of God and he deserves every bit of credit for anything that we accomplish.
Chapter 15
1. The Gentile church in Antioch was doing very well but then some Hebrew converts to Christ began to tell the Gentile Christians that they needed Jesus plus they had to submit to the old Jewish ritual of circumcision or they wouldn't be saved.
2. Paul and Barnabas were not buying what they were trying to sell, but they didn't have the authority to say that it was wrong so they decided to go to the apostles in Jerusalem and present the issue to them.
Allow the apostles decide on matters of faith and conduct today as well, and God has preserved whatever apostolic teaching he wanted us to have; it is found in the New Testament.
3. Paul and Barnabas stopped at several churches on the way to Jerusalem. They talked about all the Gentiles who repented and received Christ on their first missionary journey, and everyone who heard the news was happy.
4,5. The Pharisee converts to Christ were teaching that the cross wasn't sufficient. They taught that a person needs to receive Jesus but they also have to be circumcised, plus they have to keep the Jewish law to be saved. They were Christian Jews who still lived like Old Testament Jews. They were watering down the message of the cross.
6. The leadership, which included the apostles, and the elders met to decide whether Gentile Christians needed to be circumcised and keep the old Jewish law in order to be saved. The purpose of this meeting was to declare the correct interpretation of God's commands regarding salvation through Christ. What this first ever church council decides will be binding on all Christians everywhere for all time.
7. Peter was an eyewitness to the fact that God accepted the Gentiles apart from them be in circumcised or becoming a Jew first. He's referring to the salvation of the Gentile Cornelius.
8. God alone knows our hearts. Only God knows for certain if someone is saved or not. We can judge right from wrong using the Bible as our guide, but we do not know what's going on in a person's mind.
9. The Jewish Christians tried to make a distinction between them and the Gentile Christians. They considered Gentile Christians to be second-class; actually not right with God at all. Truth is: it doesn't matter to God if a Christian lives like a Jew or not because it is our faith in Christ that makes us right with God.
10. The Jewish Christians who thought they were so superior to the Gentiles were actually provoking God. They were making God angry by adding their man-made ideas to his plan of salvation through Christ. And if you want to make God angry than teach something that makes the way to heaven harder than what it really is.
11. In other words, Peter says: we Jews will be saved just like the Gentiles, not the other way around. Meaning: the Gentiles do not have to become Jews like us to be saved.
12. The congregation of Christians sat amazed, hearing the stories of the miracles done through Paul. They were amazed because miracles were not even the norm in the early church.
13,14. Every Christian has been selected by God to be a person for his name. Meaning: he has chosen you to be someone who is dedicated to bringing him honor. He has selected you to represent him in this world which is full of people who don't understand him very well.
15. The leadership made its decision by the leading of the Holy Spirit and now James declares that their decision is also in line with the Bible.
The leading of the Holy Spirit is always in line with the Bible because the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible and he never contradicts himself.
16. The "after this" refers to the Jewish religion of the Old Testament age.
17,18. The Jewish Christians were sort of puzzled by God's acceptance of Gentiles, and they may have been even more puzzled by the decree of the church leaders. But James says: this whole thing was planned by God long ago.
God's master plan is in motion. Nothing that takes us by surprise catches God offguard; he saw it coming long ago.
19-21. In other words, there are Jews all over this world where we will be taking the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, for the sake of Christian harmony abstain from these things that are so important to them. And for the sake of any Jew who might consider coming to Christ, but would certainly be repelled if they saw Christians do these sorts of things, abstain from them.
22-24. The Jewish Christians who were stirring up trouble with their lies were spiritual renegades.
When Christians pay attention to those who abandon sound biblical doctrine the result will always be confusion or trouble of one sort or another.
25-27,26. Judas and Silas had risked their lives for Jesus which proves they were serious about Christ.
Our willingness to sacrifice for Christ is what gives us spiritual credibility in the eyes of others.
27-29. So it's clear that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by Jesus Christ apart from the law. But it's also clear that we should stay away from anything that dishonors Jesus or may cause our fellow Christians to be offended.
30,31. The Christians rejoiced because it was truth. Truth always causes those who love righteousness and want to do the right thing to rejoice. Heresy was exposed and denounced and that is a pleasant thing to those who love truth.
32-34. Paul and Silas connected right away; in fact he later joined Paul on his second missionary journey.
The Holy Spirit knows how to bring the right people together as they individually walk in obedience to Christ.
35,36. There are many things that can turn Christians away from the word of God so Paul wanted to return to the churches that he and Barnabas had established to make sure they were okay.
37. On their first missionary trip young Mark quit, but Barnabas wants to give him another chance. Credit Mark also for wanting to try again after failing Christ the first time.
Don't let failure stop you from trying again with Jesus.
38,39. Paul and Barnabas had an honest disagreement, and the Bible doesn't condemn either one of them.
Some Christians who love to micromanage other people's lives find it hard to believe that God would lead others to do something completely different, or maybe a similar thing in a different way. But that's the way it is sometimes and it should be accepted as long as it doesn't contradict holy Scripture which is always the ultimate guide.
40,41. Paul and Barnabas went different directions and God use them both. Patients with Mark paid off because he ended up being a strong Christian, and the writer of the gospel of Mark.
Everything has way of working out if we listen to God and follow his leading.
Chapter 16
1. Timothy was a young man who was spiritually strong. He had a godly mother and grandmother who got him off on the right track.
You will give your children a head start with Jesus when Jesus is the most important thing to you.
2. Timothy had a godly reputation. He was a man of high moral character which is why he will become a great spiritual leader.
3. Timothy would be preaching Jesus to unbelieving Jews, but they won't listen to him if they know that he is an uncircumcised son of a Greek. The Jewish law including circumcision is not necessary for salvation, but it's going to be necessary for Timothy in order to preach to those who think that it is important.
Sometimes in order to be useful to Christ we must set aside some of our liberty in Christ so as not to offend anyone we tell about Jesus.
4. The apostle Paul told the Gentile Christians that salvation is by faith in Jesus not by keeping the Jewish law. That is official biblical doctrine and it cannot be changed; no one has a right to teach anything contrary to salvation by faith in Christ plus nothing.
5. The Jewish Christians had been pressing the Gentiles in Galatia to keep the Jewish laws for salvation. Those added, man-made rules doubtless scared some potential converts to Christ away. But when the simple word of God was taught those who were hungry for truth were drawn by it to Christ.
6. It may have seemed a bit strange to be forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach the word of God in Asia after all Jesus commissioned his apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. But the great commission doesn't mean that every Christian is called to go everywhere.
There's a lot of good things that Christians can do but the need doesn't necessarily justify the call; we can't do everything ourselves; we have to be led by the Holy Spirit.
7,8. The Holy Spirit wouldn't let Paul go north or south; he came from the east so the only place left was West and that's the direction he started to go.
Sometimes God's will is discovered by a process of elimination; everything you try to do is a closed-door except for one.
9. Macedonia is in Europe. God is telling Paul to go to Europe and preach Jesus. If Paul doesn't go West than Western civilization doesn't exist; America as we have known it doesn't exist.
10. Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke; the big for are about to enter Europe with the gospel and along with saving souls from hell through Jesus Christ, plant the seeds of Western civilization.
Those four men were on fire for Jesus and it's going to take holiness and determination to get the church going in that very sinful area; an area that many of our ancestors in America came from.
11,12. Philippi was a Roman colony and its people were Roman citizens. They had Roman customs; they spoke Latin and another Roman custom they followed was immorality so these guys have their work cut out for them.
13. The Jews in the Roman Empire often held their religious meetings as far away from the hethen as they could. So these ladies are outside the city limits praying.
I don't know for sure but this little prayer group may have been the reason God told Paul to take the gospel to Europe rather than China.
14. Lydia believed and applied the word of God that Paul taught; it says that God opened her heart to do those things.
Because of our sin nature man's heart is naturally closed to the word of God. It takes the power of God to open our hearts to truth.
15. Lydia insisted that the apostles stay in her home.
It is only natural for Christians who are fed the word of God to help their teacher, and continue to learn from them.
16. Fortune-telling and similar practices are forbidden by God. But it's a moneymaker today as it was back then with this girl and her owners.
17. Someone says: wow, this is great, she speaking well of the apostle and the message of Christ! No it isn't great; it is Satan trying to pull a fast one. The Jews in that area knew this girl was under the control of demons so this is Satan's attempt to turn those Jews off to the message of Jesus. A demon influenced Girl saying that Jesus is the way to heaven would make the Jews skeptical of Christ.
18. The apostle didn't want any help from demons so to shut her up he cast the demon out.
The last thing Jesus wants is some immoral person claiming to speak for him. God doesn't need to be identified with those kind of people; that's not the kind of advertising he wants.
19. She was delivered from a demon and a sin that was destroying her soul, but that doesn't seem to matter to her owners. They are angry because the demons gone, and she can't tell the future anymore. They tolerated the word of God until it hurt their income; now they're angry.
20. In other words: Paul is a troublemaker.
When a preacher proclaims the word of God clearly there will be those who will call him a hater, and a troublemaker. The word of God restrains sin and sinners don't like it when that happens.
21,22,23. The Jews, by order of God, couldn't whip any criminal more than 39 times. The Romans had no such law, there was no limit to how many times they might whip a criminal. Consequently, Paul and Silas get a severe beating because they preached the word of God.
24. They were whipped until their backs looked like shredded paper. They were then thrown into a filthy, varmint infested prison. They were laid on their backs with their legs spread wide and their feet locked into stocks. I wanted you to understand their situation before we read verse 25.
25. The other prisoners who didn't know Jesus were listening to Paul and Silas while they were in their miserable and painful situation.
We never know who is watching us; who is observing us and taking note of how we, as Christians are handling our troubles. How we respond to God in miserable situations determines if we are a good or a bad testimony.
26. Paul and Silas praise God in the midst of their misery and God immediately delivered them.
Praise God at all times even when things are horrible because he deserves it. If he intervenes and makes things better that's a bonus; but either way God deserves our praise at all times.
27. Suicide is a sin but in that culture it was considered an honorable way to die especially if death was imminent anyway. And death was definitely imminent here because any guard who allowed his prisoner to escape was executed.
28. This jailer had been Paul's enemy but he didn't care; he didn't want him to die and go to hell so he stepped in and stopped him from killing himself.
29,30. This man had been on the very edge of hell, but because Paul cared he's now on the edge of salvation. When he saw Paul praising God in his miserable condition that made an impression and he figured if anyone had the true religion it was the apostle.
If we don't live right then no one's going to listen when we talk about Jesus.
31. Receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and trusting in his finished work on the cross is what it means to believe on Christ. That's how one is saved. The jailer knows what to do; it's up to him to choose to do it.
32,33. I want you to notice that although the apostles did many miracles to validate the message of Christ they couldn't do them anytime they wanted; they didn't have that power. They couldn't free themselves from prison; and they couldn't heal their wounds. The effects of their brutal beating would have to be healed the old-fashioned way.
34. The man and his entire family are feeling great because all of them received Jesus.
Receiving Christ as Lord and Savior and living for him is the key to a happy family. Being filled with the Holy Spirit will give you joy, and peace and unselfishness and it's pretty easy to get along when everyone is acting like that.
35. Scared by the earthquake, the officials knew they were dealing with a power bigger than they could handle so they sent word that Paul and Silas should be released.
36,37. It was illegal for Paul, who was a Roman citizen, to be bound and beaten without a fair trial, and he's not going to overlook what they did to him.
Christians shouldn't break the law, but we shouldn't allow civil government to violate our constitutional rights either.
38. They're afraid and with good reason because any official who violated the rights of a Roman citizen was executed.
39,40. Paul did not press charges instead he accepted their apology. The issue for Paul and Silas was for the public to understand that they were not criminals. They wanted to make that clear because their reputation, and more importantly, the reputation of the one they represented: Jesus Christ, was at stake. The apostle wasn't interested in revenge; he just wanted people to be saved.
Chapter 17
1. There was a synagogue and as usual that's the first Place Paul went to preach Christ. Some Jews will believe; most will not. Nothing has changed; it's the same today, some believe most do not.
2. Paul reasoned from the Scriptures concerning Jesus.
See that you do not get distracted in discussions concerning Christ, but stick to the Scriptures and reason from the Bible; always direct people's attention back to the word of God.
3. Paul told the Israelites that their idea of the Messiah was incorrect. He's not a political deliver as they thought. He came to offer himself as the sacrifice for our sins and they should of known that because it was written in the Old Testament.
4. Paul the apostle proved from Scripture that what he said about Jesus was correct, and yet only some of the Jews believed.
5. The Jewish leaders were jealous of Paul and Silas because some left their religion to become Christians. Consequently, they incited some useless troublemakers off the street to form a mob and go after Paul and Silas.
The devil gets angry when people follow Christ, and he stirs up trouble for those who preach the word that makes it happen.
6. Actually they got it wrong because the world is already upside down; the world is all messed up because of sin. The word of God and Jesus Christ sets the world right side up. The problem is people are so used to doing things the wrong way, and thinking about things the wrong way that they get thrown for a loop when the right way comes along.
7. They imply that the apostles were plotting against Rome. That was a lie because Christianity is not about politics. Christianity is about preaching salvation through Jesus Christ; it's about holiness. Jesus never told his people to overthrow the government, if anything he said submit to the government.
8. The people were fine with Christianity until the jealous Jews stirred up trouble with their lies.
A few troublemakers can make life miserable for God's people.
9. The man Jason had to post bail before the disciples could be released.
10. Trouble did not dampen Paul's enthusiasm for Jesus Christ or the word of God. He just kept preaching the Bible. He established the church in Thessalonica and suffered for it, but then he moved on to another place called Berea and he will do the same thing there.
11. The Bereans measured Paul's words by Scripture, and they are said to be noble because of that.
Do not accept or reject anything someone says on the basis of who they are or how you feel. Even the apostles words had to square with Scripture.
12. Notice, after examining the Scriptures many of them believed.
If an unbeliever will prayerfully, carefully, and sincerely examine the Scriptures God will reveal truth to them, and eventually lead them to Christ.
13-15. Paul leaves Berea in haste and goes to Athens and of course he's ready to preach Jesus they as well. The very best scholars, statesman, and military minds were in Athens. It was the top city in the area of philosophy, education, and arts.
16. The city that was considered the home of wisdom, and art was also spiritually blind and insane; they were drunk with idolatry and superstitions. Satan had a stronghold on Athens; it was filled with sophisticated, high sounding spiritual nonsense.
17. The marketplace was sort of like the coffee shop of today. The regulars gathered in the marketplace every morning to solve the world's problems. The marketplace was where the men met to talk about things, and to debate issues.
18. The Epicureans were atheists; they live to satisfy whatever they hungered for. The Stoics believed in gods, even though they thought the gods were indifferent. The Stoics were strict and they were the exact opposite of the Epicureans.
19. Paul is not under arrest here, however the scholars wanted to know more about this Jesus who he keeps talking about. Consequently, they bring Paul to the Supreme Court, which is called the Areopagus.
What we have here is Jesus giving Paul another opportunity to proclaim the word of God to those who otherwise would not hear it.
20,21. They were always looking for a fresh mental, or emotional buzz. They were always looking for something new to consider, especially some new religious or philosophical idea. They sat around in their academic dreamworld and devised theories.
22. They were very religious; in fact they have a god for everything. Paul will try to convince them that their gods are nothing, and that they need the one God, and his son Jesus Christ.
23. The idolaters in Athens knew deep down that there was a God who made everything. They didn't know who he was, but they didn't want to risk offending him, whoever he was, so they built him an alter.
24. Unlike their idols the real God is not confined to one place. The real God doesn't need to be carried around by human hands; in fact he made human hands. The real God is the highest, and the final authority.
25. God is self-sufficient; he doesn't need anything from anyone. He's perfect all by himself. He can get along just fine without anyone, or anything.
26. God places people and nations where he wants them to be.
The reason there are so many wars and so much trouble is that people, and nations are not content with what God has given them. They want what belongs to others so they try to take it and that makes for strife and wars.
27. God is not far from any of us. That's because the real God is everywhere at the same time. With Christ you are never far away from your protector, provider, physician, and guide.
28. In other words, God Almighty causes us to be and to continue. If God would ever withdraw his life from us we would collapse instantly. We cannot move a muscle apart from God's grace. Every little movement we make inside and out is a gift from our Creator.
29. Since he is everywhere, and since he gives us life, and causes us to keep going it makes no sense to believe that he is a decorated chunk of wood that some man cut off a tree. These intellectuals are such great thinkers so they should be able to figure that out but somehow they don't.
30. God demands repentance. The plan of salvation is a call to repentance. Jesus has never offered a single thing to sinners who will not repent.
31. Speaking in their Supreme Court and to the highest judges in the land the apostle Paul says: you will be judged by Jesus Christ.
Every leader on every level should know that God holds them responsible for how they lead.
32. Some who heard the word of God mocked it. That's always a bad sign for those people because the Scripture says that the message of the cross is foolishness to... Those who are perishing.
33. The reaction wasn't all good, but it wasn't all bad either. At least some of the people there wanted to hear the word of God again.
Don't be surprised if only relatively few want what you have in Christ.
34. Whenever the word of God is proclaimed some will repent, accept it, and serve Christ. It may just be a remnant, but if the Bible is proclaimed enough times to enough people Jesus will draw hungry souls to him. The devil doesn't throw any shutouts against Jesus when the word of God is proclaim clearly.
Chapter 18
1. Corinth was the sin capital of the Roman Empire. Immorality wasn't a part of the lifestyle, it was the lifestyle, it was also the religion of the people in Corinth.
2. The Jews were stirring up rebellion in the city of Rome so the Emperor kicked them all out. Among those who left was this couple: Aquila and Priscilla.
Always remember that for Christians a forced change is not your world falling apart; it is God doing something new with you; trust him.
3. Aquila and his wife had a tent making business. One day Paul applied for a job with them and he was hired. God introduced these Christians to each other through their work, and none of this would've happened if Aquila's family had not been forced from their home.
4. Paul made tents because he had to earn some money, but his heart was in teaching the word of God. So he would do both, but only for as long as he had to.
We all have to do things that we don't want to do; that's just the way it is in this fallen world.
5. After Silas and Timothy arrived Paul was free to spend his time teaching which is what God called him to do.
6. Paul did his part by giving the Jews the word of God. Consequently their condemnation would be their own fault not his.
7. Titus Justus was a Roman name. This man was a Gentile, but it appears as if he was a convert to Judaism and now he's a convert to Christ.
8-11. When you've been stoned, whipped, and beaten for preaching the word of God as Paul so often was you might get a little gun shy about preaching, especially if you're in the sin capital of the Roman Empire. Consequently God encourages Paul and he receives that encouragement, and he also receives faith to persevere.
12. The Jews were trying to stop the spread of Christianity. Gallio was an important Roman ruler so if he rules that Christianity is against the law that will set a precedent for the future, and that's what the Jews want.
13. It was against the law for someone to form a new religion in Rome. The Jews are telling Gallio that Paul is trying to do that; he's trying to start a new religion called Christianity.
14. Just as Paul was about to make his defense Gallio makes it for him. He tells the Jews that he isn't interested in their accusations.
15. In other words, he rules that Christianity is not a new religion, but rather a part of the Jews religion. That was a big break for the early church. At least for a while it will be legal in the Roman Empire. God allowed his church to get a foothold; he got it going, and he has kept it going by his sovereign power just as he said he would: the gates of hell will not prevail against my church.
16,17. Sosthenes was sympathetic to the Christians, and the Jews didn't like that so they vented their frustration on him. If he wasn't a Christian here then his beating pushed him over the edge because later on in Scripture he is a Christian.
18. Paul probably made a vow to God during his hard times. That was a typical Jewish thing; a vow was made, and then the person had 30 days to get to Jerusalem, shave their head, and offer whatever sacrifice they promised.
19. They all arrived at the city of Ephesus. Paul's companions stayed on the ship while he went to the synagogue, and told the Jews about Christ.
20. He couldn't stay because God had answered some prayer that was connected to his vow, and he had to get to Jerusalem to offer the proper sacrifices before the 30 days was up.
21. You can tell that Paul was in a hurry, or he never would've left these people who were interested in hearing the word of God. He only had a short time to spend with these people and he used it.
Spending a little time with someone is better than nothing, and it can make a big difference.
22. After arriving in Israel Paul made his way to Jerusalem. He no doubt tells the church all about his second missionary journey and after that he heads back up to his home church in the city of Antioch.
23,24. Apollos shows up in Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla were ministering. Apollos understood the word of God, and he was a good teacher.
25. He didn't understand the full revelation concerning Christ, but he faithfully taught what he knew. And here we see the sovereignty of God which led him to Aquila and Priscilla so that he could be enlightened further concerning Scripture and specifically Jesus.
We would do well to live and teach what we know, and be open to learn even more.
26. Aquila didn't know the Bible like Apollos, but Apollos didn't know Jesus like Aquila. Do you see the hand of God at work bringing these two together.
Everyone who loves the Lord and believes his word has something to contribute to Christ.
27. We can choose to have faith, but if we do, it is only because of God's grace.
28. If the Jews thought they had arguments against Jesus then Apollos destroyed those arguments with the word of God. And maybe they didn't all turned to Christ, but they should have because Apollos proved from Scripture that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that's reason enough for anyone to become a Christian.
Chapter 19
1. These disciples whom Paul discovered had been baptized by John the Baptist and that's about it; that's about all they knew. Their knowledge of Jesus was spotty at best.
2. And this certainly can't mean that they didn't know the Holy Spirit existed because John the Baptist spoke of the Holy Spirit, and the Old Testament from the very first verse of the Bible spoke of the Holy Spirit. It must mean that they had not heard of the Holy Spirit's new ministry since the day of Pentecost which includes indwelling all Christians.
3,4. These people may have had some knowledge of the teacher Jesus, or of the miracle worker Jesus, but they didn't know that he was the resurrected Christ.
5. In the name of the Lord Jesus means they were baptized in keeping with his command to be baptized in the name of the father son and the Holy Spirit.
6,7. And this is where the mainline churches sacrament of confirmation comes from. Of course whether it's confirmation, or someone saying the sinners prayer the person must want Jesus just like these disciples did, or there won't be any giving of the Holy Spirit. Simply going through aritual never resulted in the Holy Spirit entering into anyone's life.
8. Paul had in insatiable drive to talk about Jesus, and neither Jewish resistance, or lack of understanding, or physical threats could lessen that drive.
9. It is good to teach the word of God to anyone who will listen. However, when it becomes clear that some are not listening, and when it is clear that they are instead blaspheming the word of God then it's good to get away from them. That's what Paul did.
I'm not going to hang around with people who blaspheme the word of God. I'm not going to hang around and listen to people mock those who love Jesus. I'm not going to coddle those who disrespect the Lord Jesus Christ and call people who love him crazy.
Jesus created me and I worship him I guess I'm crazy what's the matter with me? Jesus sustains me; the Bible says that he is the one who holds every single atom in my body together. If he would hiccup and loses concentration and release my atoms I would immediately explode into nothingness so yes I guess I'm crazy for worshiping Jesus. And oh yes before forget I was a hell bound sinner destined for the Lake of fire where I was going to burn forever and ever in horrible torment paying for my sins, but instead Jesus died on the cross, saved me from hell and gives me eternal life instead; so yeah I guess I'm crazy for worshiping Jesus. Call me crazy if you want to I don't care; everyone should be crazy.
10. During the 2 plus years Paul headquartered in Ephesus the seven churches of Asia minor mention in Revelation chapters two and three came into existence.
11. Any miracle is a major event, but the Bible says that God did special miracles by the hands of Paul while he was in Ephesus. Perhaps God did more dramatic miracles because it was a hotbed of demonic, and supernatural activity. Satan did miracles so God did super miracles.
God is always one step ahead of the devil and he always provides what is needed to counter Satan's deceptions and if nothing else we can always find those things in the written word of God.
12. God anointed Paul's handkerchiefs in order to extend the range of the apostles ministry.
13. Satan scoffs at attempts to expel his demons by the use of charms or incantations, which is how these Jewish exorcist's would attempt to do it. These people were not Christians; they didn't have faith in Christ, and they wrongly considered the name of Jesus to be sort of like a lucky charm.
14,15. Demons are foolish for rebelling against God but they're not stupid. The demon here knew that these exorcists were shooting blanks because they didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They were not in Christ, therefore they have no spiritual protection, or authority to do anything in the name of Jesus and that would include driving out demons.
16. Superhuman strength is an indication of demon possession; that certainly was the case here. This one man beat up seven.
17a. People are beginning to understand that God and demons divide the human race into two groups: the two groups would be Christians and non-Christians. And people understood that if they were not Christians than they were on the wrong side.
17. By beating up those non-Christian exorcists that demon unknowingly did Jesus a big favor. The failure of the imposters resulted in an increase notoriety for the real thing. In other words, it resulted in greater respect for Jesus, the word of God, and Christians.
18. When the power of Jesus became evident to the people many of them fell down on their knees, confessed, and repented.
The word of God is powerful enough by the Holy Spirit to get people to change their evil ways, it can do what other things, including threats, and punishment cannot do.
19. Those who repented, publicly burned their occult books and paraphernalia. They burned the bridges to their sinful past so that it was less likely that they could return to their old ways.
True repentance will result in a person burning the bridges to their sinful past.
20. The believers at this time were dead serious about following Christ, even to the point of burning their occult things. Consequently, the word of God prevailed.
Spiritual lukewarmness holds back the effectiveness of Christians. To be most effective for Jesus we must be committed to holiness.
21,22. There was no coasting for Paul. Great things happened in Ephesus, but since we only have one life to live for our Savior Paul set his sights on other places as well; including the big prize, Rome. Paul will keep working until God says stop.
23,24. The word of God was changing people. They stopped buying the silver idols and consequently the craftsman are not making money anymore.
People who are walking with Jesus do not spend their money in ungodly ways.
25,26. I guess these people actually believed that there was a god living in their statues. They just couldn't figure out how Paul could preach something contrary to that.
27. I got news for you, if the majesty of a goddess can be destroyed by man, then she's no goddess. If her existence depends on the accolades of people she is no goddess.
The real God doesn't need anyone. The entire world could reject him and he would be just as real, just as powerful, and just as wonderful as he is ever been. The real God isn't diminished when people neglect him; the people who neglect him are diminished.
28. The silversmith wasn't just the craftsman, he was also a demagogue. He knew what buttons to push to get people fired up, and he push them.
29-31. Paul had friends that kept him from doing something foolish, or he certainly would've done it.
Christians need to help each other think clearly, not emotionally, especially during stressful times.
32. They were crazy; most of the people didn't even know why they were protesting. Often that's the case in these situations.
33,34. This thing is about to explode into a full-scale riot. The Jews don't want to be blamed for a riot so they conscript Alexander to make a speech to clear them of any blame. However the mob is so crazy that they don't even give him a chance to speak.
35. The people in that area believed that the statue of Diana which stood in her temple had fallen from the sky; sent by the god Jupiter. This public leader is telling the mob that Diana is not an Idol made by hands, which Paul says are no gods at all. In other words, listen people, our God Diana isn't like the other idols.
36. In other words, you people are making too much out of this.
37. And that is true. Paul was preaching that there was one true God, and that idols were nothing, but he never spoke specifically about the so-called goddess Diana.
38. In other words, if the silversmiths want to bring charges against the apostles they will have to do a lawfully in court.
39. In other words, vigilantism will not be tolerated. If they want to press charges against the apostles they have to do it in a lawful assembly before judge.
That's a pretty biblical notion for a bunch of heathens because God forbids taking the law into your own hands.
40,41. Civil government did its job here. Civil government is a gift from God to restrain anarchy, to keep sinful man from getting out of control.
Chapter 20
1-3a. Paul is on his third missionary journey. He visits Athens, and Corinth. During these three months he also wrote the New Testament book of Romans.
3. More of the same: another ambush was planned against Paul, so he changed his plans.
God gives us common sense, and it is biblical to use it.
4,5. The seven men who traveled with Paul were representatives of their individual churches who were bringing offerings to the struggling Jerusalem church.
6. It took five days to travel 150 miles from Philippi to Troas. Today it would take 20 minutes by plane, may be 2 1/2 hours by car, and instantly by TV, radio, and Internet. We have an amazing opportunity today to get out the word of God and to whom much is given much is expected so we would be wise to use our opportunities.
7. This was actually a Saturday night service because the first day of the week began at sundown Saturday evening. When the church met they were taught the word of God and they had holy communion.
8,9. The windows were open because there were many lamps and many people. I suppose it would get very hot and stuffy in that room if the windows were closed. Anyway, right in the middle of Paul's teaching this man falls asleep and falls out the window hitting the ground dead.
10. In other words, he was dead, but his life is back in him.
11. The man was raised from the dead and the Christians continued on with their service. They had communion and Paul preached until morning. What a hunger the people had for the word of God.
12. Paul left, but the message concerning Christ would stick with the people. The message was great by itself (as the word of God always is), but then it was confirmed by the raising of this man from the dead. Every time anyone saw that man they would be reminded that they had the truth. No wonder everyone was so happy. In this fallen world truth is a great thing to have.
13. Luke and the others sailed to Assos, but not Paul; he didn't sail he walked. He probably didn't want to miss any opportunity to do some street witnessing along the way.
It doesn't matter how you get out the word of God but get out the word of God some way. Every Christian is called to proclaim the word of God, or at the very least, help one who does proclaim it.
14-17. Paul wanted to be in Jerusalem for the Passover and he knew that stopping at Ephesus would put an end to that plan. It would take too long to say goodbye to all his friends in that place.
We can't have everything; sometimes we must prayerfully choose between good and bad, good and better; sometimes we must choose between better and best.
18-21. Paul was a servant of Jesus Christ, not of himself. He wasn't even primarily a servant of people. Consequently, he didn't withhold truth even if he, or his listeners felt uncomfortable with it.
Being a servant of Jesus means you will faithfully speak the truth even when it makes you, or those you care about uncomfortable.
22. Paul was being drawn by the Holy Spirit to the city of Jerusalem. Consequently he had to go or he would grieve the Holy Spirit and he wouldn't do that. Paul would go, not knowing what awaited him there, but chances are it would not be all good.
23. And there you have it; he didn't know what awaited him in Jerusalem, but on the other hand he did: trouble. God told him jail and suffering for the sake of Christ is what he was going to experience.
24. Paul's life was irrelevant as far as he was concerned. He wasn't worried about himself. If that sounds extreme, then that just proves how far we have slipped away from God's standard of self evaluation.
25. It's a sad thing when you're saying goodbye to someone for the final time, at least in this life. That is something we will probably all go through. It is something that Paul and the Ephesian elders are experiencing right here.
26. In other words, none of you can blame me if you end up in hell; I've preached the entire word of God the best I could, and I didn't hold anything back so I am clear of all blame for the souls of those I have spoken to.
27. No one can force others to accept the word of God, but no preacher has the right to deny people an opportunity to hear it either. Paul did his job; he gave out the whole truth.
Those who don't preach the Bible clearly but hold back in order to be liked share in the guilt of damned souls.
28. Paul tells these church leaders that God will hold them accountable for the people that they serve.
A Bible teacher must be very careful to give the people that he speaks to the complete Council of God found in the Bible.
It is better for a Bible teacher to have a empty church, or a church filled with people who are uncomfortable because they've heard the word of God, then to have God angry at him because he failed to give them the truth.
29. Satan is a roaring lion, and he has vicious wolves in the form of false teachers at his disposal. Their sole purpose is to destroy the souls of people; they do not spare the flock. The only thing that can combat the enemy is the pure word of God.
30. The only way God's people can recognize spiritual distortions is if they have a good understanding of truth. When Christians are not taught the Bible they are wide open to deception.
31. Paul wasn't just a truth dispenser; he taught the word of God because he cared about people.
32. The word of God is such a wonderful thing. It builds up our faith; it works in and through us, and it helps us to attain a spiritual inheritance that we will enjoy forever.
33. Paul was not a money hungry preacher. Ministry was not a career to him; it was a calling from God.
Anyone who looks at ministry as a career instead of a calling should quit and do something else because chances are they'll compromise the word of God in order to have a "successful career".
34. As a Bible teacher Paul had the biblical right to be supported by those he taught. But if people didn't support him and consequently he had to work a secular job then that's what he did. He'd rather work two jobs then appeared to be in the ministry for the money. He didn't want anyone to think that he was using Jesus to build a financial portfolio for himself.
35. Some believers lack spiritual joy because they have too much of a self focus. They are unhappy because they focus on themselves, and trying to attain their happiness.
True spiritual joy is a byproduct of working to make Jesus happy.
36. Whenever possible, kneeling is the best position for prayer.
37,38. This is an amazing scene. You have Paul, a former arrogant Pharisee, a former strict Jew who persecuted the church, and despised the heathen, weeping with a bunch of former heathens. Why? Because they won't see each other anymore. What a testimony this is to the power of Christ to transform a person's life and attitude. No one but Jesus can change people in such a dramatic way.
Chapter 21
1,2. Paul was sailing for the coast of Israel. Today it is the coast of Lebanon.
3,4. The Holy Spirit told these disciples what the apostle Paul was in for in Jerusalem. Consequently, they tell him not to go; they don't want him to walk into big trouble. Notice that God didn't tell Paul not to go; these Christians are telling him that.
5,6. Once again they kneel and pray.
Kneeling shows reverence. It's true that God is our father, but he is still God.
7,8. Remember Philip? He was one of the first seven deacons. He was the first to take the gospel to the Samaritans and he also preached Christ to and baptize the Ethiopian eunuch.
9. In the church women are called to do certain things and so are men. One thing women are not to do is to usurp the authority of men within a church. But clearly, God did not intend for them to sit on the sidelines and never engage in any form of ministry.
10,11. This is at least the third time that the Holy Spirit has warned Paul about trouble that awaits him in Jerusalem. But Paul will not be deterred. He will push on regardless of the consequences.
God's will is more important than our comfort. Doing what is right is more important than having what we want. Living for eternity is more important than living for today.
12-14. No one was able to deter Paul from doing what God wanted him to do. And, notice that Jesus did not have a gun stuck in Paul's back either. Paul was going because he was the Lord's servant. Self was irrelevant to him; Christ meant everything. If you think that's radical you have become too worldly in your thinking because it's not radical it's normal.
15. Shortly after verse 14 the apostle Paul and company packed their bags and headed for Jerusalem.
16-20. Thousands of Jews had become Christians. But there was a problem because they were still zealous for the Old Testament Jewish ceremonies, and they insisted that every Jewish Christian must keep those Old Testament laws and customs.
21. Paul's teaching had been misrepresented by these Jews. The apostle did teach that circumcision and the old ceremonial law did not have to be observed in order to be a Christian. But he never said that a Jew couldn't observe those things. Under grace Jewish Christians certainly can observe the rituals of the Mosaic law. However, they are not to do it in an attempt to earn their salvation.
22. In other words, there is bound to be a riot unless the people understand what you really believe and teach.
23-26. According to the law that God gave Moses costly sacrifices were required at the end of a vow. Paul has been falsely accused of teaching that the Jews were to abandon the law. Well here he proves that he doesn't believe that. He pays for the sacrifices of these for Jews who had taken a vow; Paul flipped the religious bill for them.
Sometimes God asks us to sacrifice for him; to give up some of our Christian liberty in order to help the cause of Christ.
27. There seems to be one problem after another for the apostle Paul. This time it was some Jews from Asia who had been a thorn in his flesh while he was there preaching Christ, and now they show up in Jerusalem causing more problems.
28,29. These Jews saw Paul, and his Gentile friend in Jerusalem and they jump to the conclusion that Paul brought him into the holy temple; which would've been wrong according to Old Testament law. But it was their accusation that was wrong.
Christians should be careful about making assumptions; just because someone might have done something doesn't mean they did.
30. They did not check to see if the accusations were true. Instead they got fired up after hearing the rhetoric and they acted without investigating the facts. They drag Paul out of the temple.
God's word is very clear on this one: if someone is accused investigate the accusation carefully before you acquit or condemn.
31,32. Another day another beating. The apostle taught that no one can possibly be saved by trying to keep the commandments and the Jews tried to kill him for saying that. If the Roman soldiers had not stepped in they would have killed him.
33. The Roman commander did not know Paul. He thought the apostle was a troublemaker so he had him arrested.
34-36. The Roman commander tried to get some information about Paul from the crowd, but they were so wild that the only message he got was: we want him dead. Consequently, the soldiers had to literally carry Paul back to the barracks for questioning.
37-40. Paul is about to speak to the rioters in their language which is Hebrew. The commander didn't know what he had done to upset the Jews and he won't know what Paul is going to say to them either because the commander doesn't speak Hebrew.
Chapter 22
1. There's nothing wrong with a Christian defending themselves, especially if our character is called into question so that's what Paul is going to do.
Paul asked them to hear. Right now they couldn't hear anything because they're too loud and wild.
People have to calm down and slow down before they can hear and understand truth.
2,3. Paul is saying: I know where you people are coming from, and he did. He knew the mind of these zealous Christian-persecuting Jews because he had been one.
4. Before he was the apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus hated Christians as much as any Jew possibly could.
5. These Jews wouldn't have to take Paul's word for it; it was common knowledge that he wanted Christians dead and the memory of Jesus wiped out and he was willing to go to extremes to make that happen.
6. And that light was Jesus.
7. Saul was probably thinking I'm not persecuting an invisible being; I'm not persecuting a bright light, the only ones I'm persecuting are Christians.
8. When Christians are persecuted it is a direct attack on the Lord Jesus Christ. When Paul did it it was an attack on Jesus. When Muslims behead Christians today they are swinging their axes at Jesus and it is a very foolish thing to swing a sharp ax at the creator..
9. The others didn't hear the voice of Jesus because the message was for Saul alone; he was spearheading the persecution against Christ and so Jesus wanted to talk to him personally.
10. I don't think Paul ever knowingly rebelled against the truth. He persecuted Christians because he thought it was the correct thing to do but when he discovered that Jesus was the Lord he immediately submitted to Christ and asked what you want me to do Lord?.
11. Paul needed help to get to Damascus which is where Jesus told him to go; he needed help because Christ blinded him.
12,13. By order of Jesus Christ Ananias miraculously restored Saul's sight which must have been a major relief because he had no guarantee he would ever see again or for that matter live.
14. In other words, the God of the Old Testament, the God and father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is on the same side as the Lord Jesus Christ who appeared to you.
15. Jesus did not ask Saul what, if anything, he wanted to do for him. Saul didn't volunteer for anything; Jesus said this is what you're going to do; you're going to talk about me; you're going to tell the whole world, everyone you see, what you have experienced with the son of God.
16. This is what Saul was looking for: forgiveness. He knew he was in trouble with God. He knew he had been fighting against the Lord but now with his sight restored and his sins washed away he was ready to go forward for Jesus and he would never forget the mercy that he experienced.
17,18. Jesus appeared to Saul again and told him to leave Jerusalem because people would not believe he was truly a Christian nor would the Jews believe his message about Christ. Being the great Jewish zealot and the highly educated Saul of Tarsus wouldn't carry any weight with the Jews who rejected the holy Scripture and Jesus Christ.
19. In other words, Lord I think you've got it wrong. I think the jews are impressed by my extreme turnaround.
20. I think the Jews will believe my conversion was real and I think they will also believe that Jesus is real after all I used to kill Christians because of their faith.
A miraculous turnaround by Saul will strengthen the faith of Christians but it will not impress the unsaved if the unsaved are not willing to accept the testimony of Scripture concerning Jesus Christ.
21. Paul didn't decide where he was going to minister. Perhaps he felt that he could be effective among the Jews that he had so much in common with, but no matter what he felt he was going to the Gentiles, to the heathen.
22. The Jews who Paul was speaking to hear listened patiently until he said that Jesus Christ sent him to the Gentiles and then they screamed for his death. Those miserable, arrogant, self-righteous Jews were appalled at the very thought that God might offer salvation to the heathen. What they didn't understand is that they were just his sinful only in a different way.
People shouldn't bother thinking that they are better than others because were all depraved sinners in the eyes of God.
23. They really want berserk, they are really putting on a show of disgust over Paul's declaration that God wants Gentiles to be saved. If there was dust in heaven I think Almighty God would throw it into the air after witnessing their self-righteous attitude.
24. So the Roman commander decided he was going to try to beat the truth out of Saul. Rip his back to shreds and maybe he'll speak the truth, which assumes that he was telling a lie, which he wasn't so a beating isn't going to change anything.
25. Paul wisely plays the Roman citizenship card here. He's actually doing that Roman commander a huge favor by declaring he is a Roman citizen before he orders Paul to be whipped. Anyone who whipped a Roman citizen before they were given due process of the law could be executed.
26. You whip that man and you are sentencing both of us to death.
27. Commander should of asked this question earlier.
28. Paul was one up on this commander because he was born a Roman citizen.
29. That commander knows that he just dodged a bullet. He came ever so close to ordering the beating of a Roman citizen who had not been tried in a court and found guilty. And actually the commander is still sweating it because although he had not beaten Paul yet he had him bound and that was wrong also.
30. That Commander wants to get to the bottom of this strife between the Jews and Paul so he calls them together and he will listen to both sides of the story. That's the way to do it; the Bible says that one man's explanation seems to make sense until his opponent gives his side of the story.
Always listen to both sides of the story before taking sides; that's the biblical thing to do.
Chapter 23
1. And I really believe Paul did live with a clear conscience even when he was doing wrong because, for example when he was persecuting the church he did it with a clear conscience because he thought it was the correct thing to do; he thought he was serving the Lord.
Our conscience is great but it has to be sharpened by the written word of God so that we feel guilt when we should, and feel peace when we should.
2. High priest didn't like it when Paul said he had a clear conscience because he didn't believe that Paul should have that clear conscience. Paul's conscience isn't the business of the high priest it is between him and God.
3. Paul's absolutely right: the conscience of the high priest ought to be bothering him because he broke God's law when he ordered Paul to be slapped before he was even found guilty. The high priest presumes to know that Paul's conscience should be bothering him, meanwhile he overlooks the fact that his own conscience should be bothering him.
Beware of those who would judge your soul when they are not able or willing to first judge their own.
4. I suppose it was wrong for Paul to call the high priest a name but again he did it in ignorance as we will see.
5. Paul governed his life by the word of God as he knew it, his conscience was clear even after calling the high priest a whitewashed wall because he didn't know that he was the high priest.
Paul lived up to the light that he had, but he grew in knowledge of the truth because he was always in the word of God.
Live up to the light that you have but keep reading the Bible so that your light increases.
6. The apostle knew that his audience was split between two religious sects the Pharisees and the Sadducees so he did a smart thing by announcing that he was a Pharisee and that he believed in the resurrection of the dead. He's attempting to divide and conquer his opponents because he knows the Pharisees will be sympathetic to the fact that he believes in the resurrection of the dead which the Sadducees do not believe in.
7. He accomplished his goal. Like Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand.
8. Up until Paul brought up the doctrine of the resurrection these two sects were united in their opposition of the apostle. But once theology became an issue they divided. The Pharisees beliefs were correct and the Sadducees beliefs were incorrect and the only way they could get along was to ignore doctrine.
The big problem with the "Christian ecumenical movement" of today is that they ignore biblical truth in order to get along.
Never ignore what the Bible teaches in order to get along with anyone; that's too high a price to pay for peace.
9. The Pharisees seem to like Paul a little bit now that he has mentioned he's one of them and he believes in the resurrection. And in their defense of Paul they take a shot at the Sadducees saying: perhaps Paul got his information from an Angel or spirit, which would offend the them because they didn't believe in either of those.
10. The Roman commander could see a tug-of-war brewing between the Sadducees and the Pharisees with Paul being the rope so he got him out of there.
11. Some Christians today, especially those who teach a pre-tribulation rapture of the church, say that the Bible teaches the imminent return of Christ.
The Bible does not teach the imminent return of Christ; Paul certainly didn't believe in that doctrine; Jesus told him he would preach Christ in Rome after surviving his stay in Jerusalem. Paul knew that Christ wasn't going to return at any moment because it would take a long time for him to travel to Rome and preach Jesus there.
12. The Jews hated Paul the Christian as much as he hated the Christians before he became one of them. The Jews had determined to kill Paul or die trying.
13-15. Notice how twisted their ungodly minds were. They justified lying, they justified murder in their self-righteous attempt to punish one they wrongly accuse of being a blasphemer. Their arrogance allows them to break the law of God in a twisted, biased attempt to defend the law of God.
16-21. God in his providence made sure the right people discovered this ungodly plot so that Paul could be warned.
God sometimes delivers his people through miracles, but more often he does it through his providence whereby he arranges circumstances in a manner where his people are protected.
22. Sometimes God's plan for his people calls for covert activity. In other words, don't talk too much; measure your words carefully; think before you speak because words spoken in the hearing of the wrong people can interrupt God's plan.
23,24. The Romans will have 470 well armed soldiers with Paul protecting him from those 40 Jews who swore not to eat until they ambushed and killed him; I guess the going to be hungry for a while.
25. The commander writes a letter to the governor to be sent along with Paul the prisoner.
26. And here we learn that the commander's name was Claudius Lysias.
27. This commander isn't being 100% truthful here. He says: I saved Paul from the Jews because I knew he was a Roman. He did not know Paul was a Roman; that's not why he saved him; he saved him in order to avoid a riot.
Taking credit for something we did not do may be stealing, and it is certainly deception.
28. Notice that the commander didn't mention how he nearly whipped Paul the Roman or that he had him in chains. Like sinners often do he left out the parts where he was wrong so that it seemed like he did everything right.
29. He says: the Jews hated Paul and it had something to do with their religion. He knew that they hated Paul because he taught the resurrection, but he doesn't mention it.
Often people, even successful people who you would think should know better ignore great eternal doctrines as if they were not worth mentioning.
30. When he learned of the planned ambush he sent Paul, and his Jewish accusers to the Governor.
31. They traveled 42 miles at night to reach their first stop on the way to the Governor.
32. 400 of the 470 soldiers turned around and went back to Jerusalem, leaving the remaining 72 to escort Paul on the last part of his trip to Caesarea and the Governor.
33-35. Jesus told his apostles that they would speak to rulers on his behalf; that's what Paul has been doing and what he will continue to do. It probably didn't happen the way Paul thought it would, but it is happening.
Often we believe God will do something and he does, but he doesn't do it the way we imagined he would.
Chapter 24
1. Five days after arriving by the governor Paul's accusers show up and they bring a slick talking lawyer with them.
2. Of course this has nothing to do with the case and he they said wasn't true either. Felix was wicked, and cruel to the Jews not peace loving and good. This is pure flattery which is just a fancy form of lying.
3. In other words, you know governor we Jews just love you; we talk about how great you are all the time. And this lawyer is a miserable wretched liar and everyone in that room knows it.
4. He says, I could say many more wonderful things about you governor because you're such a great guy but I know you're busy man so I'll restrain myself.
Have you ever been in a business meeting or something similar when some there flattered the boss? This pretty much what this is, and that's why it must have made Paul sick to listen to this.
5. Troublemaker, stirring up riots, ringleader, sect; all those words are inflamed rhetoric designed to stir the Gov.'s emotions against Paul. This lawyer started out so friendly but he got ugly fast. Like a chairman of a political party he uses inflamed rhetoric, but he isn't really interested in truth.
6. They saw Paul in Jerusalem with a Gentile, and from that they assumed that he brought him into the temple area thus profaning it. But there were no witnesses because he didn't do it. The Jews assumed he did it, they thought maybe he did it, so they said that he did.
7. He says: we Jews were going to try Paul ourselves, but that Roman commander stepped in and sent us to you governor. And because of that you have be bothered with this case and it's just not right because you're too important. And if this lawyer would've swallowed a truth pill he would've added: we were going to Lynch the Roman citizen Paul not because we have evidence against him; we simply hate his guts because he's a Christian.
8,9. But none of these charges were true. Of course (as was the case with these Jews) when one is not concerned about pleasing God truth doesn't matter; all that matters is results. Temporary, useless, wicked, damn my soul to hell results.
10. Paul held his peace through all their false accusations. He didn't speak until he was given permission by the governor.
Every Christian should have good manners; anything less dishonors Christ.
11. Paul had witnesses who could verify his words if the governor is interested in truth and justice.
12. It is true that the apostle had been in the temple, but he wasn't stirring up rebellion, or starting arguments. He was minding his own business worshiping God.
13. Paul says: they can't prove anything that they said against me. All his accusers had were their accusations; they had no witnesses, and no evidence. No one should accuse anyone of wrongdoing unless they have witnesses or clear evidence.
Witnesses and evidence would eliminate all gossip, which by the way is sin.
14. Paul defended himself from false accusations. But he freely admitted what he believed and what he stood for. He wasn't ashamed of the cross, and he was willing to suffer for his beliefs if need be.
15. There is no reincarnation for the wicked or for the righteous for that matter. Reincarnation doesn't happen; resurrection happens.
The righteous and the wicked will both be raised from the dead just as Jesus said: those who have done good will rise to life, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.
16. The resurrection and the judgment work to inspire godliness, holiness, and among Bible teachers like Paul: the teaching of truth, no matter what the cost may be.
Holiness, and speaking sound doctrine may come with a cost today, but not nearly the cost of wickedness and false teaching on judgment day.
17. Paul didn't come to Jerusalem to start trouble as his accusers are saying; he came to help those who needed help.
Being kind can be a thankless job in this life, which is why we have to be doing it for God's glory.
18. Paul also says that he didn't profane the temple. He was there focusing on God appropriately, not stirring up trouble.
The more people focus on God the less likely they are to stir up trouble, or get into trouble. And you can bet that people who get into trouble or stir it up have lost their God focus if they ever had it.
19. The Jews who accused Paul of wrongdoing and stirred up a mob against him based on nothing but conjecture should of been at that hearing with evidence if they want to see him convicted. They are not at that hearing because they have no evidence and they know it.
20. Paul challenges these Jews to tell the governor what crimes he had been found guilty of in the previous hearing in front of the Roman commander back in Jerusalem. They are silent because he was not found guilty of anything. This entire ordeal was one corruption of justice after another. Paul is sharing in the sufferings of Christ by being unjustly accused.
Any unfair treatment we experience for doing what is right in the eyes of Jesus is sharing in the sufferings of Christ.
21. The theological liberals accused Paul of being evil because he proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of his followers. His opponents didn't take every Scripture at face value; I suppose many of those Scriptures made them uncomfortable so they accused those who taught the entire Bible as being evil.
22. The Governor is playing a game of politics and Paul is the ball. The witnesses to Pauls alleged crime did not come to the hearing. The Jewish leaders who were there did not have any real evidence against him. If the Governor had been interested in justice he would have declared Paul not guilty, but instead he did not issue any verdict at all so as to not upset the Jews.
23. The governor clearly trusted Paul; he gave him some freedom. Paul was a man of integrity, and honest man.
People may not want to repent and follow Jesus but many of them take note of, and appreciate the character of those who do, and that glorifies Jesus.
24. Paul was not as concerned about defending himself before the governor as he was sharing Christ with him so that he might be saved.
It is important to see opportunities in our problems. Opportunities to do things for Jesus that wouldn't otherwise be there. Seeing opportunities in our trials is the biblical way to survive hard times but we won't see them and we won't take advantage of them unless we are filled with the spirit of God.
25. The reason God's word frightened Felix is because he wasn't right with the Lord, and he wasn't willing to repent and receive forgiveness through Christ.
The law of God and the judgment to come should make people afraid; it should make them afraid enough to cry out for mercy through the Savior Jesus Christ.
25. Felix did a very dangerous thing here. He felt guilty, but he didn't repent; instead he put it off; I'll just play with my sin a little while longer and maybe repent a little bit later.
The problem with that attitude is that for many people later never comes; it never comes because the more they say no to the word of God the easier it is for Satan to deceive them even more until in the end the reject truth altogether and end up burning in hell forever.
26. Felix spent time with Paul hoping that he would offer him a bribe. Of course Paul wouldn't do that; he wouldn't encourage evil things by being a party to them even when he could get some short-term benefit from them.
Temporary success, temporary happiness is not worth the price of our immortal souls; it's not worth hell.
27. If we are temptd to feel sorry for ourselves because of unfair treatment we would do well to recall Paul's long ordeal here. We would also do well to notice that he didn't get angry at God or complain because of the injustice that he suffered.
Chapter 25
1. Festus takes over for Felix as the new governor and he takes a trip to Jerusalem.
2,3. With Festus as the new governor the Jews saw an opportunity to set up another ambush against Paul. They have to get Festus to move Paul across country but he wasn't cooperating instead the governor said I'm going to Paul.
4,5. In other words, you Jews who are accusing Paul send someone with authority along with me for the trial and will have it at Caesarea, which is where Paul had been confined for two years.
6. Paul's trial begins and it's all about nothing; he shouldn't even be there.
7. God never promised any Christian including Paul a fair deal in this world. But he did promise to use the bad things to work together for our spiritual good and to fulfill his purpose. Believe it or not God was using this bad situation to bring about good and we will see that good before too long.
8,9. The Roman: Festus, has just arrived to govern the Jews. I suppose it would be politically smart to get on their good side and that's what he's trying to do unfortunately he's doing it at Paul's expense. He suggests that Paul should be transferred back to Jerusalem because he knows that it's what the Jews want.
10. Paul was getting tired of being a stooge for these Roman governors who were using him to score points with the Jewish leaders. The governors babied the Jews because they were intimidated by them.
11. Paul wanted a verdict; one way or another he wanted justice. There's no way in the world that he would go back to Jerusalem. He knows that that would be walking right into the hands of the Jewish vigilantes.
12. As a citizen of Rome Paul could appeal to Caesar if he felt that he was being treated unfairly. Unfairly is an understatement. Their treatment of Paul was nothing less than shameful. And now they were talking about moving him back to Jerusalem for trial. Consequently, he appeals to Caesar and as a result Paul is going to Rome.
13-16. Rome had a pretty good system of justice, but like ours it sometimes failed because of the sinners who operated it.
17. Some Roman governors would avoid any case involving the Jews because it always seemed to be trouble, but Festus want the King to know that he did not avoid the Paul issue. Festus did his job even though it was unpleasant.
The best thing to do when facing an unpleasant job is to get at it as soon as possible; the worst thing to do is put it off.
18. In other words, the governor thought the Jews were going to accuse Paul of breaking a Roman law, but instead it was about one of their religious laws.
19. You can tell that Festus had no interest in spiritual things. He didn't believe that Jesus was alive, and he must think that Paul is a lunatic for saying that he is.
20,21. He says the only reason Paul is still here is because I'm still making arrangements to send him to Rome. Paul was waiting to be sent to Rome just as he had waited for two years to be released from jail.
Times of waiting and likewise times of being ignored are still under the control of God, and that's important to remember.
22,23. Many important people came to see the King and his sister and to watch the court proceedings with Paul. This was a fancy get together and a big show of power for King Agrippa.
24. Festus has only been in charge for a few days but he already knows that the Jews want Paul dead. The thing is they haven't convinced Festus that he deserves to die.
25. Gov. Festus is defending his decision to send Paul to Caesar rather than turn him over to the Jews. He says: Paul requested it, and as a Roman citizen he has the right.
26. Festus will ship Paul off to Caesar but he doesn't know how to explain the case to the Emperor. He's hoping that Agrippa will be able to help him in that area.
27. In other words, how can I send Paul to Caesar to be tried when I really haven't heard any charges against the man that would be of any interest to Rome? It's probably not a good idea to waste the Emperor's time so is looking for help.
Chapter 26
1-3. Paul was glad to tell his story to the King. Agrippa understood Roman-Jewish relations unlike Festus who did not. He hopes to get a fair decision from King Agrippa.
4. Paul says I was trained to be a good Hebrew from the day I was born and all the Hebrews know that. In other words, he's saying that he's not a hater of the old Jewish religion as his accusers alleged.
5. That is, if my Jewish persecutors were honest and would admit the truth they would testify that I was always a very strict Jew myself. When it comes to Jewish laws and customs I didn't budge one bit.
Implication: it would take something big to change me don't you think? Another implication: an encounter and a relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ would be big enough to change me dramatically,and it did.
6. Paul was on trial because he was preaching that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah.
He recognized that those prophecies were fulfilled in Christ, but the Jews wanted to keep things as they always had been. They didn't want to keep up with God. They wanted their comfortable religion to stay the way it was.
7,8. He says: my message is that the fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah is here. He says: I can prove it from Scripture and whenever he preached he did prove it from Scripture.
Paul doesn't understand why what he is saying about Christ is such a bad thing to the Jews because it's all according to the Bible.
There is nothing in the correct teaching of Christianity that should upset anyone unless one gets upset because God commands that they repent of their sin. I suppose some could see repentance as being a negative thing even though it isn't, but certainly forgiveness, eternal life and not going to hell are wonderful things that God gives us through Christ.
9,10. Paul could identify with the strict Jews who were persecuting him because he used to be one of them. Paul used to be obsessed with hurting Christians; now he's obsessed with turning people to Christ who he knows is the only Savior.
11. Paul used to torture Christians to try to get them to curse Christ. He tried, but true faith holds up when facing torture or death for Christ. The Bible says those who endure to the end shall be saved.
12-14. In other words, Jesus told Paul that he was acting like a stubborn animal. Back in those days an animal would often kick when it was first connected to a plow. Consequently the farmer would put a pointed stick next to its Leg and when he kicked he was poked and it hurt so eventually he learned that he needed to submit and stopped is kicking. By persecuting Christians Paul was hurting Christ but he must have been filled with guilt and so he was also hurting himself.
Those who reject Christ are in many ways and primarily hurting themselves.
15,16. When Jesus confronted Paul he asked: who are you Lord? And Jesus told him who he was and he also told him what he wanted him to do. Jesus said tell people what has happened to you here and who I am, and he also said I'm going to show you more things later and you'll have to tell people about those things also.
17. Jesus promised to protect Paul. That doesn't mean that the apostle won't have to suffer; it means he will finish God's plan for him.
God's protection doesn't necessarily mean we won't suffer; it means we will complete what God calls us to do.
18. Satan rules over everyone who hasn't received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; he rules over them whether they know what or not. Someone says: I have not repented and received Christ and I don't believe that I'm under the rule of Satan. Yeah and the reason you don't believe is because of what Jesus said: your spiritually blind; your spiritually dull.
19,20. Paul's message: stop doing bad things, and make Jesus the most important thing in your life. That's repentance. And of course talk is cheap; anyone can say that they have repented; the proof is and how they behave, spend their time, and their money.
21. Paul was arrested on false charges which he doesn't even mention here. Instead he declares the real reason that the Jews hate him and Christianity, and it's because Christ loves the Gentiles and wants them to be saved from hell.
A person has way too much Hate in them if they want to see anyone burn in hell and it doesn't matter who they are.
22-24. Do you get the feeling that Paul didn't make a good impression on Festus. The Governor thinks Paul is suffering for a dead man's religion, and is therefore insane.
It's good that God doesn't ask us to impress the world or we who teach the word of God would be miserable failures in his eyes. The truth doesn't impress most unsaved people just like it didn't impress Festus.
25-27. Events in the life of Christ and in his death were not a secret. Agrippa knew the facts about Jesus so ignorance wasn't his problem. His problem was that he never repented and submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And that lack of personal application is enough to damn him and anyone else follows suite to hell.
Many people know the facts about Jesus but never apply them by receiving Christ and so they go to hell as if they were ignorant.
28,29. Paul was their prisoner but he didn't hate them. In fact he wanted them to have eternal life through Jesus Christ just as he did.
Years of unfair treatment aren't enough to make one who loves Jesus bitter toward those who mistreat them.
30-32. Someone says: Paul sure made a mistake by appealing to Caesar because Agrippa told the Governor that Paul probably would've been released if he had not made that appeal. Did he make a mistake? Maybe, but God can turn mistakes into opportunities.
Do not worry about past mistakes; put Jesus first today and he will turn past mistakes into today's opportunities.
Chapter 27
1. Some of the other prisoners who traveled with Paul were destined to become gladiators and after that food for the Lions. I said that to say this: they're very fortunate that Paul is there on their final journey because you can bet that he's going to tell them about Jesus and they'll have a chance to avoid hell after they die.
2-4. They sailed south of the island of Cyprus to avoid the north wind which blew that time of the year.
5,6. They transferred Paul to a ship which came from northern Africa and was headed for Italy.
7-9. They wanted to make it to Rome before the stormy weather hit in late fall but thus far the trip had taken longer than they expected. It's almost winter so there really cutting it close because people didn't sail late in the year; it was just too dangerous.
10,11. And I've never had a problem with the centurion listening to the captain rather than Paul concerning the operation of the ship. If Paul had said: thus saith the Lord, if you don't listen to me we' re headed for big trouble; that would be a different story. But normally if I'm on a ship I want the captain to be making the decisions not a tent maker/preacher.
12,13. In other words, the crew crossed their fingers, and set sail; sailing this late was a real gamble.
Unfortunately many gamble with regards to their immortal soul which is even more dangerous; they cross their fingers and hope for the best.
14. And now their worst nightmare has come to pass. A powerful northeast wind is blowing down from Europe.
15-20. They used all the experience they had; they used all the strength they had; they did everything humanly possible, but they knew it was not enough. They admitted: it's over, it's all over, we' re finished. The captain and the sailors are backed into a corner with no place to go.
That's a bad place to be in if you're a sailor but it's a good place to be spiritually if you're a lost sinner. It's good to recognize that you are washed up spiritually speaking. God gave his holy law so that when we hear it we feel condemned and if we're honest we say: I'm dead, I'm in big trouble, I need a Savior, and I need God's mercy through Jesus Christ.
21. Looks like Paul couldn't resist saying: I told you so.
22-26. Everyone was weak, tired, and afraid, everyone except Paul. The sailors were all certain that they would die, meanwhile Paul was certain he wouldn't. The apostle knew he would make it to Rome because God said that he would. Paul trusted completely in the word of God and that's what gave him peace.
27-31. If the sailors follow their instincts and jump ship they will die. They must obey God and hang in there with the boat. Proverbs 14:12 says: there is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof are the ways of death. We must always stay within the boundaries of God's word, and not quit even when our instincts tell us to bail.
Faith is obeying the word of God even when you're afraid; faith is believing and living the Bible and trusting God with the outcome.
32. They decided to obey and ride out the storm.
33,34. In other words, the principle is this: believe the word but also use common sense. Paul says: you not going to die but eat something because you haven't eaten for many days. They need physical strength to survive as God promised, but God's not going to automatically fill them with the strength that they need; they must obtain it the natural, normal way which is by eating.
It is wrong to trust God and do nothing when you can trust God and do something.
35. Paul honored God by thanking him for the food in front of all the sailors and soldiers.
36-38. They had already thrown their cargo overboard and now they throw their extra food.
It is amazing how the things people work so hard for and prize so highly become meaningless when they are fighting for their life.
39-44. God didn't say how he would get these men to land safely and I suppose if he would have showed them his plan in advance they would not have liked it. Nevertheless he got them there and that's important thing.
God keeps his promises, but often how he gets us from point A to point B is not the way we would choose.
Chapter 28.
1,2. These barbarians showed common courtesy to Paul whereas the Jews who were supposed to be civilized were full of self, toward him full of hatred because he said Jesus wanted the barbarians to go to heaven.
Some of the most barbaric sinners to God are the so-called civilized people of the world.
3. Add one more trial to Paul's resume.
Several years ago an evangelical pastor was complaining to me because he had been out of Bible college and seminary for seven or eight years and he wasn't making the kind of money that he thought he should be. I don't know what he expected; I guess he expected his ministry to be a career rather than a calling, but the fact is that church paid him a nice salary. What a dope! He should've read the book of acts and saw what Paul endured for Jesus.
4. The natives worshiped an Idol called "justice" and they mistakenly think the god: justice is punishing Paul for the sin of murder with this snakebite.
It is wrong to assume that bad things only happen to bad people, and good things only happen to good people.
5,6. God told Paul he would make it to Rome so it didn't matter how poisonous that snake's venom was it wasn't going to kill him and he knows it.
When God makes an unconditional promise nothing in this world can stop it from coming to pass.
7,8. God healed this leader' s father through Paul. It was God's way of showing that he cares for all people, even those who do not know him, even those who are on some remote island somewhere.
9. The news of the healing spread quickly and so many sick people came to Paul and were healed. This proves that God doesn't just care about "important" people like the ruler, but also cares for the common person who many might overlook.
10. The people were grateful and as a result very generous. They were showing appreciation for what Jesus did for them on that island. That, by the way, is faith; real saving faith. Faith shows its appreciation to Jesus by good deeds.
11. These twin gods are better known as Gemini. People believed that these twin gods protected sailors.
Pagans have gods for everything because they don't believe that any one of their gods are big enough to handle everything by themselves.
12,13. This time the sailing was much easier. The wind was blowing in the right direction and as a result they made good time. They arrived at a place called Puteoli which was a port of Rome.
14. Paul found some Christians in that place which was a long way from Israel. you say: how did the message of Christ reach such a faraway place? Well it turns out that some of the Jews who were in Jerusalem on Pentecost and were saved on that day were from this area. They returned home and spread the message of Christ.
15. Paul had never met these Christians before but their kindness was an encouragement to him.
Christians have a real bond with other Christians even if they have never met before. That bond is the Holy Spirit, and that bond that you feel with other Christians who love Jesus is proof that the Holy Spirit is in you.
16. Paul was under house arrest. He was not in prison, but he was guarded.
God allowed Paul to be guarded by Roman soldiers so that those guards could hear about Christ and many of them received Jesus as a result.
17-20. In Rome Paul calls for a meeting of the Jewish rulers in order to present his case to them. Notice that he didn't dwell on the unfair treatment he had been experiencing. Instead he talked about one thing: Jesus. He wanted these Jewish rulers to hear about Jesus. He knows that's why God has brought him to Rome.
If we can't think of any other reason for being in a situation that we find ourselves in I can tell you that one reason for sure is to pray for those among us, and show them the holiness and kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
21-24. Paul taught that all the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in Christ. The Passover lamb was a picture of the Lamb of God; the bronze serpent that the Israelites looked at in the wilderness and were healed pointed to the work of Christ on the cross. The peace offering in the old sacrificial system pictured the peace that Christ provides between sinners and God. The fellowship offering pictures the Fellowship that we can now have with Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The trespass offering pictures our forgiveness when we confess, and on and on we could go for hours which Paul probably did.
25-27. It's the same old story; these Jews in Rome react to Christ like many others. Some believed, most did not. And this situation was very dangerous because their hearts had grown hard from rejecting truth and now they're at the point where they can't even see truth.
28-31. In this book of acts ends with Paul remaining obedient to the Lord's command to boldly proclaim Jesus Christ.
Actually the book of acts continues to this day, though it is not written down. This book continues because the church continues. The acts of the church of Jesus Christ will not conclude until Jesus returns and each one of us who know Jesus are included somewhere in the story either in a positive or negative way.
1. The four Gospels only record the things that Jesus began to do. In the book of acts we will see Jesus continue his work through the Holy Spirit, through his word, through Christians.
2. Jesus gave instructions to the apostles, and the New Testament contains those instructions.
By the Holy Spirit, and through the writings of the apostles in the New Testament, Jesus instructs us today.
3. 11 appearances of Christ after he was raised from the dead are recorded in Scripture, and that's probably just a small sample of the many times he appeared.
4. Jesus didn't want his apostles to preach the word of God until after they received the Holy Spirit. That's because if we try doing something for Jesus in our own power we will not succeed.
In order to accomplish anything for Jesus we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that he can work, and speak through us. Jesus says: apart from me you can do nothing.
5. When John the Baptist baptized people they were immersed in water, when Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to his people they will be immersed in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will cover them, the Holy Spirit will saturate them, the Holy Spirit will control them.
6. In other words, are you going to set up your throne in Jerusalem and rule the whole world like the Bible teaches the Messiah will do? Are you going to do it now Jesus?
7. God doesn't like us to ask "when". God's business is to determine when something will happen. Our business is to focus on living for him, and trust that he will do the right thing at the right time.
8. In other words, don't try to figure out when Jesus will return. Some Christians spend way too much time trying to calculate when Christ is going to return; that takes too much energy away from where their focus should be. Our focus should be on living holy lives, and spreading the word of God before he does return, or we die, whichever comes first.
9. The cloud that Jesus disappeared into is likely the same cloud which portrayed the presence of God throughout the Bible. I don't think Jesus traveled too far in this material universe as he ascended. When he hit that cloud I think he was transferred to the spiritual realm and immediately reached heaven.
10. Two men suddenly appearing in white apparel is a dead giveaway to anyone who knows the Bible; they're Angels.
By the way, these Angels are not named, and if you recall Angels are seldom named in Scripture and that's because their identity isn't important. Their service to God is important, they aren't here to make a name for themselves, but to do the will of God. These Angels will talk about Jesus not themselves.
11. The Angels tell us that Jesus will return the same way he left. He left visibly, and physically and he will return visibly and physically. He disappeared into the clouds when he left, and the Bible teaches that he will return in the clouds when he comes back.
12. A Sabbath days journey was about a half a mile. In Old Testament days if you walked further than that on the Sabbath the religious leaders would accuse you of sin. They actually had all sorts of man-made Sabbath regulations like that which made life miserable for God's people.
13. This is probably the same room where Jesus and his men ate the Last Supper, and where Jesus appeared to them for two Sundays in a row after the resurrection. This is where all the disciples stayed after our Lords ascension.
14. Our Lords brothers had been unbelievers until the resurrection. But when they saw Christ after he was raised that was it; from that point on they became faithful followers of Jesus. Consequently, his brothers, along with his mother, the other ladies who had followed Christ, and all of his disciples stayed in that room having a 10 day prayer meeting.
15. Jesus told Peter to take care of his sheep, and that's what he's doing here as he presides over some church business.
Remember that Peter had denied Christ, but he repented, and God restored him. God demands holiness, but if we fail he will still bless and use us if we repent.
16. Peter reminds everyone that the Scripture predicted Judas would betray Jesus. Judas acted of his own free will, and he is accountable for his sin, and yet the Scripture had to be fulfilled concerning the betrayal.
God's sovereignty doesn't eliminate our free choice, and doesn't eliminate our accountability for the choices that we make.
17. Judas had a real part in ministry. Judas preached, baptized, did miracles, and also worked as the treasurer. Which just goes to show that character, not religious works is the proof that one belongs to Christ.
Good works can be counterfeited, but true holy character cannot.
18. Peter gives us all the gory details concerning Judas. After the branch, or rope that he hung himself on broke, his rotting body smashed against a rock and broke open. A hideous end for a hideous sinner which is why I believe God described it so graphically.
Not every sinner who betrays the Lord, or turns their back on him, has a gross, and disgusting physical death like Judas. But their soul falls into hell, bursts open and rots even while they continue to live in the Lake of fire
19. And everyone knew the gruesome end of Judas Iscariot. The wages of his sin was a hideous death, a terrible reputation, and if he didn't ask for forgiveness, an eternity in hell.
20. Judas was replaced. Peter, James, John, and the rest of the apostles were not replaced, but Judas was.
If someone chooses to live in rebellion they will be replaced by God. God's plan will go forward, and we can enjoy being a part it, but we disqualify ourselves through unconfessed sin, and God gives our blessings to one who is more worthy.
21,22. There are no apostles of the Lord today because no one today meets the qualifications. An apostle had to be an eyewitness of the things that Jesus did, said, and of his resurrection.
23. They chose two men who met the qualifications of an apostle. It must have seemed like a tie so they decided to let the Lord make the decision. Jesus should make the decision because the very definition of an apostle is one who is sent by him. Jesus chose the original 12 and he should choose a replacement for Judas as well.
24. Judas had looked good on the outside so no one would have thought that he was capable of betraying Christ, but inside he was full of spiritual rot. Consequently, they want God to choose the one that he knows will do the best job.
The Bible says: judge not according to appearance, but make a righteous judgment. In other words discern a person's character and spiritual life not by how they look, or what they say, but by how they behave, especially when under pressure.
25. They didn't presume to know that Judas went to hell for a fact, but he like everyone else did go to his own place. Every single soul who ever lives is up in heaven or down in hell, and they choose which place it will be.
Christ rejecting, unsaved, sinners go to the place they deserve which is hell. Those who repent and ask Christ to be their Lord and Savior do not go to the place they deserve, which is also hell, but are shown mercy through Christ and by that mercy go to heaven.
26. The apostles had not yet received the Holy Spirit which is why they're still functioning under the Old Testament guidelines for discerning God's will. Proverbs 16:33 says that the lot is cast into the lap, that it's every decision is from the Lord. So in Old Testament days people would cast lots, (sort of like flipping a coin) to determine the will of God because God said he would direct using that method.
Chapter 2
1. All the disciples are together in that upper room in Jerusalem.
2. I've been in a basement 50 feet away from rushing mighty wind in the form of a tornado and I will never forget the sound of it, and apparently that upper room was filled with a similar sound.
3. The Holy Spirit evidently arrived in what appeared to be a large fire which then separated into flames of fire resting upon each person in that room.
4. These Christians were completely saturated by the Holy Spirit; every cell in their body was enlivened by the spirit of God, who had complete control of their entire being.
The Holy Spirit filled their minds with his words, and by faith they spoke it even though they didn't recognize the words they were speaking.
5. A multitude of Jews from all over the inhabited world were in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost.
6. The apostles were speaking in a language that they had never learned, but the people who were from different parts of the world heard them in their own language. They were all hearing the word of God from God himself. The apostles didn't know what God was saying, but the people did.
7-11. The people there were from three different continents. They all spoke different languages, and within those languages they spoke different dialects. And these apostles, who were from northern Galilee, which most Israelites considered to be an unsophisticated backwards region of the country, were actually speaking all those different languages, and dialects. This was an unmistakable miracle and look at the people's reaction:
12. The people had no idea what was going on; they were amazed and confused.
It seems like every time God makes himself known people are either amazed or confused or both, and that's okay because if we were not in awe of God that would mean that he was on our level, and then we'd all be in big trouble.
13. A person who is drunk is often more talkative and bold then he would be if he were sober.
A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is also bold, and if you're filled with the Holy Spirit your going to talk about Jesus an awful lot. I guess I can see why, at least some in the crowd were confused thinking that the apostles were drunk; they were bold and talkative.
14. The same Peter who backed off from a little servant girl and denied Christ three times now stares down this huge crowd of mockers, and preaches the word of God to people who are laughing at him. Two things made the difference: Jesus is alive, and Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit.
If were filled with the Holy Spirit and fellowshipping with our living Lord then were going to be bold for Jesus as well; bold to live for him, and bold to speak up for him.
15. Not many men would be drunk at nine in the morning; certainly no one who takes God seriously would be in that condition, especially at nine in the morning.
16. This thing that has everyone amazed is not the result of drunkenness; it is the fulfillment of prophecy. Verse 17 tells us what that prophecy is.
17. The last days refers to the time between the ascension of Christ and his return. The Bible talks about God revealing himself through visions and dreams in these last days.
I would never put God in a box and say that he could not speak to us through a dream or a vision, but the word of God clearly teaches that we must measure every experience by what is written in the holy Scripture. If anything contradicts the word of God it is not from God.
18. God receives, blesses, and uses average people. God has no favorites. The only requirement needed to be blessed and used by God is to be close to him through Jesus Christ.
19a. Verses 17 and 18 speak of the Holy Spirit's presence in Christians; verse 19 speaks of the destruction of the Israelite nation in 70 A.D. which occurred because they rejected the son of God saying: we have no king but Caesar.
God predicted that there would be wonders in heaven above, and according to several ancient writers a comet, which looked like a flaming sword hung over Jerusalem right before Rome destroyed the city in 70 A.D.
19b. Signs in the earth beneath included all the signs that God so graciously granted the Israelites including all the miracles of Christ, and his apostles which were designed to prove that Jesus was the son of God, the Messiah. But the Israelites despised all those signs, and tossed them aside as if they were worthless garbage, rejecting Jesus in spite of them.
19c. The blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke refers to the blood of millions of Israelites who were slaughtered by Rome. The fire refers to the city of Jerusalem which went up in flames. All of these things were acts of God who was judging them for rejecting his son.
20. There was a space of 37 years between verse 18 and 19, and there is a space of at least 2,015 years between verse 19 and 20. Verse 20 refers to the time right before Jesus returns. And we know from the book of Revelation that the sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into bloood right before He returns.
21. To call on the name of the Lord isn't a one time prayer to God (Lord I'm calling to you); to call on the name of the Lord means to have an ongoing relationship with Jesus. Those who call on the name of the Lord in the biblical sense have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus is important to them; Jesus is their best friend; Jesus is the one that they look to for salvation and leadership. Those are the people who will be saved from hell. They will be saved from the wrath of God which the Israelites experienced for rejecting Christ.
22. The old testament predicted that the Messiah would do miracles to show the Jews that he was the Christ and Jesus did those miracles.
23. The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan. But at the same time the men involved with it are accountable for their sin. Peter calls them wicked, and by the way as I mentioned earlier, Peter isn't lacking boldness since he has received the Holy Spirit. He looks this mob straight in the eye and says: you killed him! You killed the son of God! You killed your Messiah! Peter didn't care what anyone thought of him; he was going to boldly proclaim the word of God no matter what.
24. The Bible says: the soul that sins will die. Jesus never sinned and that's why it was impossible for him to remain dead.
25. David kept his eyes on the Lord, and in this verse he says that Jesus did that as well while he was here on earth, and consequently neither Jesus nor David were shaken during stressful times.
You focus on your problems, and you're headed for discouragement. You focus on Jesus, and he'll get you through. He may not take the storm away, but you'll find out that he's a great shelter in the midst of a storm.
26. Jesus knew that good times would follow his sufferings on the cross. He made it through the bad by focusing on the good that would result from the bad.
As a Christian your sufferings are always a means to a better end, (either in this life or the next); they are never an end in themselves.
Non-Christians, Christ rejecting sinners will suffer in hell with no hope of getting out. But a Christian who suffers today can endure it knowing that their future will be great.
27. The word hell in this verse doesn't mean the lake of fire; it actually means Hades which is simply the realm of the dead. Before Christ died on the cross there were two compartments to Hades: Paradise, and torment. After he died Jesus went to the paradise section and took the souls of the righteous to heaven with him.
28. The Father raised Jesus back to life and restored the joy he had experienced before the sufferings of the cross.
29. David died, and like the rest of us he remains dead until Jesus raises him on the last day.
30. David knew that the Messiah, as regards his human nature, would be one of his descendents.
31. Jesus didn't stay long in the paradise section of Hades; just long enough to tell the wicked on the other side that their doom was sealed, and just long enough to tell the righteous to pack their bags because they were going to heaven. The soul of Christ didn't stay long in Hades, and the body of Christ didn't stay long in the grave.
32. Every single one of those 120 people who were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost had seen Jesus multiple times after he was raised from the dead.
33. The apostles knew that Jesus made it to heaven because he told them that after he arrived he would send them the Holy Spirit.
34,35. After Jesus ascended to heaven God the father told him to sit down, and wait for all of his enemies to be defeated.
Once sin has run its course Jesus will return to Earth, and the devil, his demons, and all who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be thrown into the lake of fire. Our Lord's enemies will be defeated once and for all with no chance of a come back.
36. You guys killed him; you guys rejected him, but God has made him Lord in spite of you.
Man's rejection of Jesus does not knock Christ off the throne. Impenitent sinners will answer to the one they reject.
37. Peter preached the word of God holding nothing back, and as a result Holy Spirit convicted these people of their sin, and they want to know what they have to do to be saved; how can we get out of this mess that our sins have put us in?
If the word of God isn't preached clearly under the anointing of the Holy Spirit then lost sinners will never understand that they need a Savior; instead they will be comfortable all the way to hell.
38. You want to be saved? Then repent, received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and be baptized in his name.
39. If you're saved then you have the Holy Spirit. And you know that you have the Holy Spirit because you love Jesus. You know you have the Holy Spirit because you want to please Christ, and you feel bad when you don't, and you confess when you fail. The spirit of God inside of a Christian compels them to feel that way, and do those things.
40. Peter preached the word of God, telling people to get saved from hell, and in the process be delivered from the perverse lifestyle of this world.
If one isn't delivered from a perverse lifestyle than they aren't saved either.
41. Those who believed the word of God proved it by receiving Christ and being baptized. Those who rejected the word of God went on their un-merry way which ended in the lake of fire if they didn't change their mind.
42. The saved started going to church, and church meant they were taught the word of God, received holy Communion, and had fellowship with other Christians.
Their main focus was Jesus, and the rest of their activities were like spokes protruding out of that spiritual hub.
43. Their close walk with Jesus produced a healthy fear of God.
The closer we are to Jesus the greater our reverence toward him will be. There is no lighthearted attitude toward Almighty God in those who are close to him.
44. They shared everything they had. Jesus had been good to them so they were good to each other.
45. Jesus was more important to them then their possessions, which is why they shared freely.
46. These guys went to church every day, and they were having a great time doing it. Their life was all about Jesus, and that's why they were filled with joy.
47. The word of God was being proclaimed, the Christians were living it, and they were filled with the joy of the Lord as a result. Consequently other people started coming to Christ as well.
The best way to see others saved is to be on fire for Jesus yourself. Those who have a heart for truth will be drawn to you, if you're full of the Holy Spirit and on fire for Jesus. Those who do not have a heart for truth may be repelled by your love for Jesus, but at least you will be giving people a clear choice before they die.
Chapter 3
1. Twice a day public sacrifices were offered at the Temple and that was also the time when faithful Jews would gather to pray. Peter and John joined them in prayer.
2. Being lame was all this man knew, and all he expected to know. A good day for him was when kind people would carry him to the place of worship, which also provided him a better opportunity to receive charity.
Those who are too proud to receive charity when they really need it are too proud.
3. Peter and John did not just happen to walk near this poor man. Nothing ever just happens to God's people; everything is an appointment, and a test to see how we will handle things.
4. Instead of looking away Peter and John looked at this needy person. They turned toward him to help him, and in the process of doing that they have raised his expectations.
5. The man was eager. He was confident that Peter and John would give him something. Why else would they want his attention? Consequently, he was expecting, but he was not expecting what he was about to receive. God had something for him that was much greater than he expected.
When God doesn't answer our prayers the way we would like it is because he has something better for us. It may not always be short-term better, but it will always be long-term better.
6,7. Jesus healed him, but like the Bible says he still had to rise and walk.
God's gifts are sometimes wasted because the person who has received them either doesn't care enough, or is afraid to use them.
8. Right now this guy is the happiest man in the world. What a great God we have; he such a kind God! He receives no pleasure from people being miserable which is why he gives us his laws which if we keep them will make us happy.
9. All the people who formally saw this man begging now saw him jumping around and playing like a little child.
10. This former beggar had been like a human landmark for decades, sitting in the same place by the Temple begging for years, but everything is different now because Jesus helped him.
Surprised doesn't describe what the people felt. It's true that they saw the miracle, but it was one of those "God things" that are so powerful that they do not register even though you saw it.
11. Notice the affection this man had for Peter and John. Of course God deserves all the credit, and Peter will give him that credit shortly, but Peter and John were appreciated because they allowed God to use them.
The more we allow God to use us to serve others the more people will appreciate us as well, and that's not a bad thing either as long as it is kept in proper perspective.
12. No one can do anything for Jesus without the power of the Holy Ghost. Our good is a product of God's grace. That's why any time we do anything righteous or anytime we say the correct thing it is God who deserves all the credit.
13. Peter is speaking the truth with boldness. He says: you people, you Israelites are responsible for killing Jesus: God's son! It was all you because even the Roman governor wanted to release him.
14. The people demanded that Jesus be crucified and the murderer Barabbas be released. The people shouted: murder the son of God, and set the murderer free. That was their sinful demand.
You can tell a lot about people by the choices they make because everyone has a free will.
14,15. Killing the author of life; killing the one who gives life is moral insanity.
Something that ridiculous, something that immoral, something that hideous can only be done by depraved souls.
16. By faith Peter declared healing for this man in the name of Jesus.
We will never see God move, and we will never see a miracle if we don't have faith in Christ, and therefore never ask for things in Jesus name.
17. The Bible says: my people perish for lack of knowledge. Ignorance causes people to do stupid things. Ignorance of God's word, ignorance of truth causes people to do things that will ruin their souls. The consequences of Biblical ignorance is one of the reasons I am compelled to pray, study, and teach the holy word of God.
18. One of the great things about God is that he can take evil, and use it to bring about good. Sinful man murdered the son of God, but God used his son's death to redeem lost sinners.
19. God will not forgive and forget any sin that has not been repented of, and confessed. A person has to be sorry for their sin and a person has to turn away from their sin in order to be forgiven; that's repentance. Unless a person repents and confesses their sin there won't be any forgiveness and there won't be any refreshment for that person's soul.
19-21. When the Israelites recognize that they have killed their Messiah, the son of God. When they realize the horrible sin they have committed and repent, then Christ will return. So what is a sign that Christ is about to return? When you see the nation Israel turning to Christ as a body then get ready because his return is right around the corner.
22,23. People who do not listen to the word of God are making a fatal mistake. People who willfully reject the word of God will not receive any mercy from the Lord.
24. There was no good reason for the Israelites to miss who Jesus was. All the prophets in the Old Testament spoke of him. The Israelites missed Christ because their hearts were hardened to the truth due to their unconfessed sin.
Unconfessed sin will cause us to miss the good things that God has for us. People need to sit under the anointed teaching of the holy word of God so that they can correct the things that are wrong in their life and learn how to do things God's way.
25. God told Abraham: in your seed (speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ) in your seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Not every person in the world will be saved, but all have the opportunity to be saved because of the redemption Christ purchased for us on the cross.
26. Some people say that the only sin one needs to repent of in order to be saved is the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. A person definitely has to repent of that sin, but in order for that repentance to be genuine they must be willing deep down in their heart to turn away from all of their sins as well. Verse 26 talks about the need to turn away from "iniquities", that means all iniquities, that means all sin. One can't be blessed by God through Jesus Christ, unless they turn from all their sins and receive Christ as Lord and Savior.
Chapter 4
1. The religious leaders come out to intimidate the apostles, at least that's what they're attempting to do.
2. The Sadducees would be especially annoyed at the apostles for saying that Christ came back from the dead and that's because they didn't believe in life after death.
No matter how nicely you speak the truth some will still be annoyed because it threatens their lifestyle and what they want to believe.
3. They arrested them, and put them in jail for the night. They could not try them because it was night and it was illegal for the Jews to conduct a trial after sundown.
4. After only two sermons from God's word, and in spite of persecution and threats from the establishment the church already numbers 5000 men plus women and children.
Outward persecution always backfires on the devil. A much more effective way to hurt the church is to get ministers to water down truth so that it appeals to lukewarm Christians who want to be accepted by the world more than God.
If Satan can get a preacher to be afraid of losing popularity from teaching the word of God then he has a stronghold in that church.
5,6. This is the same bunch that tried and condemned Jesus a couple of months earlier. The apostles may be thinking: okay, now it's our turn to be crucified but that didn't stop them from preaching the truth. They will obey Christ, proclaim the pure word of God and accept whatever comes as a result.
7. Peter has preached two sermons, healed one paralyzed man, and these religious leaders want to know what's going on. They didn't give Peter permission to do those things, and they want to know who did.
8. Peter is once again filled with the Holy Ghost just like on the day of Pentecost.
Being filled with the Holy Ghost is not a one time thing. As soon as we slip spiritually we need to repent and once again ask God to fill us with his spirit. The only chance we have of living the right way is to have the Holy Spirit controlling us.
9,10. Peter was not vague, nor was he diplomatic in his preaching.
Spirit filled people are not vague about anything concerning God. Spirit filled people are full of God, and speak the truth with boldness.
The pure word of God spoken with authority will offend some, but that's between them and God.
11. These people, these rulers had rejected Christ, but God raised him up, and put him in charge of the church. Jesus didn't try to be accepted by the world. His concern was to be accepted by the father.
One of the most pathetic sights in the world is a Christian who professes to believe the Bible but tries to be cool in the eyes of the world. That's so stupid I can't tell you how stupid that is. Live for God! Speak the truth! And let what happens happen. That's what Jesus did; that's what the apostles did. Of course Jesus and the apostles were murdered because of it, but God never said living for him would be easy, or popular.
12. Jesus is the only way to heaven! That's not my truth; that's not narrowminde; Jesus is the only way to heaven plain and simple is truth. It's not just my truth. It's not just the apostle Paul's truth. Is not just Luke's truth. It's not just Jesus' truth. It's everyone's truth, whether they choose to accept it or not.
13. Peter and John didn't have any formal religious training, but like the Bible says they spent a lot of time with Jesus, which is much more important. The world may not accept that for credentials, but it doesn't matter because God will use the person who spends time with Christ and is fully dedicated to him.
14. Evidence that there was power in the name of the resurrected Christ was standing right before them in the person of that healed man. They had truth; they knew they had truth, but they refused to acknowledge the truth.
15,16. The religious big shots admitted that a great miracle had been done in the name of Jesus Christ, and they don't know what to do as a result of it. The answer should be obvious but their sin loving, truth hating, stubborn hearts wouldn't allow them to do the logical thing which was repent and confess that they had murdered the son of God.
Having truth and understanding truth will just get a sinner into more hot water with God if are not willing to admit the truth and act on it.
17. Spiritual leaders are called by God to put a stop to error in order to protect the people they serve from false doctrine. In this case the leaders attempted to put a stop to truth in order to protect themselves from losing popularity. They didn't want God's word proclaimed because they didn't want the popularity of Christ to spread. The more popular Jesus is, the less popular they are.
18. In other words: don't ever talk about Jesus again! We forbid you to teach that Jesus is the son of God! You cannot say that we killed God's son, and that the father raised him from the dead!
It is bad to reject Christ, which is what they had done. It is even worse to prevent others from hearing the message of Christ, which is what they are trying to do.
May the souls of all who go to their graves with the attitude of those warped religious leaders rot in hell for the untold numbers of people they have led into the Lake of fire.
19. In other words, you guys figure it out; should I obey you or God? Should I obey the one who made me and sustains me, and is able to save me from hell, or should I obey some no account, Christ rejecting truth rejecting sinner whose going to burn in hell forever if they don't repent?
If they can't figure out the answer to that question than anything else that Peter says won't convince them either.
20. In other words, we have no choice but to preach Jesus! We have no choice; we have to talk about Jesus, we have to tell the world that he's the son of God, we have to tell the world that he died on the cross to pay for our sins, we have to tell the world that there's no way to heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus commanded them to preach the word of God, the Holy Spirit is compelling them to preach the word of God, and they would be miserable if they didn't. Besides, the stakes are too high, and the consequences too severe for Christians to not speak the truth, and follow the way of truth no matter what happens to us as a result.
21,22. The religious leaders wanted to punish the apostles but they were cowards. They were politicians, not statesmen. They would only do what the majority of the people approved of because they were people pleasers. Now in this case their cowardice worked out well because it kept them from doing something bad to the apostles.
Sometimes politicians appear to be morally upright, but really they aren't. They're just riding a wave of public opinion that happens to be the right opinion, and many times when that public opinion changes those political reeds shaken in the wind go right along with what's popular.
23. And it doesn't say this, but I'll bet you that these apostles were thrilled to report that they told the religious leaders about Jesus. They had not been intimidated by those who could have put them to death. They were not intimidated because Jesus said fear not those who can only kill the body but can do no more.
24. They lifted their voices when they prayed; in other words, they prayed out loud. Thinking a prayer is good, but it is better, if possible, to speak our prayers because talking helps maintain focus.
25. The sinful world hated Jesus which is why they couldn't wait to nail him to the cross. They raged, and their rage didn't stop until he was dead. But their rage against Jesus was a useless thing; it was a waste of time to think that killing Jesus could defeat God, and stop the word of God from being true.
26. What a bunch of fools. The authority, the power of the human rulers who demanded the execution of Jesus has gone to their head; it filled them with arrogance. They fought against God when they fought against Christ, and to fight against God is to live on the edge of damnation because God wins every time.
27,28. Notice how even the worst sins of the worst sinners doesn't operate outside the realm of God's sovereignty. The worst sin ever committed was murdering the son of God and yet God through his providence used it to bring about the salvation of man.
Carry that principle over into your life today; anything bad that happens to you as a Christian has to be okayed by God first. And when he OKs something bad is not going to result in permanent damage to you; the result is always long-term spiritual good. People say: why does God allow bad things to happen to his people? Answer: In order to bring about a greater good.
29. Notice that they didn't pray for the persecution to stop. They wouldn't bother praying that because Jesus had warned: "in the world you will have tribulation." So instead of praying that the persecution would stop they prayed for boldness; for courage to endure whatever trouble may come their way.
30. Jesus gave gifts of healing to his 12 apostles to authenticate the message of salvation through Christ. No one has the gift of miracles the way the apostles did.
31. God answered their prayer for boldness right on the spot. He filled them with the Holy Spirit in answer to their prayers. He gave them boldness in answer to their prayers. Spiritual boldness can only come from spending time with Jesus in prayer. The more we pray the more bold we will be for Jesus.
32. Everyone was sharing because everyone was close to God. When we' re close to God we understand that everything we have is from him, and belongs to him; when we' re close to God we understand that the things we have should be shared with anyone who has a need.
33. They were always talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ because without that Jesus is just another well-meaning religious guy who died for a cause.
The resurrection proved that Jesus knows how to defeat death; the resurrection proves that Jesus did defeat death. The resurrection proves that he will defeat death for those of us who belong to him. Every other author of every other religion dies and remains dead, but not Jesus, and that's the difference.
34,35. The apostles didn't make a rule forcing all Christians to sell everything they had and share it equally. The selling, and the sharing was done out of kindness, and devotion to Christ. It was done because it is what the Holy Spirit wanted those Christians to do.
These verses are not a divine mandate for communism or socialism, they illustrate the unselfishness of those who are filled with the spirit of God, and that's the issue.
36,37. Barnabas, as we'll see a little later on in this book, had the gift of encouragement. He was extra patient with people.
All of us need someone like Barnabas sometimes; someone who will still like us even after we have really messed up. It's a wonderful Christian virtue which every Christian should practice.
Chapter 5
1. This married couple saw what Barnabas did in the last chapter, and how people admired him for his generosity. Evidently they wanted to be admired for being generous as well, but they wanted that admiration without actually being generous.
2. There wasn't anything wrong with keeping back part of the proceeds since God didn't command them to give the entire amount to the church.
3. And there you see the sin. Evidently they promised to give the entire price, but they didn't tell the church that the only gave a portion. They lied to God because they lied to the church.
4a. It was their land to keep or sell. It was their money once the land was sold so they could have given is much as they wanted, or they could've kept it all for themselves. The sin was saying that the gave a greater percentage than they really did.
4. Some people think the Holy Spirit is an impersonal divine energy; I've known some church going, but untaught Christians who don't understand that the Holy Spirit is a person. How I know the Holy Spirit is a person? Well for starters you can't lie to energy. You can only lie to a person. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is as much a person with a mind, emotions, and will, as the father and the son.
5a. God executed Ananias right then and there because of his sin.
This is God's world, and it is God's church, and every now and then he makes an example of someone to remind us that he is holy and that he hates sin and he always eventually judges it.
5,6. God holds people accountable for their actions. Sin has consequences. That ought to frighten all of us into holiness. Jesus paid the eternal penalty for the Christian's sin but that doesn't mean that there aren't temporary consequences that must be endured by the sinner.
7. She didn't know her husband was dead, and she also didn't know that their sinful plot had been discovered.
8. Peter graciously, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, gave this woman an opportunity to confess and be forgiven. If anyone knows how important it is to have a chance to confess it's Peter especially after he denied Jesus three times on holy Thursday.
9. Sapphira didn't know that God had drawn a line in the sand. She also didn't know that one more sin would put her over that line, and bring down his wrath.
We never know which act of willful rebellion against God will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and brings severe chastisement.
10. Married couples have a responsibility to God, and to each other. It is their duty before God to try to help each other become more godly. These two helped each other become more ungodly, and you see the outcome of that.
11. The fear wasn't on non-Christians; it was on Christians. The fear was over the prospect of deliberately turning their back on God, and experiencing His wrath as a result. There were no lukewarm Christians at this stage in the church; you were either in or out and if you were in you acted like you were in.
12a. God was confirming that the message of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ was true. God, through signs, wonders, and miracles was saying: this is the message and you better believe it; Jesus is the Savior and you better receive him.
12. Solomons porch was the outer coridoor of the temple. It was a perfect spot to preach the gospel of salvation to some very religious, but very lost sinners. This was a golden opportunity to preach salvation to a bunch of churchgoers who didn't think they needed to be saved.
There are many churchgoers today who don't think that they need salvation through Jesus Christ, because they are churchgoers. There are many today who have been inoculated by their church membership and therefore haven't caught the real thing which is a personal one-on-one relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ.
13. If anyone was thinking about joining the church because it seemed like the latest popular fad the death of Ananias and Sapphira change their minds about that very quickly.
God is not someone to trifle with; he is holy, and must be taken seriously.
14. God's holiness, and hatred for sin, as well as his forgiveness was the talk of the town. Consequently, only those who were really interested in repentance, and getting right with God became a Christian.
15. There was a superstitious belief that certain shadows had magical powers to bring about both good and evil. There's no evidence that God healed anyone using Peter shadow; only that the people thought his shadow would heal them.
16. There were no failed attempts to heal anyone. The healing was done by Jesus using his apostles as props and the purpose was to confirm the gospel message.
I believe in divine healing, but I don't believe in faith healers because they are nothing like the apostles. The faith healers today who advertise miracles, and rake in millions have nothing in common with the apostles at all.
17,18. The problem with these religious leaders is that they had a sinful self focus instead of a God focus. They saw themselves as being worthy of praise instead of admitting that only God is worthy. That led to jealousy, and it led to them hating anyone who would steal the attention that they craved. That's why they hated Jesus, and that's why they hated his apostles. They wanted to be the center of attention and they hated Christ and his apostles because people admired them.
19. Without the guards knowing it this angel opened the prison door and walked the 2 apostles out safely.
20. In other words, the angel commands them to go to the Jewish Temple where all the Jews gather, and preach the message that got them arrested in the first place. The apostles will do it and they will do it boldly because they know that Jesus is bigger than the authorities who arrest edthem. Like right here: the authorities arrested them, but God overruled and un-arrested them. You can afford to boldly proclaim the written word of God and live for Jesus with a God like that on your side.
Notice also that if God spares us from some trial or perhaps a sickness or maybe a close call of some sort then it is for the purpose of serving Him
21a. They were at the temple at daybreak. In other words, they obeyed as fast as they possibly could with no thought of their own safety.
21-24. They discovered that they had been guarding an empty prison, and consequently they were confused.
God warns that he will curse the wicked with (among other things) confusion. Perplexing, disrupting, frustrating things happen to the impenitent sinner as a consequence of their sin.
25. In other words, the men you put in jail for preaching Jesus by the temple are by the temple preaching Jesus, and that's why they aren't in jail.
26. In order to obey God and preach Jesus the apostles disobeyed the rulers. They disobeyed but they also willingly submitted to the consequences of their disobedience. They did not put up a fight when they were arrested.
27,28a. In other words, we told you not to talk about Jesus, but you disobeyed and have filled Jerusalem with talk about Christ.
If the only charge our enemies can make against us is that we are obedient to Christ then we're in pretty good shape.
28b. They say not only are you preaching Jesus, but you are also blaming us for his death. No kidding; the apostles did blame them, but they also offered them forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Truth must be proclaimed so that sinners feel guilty. Truth must be proclaimed in order to give guilty sinners an opportunity to confess and repent before it's too late. The apostles are trying to get these guilty religious rulers to repent by proclaiming the word of God.
Entertainment doesn't save anyone. Watered-down, unspiritual slop that some people call sermons doesn't save anyone either. Straightforward, uncompromised proclamation of the holiness of God, the damnation of sinners, and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ are the only things that'll bring a lost sinner to their knees.
29. Whoever the authority may be they are only people. No one has a right to tell you to do something that is contrary to Scripture, and we have no right to obey them if they do.
30. When they told these rulers that they killed the one God raised from the dead they were stepping on a Tiger's tail. But truth is truth, and the apostles had to obey God with their words as well as their actions, no matter who didn't like it.
31. Repentance is a gift of God's grace. We couldn't choose to repent apart from God's grace, and we wouldn't choose to repent apart from God's enabling grace. And if we do repent, and receive Christ as our Lord and Savior God gives us another gift: his forgiveness.
32. The Holy Spirit is given by God to those who submit to him by receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is for the obedient. You say: we can't earn salvation by obeying God! You're right but the only way to receive the gift of salvation is by choosing to receive it which is an act of obedience.
I've heard people say that it's wrong to tell others that they must receive Christ, they say that that constitutes working for your salvation. No it doesn't! If I give you a gift you must choose to reach out and take it from me or you won't possess it. That's not earning the gift, that's receiving the gift. That's how salvation works. It's a gift from God through Jesus Christ, but you must receive it, you must choose to receive it.
33. They plotted to murder the apostles. They weren't interested in trying them in a court of law and if they were found guilty having them executed. That wasn't good enough; they were so angry that they wanted to murder Peter and the others. And so we see that this wasn't about righteousness, and it wasn't about justice; it was about hatred
34. Gamalial was a respected man. He had been one of the apostle Paul's professors back in the early days.
35. In other words, be careful what you plan on doing to Peter and the other followers of Jesus. Gamalial doesn't want his fellow Jews to do anything rash.
36-39. In the long term Gamalial's observation is true. God's people will be victorious in the end, and truth will win out in the end. However, the outward success of a movement, or the continuation of a religious movement, or experience doesn't mean that it is of God. Jesus talks about the weeds, and the wheat growing together until the end of the age. At that time, what is of God will be separated from what is not of God.
40. They beat the apostles; which probably means they lash them with the whip 39 times. That is not with Gamalial advised, but they wanted to back their warning with force and show the apostles who was boss so they beat them anyway. Well someday those religious leaders will know for certain who's boss and it won't be them; it will be the Lord Jesus Christ whom they continue to hate and persecute.
41. Their bodies may have been sore from the whipping, but their spirits were flying high because they were obedient to Jesus, and they were privileged to suffer for him.
It is an honor for a Christian to suffer for Christ. It is a privilege to complete in our bodies the sufferings of Christ for his church. It is a privilege to sacrifice something in response to all the kindness Christ has shown us.
42. They were jailed, they were warned, they were beaten, because they preached the word of God. So first chance they got, they're out preaching the word of God.
Discomfort, trouble, opposition, isn't necessarily a sign that the door to a particular ministry is shut. Those things may make it more difficult and more painful to do what is right but they should not stop us from trying. The Bible says if we faint in the day of calamity that our faith is weak.
Chapter 6
1. The Grecians and the Hebrews spoken of here in verse one both refer to Christians. They were two segments of a very large, and fast-growing early church. And when you have a group that large some are bound to be overlooked, and of course when that happens there's always the possibility of division and hurt feelings.
2. Serving tables is a worthy Christian ministry, but the apostles were called to pray and teach the word of God so serving tables would not be right for them; it's a good calling but it wasn't their calling.
3. So they needed to find some Christians who had the gift of administration, and they also needed to be men of good spiritual character.
Any honest labor becomes a holy ministry when it is done for God's glory by people who are living for Jesus.
4. If a pastor isn't devoted to prayer, and teaching the word of God then his priorities are dead wrong. Someone says: my church won't give me enough time to do those two things. Then quit! Let them hire someone else to run their social club. Every man of God who is called to preach the word should do what God says he is to do not some church board or some denomination.
5. The entire church agreed that it was a good idea to leave the apostles to the word of God and prayer and find somebody else to do the work of service in the church. It wasn't the correct thing to do because it was popular with the people. It was the correct thing to do because it was according to the word of God.
6. The seven men chosen would not be teaching the word of God. Nevertheless their physical labor was spiritual because it was done for Jesus and the church. That's why the apostles laid hands on them. Meaning: the apostles commissioned them.
7. Division was threatening the church but the apostles handled the problem biblically, and therefore the problem went away.
Problems between people, even between Christian people, are inevitable, but when they are handled with wisdom from God they will be controlled and solved correctly.
8. Stephen was filled with the grace of God.
God's grace is the fuel that empowers our souls to do the right thing. God's grace is his gift that enables us to say and do what is pleasing to him, even if it is difficult.
9. Jerusalem had a variety of synagogues for foreign Jews to visit while they were in town for the religious festivals. Some of these foreign Jews started to argue with the Christian Jew: Stephen. At first it was a gentleman's discussion but that didn't last long.
10. It doesn't say that Stephen was smarter than his opponents. Stephen wasn't better educated than his opponents either. But he spoke with greater wisdom because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. By far the most important thing that you could ever do once you're saved is to ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit. If you want to be used by him, if you want to be effective for Christ, then you must be filled with the Holy Spirit.
11. When an unbeliever doesn't want truth they often slander the one who speaks the truth. These foreign Jews were no match for the wisdom of Stephen and consequently they slandered him. They couldn't deal with the issues because they were wrong so they attacked.
12. In other words, they spread panic among the people concerning the things Stephen was saying. Like political demagoguery, they used inflamed rhetoric to turn the people against Stephen, and by extension Jesus.
Many people will believe a lie if it is spoken with passion.
13,14. I'm sure Stephen said that the holy Temple, would soon be destroyed because that's what Jesus said would take place. I'm sure Stephen said that the ceremonial law with the rituals, and the animal sacrifices would be set aside because the death of Christ on the cross fulfilled the things they pointed to. No doubt Stephen said those things but they put a twisted spin on his words and turn them into false accusations.
The devil accomplishes much by taking the word of God and repeating it out of context, or simply changing a word here or there.
15. In other words, Stephen is in trouble, and about to be stoned to death, but he is calm, and he has a holy confidence that radiates from his face because he knows that he's in the will of God.
Chapter 7
1. The high priest wants a yes or no answer from Stephen. Question: Stephen did you speak against Moses and the temple; yes or no. He wants a yes or no answer, but this is an opportunity for Stephen to proclaim the word of God which includes the fact that these religious rulers killed the son of God so although they may want a yes or no answer they're going to get a longer one than that.
2. God told Abraham what to do, and where to go, and Abraham obeyed.
It is the duty of all Christians to follow the revealed will of God in Scripture and trust him with the results.
3,4. Abraham went when God said go even though God didn't tell him where he would end up. He obeyed the command without knowing the final outcome. Abraham trusted that God is good, and that he knew what he was doing.
Uncertainty over the end result of obedience is never a reason to disobey God.
5. And there were times when God's promise seemed 1,000,000 miles away because he was in his 90s and still childless.
6,7. This refers to Israel's bondage in Egypt. This particular promise was fulfilled even though it took 400 years for it to happen.
8. Stephen declares his belief in the divine origin of the nation Israel beginning with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons.
9. A reminder from Stephen to the Jews that their ancestors rejected God's man: Joseph.
He's beginning to draw a connection between what the ancestors did to Joseph, and what these current religious rulers did to Christ, and are now doing to Stephen.
9,10. Here's another connection Stephen is making: Joseph and Jesus were both abused by their fellow Jews. They both suffered unjustly, but God was on their side and he exalted them both: Joseph to ruler in Egypt, and Jesus to the right hand of his throne in heaven.
11. Here's another connection: after Joseph's brothers rejected him they went through a long period of suffering. After the Israelites rejected Christ they entered into over 2000 years of trouble as well.
12-16. The Jewish ancestors who rejected Joseph later recognized him as being God's man who saved them from a terrible famine. The same pattern will be followed by the Israelites concerning Jesus. Someday they will realize that they killed their Lord and when they repent he will return and set up his earthly kingdom.
17-20. The parents of Moses hid him for as long as they could. They were afraid that the Egyptians would find him and kill him like they were doing with the other Hebrew baby boys.
21. His mother put him in a waterproof basket, and set him in the Nile River. That's when, by God's providence, Pharaoh's daughter found him.
22. Moses became the adopted grandson of Pharaoh. He was taught all the wisdom of Egypt. Moses was very intelligent, and he knew how to get things done.
23. At some point Moses discovered that he was a Hebrew not an Egyptian. Consequently at age 40 while he was a captain in the Egyptian army, a war hero, and next in line to be king, he visited his Hebrew brothers.
24. By helping the Hebrew slave who was being abused Moses turned his back on Egypt. The choice that Moses made was the correct one even though he lost all the benefits of being the future leader of Egypt.
25. Instead of getting behind Moses his Hebrew brothers turned on him. Are you beginning to notice a pattern? They rejected Joseph, then they rejected Moses; is it surprising that they also rejected their Messiah?
26. Moses tried to be a peacemaker between two Hebrews.
27. In other words, mind your own business Moses; you aren't our ruler. Moses was God's ruler, but they missed it. The same thing happened with Christ.
28. Moses put his life on the line to save a Hebrew from an Egyptian, but they didn't care; in fact they repaid evil for good. Jesus did many kind things in his ministry, and gave his life for the entire world including the Hebrews, but they didn't appreciate him either. Same old story.
29,30. After 40 years in the desert God appeared to Moses in a burning bush.
God knows how to get our attention, and that was enough to get the attention of Moses.
31,32. Moses was too afraid to even look at the Bush.
No one is bold in the true presence of God.
33. It was holy because God was there.
34. Moses was God's deliver. God chose him, Israel rejected him. Some familiar? It's the same old story.
35. God sent Moses back to Egypt even though Israel had rejected him as deliver years earlier. God saved Israel even though he had to persevere through their stubborn rejection of his hand-picked deliver.
Most of the time God doesn't give up on people very easily.
36. Both Moses and Jesus did miracles, but both were still eventually rejected by the Israelites.
Signs and wonders are great, but their faith value is short lived for those who are hardhearted.
37. Now Stephen begins to make the transition from Moses to Jesus.
38. They accused Stephen of not respecting the law of God, but that wasn't true. Stephen declares that the law came from God.
39. If these religious leaders are looking for those who really didn't respect the law of God then they should look at their own ancestors first. Their ancestors rebelled right after God gave them his law.
40,41. Their Jewish ancestors worshiped a Golden calf, and made plans to return to Egypt even after God saved them from that place. They were breaking God's law faster than God could write it on those stone tablets.
42. The Israelites worshiped idols during their years of wandering in the wilderness after they left Egypt. They chose to reject God so God rejected them. God gave them the desires of their heart and so they worshiped idols with a clear conscience.
Anytime anyone can continually commit a serious sin with a clear conscience they are living on the edge of hell.
43. Israelite idolatry began with the golden calf and climaxed centuries later with star worship right before God sent them into Babylonian exile as punishment. The point is this: Israel has a track record of rejecting God so it's not surprising that they rejected his son.
44,45. Stephen was also accused of blaspheming the holy temple. But here he honors it by acknowledging that it was given to Israel by God.
46-50. In other words, if you say I blasphemed the holy temple because I said it has become outdated, and because I implied that God is bigger than his temple, then you are the ones who are going against the holy Scriptures. I was arrested for saying what the Scriptures say: God is more than his temple.
51. The rulers were running God's religion their way, and when someone like Jesus, or Stephen interjected the word of God they killed them. They were stiffnecked; in other words, they were too prideful to bow before the word of God and the God of the word.
52,53. I wonder who's on trial here? Stephen says: your ancestors killed the holy prophets, and you took their sin to the next level by killing God's son. You guys brag about the law; you're so proud to have the law, but you break it in the worst possible ways.
54. They were furious after hearing the word of God.
A person's reaction to the holy Scriptures reveals their attitude toward God.
55,56. Stephen's circumstances are worse than those of the religious leaders, and yet he is filled with peace because he is focused on Jesus, and they are furious and miserable because they are out of God's will.
Circumstances do not have to dictate feelings.
57. They were acting like fools. They were filled with uncontrolled rage because they can't take the truth.
58. Saul would not have admitted it at this time, but the words of Stephen evidently disturbed him. Stevens godly attitude under intense pressure was probably one of the things that the Holy Spirit used to begin to convince Saul that Jesus was the son of God.
59. They were angry enough to kill Stephen, but of course they didn't know that by killing him they were promoting him. Stephen is dead and as happy as can be; meanwhile, even though they attempted to satisfy their hatred by killing him, they are still filled with hate, and at least some of them were filled with guilt as well. They didn't solve their problem by killing Stephen, and they didn't eliminate the truth by killing Stephen either.
60. 60. Stephen was a class act and a godly act. Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit and being kind to those who were killing him was the evidence. The fruit of the Holy Spirit which includes kindness and long-suffering is evidence that one is filled with the spirit of God.
Chapter 8
1. The Christian persecution led by Saul was misguided zeal and sin, but that persecution was used by God to get Christians out of Jerusalem and into the rest of the Empire spreading the message of salvation through Christ.
Sometimes God uses discomfort to get us to change directions.
2. Devout men mourned over the death of Stephen. Stephen was in a better place, but his spiritual boldness and righteousness will be missed by his fellow Christians.
It's normal to miss a Christian loved one when they die, but one must always remember that we are mourning our loss not there's because they are in the happiest place in the world.
3. Saul made havoc of the church. The words made havoc describe what wild animals do to their prey after they catch them and it's not a pretty sight. If Saul was not demon possessed he sure acted like it.
4. Saul attempted to eliminate the message of Christ by persecuting the church but instead Christians spread out and proclaimed Jesus everywhere they went.
Persecution always backfires on the devil because Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church.
5. Philip was one of the disciples who left Jerusalem and took the message of Jesus with him to Samaria.
6. God gave Philip the ability to do miracles to authenticate the message of Christ.
7. By the power of Jesus Philip did the same miracles that Jesus did when he was here in person.
8. There was great joy because people were being healed, delivered from Satan, and saved.
The church that is equipped with the word of God, and preachers who aren't afraid to declare it are like the Allied soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy and pushed back Hitler's dominion. When the word of God is preached with boldness Satan's kingdom is pushed back, his captives are set free, and there is great joy among them.
9. Simon the sorcerer was probably demon possessed. He had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for supernatural powers and along with them the admiration of the foolish.
10. The people assumed that the supernatural was always of God, but it isn't. Satan can do lying wonders to confirm people in their loss condition. People see supernatural works and conclude that it is the power of God, and the one doing it should be followed no matter what their message may be.
11. The people put Simon on a pedestal because he impressed them with his magic.
12. Jesus was saving people because of the preaching of Philip. Actually Jesus by the power of his word was snatching people out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and placing them into the kingdom of heaven.
The word of God is a more powerful force than the lying wonders of the devil for those who are open to truth.
13. Simon believed but his faith was shallow. He was more impressed with Phillip' s miracles than he was with Jesus who those miracles pointed to.
What a person is won by, they are won to. In other words if the church attempts to evangelize by means of so-called Christian entertainment than the people they draw by it will be devoted to that entertainment, and when they get bored with it they will move on to something else that gives them a more exciting buzz.
People need to be won to Jesus by the word of God so that Jesus will have their devotion.
14. For the sake of church unity the apostles had to verify that the Samaritans were actually Christians.
15-17. The Samaritans had believed and been baptized, but God delayed giving them the Holy Spirit until after the apostles arrived. It had to be that way, or the apostles, who were Jewish, probably wouldn't have believed that the non-Jew Samaritans were really accepted by God.
Samaritans were known for their idolatry, but the father accepted them when they accepted Christ.
18. What Simon didn't understand is that only the apostles could deliver the Holy Spirit by laying on hands. There is no scriptural support for suggesting that anyone else ever laid hands on someone resulting in them receiving the Holy Spirit. And something else Simon didn't understand was that God's gifts cannot be bought.
19. He wanted the power to impart the Holy Spirit to people he laid his hands on, and he was willing to pay for that power. I suppose he thought he could really increase his influence and popularity if he could give people the Holy Spirit.
20. In essence Peter told Simon to go to hell along with his money. Simon was a blasphemer who was enamored with himself and would do anything for self-promotion.
Simon' s self focus gave him a spiritual IQ of zero. He actually thought that he could purchase the presence of God, purchase that which is of infinite value with money.
21. In other words you're unsaved and on the way to hell if you don't repent.
22. Peter told him to go to hell with his money and he will if it continues to be his idol. He needs to repent and pray to God for forgiveness and then maybe, if he is sincere, he can avoid hell.
23. In other words, there's nothing good about this man at all. He's full of sin; he does evil things, and he has ungodly motives for the seemingly good things he wants to do.
24. Notice that there's no mention of repentance from Simon. He wants prayer so that he can be delivered from the consequences of his sin, and that's all he wants. He's like many today that don't want to stop their sinful behavior, but they want to avoid hell.
25. These villages where the apostles preached on the way back to Jerusalem were probably some of the same places where Jesus had preached when he was here.
26. Philip is experiencing great results for Jesus in Samaria, but then God tells him to travel 80 miles to the south.
Sometimes it is God's will for his people to walk away from success.
27,28. It may be becoming clear to Philip why God told him to leave a populated area where things were going well to go to a deserted place. Why would God do that? Because there was one man who had a heart for truth and needed to be told about Jesus. There was one man who God knew would receive the truth if he heard it.
If there is someone, somewhere, who hungers for truth, and will accept it if they hear it, then God will get enough truth to that person for them to be saved.
29. Notice how Philip himself was led by the spirit of God.
God doesn't need a third-party to communicate his will to you; he will show you himself. Just make sure you pray and read the word daily and confess all your sins and he will lead you by his spirit.
30. Philip ran! Sometimes Christians think too much. But when God says do this or do that be quick to obey and don't waste time trying to analyze the outcome. If we reason or think rather than obey we may fail to obey.
31. The Ethiopian wasn't saved so he didn't have the Holy Spirit, who is the writer of Scripture. That's why he didn't understand the word of God. He needed a teacher.
32. The Scripture he was reading spoke of Christ and how he did not resist his suffering. Jesus didn't fight the will of God. Jesus didn't complain that the will of God was too difficult for him even though it was extremely difficult.
Remembering our Lord's attitude should encourage us not to complain, or feel sorry for ourselves in times of suffering.
33. Words fail when trying to describe the evil of the generation that murdered God's son. "Injustice" is not a strong enough word. Justice was thrown on the ground and trampled.
34. In other words was the writer of Scripture talking about himself or someone else? That question was a slow pitch right across the plate and Philip is going to knock it out of the park.
35. Philip talked about Jesus. I have listened to far too many preachers talk about anything and everything other than Jesus. I have listened to far too many evangelicals try to be cute, or try to be funny, or try to sound sophisticated and intellectual. I have listened to far too many sermons were preachers talked about their programs and their committees and their denomination but very little about Jesus Christ. Philip talked about Jesus and that's all any of us Bible teachers should talk about.
36. Philip must have stressed the importance of water baptism in the name of Jesus and the Ethiopian was happy that he had an opportunity to obey God and be baptized.
Faith without works is dead and when one understands the importance of a believer being baptized then they'll want to do it if they are truly saved.
37. Faith without works is dead, but this verse teaches that works without faith in Jesus Christ are useless.
38. They went down into the water, which means the Ethiopian was probably immersed, which is the way the Jews used to baptize.
39. The spirit of God transported Philip out of that place. And I'd say that that miraculous departure was a great parting sermon for the Ethiopian. Philip disappears, he's taken away by the Holy Spirit, and by that the Ethiopian's new faith is confirmed with a miracle.
Many times God will graciously do something extra special for new Christians to confirm their faith.
40. The Holy Spirit dropped Philip off about 30 miles away. And because he was filled with the Holy Spirit he immediately began to serve Jesus there, and everywhere else he ended up.
It doesn't matter where we are today, or tomorrow; the important thing is letting Jesus use us wherever we are right now.
Chapter 9
1. The death of Stephen did not quench Saul's hatred for Christians. Seeing the Christians scatter wasn't good enough for Saul either. He wanted them in prison or dead.
2. Saul was willing to travel 130 miles from Jerusalem to Damascus in the hopes of satisfying his hatred. He wasn't even sure that there were any Christians there but it was worth the effort just in case.
3,4. Saul thought he was opposing Christians; he didn't know he was opposing the risen, living Lord Jesus Christ.
How a person treats Christians is how they treat Jesus, that's how he sees it.
5. Jesus didn't pull any punches. He said: Saul you are persecuting me. He confronted Saul with his sin in order to wake him up so that he might change his ways.
The straight word of God will encourage us in the things we do right and confront us over the things we do wrong.
6. Saul with his face in the dust humbly asks the Lord Jesus Christ what he wants him to do. His pride is gone in the presence of Jesus.
The toughest hard-core sinners tremble when they stand before Christ.
7,8. Saul who had nothing but hatred for the son of God is now blind and confused. He was blind and he will stay blind for a while and that will give him time to reflect on his past sin.
9. Saul is suddenly engulfed in guilt, fear, and darkness and it lasted three days. He sat alone in darkness wondering what was going to happen next because he had no promise of forgiveness, or healing. For all he knows that room he has been in for three days may be where he stays until he dies.
He had been filled with hatred and sinful pride; sin had permeated every cell in his body and so the removal of that sin demands a holy terror, and anguish that also permeates every soul in his body.
The deeper one allows sin to become ingrained in their life the deeper God has to dig to remove it which means more pain.
10. Ananias receives a direct revelation from God.
11. Any command probably would've been more appealing to Ananias then: go meet with Saul.
Sometimes God's will for his people makes them extremely uncomfortable, and even fearful.
11,12. Ananias probably thought: well at least Saul is praying; that might be a good sign. At least God seems to be dealing with Saul the Christian killer.
13,14. In other words, Ananias thinks he has to fill God in on the facts surrounding Saul. Maybe you weren't aware of this Lord but he's been nothing but trouble for Christians.
It's funny how Christians who are going through difficult times often feel that they have to explain the situation to God as if he didn't know what they were going through.
15. Saul the Christian killer; Saul that Jesus hater will become a servant of Christ.
People who do not believe that Jesus is the risen Lord have a hard time explaining the sudden reversal in Saul. With no one but Jesus himself instructing him Saul went from being a Christ hater to a Christ proclaimer.
16. Jesus is calling the shots and he's not apologizing for it either. Jesus chose Saul to be saved; he chose Saul to serve him, and he chose Saul to suffer for him, and he doesn't feel the need to give an explanation either.
The sooner we Christians understand that the Lord Jesus Christ is sovereign and therefore has the right to allow anything he wants into our life and to use us in any way, and in any situation he chooses, the better off we will be.
17. Ananias refers to Saul as his brother. He overlooks his sinful past because he is now a Christian.
Jesus forgives those who repent and receive him as Lord and Savior and so should we.
18. He was baptized before he did anything else. This verse once again stresses the importance of water baptism for those who have received Jesus Christ.
19a. Notice how he was baptized before he had anything to eat or drink.
When a person is serious about Jesus, obeying him becomes more important then things generally considered to be necessities.
19,20. Saul swallowed his pride and instead of condemning Jesus to his fellow Jews he started preaching Jesus to them.
Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to repent, and get on the right track. That's what Saul did. He started preaching that Jesus is the son of God, which was also admitting that he had been wrong in the past; he had been wrong with terrible consequences.
21. The amazed people here were not Christians because those talking about the change in Saul refer to Christians in the third person. So we see that non-Christians were amazed at the change in Saul.
22. Saul had the Jews fired up and confused. What's going on was Saul? They didn't understand his radical change in behavior, and they didn't understand his new interpretation of Scripture (which favored Jesus) either.
23. Not everyone was impressed nor were they influenced by Saul's reversal concerning Christ.
We get to choose our trouble. Rejecting Jesus Christ will bring us plenty of trouble from God on judgment day. Receiving Christ and living for him in this world will give us trouble today. Saul chose trouble from the world rather than trouble from God. Smart choice.
23,24. The governor turned Damascus into a military fortress in order to capture Saul.
When Saul persecuted Christians he was a hero. But now people are trying to kill him. Think about it, Saul did not make the switch because he was bored; Saul does not make that switch unless he is absolutely certain that Jesus Christ is the risen Lord, is Almighty God, and is the only Savior.
25. Saul had faith to trust God, but he also used common sense.
Jesus tells Christians that in this world they will have tribulation, but if we can avoid trouble without violating Scripture then we should do it.
26. The Christians in Jerusalem had suffered a lot because of Saul so they were suspicious; maybe he was trying to trick them. But Saul proved that his faith was real by his willingness to suffer for Jesus.
27. Barnabas was a kind person. He always seemed to give people the benefit of the doubt. When others didn't trust Saul, Barnabas stood by him. Barnabas people sure are nice to have around when you need a friend, and you can't seem to find one.
28,29. The Grecian Jews could not out debate, or out reason Saul so they decided to kill him. They, like many today had a truth agenda. They wanted something to be true so badly that they disregarded all the facts that contradicted it.
We shouldn't care what truth is as long as we have truth.
30. Saul escapes death again, and this time he returns to his home in Tarsus.
31. The Jews left the Christians alone for a while because they had too many other problems to contend with at that time. For example, the Emperor Caligula was trying to set his image up in the temple, and when the Jews protested Rome made war with them.
32. We shift gear from Saul to Peter here in verse 32 and we see that Peter visits the church that Philip had started earlier.
33. Which means he had no hope of ever walking again.
34. In other words, you are healed so start acting like it. Not a bad suggestion for Christians today also. Christ has declared that we have power over sin so there's no reason for us to live like victims of sin any longer.
35. No other "God" could do the things Jesus was doing through his apostles. Consequently those with honest hearts believed the word of God and received Christ.
36. Tabatha was a wonderful Christian woman. There's no record that she ever said great things, but she certainly did great things. She was a giver; she gave her time and her money to the service of her Lord by helping people in his name.
37. Death was good news for Tabatha, but bad news for all those who would miss her. People like Tabatha do not grow on trees. Generous people who are kind to those who need it are not commonplace so she would be missed.
38. These people knew the power of Jesus and so they call for Peter; they're not willing to accept Tabatha's death.
39. She was a good person; very kind, a real servant, and that's why so many people cared about her.
The Bible says those who would have friends must show themselves friendly.
40. There was no showmanship here; Peter wasn't there to draw attention to himself. He was there to let Jesus work through him, and he is attempting to do it in the least conspicuous way.
41-43. The apostles were extensions of Jesus Christ doing miracles in the early church to show that the message of Christianity is authentic. The result was that many came to Jesus.
Today we have the written word of God which is truth and which contains the miracles that testified to the reality of Christ. The supernatural word of God will burn in the heart of those who are open to truth and will cause them to repent and receive Christ.
Chapter 10
1. The Italian band meant that the soldiers had been recruited in Italy. Cornelius was in charge of that group which consisted of at least 100 Roman soldiers.
2. Cornelius understood that there was a God, that he was holy, and that he must be worshiped and obeyed. He did his best, even though he didn't know much about that God.
3. 3 PM was the normal hour of prayer.
Cornelius was not a Christian, but he lived up to the spiritual light that he had and God will reward him for his faithfulness by giving him more truth.
4. God noticed his prayers and good works.
God notices every good deed we do. They aren't enough to earn us heaven, but he appreciates them.
5,6. Peter doesn't know it, but God is planning a mission for him. It's going to take Peter by surprise because God will use him to teach a Gentile named Cornelius.
7,8. There's no time like the present to obey the word of God so Cornelius immediately does what God told him to do.
Most of the time ignorance of right isn't the problem, but rather procrastination of doing what's right. People miss God's blessings because they put off obedience not because they're ignorant of God's will.
9. The roof was the perfect spot to catch a cool breeze coming off the Sea of Galilee. Peter was on the roof praying and God is going to use this time to prepare him.
God often uses our prayer time to prepare us for what's next.
10. God is helping Peter to focus by putting him in a trance. In a trance a person's mind can be focused because his senses are somewhat dulled. So Peter is shut off from everything except God.
In our prayers we should try to shut ourselves off from everything around us; shut ourselves off from everything except God.
11. God unzipped the sky, and dropped a blanket of animals, birds, and bugs.
12,13. In Old Testament days Jews were not supposed to eat the sort of things that were in this blanket, but God is saying that the old, ceremonial, and dietary laws have passed away. That also means that the barriers between Jews and Gentiles are gone as well. Almighty God is preparing Peter to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
14. I think Peter put his brain on pause before he spoke because he says something that's absolutely ridiculous; he says "no Lord." If someone is your Lord then you better not say no to them. But Peter says I've never eaten anything unclean and I'm not going to start doing it now I don't care what you tell me to do.
15. It is just as wrong to add something to the word of God as it is to remove something. Peter is adding to the word of God; he is making up prohibitions.
When people add to God's word they often alienate people for no reason at all. When people add rules to the word of God they make coming to Christ and being saved more difficult than it really is.
16-18. God's command to Peter didn't make sense to him but the visitors at his door are about to clear up some of his confusion.
When God's word doesn't seem to make sense just trust Him because sooner or later He will give you understanding.
19. Peter was confused about what God said,but the answer was at his door.
20-22. God said, Peter do not hesitate to go with the men at your door. Then the men tell Peter that an angel said He was to come with them. It sure would be nice if God's perfect will was always so clear.
23,24. Cornelius was exciting about Peter's arrival because he knew that he was going to hear the word of God.
I would not go near a church that did not teach the word of God verse by verse. There is something wrong about a christian who doesn't get excited about God's word like Cornelius.
25. Cornelius had a heart for God but when he fell down before Peter it became clear that he needed some instruction.
26. Peter did not for a second tolerate anyone kneeling before him.
Chruch leaders should be honored for their position but it is wrong to kneel before them, I don't care who they are. The Bible says that God will not share His glory with anyone.
27,28a. We in 21st century America cannot fathom what a big deal it was for Peter to go into the home of a gentile. Traditionaly touching something that belonged to a gentile or even entering their home would make an Israelite ceremonialy unclean so God is really streatching Peter here. He is asking Peter to set aside tradition that is no longer Biblical.
28b,29. God showed Peter that he shouldn't call any man common, or second rate. If there's one thing the human race has it is parity; were all sinful; God says we've all become useless. The big difference between the saved and the unsaved is that Christians are forgiven.
30-33. Cornelius didn't know what was going on; Peter really didn't know what was going on either. God used the Angel to bring these two together and when they compare notes they'll understand what's going on.
34. God is not partial when deciding who to love, and who he will save from hell. His love, and mercy are not confined to the Israelites, or to anyone else. That's something that Peter needed to understand.
35. Salvation is always through Christ, and always by God's grace, and always through faith. But God knows the hearts of those who would receive Jesus if they could. The person who fears God, understanding that he is accountable to God, and as a result avoids all known sin, asking for forgiveness after he fails, will be given more truth until they have enough to receive Jesus and then they will be saved.
36. Peace with God is the best news that this world has ever heard. The problem is, it never makes the headlines. People really don't care when someone converts to Christ and is saved from hell. Walter Cronkite never reported on that; Peter Jennings never reported on that; FOXNews never reports on that; people don't care. It's up to Christians to spread the word about Jesus so that souls can be saved from hell because no one else is going to do it.
37,38. Jesus is Lord of all according to verse 36. Jesus is Lord of all means that he does whatever he wants which is why I'm glad that he's good. Jesus can do anything he wants to do, and unlike all others who claim to be absolute rulers he only does what is good.
39,40. Did you know that every sermon recorded in the book of acts includes the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The resurrection of Jesus confirms that everything he said is true. How do we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the father except through him, like he said? How do we know that's true? Because he is the only religious leader who ever came back from the dead proving that he never committed a sin and that would include lying.
41. There are money hungry, popularity seeking, leaders of so-called evangelical colleges, who refuse to dogmatically teach that Jesus came back from the dead in his physical body. Why don't they take the stand for the physical resurrection of Christ? Because they want to appeal to a broader range of people. The doors to those institutions should be nailed shut and the leadership should be ashamed of themselves for selling out.
A spirit does not eat and drink like Jesus did after he was raised, and a spirit cannot be touched like Jesus was touched after he was raised. There can be no doubt that his resurrection was physical.
42. Jesus will judge those who are still alive when he returns, and he will judge those who are raised at his return. I would suggest that everyone be in good terms with the judge before that trial begins.
43. The word forgiveness actually means pardon. God never calls a Christian innocent; we are not innocent; we are guilty; there's no doubt about it, but through Jesus Christ Christians receive a full and everlasting pardon.
44-46. The moment the word of God hit the souls of Cornelius, and his household, it took root, sprang up, and produced salvation. Then, to prove to Peter, and the other Jews that God actually received the Gentiles he caused them to speak in languages that they had never learned just as the Jewish disciples did on the day of Pentecost. It took a miracle for the Jews to believe that God would accept Gentiles on the same terms as he accepted them: the terms being: receiving Jesus Christ.
47. Cornelius and company were Christians before they were baptized. They received the Holy Spirit as proof they were Christians before they were baptized but they submitted to baptism right after they were saved.
Baptism doesn't save us but it is a command from God to every Christian.
48. These new Christians needed Peter to stay with them for at least a few days. New Christians desperately need the word of God. That's because Satan loves to confuse them, and cause them to doubt their salvation and even lead them astray with false teaching.
Chapter 11
1. The news spread quickly that Christ was saving Gentiles as well as Jews. This was big news with the apostles and with the early church which was entirely Jewish at the beginning.
2. By the time Peter returned to Jerusalem after seeing the Gentile Cornelius and his household saved the word had spread that he had been in that Gentile home. Not only that, Peter was saying that God accepted those Gentiles through Christ. The Jews were very upset with Peter because of those things.
3. The Jewish christians in Jerusalem overlooked the good things that had occurred, such as the Gentiles repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Instead they were stuck on the fact that Peter ate with them.
4. Peter started with the vision he saw while praying on the house top, and then he related in detail everything that happened with Cornelius receiving Christ. Now Peter could have flexed his apostolic muscle and shoved his beliefs down the Jews throats, but instead he explained why he did what he did.
Humility is one aspect of good leadership.
5,6. This was a vision, not an actual happening so when Peter said he looked at it closely it means he thought about it carefully. A vision is not seen with the eyes; it is seen with the spirit.
7. If these Jewish Christians were shocked when they heard that Peter ate with the Gentiles, then they should of been with him when he was told to eat these formerly forbidden animals; Peter was shocked also.
8. Peter is saying that he responded to these new things from God the same way the Jews in Jerusalem are responding to him. He says it didn't make sense to me either. In other words, I know what you men are going through and I know what you're thinking but it's time to change our thinking and get it in line with the word of God.
9. In other words, what God says is right, is right, and what God says is okay, is okay. When God says that something is correct no human being has the right to say anything different.
10. God told Peter three times that it was okay to kill and eat those formerly unclean animals. By the way, just as a footnote, cruelty to animals is wrong, but they are animals, not humans, and those groups who condemn meat eaters ought to eat their vegetables, and mind their own business because God says it's okay to eat meat.
11. As soon as the vision ended three men were at Peter's door. They would supply the answers to his puzzling vision.
12. Peter says: God told me to go with them to the home of a Gentile and not to worry about it. And now the Jews in Jerusalem also need to set aside the former barriers between Jew and Gentile and learn to accept them in Christ.
If God receive someone we better not reject them.
13. God was working both ends of this thing. This wasn't about Peter hanging out with Gentiles on a whim; the entire thing was God's doing; he arranged the meeting between Peter and the Gentiles and so the Jews in Jerusalem need to accept what's going on here.
14. Cornelius had been a God fearing man, but he still needed to be saved. He needed to hear about Christ so that he could receive him. And we see from this that God knows the hearts of all people. If, given a chance, someone would receive Christ, then God will surely make it possible for them to hear about Jesus.
15. The Gentiles did not pray a special sinners prayer to receive Christ; they were not baptized, and they were not confirmed. They heard the word of God and they received the message of Jesus in their souls. God knew that they believed in Christ and that they had received him and so he gave them the Holy Spirit as a result and they were saved.
16. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he told his disciples that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Peter remembered those words when he saw it happen to the Gentiles. He knew that Jesus had baptized Cornelius with the Holy Spirit just as he did the apostles on the day of Pentecost which meant that there was no difference between Jew and Gentiles as far as God is concerned, as long as they were in Christ.
17. In other words, Peter is saying who was I to argue with God.
18. God has granted repentance to the Gentiles so that they also can have eternal life. Some people hate the thought of repentance; they hate the thought of giving up their sin; but what they don't understand is that an opportunity to repent before they die is a gift from God.
Instead of becoming stiffnecked and angry when the word of God tells you to give up your sin and receive Christ one should be thankful for the opportunity, and do it because if they do they won't burn in hell forever.
19,20. Antioch was known for its worship of the pagan gods Apollo and Artamais. Among other things the "worship" of Apollo and Artamais included prostitution. So if you guessed that Antioch was deep into moral depravity you were right. Bad people, doing bad things, much of it in the name of their religion.
21. Several of the depraved sinners in Antioch repented, and became Christians.
Notice that the word of God is powerful enough to change even the worst of the worst. Nothing but the pure word of God can change a sinner into a saint. In spite of modern society's acceptance of lifestyles, which the Bible defines as depraved, the word of God must be proclaimed and sin must be called sin so that people will repent and not go to hell. Someone says: it's unloving to tell people that what they're doing is wrong; no it's unloving to make them feel comfortable in their sin because they are going to be comfortable all the way to hell, and then they won't be so comfortable anymore.
22. The new church in Antioch was sort of like a car without a driver. They needed leadership because that's how God designed his church to operate. Consequently, Barnabas became their pastor for the time being.
23,24. Barnabas was a kind person. He was also full of the Holy Spirit. That means he was good, patient, self-controlled, and unselfish. The only people who would have trouble with someone like that are those who are nothing but trouble themselves.
25,26. The word Christian means follower of Christ. Someone says: I'm a Christian, but I don't go to church, I don't really read the Bible, and I don't pray much either to be honest with you. So where's the evidence that your Christian because you not acting like one. A Christian is one who follows Christ; at the very least they care about following Christ; they certainly don't ignore Christian disciplines such as church, Bible reading, and prayer.
27. There were prophets in the early church who spoke the word of God with authority. In my life as a Christian I have witnessed and dealt with the terrible consequences of so-called prophets who presumed to speak for Jesus. Those people are very fortunate that we are not living in Old Testament times because they would be dead. God did not tolerate those who said they spoke for him but instead were speaking the imaginations of their own heart; they were stoned to death. Prophets never missed on any prophecy they spoke because if they did they were labeled a false prophet and executed.
There's too much flippant nonsense spoken in the name of Jesus today by self-proclaimed prophets who are destroying lives, and misrepresenting Jesus, and if you think they're going to get away with it you are wrong.
28. Secular, and Jewish historians both record this famine; it took place in 46 A.D.
29,30. This famine was a problem, but it provided an opportunity for the church. People's problems are a Christians opportunities. They provide opportunities for Christians to help which is what Jesus wants.
Chapter 12
1. This Herod was the grandson of the King Herod who killed all the little baby boys when Jesus was born. He was a power hungry madman like his grandfather.
2. James was the first apostle to be martyred for Jesus.
3. In order to please the Jews even more Herod arrested Peter as well. He's going to kill him, he thinks, but he can't do it for seven days because it was the feast of unleavened bread. It was considered improper to execute someone during the religious feast.
4. Four squads of soldiers were guarding Peter. He was important, and so Herod probably figures Christians will try to rescue him. I wish I could thank Herod personally for putting so many guards around Peter because it will make the upcoming miracle even more impressive.
5. The church didn't have the manpower to overcome the Roman guards and rescue Peter. But, they did have prayer power, which is bigger than manpower, especially when it is earnest prayer like here.
6. I guess Peter didn't have a problem with insomnia or for that matter worry. He actually has sort of a track record of sleeping in disturbing circumstances. You might remember that he fell asleep in the garden of Gethsemane while Jesus was praying, and now here he is sleeping while chained to a couple of guards on the eve of his execution.
We learn from this that trusting God and his word is the answer to fear and worry. Most people would have panicked in a situation like this but because Peter was so close to Jesus he had peace and could sleep.
7. This was actually a triple miracle: number one, the Angel appears; number two Peter's chains fell off, and number three the guards slept through it all, including that bright light that filled the cell.
8. The Angel told Peter to put on his shoes, coat. I think he had to tell Peter to do those things because he was probably dazed, not knowing if this was reality or a dream. When an Angel appears and lights up the jail cell where you are sleeping you probably don't think about your coat and shoes.
9. Peter was thinking: this must be a dream. When God does something remarkable, something that our mind cannot fully comprehend it can seem surreal, sort of like a dream. We know that something happened, but our mind can't quite grasp it completely; it doesn't quite register.
10. They walked through the other cellblocks, and when they got to the iron gate that led to the street it opened by itself. The power of a good Angel is a remarkable thing. And the good news is: that power is used to help Christians. Who knows what they're doing right now behind the scenes to help you and I.
11. And try to remember that behind this show of divine, and angelic power was fervent prayer. Prayer is more powerful than a wicked ruler. Prayer is bigger, it wields more influence than a godless population. All things are possible when Christians pray.
12. Mark was a young man; he was a cousin to Barnabas. He later traveled with Peter, and wrote the gospel of Mark receiving his information from Peter.
13-15. In other words the Christians said: no, it can't be Peter because he's in prison, or perhaps he's dead by now; don't you know that's why we are praying; it just can't be Peter we' re praying for Peter.
It was easier for these Christians to believe that Peter had been executed then to believe that God had answered their prayers and rescued them. So much for the lie that you must have strong faith before God will answer your prayer and the reason prayers are not answered is because in every instance the person praying lacks faith; you can't back that by Scripture.
16. The Christians were shocked that God answered their prayers and such a dramatic way.
17. And this is the last we see of Peter in the book of acts. He leaves Jerusalem, and eventually became the leader of the church in Rome. Meanwhile, back in Jerusalem, James the half-brother of Jesus took charge of the church in that city.
18. When the two guards who had been chained to Peter finally woke up they turned to look at their prisoner but instead all they saw was each other. That's because Peter was not there.
19a. Instead of seeing the hand of God in the disappearance of Peter Herod blames the soldiers who had been guarding him. As far as Herod is concerned they failed so they must be executed.
19,20. The coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon depended on Herod for food exports. That's why now that he is angry at them for some reason they will attempt to please him with flattery.
21. The pompous, no good, murdering sinner sits on his throne. He really thinks he is something, and the people of Tyre are going to feed his ungodly ego.
22. They would say anything to get their food imports from Herod again. Oh you speak like a God Herod; you're too wonderful for words Herod, and he's lapping it up like a dog laps up his own vomit.
23. God will not share his glory with anyone; that's what the Bible says, and to prove it Herod dies a horrible death. He serves as a warning to anyone who would try to steal credit that belongs only to God, or the attention that belongs to God.
24. Herod is dead, meanwhile the church of Jesus Christ goes forward. Herod is just one of many who thought he could destroy the church, but God always destroys those who would destroy his son. Everyone who has ever attempted to put an end to Christianity are either dead, or will die, but the message of Christ goes forward.
Chapter 13
1. There were five prominent prophets and teachers in the Antioch church.
2. It doesn't say exactly how God made his will known, and that's probably a good thing. If he would have revealed the method then Christians would probably expect the same type of leading, and it doesn't always come packaged the same way. God's people who are close to him will discern his leading.
3. By laying their hands on Paul and Barnabas the church in Antioch was saying: we're with you guys 100%, we will support you and we will pray for you.
4. Seleucia was a port used in the city of Antioch. Cyprus is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea. Barnabas was from the island of Cyprus.
5. Salamis was the largest city on the island of Cyprus. Paul's spiritual game plan was to preach to the Jews in the synagogue. In other words, give the Jews the first shot at receiving Christ. That's the way Jesus wanted them to do it in the early church.
6. Paphos was 90 miles west of Salamis. They were now in the capital city of Cyprus.
7. Sergius Paulus was the governor of this Roman province. Bar Jesus was the governor's personal sorcerer. By the way, sorcery is an abomination according to the word of God; it is condemned by God; that would include tarot cards, Ouija boards, astrology, séances etc.
8. Satan had a grip on the governor. He influenced him through this sorcerer, and he didn't want to lose that influence. Consequently, he tried to keep the governor from hearing the word of God.
Satan is afraid of the Bible because he knows that it is able to deliver people from his power.
9. When a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit they won't be timid when it comes to Christ, or anything else in the word of God. As we see here, Paul looked this Satanist right in the eye.
10. When wickedness, and false teaching is encountered it must be exposed, and condemned. If a preacher shrinks back from doing that then he's not doing his job. Paul said: you are a child of the devil, and you are perverting the right ways of God.
11,12. Once again Jesus outmuscled the devil. Paul put an immediate stop to this man's evil influence in the name of Jesus.
Evil influences, false teachings, must be dealt with in a straightforward way. If they are not they will cause more trouble.
13. And later were going to see that Paul was upset with John Mark for leaving. He was young, and probably couldn't take the pressure so he bailed out and went back home.
14. You've heard of the book of Galatians? Paul has just entered the province of Galatia right here. He's about to plant the churches which he later wrote to in the book of Galatians.
15. It was the job of the synagogue ruler to emcee the synagogue service. They didn't teach, but they would invite people from the congregation to teach. The synagogue provided an opportunity for Paul to preach Christ to the Jews. The synagogue was the TV station, the Internet, and the radio of the day. Paul used open doors that God provided while they were open and that's what Christians need to do today.
16. This congregation was a mixed bag. There were Jews, and also some Gentiles who feared God. These Gentiles went to the services, but they didn't adhere to all the laws and the traditions of the Jews.
17. The Jews didn't like being slaves in Egypt, but when they looked back at those days they realized that God used it as a stage to display his power so that everyone would know that he is the real God.
18. God endured the rebellion of the Israelites just as a loving parent stays with their child when they don't do the right thing.
There are consequences to rebellion, but God does not abandon his people. He endures our rebellion as he endured Israel's. He stays with us, and tries to get us to learn from our mistakes.
19. Israel's years of slavery in Egypt, plus their years of desert wandering, plus the time it took to conquer and distribute the promise land amounted to 450 years. It was a long, hard struggle, longer than it had to be because of their continual rebellion, but God, the good Shepherd, brought them to their land and gave them the rest that he promised.
20,21. Up until the time of Saul God had been Israel's King. He ruled Israel through his special agents: men like Moses, Joshua, and the judges found in the book of Judges. Consequently when Israel asked for a King like all the other nations had they were rejecting God their King. They wanted the pomp and ceremony that goes with a human King so they substituted tinsel for substance.
22. Israel's first King: Saul wanted to do things his way so God removed him, and put David in his place. At least David's heart was in the right place. At least he wanted to do things God's way.
23. One of David's descendents: Jesus, is the Savior who God promised he would send to deliver us from our sins.
24. Before Jesus John the Baptist was sent by God to preach repentance to the Israelites. People had to repent before they could follow Christ, and people still do. Jesus won't work for those who refuse to repent.
25. John the Baptist said I'm not the Messiah and compared to him I'm nothing.
Compared to Jesus everyone is nothing. We' re all nothing compared to Jesus; we' re not even close to being in the same league as Christ.
26,27. Paul says: we Israelites missed our Messiah; and worse, we murdered him. Israel expected the Messiah to be a political deliver, not someone who needed to die to pay for our sins.
28. The Jews tried very hard to find Jesus guilty of something deserving death, but they couldn't. Finally, they quit trying, and just made something up.
29. When the Israelites, and the Romans did everything to Jesus that the Bible predicted they would do he died. His body was removed from the cross, and he was put in a tomb.
30. The devil couldn't keep Jesus in the grave. Jesus never sinned, consequently death couldn't hold him.
The good news for Christians, is that in Christ we are sinless as well which is why we will eventually be raised from the dead also.
31. Jesus continued to appear to his followers for 40 days after his resurrection, and every single one of them talked about it. How could you not talk about something that wonderful.
32,33. Begotten means: one-of-a-kind, or unique. Jesus has always been the eternal son of the eternal father. He is always existed as God's son. However, Jesus was made known to the world as the son of God by his incarnation.
34,35. The resurrection of Christ was predicted in the Old Testament, and Paul quotes two of those Scriptures right here.
Theologians during Old Testament days couldn't figure out how the Messiah would die and pay for our sins, which the Bible teaches, and yet rule and reign forever in Jerusalem, which the Bible also teaches. They couldn't reconcile those two biblical teachings, but if they would have studied every verse and taken each verse at face value they would have understood that yes the Messiah would die and pay for our sins, but that he would be raised physically from the dead which would enable him to rule from Jerusalem.
The Bible is clear, we just have to study at all and believe every word of it.
36. David served God in his generation. You can't ask anything more of someone than that. Let us strive to serve God in our generation.
37. David's body has been dust for centuries. Jesus' body didn't get a chance to turn into dust. He wasn't in the grave long enough for any corruption to begin.
38. Through Jesus Christ there is forgiveness.
All religions are not equal. Those that reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior fail to provide forgiveness for their followers and that makes their religion useless. Yes, I said useless.
A particular religion may have moral laws which promote good behavior, but it is worthless, it is useless, it is damnable if it doesn't provide forgiveness because if our sins are not forgiven then we' re going to burn in hell and pay for them forever.
39. Everyone who puts their trust in Jesus Christ; that is everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior is free from guilt, and is forgiven by God. That's something which the law of God, as holy as it is, is powerless to do.
40. In other words, be careful, or the bad things that the prophets predicted would happen to those who would rebel against Christ will happen to you.
God doesn't warn just to show that he predicts the future, but to give us opportunity to repent before judgment day.
41. This is what the prophets predicted would happen for rejecting Christ: it would bring earthly, and eternal suffering. Too bad the Israelites didn't listen to the prophets because over 1 million of them were killed by Rome in 70 A.D. precisely for rejecting Jesus, and those who persisted in spiritual rebellion died and went to hell.
42. The Gentiles who heard Paul preach couldn't wait for the next Bible study.
It is easy to tell the difference between a little sermonette and Holy Spirit anointed preaching. Anointed preaching and teaching makes one crave for more the word of God if they are right with Christ.
43. They were so excited about the word of God, and Jesus that they followed Paul and Barnabas down the street after the service. And notice that the one thing they urged the people to do more than anything else was to continue in the grace of God. In other words, keep accepting the mercy of God which he offers through Jesus. In other words, never stop confessing, repenting, and accepting the mercy of God. That's the worst thing anyone could ever do.
44. The people who heard the word of God the previous week told others how great it was and that's why the place was jammed the following week.
Get hungry for the word of God because if you are, then your excitement for Scripture will be contagious. Be on fire for Jesus and others will catch fire for Him as well.
45. There's the opposition that always comes when one proclaims the word. The word of God separates like a sharp sword. It draws those who love truth and have a heart for God. Meanwhile it irritates those who despise God and have no desire to repent.
46. If you reject Jesus Christ then you condemn yourself. God doesn't condemn those who won't repent; they sentence themselves to hell. John 3:18 says: "he who does not believe in Christ is condemned already."
47. There comes a time when Christians must give up on those who reject truth and give it to others who may be open.
48. Christians can't take credit for their salvation or even for wanting it. It's true that we can either receive or reject Jesus, but God is always the one who makes the first move when one receives Him. Our faith is a gift from God.
49-52. Shaking the dust from their feet was a symbolic act. It meant: I've done my part so when God judges you, your blood will be on your own hands, not mine.
Once we give someone the word of God we can pray for them, but they choose what they're going to do with it.
Chapter 14
1. The apostles teaching had great results, but that doesn't mean they used fancy words, or great debating skills. It means they spoke the word of God plainly.
2. These unbelieving Jews were spiritual poison; they killed the faith of those who had believed.
Some people will be lost because they spent too much time with spiritual poison. The Bible says bad company corrupts good morals.
3. The apostles said what needed to be said; they spoke the holy word of God, and they spoke it with conviction. That's enough to get people who want truth excited all by itself, but then God did miracles to back what they taught as well.
4. If a preacher's message doesn't cause division then he has failed to deliver truth clearly. In a sinful world like this truth will divide.
5-7. Their persistence was great. If a door closed in one area they went someplace else; they didn't give up. Their message was correct; what they were doing was correct; as a result, they will continue to do it or die trying.
The word of God is worth proclaiming even if no one receives it. It's worth proclaiming because it is right.
8,9. The word of God gave this man faith.
The Bible produces faith because it is the supernatural, living word of Almighty God. Every word of Scripture is God breathed and it never changes.
10. He didn't just stand, he leaped, he sprang, and then he walked. This guy was as happy as anyone could possibly be simply because he could walk.
We must guard against taking simple things like standing and walking for granted. Learn from this man that the truly important things in life are often overlooked and unappreciated.
11,12. The people in that pagan area believed in many God's. They believed that every now and then those gods would appear on earth as humans. Consequently, they think Paul and Barnabas are Zeus and Hermes. They believed that Zeus, their top God, would allow Hermes to tagalong with him on his visits to earth and that's what they think is happening here.
13. Each city had their favorite God who they thought was their protector. Zeus was Lystra's God. That's why they had a temple for him, and they also had in image of him at the entrance to the city. So this was a big day for Lystra because they actually believed that their God has made a visit in the flesh.
14,15. Paul and Barnabas are shocked at the idea of being worshiped.
Any godly person will feel uncomfortable when they are receiving too much attention; more attention then Jesus.
16. From the beginning, the Israelites were fortunate because they had the word of God. The Gentiles were left to go their own way, but now they are hearing the word of God as well. Now they are being taught God's way also.
17,18. These heathen needed to get their eyes off of their useless idols, and on to the living God. They didn't have the word of God like the Jews, but they still had plenty of evidence that there is a one true God.
There is plenty of natural evidence which proves that the God of creation is real, and deserves to be worshiped. Lack of biblical knowledge may perhaps cause the sincere to worship him as: he who has no name, but those who respect truth know that he is out there.
19. Talk about fickle. One minute they are worshiping Paul and the next minute they're stoning him. By the way, the offspring of these Galatians settled in Western Europe so these fickle rock throwers might well be our grandfathers. Maybe that's why so many Americans are fickle rather than steadfast with regards to the word of God.
20. What a miracle! A person isn't viciously stoned to death, or at the very least nearly stoned to death one day, and then traveling on his own power the next. Paul should be dead but he isn't because God's not finished using him yet.
21,22. When Paul said that believers must suffer many hardships as Christians he wasn't using a pious cliché; he lived it.
Jesus never promise Christians that we would have all of our desires if we just believed hard enough. Jesus never said that our lives would be easy; He said unless you deny yourself for my sake you can't be my disciple.
23. Here you see the succession of leadership as it began in the early church. It started with the apostles who appointed others who then appointed others. This is how Jesus has kept his church orderly for 2000 years.
24-26. Paul's first missionary journey was a success because they went were God led, and spoke with God commanded. They didn't quit even when it got painful.
Perseverance can be painful, but the only way a Christian fails is if they quit saying, and doing what God wants.
27,28. Notice how they reported everything that God did. Every step Paul and Barnabas took and every word they spoke was done by the grace of God.
Christians are tools and that's about it. We are tools to be used by the hand of God and he deserves every bit of credit for anything that we accomplish.
Chapter 15
1. The Gentile church in Antioch was doing very well but then some Hebrew converts to Christ began to tell the Gentile Christians that they needed Jesus plus they had to submit to the old Jewish ritual of circumcision or they wouldn't be saved.
2. Paul and Barnabas were not buying what they were trying to sell, but they didn't have the authority to say that it was wrong so they decided to go to the apostles in Jerusalem and present the issue to them.
Allow the apostles decide on matters of faith and conduct today as well, and God has preserved whatever apostolic teaching he wanted us to have; it is found in the New Testament.
3. Paul and Barnabas stopped at several churches on the way to Jerusalem. They talked about all the Gentiles who repented and received Christ on their first missionary journey, and everyone who heard the news was happy.
4,5. The Pharisee converts to Christ were teaching that the cross wasn't sufficient. They taught that a person needs to receive Jesus but they also have to be circumcised, plus they have to keep the Jewish law to be saved. They were Christian Jews who still lived like Old Testament Jews. They were watering down the message of the cross.
6. The leadership, which included the apostles, and the elders met to decide whether Gentile Christians needed to be circumcised and keep the old Jewish law in order to be saved. The purpose of this meeting was to declare the correct interpretation of God's commands regarding salvation through Christ. What this first ever church council decides will be binding on all Christians everywhere for all time.
7. Peter was an eyewitness to the fact that God accepted the Gentiles apart from them be in circumcised or becoming a Jew first. He's referring to the salvation of the Gentile Cornelius.
8. God alone knows our hearts. Only God knows for certain if someone is saved or not. We can judge right from wrong using the Bible as our guide, but we do not know what's going on in a person's mind.
9. The Jewish Christians tried to make a distinction between them and the Gentile Christians. They considered Gentile Christians to be second-class; actually not right with God at all. Truth is: it doesn't matter to God if a Christian lives like a Jew or not because it is our faith in Christ that makes us right with God.
10. The Jewish Christians who thought they were so superior to the Gentiles were actually provoking God. They were making God angry by adding their man-made ideas to his plan of salvation through Christ. And if you want to make God angry than teach something that makes the way to heaven harder than what it really is.
11. In other words, Peter says: we Jews will be saved just like the Gentiles, not the other way around. Meaning: the Gentiles do not have to become Jews like us to be saved.
12. The congregation of Christians sat amazed, hearing the stories of the miracles done through Paul. They were amazed because miracles were not even the norm in the early church.
13,14. Every Christian has been selected by God to be a person for his name. Meaning: he has chosen you to be someone who is dedicated to bringing him honor. He has selected you to represent him in this world which is full of people who don't understand him very well.
15. The leadership made its decision by the leading of the Holy Spirit and now James declares that their decision is also in line with the Bible.
The leading of the Holy Spirit is always in line with the Bible because the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible and he never contradicts himself.
16. The "after this" refers to the Jewish religion of the Old Testament age.
17,18. The Jewish Christians were sort of puzzled by God's acceptance of Gentiles, and they may have been even more puzzled by the decree of the church leaders. But James says: this whole thing was planned by God long ago.
God's master plan is in motion. Nothing that takes us by surprise catches God offguard; he saw it coming long ago.
19-21. In other words, there are Jews all over this world where we will be taking the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, for the sake of Christian harmony abstain from these things that are so important to them. And for the sake of any Jew who might consider coming to Christ, but would certainly be repelled if they saw Christians do these sorts of things, abstain from them.
22-24. The Jewish Christians who were stirring up trouble with their lies were spiritual renegades.
When Christians pay attention to those who abandon sound biblical doctrine the result will always be confusion or trouble of one sort or another.
25-27,26. Judas and Silas had risked their lives for Jesus which proves they were serious about Christ.
Our willingness to sacrifice for Christ is what gives us spiritual credibility in the eyes of others.
27-29. So it's clear that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by Jesus Christ apart from the law. But it's also clear that we should stay away from anything that dishonors Jesus or may cause our fellow Christians to be offended.
30,31. The Christians rejoiced because it was truth. Truth always causes those who love righteousness and want to do the right thing to rejoice. Heresy was exposed and denounced and that is a pleasant thing to those who love truth.
32-34. Paul and Silas connected right away; in fact he later joined Paul on his second missionary journey.
The Holy Spirit knows how to bring the right people together as they individually walk in obedience to Christ.
35,36. There are many things that can turn Christians away from the word of God so Paul wanted to return to the churches that he and Barnabas had established to make sure they were okay.
37. On their first missionary trip young Mark quit, but Barnabas wants to give him another chance. Credit Mark also for wanting to try again after failing Christ the first time.
Don't let failure stop you from trying again with Jesus.
38,39. Paul and Barnabas had an honest disagreement, and the Bible doesn't condemn either one of them.
Some Christians who love to micromanage other people's lives find it hard to believe that God would lead others to do something completely different, or maybe a similar thing in a different way. But that's the way it is sometimes and it should be accepted as long as it doesn't contradict holy Scripture which is always the ultimate guide.
40,41. Paul and Barnabas went different directions and God use them both. Patients with Mark paid off because he ended up being a strong Christian, and the writer of the gospel of Mark.
Everything has way of working out if we listen to God and follow his leading.
Chapter 16
1. Timothy was a young man who was spiritually strong. He had a godly mother and grandmother who got him off on the right track.
You will give your children a head start with Jesus when Jesus is the most important thing to you.
2. Timothy had a godly reputation. He was a man of high moral character which is why he will become a great spiritual leader.
3. Timothy would be preaching Jesus to unbelieving Jews, but they won't listen to him if they know that he is an uncircumcised son of a Greek. The Jewish law including circumcision is not necessary for salvation, but it's going to be necessary for Timothy in order to preach to those who think that it is important.
Sometimes in order to be useful to Christ we must set aside some of our liberty in Christ so as not to offend anyone we tell about Jesus.
4. The apostle Paul told the Gentile Christians that salvation is by faith in Jesus not by keeping the Jewish law. That is official biblical doctrine and it cannot be changed; no one has a right to teach anything contrary to salvation by faith in Christ plus nothing.
5. The Jewish Christians had been pressing the Gentiles in Galatia to keep the Jewish laws for salvation. Those added, man-made rules doubtless scared some potential converts to Christ away. But when the simple word of God was taught those who were hungry for truth were drawn by it to Christ.
6. It may have seemed a bit strange to be forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach the word of God in Asia after all Jesus commissioned his apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. But the great commission doesn't mean that every Christian is called to go everywhere.
There's a lot of good things that Christians can do but the need doesn't necessarily justify the call; we can't do everything ourselves; we have to be led by the Holy Spirit.
7,8. The Holy Spirit wouldn't let Paul go north or south; he came from the east so the only place left was West and that's the direction he started to go.
Sometimes God's will is discovered by a process of elimination; everything you try to do is a closed-door except for one.
9. Macedonia is in Europe. God is telling Paul to go to Europe and preach Jesus. If Paul doesn't go West than Western civilization doesn't exist; America as we have known it doesn't exist.
10. Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke; the big for are about to enter Europe with the gospel and along with saving souls from hell through Jesus Christ, plant the seeds of Western civilization.
Those four men were on fire for Jesus and it's going to take holiness and determination to get the church going in that very sinful area; an area that many of our ancestors in America came from.
11,12. Philippi was a Roman colony and its people were Roman citizens. They had Roman customs; they spoke Latin and another Roman custom they followed was immorality so these guys have their work cut out for them.
13. The Jews in the Roman Empire often held their religious meetings as far away from the hethen as they could. So these ladies are outside the city limits praying.
I don't know for sure but this little prayer group may have been the reason God told Paul to take the gospel to Europe rather than China.
14. Lydia believed and applied the word of God that Paul taught; it says that God opened her heart to do those things.
Because of our sin nature man's heart is naturally closed to the word of God. It takes the power of God to open our hearts to truth.
15. Lydia insisted that the apostles stay in her home.
It is only natural for Christians who are fed the word of God to help their teacher, and continue to learn from them.
16. Fortune-telling and similar practices are forbidden by God. But it's a moneymaker today as it was back then with this girl and her owners.
17. Someone says: wow, this is great, she speaking well of the apostle and the message of Christ! No it isn't great; it is Satan trying to pull a fast one. The Jews in that area knew this girl was under the control of demons so this is Satan's attempt to turn those Jews off to the message of Jesus. A demon influenced Girl saying that Jesus is the way to heaven would make the Jews skeptical of Christ.
18. The apostle didn't want any help from demons so to shut her up he cast the demon out.
The last thing Jesus wants is some immoral person claiming to speak for him. God doesn't need to be identified with those kind of people; that's not the kind of advertising he wants.
19. She was delivered from a demon and a sin that was destroying her soul, but that doesn't seem to matter to her owners. They are angry because the demons gone, and she can't tell the future anymore. They tolerated the word of God until it hurt their income; now they're angry.
20. In other words: Paul is a troublemaker.
When a preacher proclaims the word of God clearly there will be those who will call him a hater, and a troublemaker. The word of God restrains sin and sinners don't like it when that happens.
21,22,23. The Jews, by order of God, couldn't whip any criminal more than 39 times. The Romans had no such law, there was no limit to how many times they might whip a criminal. Consequently, Paul and Silas get a severe beating because they preached the word of God.
24. They were whipped until their backs looked like shredded paper. They were then thrown into a filthy, varmint infested prison. They were laid on their backs with their legs spread wide and their feet locked into stocks. I wanted you to understand their situation before we read verse 25.
25. The other prisoners who didn't know Jesus were listening to Paul and Silas while they were in their miserable and painful situation.
We never know who is watching us; who is observing us and taking note of how we, as Christians are handling our troubles. How we respond to God in miserable situations determines if we are a good or a bad testimony.
26. Paul and Silas praise God in the midst of their misery and God immediately delivered them.
Praise God at all times even when things are horrible because he deserves it. If he intervenes and makes things better that's a bonus; but either way God deserves our praise at all times.
27. Suicide is a sin but in that culture it was considered an honorable way to die especially if death was imminent anyway. And death was definitely imminent here because any guard who allowed his prisoner to escape was executed.
28. This jailer had been Paul's enemy but he didn't care; he didn't want him to die and go to hell so he stepped in and stopped him from killing himself.
29,30. This man had been on the very edge of hell, but because Paul cared he's now on the edge of salvation. When he saw Paul praising God in his miserable condition that made an impression and he figured if anyone had the true religion it was the apostle.
If we don't live right then no one's going to listen when we talk about Jesus.
31. Receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and trusting in his finished work on the cross is what it means to believe on Christ. That's how one is saved. The jailer knows what to do; it's up to him to choose to do it.
32,33. I want you to notice that although the apostles did many miracles to validate the message of Christ they couldn't do them anytime they wanted; they didn't have that power. They couldn't free themselves from prison; and they couldn't heal their wounds. The effects of their brutal beating would have to be healed the old-fashioned way.
34. The man and his entire family are feeling great because all of them received Jesus.
Receiving Christ as Lord and Savior and living for him is the key to a happy family. Being filled with the Holy Spirit will give you joy, and peace and unselfishness and it's pretty easy to get along when everyone is acting like that.
35. Scared by the earthquake, the officials knew they were dealing with a power bigger than they could handle so they sent word that Paul and Silas should be released.
36,37. It was illegal for Paul, who was a Roman citizen, to be bound and beaten without a fair trial, and he's not going to overlook what they did to him.
Christians shouldn't break the law, but we shouldn't allow civil government to violate our constitutional rights either.
38. They're afraid and with good reason because any official who violated the rights of a Roman citizen was executed.
39,40. Paul did not press charges instead he accepted their apology. The issue for Paul and Silas was for the public to understand that they were not criminals. They wanted to make that clear because their reputation, and more importantly, the reputation of the one they represented: Jesus Christ, was at stake. The apostle wasn't interested in revenge; he just wanted people to be saved.
Chapter 17
1. There was a synagogue and as usual that's the first Place Paul went to preach Christ. Some Jews will believe; most will not. Nothing has changed; it's the same today, some believe most do not.
2. Paul reasoned from the Scriptures concerning Jesus.
See that you do not get distracted in discussions concerning Christ, but stick to the Scriptures and reason from the Bible; always direct people's attention back to the word of God.
3. Paul told the Israelites that their idea of the Messiah was incorrect. He's not a political deliver as they thought. He came to offer himself as the sacrifice for our sins and they should of known that because it was written in the Old Testament.
4. Paul the apostle proved from Scripture that what he said about Jesus was correct, and yet only some of the Jews believed.
5. The Jewish leaders were jealous of Paul and Silas because some left their religion to become Christians. Consequently, they incited some useless troublemakers off the street to form a mob and go after Paul and Silas.
The devil gets angry when people follow Christ, and he stirs up trouble for those who preach the word that makes it happen.
6. Actually they got it wrong because the world is already upside down; the world is all messed up because of sin. The word of God and Jesus Christ sets the world right side up. The problem is people are so used to doing things the wrong way, and thinking about things the wrong way that they get thrown for a loop when the right way comes along.
7. They imply that the apostles were plotting against Rome. That was a lie because Christianity is not about politics. Christianity is about preaching salvation through Jesus Christ; it's about holiness. Jesus never told his people to overthrow the government, if anything he said submit to the government.
8. The people were fine with Christianity until the jealous Jews stirred up trouble with their lies.
A few troublemakers can make life miserable for God's people.
9. The man Jason had to post bail before the disciples could be released.
10. Trouble did not dampen Paul's enthusiasm for Jesus Christ or the word of God. He just kept preaching the Bible. He established the church in Thessalonica and suffered for it, but then he moved on to another place called Berea and he will do the same thing there.
11. The Bereans measured Paul's words by Scripture, and they are said to be noble because of that.
Do not accept or reject anything someone says on the basis of who they are or how you feel. Even the apostles words had to square with Scripture.
12. Notice, after examining the Scriptures many of them believed.
If an unbeliever will prayerfully, carefully, and sincerely examine the Scriptures God will reveal truth to them, and eventually lead them to Christ.
13-15. Paul leaves Berea in haste and goes to Athens and of course he's ready to preach Jesus they as well. The very best scholars, statesman, and military minds were in Athens. It was the top city in the area of philosophy, education, and arts.
16. The city that was considered the home of wisdom, and art was also spiritually blind and insane; they were drunk with idolatry and superstitions. Satan had a stronghold on Athens; it was filled with sophisticated, high sounding spiritual nonsense.
17. The marketplace was sort of like the coffee shop of today. The regulars gathered in the marketplace every morning to solve the world's problems. The marketplace was where the men met to talk about things, and to debate issues.
18. The Epicureans were atheists; they live to satisfy whatever they hungered for. The Stoics believed in gods, even though they thought the gods were indifferent. The Stoics were strict and they were the exact opposite of the Epicureans.
19. Paul is not under arrest here, however the scholars wanted to know more about this Jesus who he keeps talking about. Consequently, they bring Paul to the Supreme Court, which is called the Areopagus.
What we have here is Jesus giving Paul another opportunity to proclaim the word of God to those who otherwise would not hear it.
20,21. They were always looking for a fresh mental, or emotional buzz. They were always looking for something new to consider, especially some new religious or philosophical idea. They sat around in their academic dreamworld and devised theories.
22. They were very religious; in fact they have a god for everything. Paul will try to convince them that their gods are nothing, and that they need the one God, and his son Jesus Christ.
23. The idolaters in Athens knew deep down that there was a God who made everything. They didn't know who he was, but they didn't want to risk offending him, whoever he was, so they built him an alter.
24. Unlike their idols the real God is not confined to one place. The real God doesn't need to be carried around by human hands; in fact he made human hands. The real God is the highest, and the final authority.
25. God is self-sufficient; he doesn't need anything from anyone. He's perfect all by himself. He can get along just fine without anyone, or anything.
26. God places people and nations where he wants them to be.
The reason there are so many wars and so much trouble is that people, and nations are not content with what God has given them. They want what belongs to others so they try to take it and that makes for strife and wars.
27. God is not far from any of us. That's because the real God is everywhere at the same time. With Christ you are never far away from your protector, provider, physician, and guide.
28. In other words, God Almighty causes us to be and to continue. If God would ever withdraw his life from us we would collapse instantly. We cannot move a muscle apart from God's grace. Every little movement we make inside and out is a gift from our Creator.
29. Since he is everywhere, and since he gives us life, and causes us to keep going it makes no sense to believe that he is a decorated chunk of wood that some man cut off a tree. These intellectuals are such great thinkers so they should be able to figure that out but somehow they don't.
30. God demands repentance. The plan of salvation is a call to repentance. Jesus has never offered a single thing to sinners who will not repent.
31. Speaking in their Supreme Court and to the highest judges in the land the apostle Paul says: you will be judged by Jesus Christ.
Every leader on every level should know that God holds them responsible for how they lead.
32. Some who heard the word of God mocked it. That's always a bad sign for those people because the Scripture says that the message of the cross is foolishness to... Those who are perishing.
33. The reaction wasn't all good, but it wasn't all bad either. At least some of the people there wanted to hear the word of God again.
Don't be surprised if only relatively few want what you have in Christ.
34. Whenever the word of God is proclaimed some will repent, accept it, and serve Christ. It may just be a remnant, but if the Bible is proclaimed enough times to enough people Jesus will draw hungry souls to him. The devil doesn't throw any shutouts against Jesus when the word of God is proclaim clearly.
Chapter 18
1. Corinth was the sin capital of the Roman Empire. Immorality wasn't a part of the lifestyle, it was the lifestyle, it was also the religion of the people in Corinth.
2. The Jews were stirring up rebellion in the city of Rome so the Emperor kicked them all out. Among those who left was this couple: Aquila and Priscilla.
Always remember that for Christians a forced change is not your world falling apart; it is God doing something new with you; trust him.
3. Aquila and his wife had a tent making business. One day Paul applied for a job with them and he was hired. God introduced these Christians to each other through their work, and none of this would've happened if Aquila's family had not been forced from their home.
4. Paul made tents because he had to earn some money, but his heart was in teaching the word of God. So he would do both, but only for as long as he had to.
We all have to do things that we don't want to do; that's just the way it is in this fallen world.
5. After Silas and Timothy arrived Paul was free to spend his time teaching which is what God called him to do.
6. Paul did his part by giving the Jews the word of God. Consequently their condemnation would be their own fault not his.
7. Titus Justus was a Roman name. This man was a Gentile, but it appears as if he was a convert to Judaism and now he's a convert to Christ.
8-11. When you've been stoned, whipped, and beaten for preaching the word of God as Paul so often was you might get a little gun shy about preaching, especially if you're in the sin capital of the Roman Empire. Consequently God encourages Paul and he receives that encouragement, and he also receives faith to persevere.
12. The Jews were trying to stop the spread of Christianity. Gallio was an important Roman ruler so if he rules that Christianity is against the law that will set a precedent for the future, and that's what the Jews want.
13. It was against the law for someone to form a new religion in Rome. The Jews are telling Gallio that Paul is trying to do that; he's trying to start a new religion called Christianity.
14. Just as Paul was about to make his defense Gallio makes it for him. He tells the Jews that he isn't interested in their accusations.
15. In other words, he rules that Christianity is not a new religion, but rather a part of the Jews religion. That was a big break for the early church. At least for a while it will be legal in the Roman Empire. God allowed his church to get a foothold; he got it going, and he has kept it going by his sovereign power just as he said he would: the gates of hell will not prevail against my church.
16,17. Sosthenes was sympathetic to the Christians, and the Jews didn't like that so they vented their frustration on him. If he wasn't a Christian here then his beating pushed him over the edge because later on in Scripture he is a Christian.
18. Paul probably made a vow to God during his hard times. That was a typical Jewish thing; a vow was made, and then the person had 30 days to get to Jerusalem, shave their head, and offer whatever sacrifice they promised.
19. They all arrived at the city of Ephesus. Paul's companions stayed on the ship while he went to the synagogue, and told the Jews about Christ.
20. He couldn't stay because God had answered some prayer that was connected to his vow, and he had to get to Jerusalem to offer the proper sacrifices before the 30 days was up.
21. You can tell that Paul was in a hurry, or he never would've left these people who were interested in hearing the word of God. He only had a short time to spend with these people and he used it.
Spending a little time with someone is better than nothing, and it can make a big difference.
22. After arriving in Israel Paul made his way to Jerusalem. He no doubt tells the church all about his second missionary journey and after that he heads back up to his home church in the city of Antioch.
23,24. Apollos shows up in Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla were ministering. Apollos understood the word of God, and he was a good teacher.
25. He didn't understand the full revelation concerning Christ, but he faithfully taught what he knew. And here we see the sovereignty of God which led him to Aquila and Priscilla so that he could be enlightened further concerning Scripture and specifically Jesus.
We would do well to live and teach what we know, and be open to learn even more.
26. Aquila didn't know the Bible like Apollos, but Apollos didn't know Jesus like Aquila. Do you see the hand of God at work bringing these two together.
Everyone who loves the Lord and believes his word has something to contribute to Christ.
27. We can choose to have faith, but if we do, it is only because of God's grace.
28. If the Jews thought they had arguments against Jesus then Apollos destroyed those arguments with the word of God. And maybe they didn't all turned to Christ, but they should have because Apollos proved from Scripture that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that's reason enough for anyone to become a Christian.
Chapter 19
1. These disciples whom Paul discovered had been baptized by John the Baptist and that's about it; that's about all they knew. Their knowledge of Jesus was spotty at best.
2. And this certainly can't mean that they didn't know the Holy Spirit existed because John the Baptist spoke of the Holy Spirit, and the Old Testament from the very first verse of the Bible spoke of the Holy Spirit. It must mean that they had not heard of the Holy Spirit's new ministry since the day of Pentecost which includes indwelling all Christians.
3,4. These people may have had some knowledge of the teacher Jesus, or of the miracle worker Jesus, but they didn't know that he was the resurrected Christ.
5. In the name of the Lord Jesus means they were baptized in keeping with his command to be baptized in the name of the father son and the Holy Spirit.
6,7. And this is where the mainline churches sacrament of confirmation comes from. Of course whether it's confirmation, or someone saying the sinners prayer the person must want Jesus just like these disciples did, or there won't be any giving of the Holy Spirit. Simply going through aritual never resulted in the Holy Spirit entering into anyone's life.
8. Paul had in insatiable drive to talk about Jesus, and neither Jewish resistance, or lack of understanding, or physical threats could lessen that drive.
9. It is good to teach the word of God to anyone who will listen. However, when it becomes clear that some are not listening, and when it is clear that they are instead blaspheming the word of God then it's good to get away from them. That's what Paul did.
I'm not going to hang around with people who blaspheme the word of God. I'm not going to hang around and listen to people mock those who love Jesus. I'm not going to coddle those who disrespect the Lord Jesus Christ and call people who love him crazy.
Jesus created me and I worship him I guess I'm crazy what's the matter with me? Jesus sustains me; the Bible says that he is the one who holds every single atom in my body together. If he would hiccup and loses concentration and release my atoms I would immediately explode into nothingness so yes I guess I'm crazy for worshiping Jesus. And oh yes before forget I was a hell bound sinner destined for the Lake of fire where I was going to burn forever and ever in horrible torment paying for my sins, but instead Jesus died on the cross, saved me from hell and gives me eternal life instead; so yeah I guess I'm crazy for worshiping Jesus. Call me crazy if you want to I don't care; everyone should be crazy.
10. During the 2 plus years Paul headquartered in Ephesus the seven churches of Asia minor mention in Revelation chapters two and three came into existence.
11. Any miracle is a major event, but the Bible says that God did special miracles by the hands of Paul while he was in Ephesus. Perhaps God did more dramatic miracles because it was a hotbed of demonic, and supernatural activity. Satan did miracles so God did super miracles.
God is always one step ahead of the devil and he always provides what is needed to counter Satan's deceptions and if nothing else we can always find those things in the written word of God.
12. God anointed Paul's handkerchiefs in order to extend the range of the apostles ministry.
13. Satan scoffs at attempts to expel his demons by the use of charms or incantations, which is how these Jewish exorcist's would attempt to do it. These people were not Christians; they didn't have faith in Christ, and they wrongly considered the name of Jesus to be sort of like a lucky charm.
14,15. Demons are foolish for rebelling against God but they're not stupid. The demon here knew that these exorcists were shooting blanks because they didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They were not in Christ, therefore they have no spiritual protection, or authority to do anything in the name of Jesus and that would include driving out demons.
16. Superhuman strength is an indication of demon possession; that certainly was the case here. This one man beat up seven.
17a. People are beginning to understand that God and demons divide the human race into two groups: the two groups would be Christians and non-Christians. And people understood that if they were not Christians than they were on the wrong side.
17. By beating up those non-Christian exorcists that demon unknowingly did Jesus a big favor. The failure of the imposters resulted in an increase notoriety for the real thing. In other words, it resulted in greater respect for Jesus, the word of God, and Christians.
18. When the power of Jesus became evident to the people many of them fell down on their knees, confessed, and repented.
The word of God is powerful enough by the Holy Spirit to get people to change their evil ways, it can do what other things, including threats, and punishment cannot do.
19. Those who repented, publicly burned their occult books and paraphernalia. They burned the bridges to their sinful past so that it was less likely that they could return to their old ways.
True repentance will result in a person burning the bridges to their sinful past.
20. The believers at this time were dead serious about following Christ, even to the point of burning their occult things. Consequently, the word of God prevailed.
Spiritual lukewarmness holds back the effectiveness of Christians. To be most effective for Jesus we must be committed to holiness.
21,22. There was no coasting for Paul. Great things happened in Ephesus, but since we only have one life to live for our Savior Paul set his sights on other places as well; including the big prize, Rome. Paul will keep working until God says stop.
23,24. The word of God was changing people. They stopped buying the silver idols and consequently the craftsman are not making money anymore.
People who are walking with Jesus do not spend their money in ungodly ways.
25,26. I guess these people actually believed that there was a god living in their statues. They just couldn't figure out how Paul could preach something contrary to that.
27. I got news for you, if the majesty of a goddess can be destroyed by man, then she's no goddess. If her existence depends on the accolades of people she is no goddess.
The real God doesn't need anyone. The entire world could reject him and he would be just as real, just as powerful, and just as wonderful as he is ever been. The real God isn't diminished when people neglect him; the people who neglect him are diminished.
28. The silversmith wasn't just the craftsman, he was also a demagogue. He knew what buttons to push to get people fired up, and he push them.
29-31. Paul had friends that kept him from doing something foolish, or he certainly would've done it.
Christians need to help each other think clearly, not emotionally, especially during stressful times.
32. They were crazy; most of the people didn't even know why they were protesting. Often that's the case in these situations.
33,34. This thing is about to explode into a full-scale riot. The Jews don't want to be blamed for a riot so they conscript Alexander to make a speech to clear them of any blame. However the mob is so crazy that they don't even give him a chance to speak.
35. The people in that area believed that the statue of Diana which stood in her temple had fallen from the sky; sent by the god Jupiter. This public leader is telling the mob that Diana is not an Idol made by hands, which Paul says are no gods at all. In other words, listen people, our God Diana isn't like the other idols.
36. In other words, you people are making too much out of this.
37. And that is true. Paul was preaching that there was one true God, and that idols were nothing, but he never spoke specifically about the so-called goddess Diana.
38. In other words, if the silversmiths want to bring charges against the apostles they will have to do a lawfully in court.
39. In other words, vigilantism will not be tolerated. If they want to press charges against the apostles they have to do it in a lawful assembly before judge.
That's a pretty biblical notion for a bunch of heathens because God forbids taking the law into your own hands.
40,41. Civil government did its job here. Civil government is a gift from God to restrain anarchy, to keep sinful man from getting out of control.
Chapter 20
1-3a. Paul is on his third missionary journey. He visits Athens, and Corinth. During these three months he also wrote the New Testament book of Romans.
3. More of the same: another ambush was planned against Paul, so he changed his plans.
God gives us common sense, and it is biblical to use it.
4,5. The seven men who traveled with Paul were representatives of their individual churches who were bringing offerings to the struggling Jerusalem church.
6. It took five days to travel 150 miles from Philippi to Troas. Today it would take 20 minutes by plane, may be 2 1/2 hours by car, and instantly by TV, radio, and Internet. We have an amazing opportunity today to get out the word of God and to whom much is given much is expected so we would be wise to use our opportunities.
7. This was actually a Saturday night service because the first day of the week began at sundown Saturday evening. When the church met they were taught the word of God and they had holy communion.
8,9. The windows were open because there were many lamps and many people. I suppose it would get very hot and stuffy in that room if the windows were closed. Anyway, right in the middle of Paul's teaching this man falls asleep and falls out the window hitting the ground dead.
10. In other words, he was dead, but his life is back in him.
11. The man was raised from the dead and the Christians continued on with their service. They had communion and Paul preached until morning. What a hunger the people had for the word of God.
12. Paul left, but the message concerning Christ would stick with the people. The message was great by itself (as the word of God always is), but then it was confirmed by the raising of this man from the dead. Every time anyone saw that man they would be reminded that they had the truth. No wonder everyone was so happy. In this fallen world truth is a great thing to have.
13. Luke and the others sailed to Assos, but not Paul; he didn't sail he walked. He probably didn't want to miss any opportunity to do some street witnessing along the way.
It doesn't matter how you get out the word of God but get out the word of God some way. Every Christian is called to proclaim the word of God, or at the very least, help one who does proclaim it.
14-17. Paul wanted to be in Jerusalem for the Passover and he knew that stopping at Ephesus would put an end to that plan. It would take too long to say goodbye to all his friends in that place.
We can't have everything; sometimes we must prayerfully choose between good and bad, good and better; sometimes we must choose between better and best.
18-21. Paul was a servant of Jesus Christ, not of himself. He wasn't even primarily a servant of people. Consequently, he didn't withhold truth even if he, or his listeners felt uncomfortable with it.
Being a servant of Jesus means you will faithfully speak the truth even when it makes you, or those you care about uncomfortable.
22. Paul was being drawn by the Holy Spirit to the city of Jerusalem. Consequently he had to go or he would grieve the Holy Spirit and he wouldn't do that. Paul would go, not knowing what awaited him there, but chances are it would not be all good.
23. And there you have it; he didn't know what awaited him in Jerusalem, but on the other hand he did: trouble. God told him jail and suffering for the sake of Christ is what he was going to experience.
24. Paul's life was irrelevant as far as he was concerned. He wasn't worried about himself. If that sounds extreme, then that just proves how far we have slipped away from God's standard of self evaluation.
25. It's a sad thing when you're saying goodbye to someone for the final time, at least in this life. That is something we will probably all go through. It is something that Paul and the Ephesian elders are experiencing right here.
26. In other words, none of you can blame me if you end up in hell; I've preached the entire word of God the best I could, and I didn't hold anything back so I am clear of all blame for the souls of those I have spoken to.
27. No one can force others to accept the word of God, but no preacher has the right to deny people an opportunity to hear it either. Paul did his job; he gave out the whole truth.
Those who don't preach the Bible clearly but hold back in order to be liked share in the guilt of damned souls.
28. Paul tells these church leaders that God will hold them accountable for the people that they serve.
A Bible teacher must be very careful to give the people that he speaks to the complete Council of God found in the Bible.
It is better for a Bible teacher to have a empty church, or a church filled with people who are uncomfortable because they've heard the word of God, then to have God angry at him because he failed to give them the truth.
29. Satan is a roaring lion, and he has vicious wolves in the form of false teachers at his disposal. Their sole purpose is to destroy the souls of people; they do not spare the flock. The only thing that can combat the enemy is the pure word of God.
30. The only way God's people can recognize spiritual distortions is if they have a good understanding of truth. When Christians are not taught the Bible they are wide open to deception.
31. Paul wasn't just a truth dispenser; he taught the word of God because he cared about people.
32. The word of God is such a wonderful thing. It builds up our faith; it works in and through us, and it helps us to attain a spiritual inheritance that we will enjoy forever.
33. Paul was not a money hungry preacher. Ministry was not a career to him; it was a calling from God.
Anyone who looks at ministry as a career instead of a calling should quit and do something else because chances are they'll compromise the word of God in order to have a "successful career".
34. As a Bible teacher Paul had the biblical right to be supported by those he taught. But if people didn't support him and consequently he had to work a secular job then that's what he did. He'd rather work two jobs then appeared to be in the ministry for the money. He didn't want anyone to think that he was using Jesus to build a financial portfolio for himself.
35. Some believers lack spiritual joy because they have too much of a self focus. They are unhappy because they focus on themselves, and trying to attain their happiness.
True spiritual joy is a byproduct of working to make Jesus happy.
36. Whenever possible, kneeling is the best position for prayer.
37,38. This is an amazing scene. You have Paul, a former arrogant Pharisee, a former strict Jew who persecuted the church, and despised the heathen, weeping with a bunch of former heathens. Why? Because they won't see each other anymore. What a testimony this is to the power of Christ to transform a person's life and attitude. No one but Jesus can change people in such a dramatic way.
Chapter 21
1,2. Paul was sailing for the coast of Israel. Today it is the coast of Lebanon.
3,4. The Holy Spirit told these disciples what the apostle Paul was in for in Jerusalem. Consequently, they tell him not to go; they don't want him to walk into big trouble. Notice that God didn't tell Paul not to go; these Christians are telling him that.
5,6. Once again they kneel and pray.
Kneeling shows reverence. It's true that God is our father, but he is still God.
7,8. Remember Philip? He was one of the first seven deacons. He was the first to take the gospel to the Samaritans and he also preached Christ to and baptize the Ethiopian eunuch.
9. In the church women are called to do certain things and so are men. One thing women are not to do is to usurp the authority of men within a church. But clearly, God did not intend for them to sit on the sidelines and never engage in any form of ministry.
10,11. This is at least the third time that the Holy Spirit has warned Paul about trouble that awaits him in Jerusalem. But Paul will not be deterred. He will push on regardless of the consequences.
God's will is more important than our comfort. Doing what is right is more important than having what we want. Living for eternity is more important than living for today.
12-14. No one was able to deter Paul from doing what God wanted him to do. And, notice that Jesus did not have a gun stuck in Paul's back either. Paul was going because he was the Lord's servant. Self was irrelevant to him; Christ meant everything. If you think that's radical you have become too worldly in your thinking because it's not radical it's normal.
15. Shortly after verse 14 the apostle Paul and company packed their bags and headed for Jerusalem.
16-20. Thousands of Jews had become Christians. But there was a problem because they were still zealous for the Old Testament Jewish ceremonies, and they insisted that every Jewish Christian must keep those Old Testament laws and customs.
21. Paul's teaching had been misrepresented by these Jews. The apostle did teach that circumcision and the old ceremonial law did not have to be observed in order to be a Christian. But he never said that a Jew couldn't observe those things. Under grace Jewish Christians certainly can observe the rituals of the Mosaic law. However, they are not to do it in an attempt to earn their salvation.
22. In other words, there is bound to be a riot unless the people understand what you really believe and teach.
23-26. According to the law that God gave Moses costly sacrifices were required at the end of a vow. Paul has been falsely accused of teaching that the Jews were to abandon the law. Well here he proves that he doesn't believe that. He pays for the sacrifices of these for Jews who had taken a vow; Paul flipped the religious bill for them.
Sometimes God asks us to sacrifice for him; to give up some of our Christian liberty in order to help the cause of Christ.
27. There seems to be one problem after another for the apostle Paul. This time it was some Jews from Asia who had been a thorn in his flesh while he was there preaching Christ, and now they show up in Jerusalem causing more problems.
28,29. These Jews saw Paul, and his Gentile friend in Jerusalem and they jump to the conclusion that Paul brought him into the holy temple; which would've been wrong according to Old Testament law. But it was their accusation that was wrong.
Christians should be careful about making assumptions; just because someone might have done something doesn't mean they did.
30. They did not check to see if the accusations were true. Instead they got fired up after hearing the rhetoric and they acted without investigating the facts. They drag Paul out of the temple.
God's word is very clear on this one: if someone is accused investigate the accusation carefully before you acquit or condemn.
31,32. Another day another beating. The apostle taught that no one can possibly be saved by trying to keep the commandments and the Jews tried to kill him for saying that. If the Roman soldiers had not stepped in they would have killed him.
33. The Roman commander did not know Paul. He thought the apostle was a troublemaker so he had him arrested.
34-36. The Roman commander tried to get some information about Paul from the crowd, but they were so wild that the only message he got was: we want him dead. Consequently, the soldiers had to literally carry Paul back to the barracks for questioning.
37-40. Paul is about to speak to the rioters in their language which is Hebrew. The commander didn't know what he had done to upset the Jews and he won't know what Paul is going to say to them either because the commander doesn't speak Hebrew.
Chapter 22
1. There's nothing wrong with a Christian defending themselves, especially if our character is called into question so that's what Paul is going to do.
Paul asked them to hear. Right now they couldn't hear anything because they're too loud and wild.
People have to calm down and slow down before they can hear and understand truth.
2,3. Paul is saying: I know where you people are coming from, and he did. He knew the mind of these zealous Christian-persecuting Jews because he had been one.
4. Before he was the apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus hated Christians as much as any Jew possibly could.
5. These Jews wouldn't have to take Paul's word for it; it was common knowledge that he wanted Christians dead and the memory of Jesus wiped out and he was willing to go to extremes to make that happen.
6. And that light was Jesus.
7. Saul was probably thinking I'm not persecuting an invisible being; I'm not persecuting a bright light, the only ones I'm persecuting are Christians.
8. When Christians are persecuted it is a direct attack on the Lord Jesus Christ. When Paul did it it was an attack on Jesus. When Muslims behead Christians today they are swinging their axes at Jesus and it is a very foolish thing to swing a sharp ax at the creator..
9. The others didn't hear the voice of Jesus because the message was for Saul alone; he was spearheading the persecution against Christ and so Jesus wanted to talk to him personally.
10. I don't think Paul ever knowingly rebelled against the truth. He persecuted Christians because he thought it was the correct thing to do but when he discovered that Jesus was the Lord he immediately submitted to Christ and asked what you want me to do Lord?.
11. Paul needed help to get to Damascus which is where Jesus told him to go; he needed help because Christ blinded him.
12,13. By order of Jesus Christ Ananias miraculously restored Saul's sight which must have been a major relief because he had no guarantee he would ever see again or for that matter live.
14. In other words, the God of the Old Testament, the God and father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is on the same side as the Lord Jesus Christ who appeared to you.
15. Jesus did not ask Saul what, if anything, he wanted to do for him. Saul didn't volunteer for anything; Jesus said this is what you're going to do; you're going to talk about me; you're going to tell the whole world, everyone you see, what you have experienced with the son of God.
16. This is what Saul was looking for: forgiveness. He knew he was in trouble with God. He knew he had been fighting against the Lord but now with his sight restored and his sins washed away he was ready to go forward for Jesus and he would never forget the mercy that he experienced.
17,18. Jesus appeared to Saul again and told him to leave Jerusalem because people would not believe he was truly a Christian nor would the Jews believe his message about Christ. Being the great Jewish zealot and the highly educated Saul of Tarsus wouldn't carry any weight with the Jews who rejected the holy Scripture and Jesus Christ.
19. In other words, Lord I think you've got it wrong. I think the jews are impressed by my extreme turnaround.
20. I think the Jews will believe my conversion was real and I think they will also believe that Jesus is real after all I used to kill Christians because of their faith.
A miraculous turnaround by Saul will strengthen the faith of Christians but it will not impress the unsaved if the unsaved are not willing to accept the testimony of Scripture concerning Jesus Christ.
21. Paul didn't decide where he was going to minister. Perhaps he felt that he could be effective among the Jews that he had so much in common with, but no matter what he felt he was going to the Gentiles, to the heathen.
22. The Jews who Paul was speaking to hear listened patiently until he said that Jesus Christ sent him to the Gentiles and then they screamed for his death. Those miserable, arrogant, self-righteous Jews were appalled at the very thought that God might offer salvation to the heathen. What they didn't understand is that they were just his sinful only in a different way.
People shouldn't bother thinking that they are better than others because were all depraved sinners in the eyes of God.
23. They really want berserk, they are really putting on a show of disgust over Paul's declaration that God wants Gentiles to be saved. If there was dust in heaven I think Almighty God would throw it into the air after witnessing their self-righteous attitude.
24. So the Roman commander decided he was going to try to beat the truth out of Saul. Rip his back to shreds and maybe he'll speak the truth, which assumes that he was telling a lie, which he wasn't so a beating isn't going to change anything.
25. Paul wisely plays the Roman citizenship card here. He's actually doing that Roman commander a huge favor by declaring he is a Roman citizen before he orders Paul to be whipped. Anyone who whipped a Roman citizen before they were given due process of the law could be executed.
26. You whip that man and you are sentencing both of us to death.
27. Commander should of asked this question earlier.
28. Paul was one up on this commander because he was born a Roman citizen.
29. That commander knows that he just dodged a bullet. He came ever so close to ordering the beating of a Roman citizen who had not been tried in a court and found guilty. And actually the commander is still sweating it because although he had not beaten Paul yet he had him bound and that was wrong also.
30. That Commander wants to get to the bottom of this strife between the Jews and Paul so he calls them together and he will listen to both sides of the story. That's the way to do it; the Bible says that one man's explanation seems to make sense until his opponent gives his side of the story.
Always listen to both sides of the story before taking sides; that's the biblical thing to do.
Chapter 23
1. And I really believe Paul did live with a clear conscience even when he was doing wrong because, for example when he was persecuting the church he did it with a clear conscience because he thought it was the correct thing to do; he thought he was serving the Lord.
Our conscience is great but it has to be sharpened by the written word of God so that we feel guilt when we should, and feel peace when we should.
2. High priest didn't like it when Paul said he had a clear conscience because he didn't believe that Paul should have that clear conscience. Paul's conscience isn't the business of the high priest it is between him and God.
3. Paul's absolutely right: the conscience of the high priest ought to be bothering him because he broke God's law when he ordered Paul to be slapped before he was even found guilty. The high priest presumes to know that Paul's conscience should be bothering him, meanwhile he overlooks the fact that his own conscience should be bothering him.
Beware of those who would judge your soul when they are not able or willing to first judge their own.
4. I suppose it was wrong for Paul to call the high priest a name but again he did it in ignorance as we will see.
5. Paul governed his life by the word of God as he knew it, his conscience was clear even after calling the high priest a whitewashed wall because he didn't know that he was the high priest.
Paul lived up to the light that he had, but he grew in knowledge of the truth because he was always in the word of God.
Live up to the light that you have but keep reading the Bible so that your light increases.
6. The apostle knew that his audience was split between two religious sects the Pharisees and the Sadducees so he did a smart thing by announcing that he was a Pharisee and that he believed in the resurrection of the dead. He's attempting to divide and conquer his opponents because he knows the Pharisees will be sympathetic to the fact that he believes in the resurrection of the dead which the Sadducees do not believe in.
7. He accomplished his goal. Like Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand.
8. Up until Paul brought up the doctrine of the resurrection these two sects were united in their opposition of the apostle. But once theology became an issue they divided. The Pharisees beliefs were correct and the Sadducees beliefs were incorrect and the only way they could get along was to ignore doctrine.
The big problem with the "Christian ecumenical movement" of today is that they ignore biblical truth in order to get along.
Never ignore what the Bible teaches in order to get along with anyone; that's too high a price to pay for peace.
9. The Pharisees seem to like Paul a little bit now that he has mentioned he's one of them and he believes in the resurrection. And in their defense of Paul they take a shot at the Sadducees saying: perhaps Paul got his information from an Angel or spirit, which would offend the them because they didn't believe in either of those.
10. The Roman commander could see a tug-of-war brewing between the Sadducees and the Pharisees with Paul being the rope so he got him out of there.
11. Some Christians today, especially those who teach a pre-tribulation rapture of the church, say that the Bible teaches the imminent return of Christ.
The Bible does not teach the imminent return of Christ; Paul certainly didn't believe in that doctrine; Jesus told him he would preach Christ in Rome after surviving his stay in Jerusalem. Paul knew that Christ wasn't going to return at any moment because it would take a long time for him to travel to Rome and preach Jesus there.
12. The Jews hated Paul the Christian as much as he hated the Christians before he became one of them. The Jews had determined to kill Paul or die trying.
13-15. Notice how twisted their ungodly minds were. They justified lying, they justified murder in their self-righteous attempt to punish one they wrongly accuse of being a blasphemer. Their arrogance allows them to break the law of God in a twisted, biased attempt to defend the law of God.
16-21. God in his providence made sure the right people discovered this ungodly plot so that Paul could be warned.
God sometimes delivers his people through miracles, but more often he does it through his providence whereby he arranges circumstances in a manner where his people are protected.
22. Sometimes God's plan for his people calls for covert activity. In other words, don't talk too much; measure your words carefully; think before you speak because words spoken in the hearing of the wrong people can interrupt God's plan.
23,24. The Romans will have 470 well armed soldiers with Paul protecting him from those 40 Jews who swore not to eat until they ambushed and killed him; I guess the going to be hungry for a while.
25. The commander writes a letter to the governor to be sent along with Paul the prisoner.
26. And here we learn that the commander's name was Claudius Lysias.
27. This commander isn't being 100% truthful here. He says: I saved Paul from the Jews because I knew he was a Roman. He did not know Paul was a Roman; that's not why he saved him; he saved him in order to avoid a riot.
Taking credit for something we did not do may be stealing, and it is certainly deception.
28. Notice that the commander didn't mention how he nearly whipped Paul the Roman or that he had him in chains. Like sinners often do he left out the parts where he was wrong so that it seemed like he did everything right.
29. He says: the Jews hated Paul and it had something to do with their religion. He knew that they hated Paul because he taught the resurrection, but he doesn't mention it.
Often people, even successful people who you would think should know better ignore great eternal doctrines as if they were not worth mentioning.
30. When he learned of the planned ambush he sent Paul, and his Jewish accusers to the Governor.
31. They traveled 42 miles at night to reach their first stop on the way to the Governor.
32. 400 of the 470 soldiers turned around and went back to Jerusalem, leaving the remaining 72 to escort Paul on the last part of his trip to Caesarea and the Governor.
33-35. Jesus told his apostles that they would speak to rulers on his behalf; that's what Paul has been doing and what he will continue to do. It probably didn't happen the way Paul thought it would, but it is happening.
Often we believe God will do something and he does, but he doesn't do it the way we imagined he would.
Chapter 24
1. Five days after arriving by the governor Paul's accusers show up and they bring a slick talking lawyer with them.
2. Of course this has nothing to do with the case and he they said wasn't true either. Felix was wicked, and cruel to the Jews not peace loving and good. This is pure flattery which is just a fancy form of lying.
3. In other words, you know governor we Jews just love you; we talk about how great you are all the time. And this lawyer is a miserable wretched liar and everyone in that room knows it.
4. He says, I could say many more wonderful things about you governor because you're such a great guy but I know you're busy man so I'll restrain myself.
Have you ever been in a business meeting or something similar when some there flattered the boss? This pretty much what this is, and that's why it must have made Paul sick to listen to this.
5. Troublemaker, stirring up riots, ringleader, sect; all those words are inflamed rhetoric designed to stir the Gov.'s emotions against Paul. This lawyer started out so friendly but he got ugly fast. Like a chairman of a political party he uses inflamed rhetoric, but he isn't really interested in truth.
6. They saw Paul in Jerusalem with a Gentile, and from that they assumed that he brought him into the temple area thus profaning it. But there were no witnesses because he didn't do it. The Jews assumed he did it, they thought maybe he did it, so they said that he did.
7. He says: we Jews were going to try Paul ourselves, but that Roman commander stepped in and sent us to you governor. And because of that you have be bothered with this case and it's just not right because you're too important. And if this lawyer would've swallowed a truth pill he would've added: we were going to Lynch the Roman citizen Paul not because we have evidence against him; we simply hate his guts because he's a Christian.
8,9. But none of these charges were true. Of course (as was the case with these Jews) when one is not concerned about pleasing God truth doesn't matter; all that matters is results. Temporary, useless, wicked, damn my soul to hell results.
10. Paul held his peace through all their false accusations. He didn't speak until he was given permission by the governor.
Every Christian should have good manners; anything less dishonors Christ.
11. Paul had witnesses who could verify his words if the governor is interested in truth and justice.
12. It is true that the apostle had been in the temple, but he wasn't stirring up rebellion, or starting arguments. He was minding his own business worshiping God.
13. Paul says: they can't prove anything that they said against me. All his accusers had were their accusations; they had no witnesses, and no evidence. No one should accuse anyone of wrongdoing unless they have witnesses or clear evidence.
Witnesses and evidence would eliminate all gossip, which by the way is sin.
14. Paul defended himself from false accusations. But he freely admitted what he believed and what he stood for. He wasn't ashamed of the cross, and he was willing to suffer for his beliefs if need be.
15. There is no reincarnation for the wicked or for the righteous for that matter. Reincarnation doesn't happen; resurrection happens.
The righteous and the wicked will both be raised from the dead just as Jesus said: those who have done good will rise to life, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.
16. The resurrection and the judgment work to inspire godliness, holiness, and among Bible teachers like Paul: the teaching of truth, no matter what the cost may be.
Holiness, and speaking sound doctrine may come with a cost today, but not nearly the cost of wickedness and false teaching on judgment day.
17. Paul didn't come to Jerusalem to start trouble as his accusers are saying; he came to help those who needed help.
Being kind can be a thankless job in this life, which is why we have to be doing it for God's glory.
18. Paul also says that he didn't profane the temple. He was there focusing on God appropriately, not stirring up trouble.
The more people focus on God the less likely they are to stir up trouble, or get into trouble. And you can bet that people who get into trouble or stir it up have lost their God focus if they ever had it.
19. The Jews who accused Paul of wrongdoing and stirred up a mob against him based on nothing but conjecture should of been at that hearing with evidence if they want to see him convicted. They are not at that hearing because they have no evidence and they know it.
20. Paul challenges these Jews to tell the governor what crimes he had been found guilty of in the previous hearing in front of the Roman commander back in Jerusalem. They are silent because he was not found guilty of anything. This entire ordeal was one corruption of justice after another. Paul is sharing in the sufferings of Christ by being unjustly accused.
Any unfair treatment we experience for doing what is right in the eyes of Jesus is sharing in the sufferings of Christ.
21. The theological liberals accused Paul of being evil because he proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of his followers. His opponents didn't take every Scripture at face value; I suppose many of those Scriptures made them uncomfortable so they accused those who taught the entire Bible as being evil.
22. The Governor is playing a game of politics and Paul is the ball. The witnesses to Pauls alleged crime did not come to the hearing. The Jewish leaders who were there did not have any real evidence against him. If the Governor had been interested in justice he would have declared Paul not guilty, but instead he did not issue any verdict at all so as to not upset the Jews.
23. The governor clearly trusted Paul; he gave him some freedom. Paul was a man of integrity, and honest man.
People may not want to repent and follow Jesus but many of them take note of, and appreciate the character of those who do, and that glorifies Jesus.
24. Paul was not as concerned about defending himself before the governor as he was sharing Christ with him so that he might be saved.
It is important to see opportunities in our problems. Opportunities to do things for Jesus that wouldn't otherwise be there. Seeing opportunities in our trials is the biblical way to survive hard times but we won't see them and we won't take advantage of them unless we are filled with the spirit of God.
25. The reason God's word frightened Felix is because he wasn't right with the Lord, and he wasn't willing to repent and receive forgiveness through Christ.
The law of God and the judgment to come should make people afraid; it should make them afraid enough to cry out for mercy through the Savior Jesus Christ.
25. Felix did a very dangerous thing here. He felt guilty, but he didn't repent; instead he put it off; I'll just play with my sin a little while longer and maybe repent a little bit later.
The problem with that attitude is that for many people later never comes; it never comes because the more they say no to the word of God the easier it is for Satan to deceive them even more until in the end the reject truth altogether and end up burning in hell forever.
26. Felix spent time with Paul hoping that he would offer him a bribe. Of course Paul wouldn't do that; he wouldn't encourage evil things by being a party to them even when he could get some short-term benefit from them.
Temporary success, temporary happiness is not worth the price of our immortal souls; it's not worth hell.
27. If we are temptd to feel sorry for ourselves because of unfair treatment we would do well to recall Paul's long ordeal here. We would also do well to notice that he didn't get angry at God or complain because of the injustice that he suffered.
Chapter 25
1. Festus takes over for Felix as the new governor and he takes a trip to Jerusalem.
2,3. With Festus as the new governor the Jews saw an opportunity to set up another ambush against Paul. They have to get Festus to move Paul across country but he wasn't cooperating instead the governor said I'm going to Paul.
4,5. In other words, you Jews who are accusing Paul send someone with authority along with me for the trial and will have it at Caesarea, which is where Paul had been confined for two years.
6. Paul's trial begins and it's all about nothing; he shouldn't even be there.
7. God never promised any Christian including Paul a fair deal in this world. But he did promise to use the bad things to work together for our spiritual good and to fulfill his purpose. Believe it or not God was using this bad situation to bring about good and we will see that good before too long.
8,9. The Roman: Festus, has just arrived to govern the Jews. I suppose it would be politically smart to get on their good side and that's what he's trying to do unfortunately he's doing it at Paul's expense. He suggests that Paul should be transferred back to Jerusalem because he knows that it's what the Jews want.
10. Paul was getting tired of being a stooge for these Roman governors who were using him to score points with the Jewish leaders. The governors babied the Jews because they were intimidated by them.
11. Paul wanted a verdict; one way or another he wanted justice. There's no way in the world that he would go back to Jerusalem. He knows that that would be walking right into the hands of the Jewish vigilantes.
12. As a citizen of Rome Paul could appeal to Caesar if he felt that he was being treated unfairly. Unfairly is an understatement. Their treatment of Paul was nothing less than shameful. And now they were talking about moving him back to Jerusalem for trial. Consequently, he appeals to Caesar and as a result Paul is going to Rome.
13-16. Rome had a pretty good system of justice, but like ours it sometimes failed because of the sinners who operated it.
17. Some Roman governors would avoid any case involving the Jews because it always seemed to be trouble, but Festus want the King to know that he did not avoid the Paul issue. Festus did his job even though it was unpleasant.
The best thing to do when facing an unpleasant job is to get at it as soon as possible; the worst thing to do is put it off.
18. In other words, the governor thought the Jews were going to accuse Paul of breaking a Roman law, but instead it was about one of their religious laws.
19. You can tell that Festus had no interest in spiritual things. He didn't believe that Jesus was alive, and he must think that Paul is a lunatic for saying that he is.
20,21. He says the only reason Paul is still here is because I'm still making arrangements to send him to Rome. Paul was waiting to be sent to Rome just as he had waited for two years to be released from jail.
Times of waiting and likewise times of being ignored are still under the control of God, and that's important to remember.
22,23. Many important people came to see the King and his sister and to watch the court proceedings with Paul. This was a fancy get together and a big show of power for King Agrippa.
24. Festus has only been in charge for a few days but he already knows that the Jews want Paul dead. The thing is they haven't convinced Festus that he deserves to die.
25. Gov. Festus is defending his decision to send Paul to Caesar rather than turn him over to the Jews. He says: Paul requested it, and as a Roman citizen he has the right.
26. Festus will ship Paul off to Caesar but he doesn't know how to explain the case to the Emperor. He's hoping that Agrippa will be able to help him in that area.
27. In other words, how can I send Paul to Caesar to be tried when I really haven't heard any charges against the man that would be of any interest to Rome? It's probably not a good idea to waste the Emperor's time so is looking for help.
Chapter 26
1-3. Paul was glad to tell his story to the King. Agrippa understood Roman-Jewish relations unlike Festus who did not. He hopes to get a fair decision from King Agrippa.
4. Paul says I was trained to be a good Hebrew from the day I was born and all the Hebrews know that. In other words, he's saying that he's not a hater of the old Jewish religion as his accusers alleged.
5. That is, if my Jewish persecutors were honest and would admit the truth they would testify that I was always a very strict Jew myself. When it comes to Jewish laws and customs I didn't budge one bit.
Implication: it would take something big to change me don't you think? Another implication: an encounter and a relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ would be big enough to change me dramatically,and it did.
6. Paul was on trial because he was preaching that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah.
He recognized that those prophecies were fulfilled in Christ, but the Jews wanted to keep things as they always had been. They didn't want to keep up with God. They wanted their comfortable religion to stay the way it was.
7,8. He says: my message is that the fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah is here. He says: I can prove it from Scripture and whenever he preached he did prove it from Scripture.
Paul doesn't understand why what he is saying about Christ is such a bad thing to the Jews because it's all according to the Bible.
There is nothing in the correct teaching of Christianity that should upset anyone unless one gets upset because God commands that they repent of their sin. I suppose some could see repentance as being a negative thing even though it isn't, but certainly forgiveness, eternal life and not going to hell are wonderful things that God gives us through Christ.
9,10. Paul could identify with the strict Jews who were persecuting him because he used to be one of them. Paul used to be obsessed with hurting Christians; now he's obsessed with turning people to Christ who he knows is the only Savior.
11. Paul used to torture Christians to try to get them to curse Christ. He tried, but true faith holds up when facing torture or death for Christ. The Bible says those who endure to the end shall be saved.
12-14. In other words, Jesus told Paul that he was acting like a stubborn animal. Back in those days an animal would often kick when it was first connected to a plow. Consequently the farmer would put a pointed stick next to its Leg and when he kicked he was poked and it hurt so eventually he learned that he needed to submit and stopped is kicking. By persecuting Christians Paul was hurting Christ but he must have been filled with guilt and so he was also hurting himself.
Those who reject Christ are in many ways and primarily hurting themselves.
15,16. When Jesus confronted Paul he asked: who are you Lord? And Jesus told him who he was and he also told him what he wanted him to do. Jesus said tell people what has happened to you here and who I am, and he also said I'm going to show you more things later and you'll have to tell people about those things also.
17. Jesus promised to protect Paul. That doesn't mean that the apostle won't have to suffer; it means he will finish God's plan for him.
God's protection doesn't necessarily mean we won't suffer; it means we will complete what God calls us to do.
18. Satan rules over everyone who hasn't received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; he rules over them whether they know what or not. Someone says: I have not repented and received Christ and I don't believe that I'm under the rule of Satan. Yeah and the reason you don't believe is because of what Jesus said: your spiritually blind; your spiritually dull.
19,20. Paul's message: stop doing bad things, and make Jesus the most important thing in your life. That's repentance. And of course talk is cheap; anyone can say that they have repented; the proof is and how they behave, spend their time, and their money.
21. Paul was arrested on false charges which he doesn't even mention here. Instead he declares the real reason that the Jews hate him and Christianity, and it's because Christ loves the Gentiles and wants them to be saved from hell.
A person has way too much Hate in them if they want to see anyone burn in hell and it doesn't matter who they are.
22-24. Do you get the feeling that Paul didn't make a good impression on Festus. The Governor thinks Paul is suffering for a dead man's religion, and is therefore insane.
It's good that God doesn't ask us to impress the world or we who teach the word of God would be miserable failures in his eyes. The truth doesn't impress most unsaved people just like it didn't impress Festus.
25-27. Events in the life of Christ and in his death were not a secret. Agrippa knew the facts about Jesus so ignorance wasn't his problem. His problem was that he never repented and submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And that lack of personal application is enough to damn him and anyone else follows suite to hell.
Many people know the facts about Jesus but never apply them by receiving Christ and so they go to hell as if they were ignorant.
28,29. Paul was their prisoner but he didn't hate them. In fact he wanted them to have eternal life through Jesus Christ just as he did.
Years of unfair treatment aren't enough to make one who loves Jesus bitter toward those who mistreat them.
30-32. Someone says: Paul sure made a mistake by appealing to Caesar because Agrippa told the Governor that Paul probably would've been released if he had not made that appeal. Did he make a mistake? Maybe, but God can turn mistakes into opportunities.
Do not worry about past mistakes; put Jesus first today and he will turn past mistakes into today's opportunities.
Chapter 27
1. Some of the other prisoners who traveled with Paul were destined to become gladiators and after that food for the Lions. I said that to say this: they're very fortunate that Paul is there on their final journey because you can bet that he's going to tell them about Jesus and they'll have a chance to avoid hell after they die.
2-4. They sailed south of the island of Cyprus to avoid the north wind which blew that time of the year.
5,6. They transferred Paul to a ship which came from northern Africa and was headed for Italy.
7-9. They wanted to make it to Rome before the stormy weather hit in late fall but thus far the trip had taken longer than they expected. It's almost winter so there really cutting it close because people didn't sail late in the year; it was just too dangerous.
10,11. And I've never had a problem with the centurion listening to the captain rather than Paul concerning the operation of the ship. If Paul had said: thus saith the Lord, if you don't listen to me we' re headed for big trouble; that would be a different story. But normally if I'm on a ship I want the captain to be making the decisions not a tent maker/preacher.
12,13. In other words, the crew crossed their fingers, and set sail; sailing this late was a real gamble.
Unfortunately many gamble with regards to their immortal soul which is even more dangerous; they cross their fingers and hope for the best.
14. And now their worst nightmare has come to pass. A powerful northeast wind is blowing down from Europe.
15-20. They used all the experience they had; they used all the strength they had; they did everything humanly possible, but they knew it was not enough. They admitted: it's over, it's all over, we' re finished. The captain and the sailors are backed into a corner with no place to go.
That's a bad place to be in if you're a sailor but it's a good place to be spiritually if you're a lost sinner. It's good to recognize that you are washed up spiritually speaking. God gave his holy law so that when we hear it we feel condemned and if we're honest we say: I'm dead, I'm in big trouble, I need a Savior, and I need God's mercy through Jesus Christ.
21. Looks like Paul couldn't resist saying: I told you so.
22-26. Everyone was weak, tired, and afraid, everyone except Paul. The sailors were all certain that they would die, meanwhile Paul was certain he wouldn't. The apostle knew he would make it to Rome because God said that he would. Paul trusted completely in the word of God and that's what gave him peace.
27-31. If the sailors follow their instincts and jump ship they will die. They must obey God and hang in there with the boat. Proverbs 14:12 says: there is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof are the ways of death. We must always stay within the boundaries of God's word, and not quit even when our instincts tell us to bail.
Faith is obeying the word of God even when you're afraid; faith is believing and living the Bible and trusting God with the outcome.
32. They decided to obey and ride out the storm.
33,34. In other words, the principle is this: believe the word but also use common sense. Paul says: you not going to die but eat something because you haven't eaten for many days. They need physical strength to survive as God promised, but God's not going to automatically fill them with the strength that they need; they must obtain it the natural, normal way which is by eating.
It is wrong to trust God and do nothing when you can trust God and do something.
35. Paul honored God by thanking him for the food in front of all the sailors and soldiers.
36-38. They had already thrown their cargo overboard and now they throw their extra food.
It is amazing how the things people work so hard for and prize so highly become meaningless when they are fighting for their life.
39-44. God didn't say how he would get these men to land safely and I suppose if he would have showed them his plan in advance they would not have liked it. Nevertheless he got them there and that's important thing.
God keeps his promises, but often how he gets us from point A to point B is not the way we would choose.
Chapter 28.
1,2. These barbarians showed common courtesy to Paul whereas the Jews who were supposed to be civilized were full of self, toward him full of hatred because he said Jesus wanted the barbarians to go to heaven.
Some of the most barbaric sinners to God are the so-called civilized people of the world.
3. Add one more trial to Paul's resume.
Several years ago an evangelical pastor was complaining to me because he had been out of Bible college and seminary for seven or eight years and he wasn't making the kind of money that he thought he should be. I don't know what he expected; I guess he expected his ministry to be a career rather than a calling, but the fact is that church paid him a nice salary. What a dope! He should've read the book of acts and saw what Paul endured for Jesus.
4. The natives worshiped an Idol called "justice" and they mistakenly think the god: justice is punishing Paul for the sin of murder with this snakebite.
It is wrong to assume that bad things only happen to bad people, and good things only happen to good people.
5,6. God told Paul he would make it to Rome so it didn't matter how poisonous that snake's venom was it wasn't going to kill him and he knows it.
When God makes an unconditional promise nothing in this world can stop it from coming to pass.
7,8. God healed this leader' s father through Paul. It was God's way of showing that he cares for all people, even those who do not know him, even those who are on some remote island somewhere.
9. The news of the healing spread quickly and so many sick people came to Paul and were healed. This proves that God doesn't just care about "important" people like the ruler, but also cares for the common person who many might overlook.
10. The people were grateful and as a result very generous. They were showing appreciation for what Jesus did for them on that island. That, by the way, is faith; real saving faith. Faith shows its appreciation to Jesus by good deeds.
11. These twin gods are better known as Gemini. People believed that these twin gods protected sailors.
Pagans have gods for everything because they don't believe that any one of their gods are big enough to handle everything by themselves.
12,13. This time the sailing was much easier. The wind was blowing in the right direction and as a result they made good time. They arrived at a place called Puteoli which was a port of Rome.
14. Paul found some Christians in that place which was a long way from Israel. you say: how did the message of Christ reach such a faraway place? Well it turns out that some of the Jews who were in Jerusalem on Pentecost and were saved on that day were from this area. They returned home and spread the message of Christ.
15. Paul had never met these Christians before but their kindness was an encouragement to him.
Christians have a real bond with other Christians even if they have never met before. That bond is the Holy Spirit, and that bond that you feel with other Christians who love Jesus is proof that the Holy Spirit is in you.
16. Paul was under house arrest. He was not in prison, but he was guarded.
God allowed Paul to be guarded by Roman soldiers so that those guards could hear about Christ and many of them received Jesus as a result.
17-20. In Rome Paul calls for a meeting of the Jewish rulers in order to present his case to them. Notice that he didn't dwell on the unfair treatment he had been experiencing. Instead he talked about one thing: Jesus. He wanted these Jewish rulers to hear about Jesus. He knows that's why God has brought him to Rome.
If we can't think of any other reason for being in a situation that we find ourselves in I can tell you that one reason for sure is to pray for those among us, and show them the holiness and kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
21-24. Paul taught that all the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in Christ. The Passover lamb was a picture of the Lamb of God; the bronze serpent that the Israelites looked at in the wilderness and were healed pointed to the work of Christ on the cross. The peace offering in the old sacrificial system pictured the peace that Christ provides between sinners and God. The fellowship offering pictures the Fellowship that we can now have with Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The trespass offering pictures our forgiveness when we confess, and on and on we could go for hours which Paul probably did.
25-27. It's the same old story; these Jews in Rome react to Christ like many others. Some believed, most did not. And this situation was very dangerous because their hearts had grown hard from rejecting truth and now they're at the point where they can't even see truth.
28-31. In this book of acts ends with Paul remaining obedient to the Lord's command to boldly proclaim Jesus Christ.
Actually the book of acts continues to this day, though it is not written down. This book continues because the church continues. The acts of the church of Jesus Christ will not conclude until Jesus returns and each one of us who know Jesus are included somewhere in the story either in a positive or negative way.